As the conventional antibiotics are starting to fail in controlling ever more resistance to MRSA and other micro organisms, MOSA calls into existence an international group of scientists who who would analyze the methods of utilization of TRYOGEN and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) in a sustained effort of eradicating this threatening infection.
International experience in this direction will have to be co-ordinated from a central position - MOSA Study Group - in order to create a common front implementation of most effective methodology of oxygen medicine therapy towards the treatment of MRSA. |
Considering that no mutation or resistance against oxygen medicine and specifically O3 OZONE OXYGEN applications have ever been observed, the MOSA Study Group will have as its goal to gather all the international available statistics and medical research information to establish the most effective and rapid modality of treatment to MRSA. |
One of the goals of the MOSA Study Groups shall be the introduction of oxygen medicine against MRSA to the conventional medicine and pharma industry, and seeking international recognition of the oxygen medicine treatments for this life threatening affliction. |
MOSA's Genetics Study Group shall examine the available international informations on reparative genes and their activation by the ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS).
The MOSA Genetics Study Group shall attract international researchers in molecular and nanomedicine areas of expertise to further the understanding of different ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS). |
The potential of the different ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) particles and their ability to stimulate the genes in starting the response to the acute oxidation stimulus, shall be examined. |
A recommended procedure / procedures in genetic stimulation, as well as, application protocols shall be identified and developed. |
If you would like to address MOSA on a particular subject regarding the establishment of other Oxygen Medicine Study Groups on a national and international level, we would like to communicate with you and debate the possibility of such group establishment.