News / Research - A to Z Disease
Oxygen Medicine Research - Featured Articles
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Cancer - Origins of Cancer - by Dr. Otto Warburg
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Full Article - Complete scientific understanding of the cause of Cancer ... "The lack of O2 oxygen at the cellular level."
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HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus - 100% Safe Viral Inactivation - wth O3 Ozone Oxygen Medicine Treatments |
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NATO endorses joint U.S. / Canadian O3 Ozone oxygen research. 100% safe inactivation of HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus in blood.
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MRSA - 100% Eradication of MRSA Infection with (O3) Oxygen Medicine Treamtments |
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UK Complimentary Medical Institute - O3 destroys MRSA infection. MRSA continues to build resistance against antibiotics.
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Wound Healing - Ischemic - Adjuvant Combined Ozone Therapy for Extensive Wound Over Tibia |
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Leg amputation recommended after 15 day antibiotic treatment. Ozone (O3) successfully healed leg - no amputation needed.
Oxygen Medicine Research - Diseases and Disorders - A to Z
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Acidosis - Metabolic Acidosis - Bio-Chemistry Errors in Maintream Medical Literature |
Acidosis |
"Lactic Acidosis in the blood" is the number one indicator and risk factor for degenerative disease. "Exercise induced lactic acidosis" is NOT the same ... and the two conditions and processes should never be confused. They are fundamentally and biochemically entirely different. |
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Alternative Medicine - Forbidden Cures |
There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little ... compared to conventional drug treatments. |
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Asthma - Bronchial - Proposed Mechanism for O3 Ozone in Bronchial Asthma |
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In literature, ozone has been recognized as a potent oxidizing agent, capable of producing adverse effects when it is inhaled and it has also been associated with asthmatic attacks. Conversely, it is also known that when ozone is applied to humans in appropriate doses and by a therapeutic way, it produces assorted biological actions with beneficial results without causing adverse reactions or genotoxic damage. In this case, it is possible to use in a great variety of pathological processes.
In some papers ozone therapy is referred as a treatment for bronchial asthma, though the physiological mechanisms are not precisely outlined. It is considered that the airway inflammation is a result of activity from inflammatory stimuli interacting with a numerous quantity of primary effects cells of the respiratory tract. Within this cellular group macrophages, mastocytes, neutrophils, eosinophils, platelets and limphocytes T (CD4) are emphasized.
This cellular group, once activated, can release inflammation mediators that include: histamine, proteolytic enzymes, lipid mediators, cytokines, and reactive oxygen species (ROS), among others. All these mediators can exert different biological effects on the respiratory epithelium and in addition can contribute to the recruitment of new cellular elements with the consequence of the inflammatory process amplification. In our judgment, the possible therapeutic actions of ozone on bronchial asthma can be based on:
- Its immunomodulating action.
- Its stimulating action on the antioxidant systems.
- Its action on the synthesis and/or release of certain autacoides.
This work intends to explain the ozone mechanism, that avoids airways and that can be effective as a therapeutic method in the treatment of bronchial asthma. |
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Autism - Coral Calcium - Can Natural Nutritional Supplement Assist in Behaviour Modification of Autistic Children & Parents |
Nutrition |
The results indicate that there was a significant difference in favor of the nutrition group. This study strongly indicates that Coral Calcium or other nutritional supplements like them can greatly benefit both autistic children and their parents. Also, parents reported better rest and satisfaction in the nutritional group.
For instance, Coral Calcium contains calcium which has been show to aid in sleep. Also, this supplement contains lithium which has greatly helped bipolar individuals. People who suffer from bipolar disorder have strong mood swings similar to autistic children tantrums. Perhaps this mineral helps balance the brain of this population as well.
Studies have shown that calcium plus vitamin D helps the population in a variety of ways and even prevent cancer (Tang, 2011). More studies are needed on the benefits of such supplements and effects on physiology and neurology of special needs children and general population. |
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Biology Laws - Conventional Medicine Misunderstands the Fundamental Laws of Biology |
When it comes to chronic illness, the approach by modern industrial medicine ... simply doesn’t work |
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Cancer - Origins of Cancer - by Dr. Otto Warburg |
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Full Article - Complete scientific understanding of the cause of Cancer ... "The lack of O2 oxygen at the cellular level."
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Cancer - Aids - What do Cancer and Aids have in Common? - They Both Create the Same Conditions for Patient Death |
If doctors keep giving chemotherapy and destroying white blood cells ... patients will die from the same conditions that AIDS patients die from. |
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Cancer - Aspirin 02- Effect of Aspirin on Risk of Cancer Metastasis |
A study of incident cancers during randomized controlled trials.
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Cancer - Botanical Medicines for the Treatment of Cancer - Clinical Study |
Botanical medicines for the treatment of cancer: rationale, overview of current data & methodological considerations for phase I and II trials. |
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Cancer - Brain Tumor - Pesticides and Brain Cancer Linked in Orchard Farmers of Kashmir |
The increasing trend in the incidence of primary malignant brain tumors in orchard farmers of Kashmir is alarming. All orchard-related 389 patients had high grade tumors as compared to the non-pesticide tumors. The significant case/control odds ratio (OR) of 0.28, points the finger of suspicion toward the link between pesticides and brain cancer. |
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Cancer - Breathing - Cancer patients: the Faster They Breathe, the Sooner They Die |
In 2008, the Journal of Applied Physiology published a study (Travers et al, 2008) from the Department of Medicine, Queen's University (Kingston, Canada). It was revealed that forty patients with cancer breathed around 12 liters of air per minute at rest, instead of 6 l/min (the medical norm). The average breathing frequency of these cancer patients was 20 breaths per minute (the norm is only 12 breaths per min at rest). Tidal volume of these cancer patients (600 ml of air per one breath) was also more than the norm (which is 500 ml). Hence, these cancer patients had both, fast and deep breathing, in comparison with the medical norms.
We also learned that normal breathing is invisible and inaudible since it is very slow in frequency and tiny in tidal volume. What about visual breathing parameters of cancer patients at rest? In other words, what do the doctors see. Consider these titles and quotes: Dyspnea Quotes.
After these overwhelming testimony of medical clinical doctors, it is more than clear that terminal cancer patients have heavy breathing pattern. (As we are going to learn later, that causes severe cell hypoxia that causes devastating effects on the immune system due to free radicals and oxidative damage.)
But normal breathing, as we discussed, is invisible, inaudible, and imperceptible. Moreover, according to physiological laws, normal breathing provides humans with superior tissue oxygenation. Hence, healthy people do not feel their breath at all. These cancer patients breathe at least 3-4 times more than the norm in order to be uncomfortably aware about their breathing.
What is the typical breathing frequency in cancer patients with dyspnea? US medical doctors from the Massey Cancer Center (Virginia Commonwealth University in Richmond, Virginia, USA) tested 35 cancer patients (of the 35 patients, 34 were using oxygen) and found that their average breathing rate was 28.4 breaths/minute (Coyne et al, 2002). A 1993 study done by Italian and Canadian doctors revealed the respiratory rate of around 23 breathes per minute (Bruera et al, 1993) in a group of terminal cancer patients with dyspnea. A Swiss study conducted in the Division of Palliative Care, University Hospital, Lausanne found about 26 breaths per minute in elderly patients with advanced cancer (Mazzocato et al, 1999).
In two recent German studies (Department of Anaesthesiology, Intensive Care Medicine, Bonn), average breathing rates in 2 groups of cancer patients were stunning 42 and 39 breaths per minute (Clemens et al, 2007; Clemens et al, 2008). It is indeed physiologically shocking numbers since the normal respiratory frequency is only 12 breaths per one minute. (Old medical textbooks suggest 8-10 breaths per minute as normal.)
The next topic is: What are the effects of overbreathing on oxygenation of the human organism and tumors? |
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Cancer - Carnivora Extract - Venus Flytrap - Immune Boosting Cancer Treatment |
Carnivora |
Dr. C. Joe Schneller M.D., N.D., D.Sc., D.Ac., D.C. and Inventor of World's First Hybrid Darkfield Microscope performs preliminary study preceding double blind clinical study demonstrating how three Capsules of Carnivora wake up important white blood cells & NK cells of the immune system creating "Powerful Immune Defense."
"Make no mistake: It's your Immune System that heals you!"
"President Ronald Reagan used Carnivora successfully in 1985 when he had it sent directly to the White House." |
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Cancer - Chemotherapy - Efficacy of Chemotherapy for the Majority of Cancers |
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In 1971 Richard Nixon announced the War on Cancer, promising a cure by the 1977 bicentennial ... each of the 25 years since, more Americans have died of cancer than the year before. Failure of chemotherapy to control cancer is become apparent even to the oncology establishment.
Scientific American featured a recent cover story entitled: "The War on Cancer -- It's Being Lost." In it, eminent epidemiologist John C. Bailar III, MD, PhD, Chairman of the Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics at McGill University cited the relentless increase in cancer deaths in the face of growing use of toxic chemotherapy. He concluded that:
"Scientists must look in new directions if they are ever to make progress against this unremitting killer."
The prestigious British Medical Journal - The Lancet, decrying the failure of conventional therapy to stop the rise in breast cancer deaths, noted the discrepancy between public perception and reality:
"If one were to believe all the media hype, the triumphalism of the [medical] profession in published research,
and the almost weekly miracle breakthroughs trumpeted by the cancer charities,
one might be surprised that
women are dying at all from this cancer" it observed.
Noting that conventional therapies ... chemotherapy, radiation and surgery ... had been pushed to their limits with dismal results, the editorial called on researchers
"Challenge dogma and redirect research efforts along more fruitful lines."
In an article entitled: "Chemotherapy: Snake-Oil Remedy?" that appeared in the Los Angeles Times of 1/9/87, Dr. Martin F. Shapiro explained that:
"while some oncologists inform their patients of the lack of evidence that treatments work ... others may well be misled by scientific papers that express unwarranted optimism about chemotherapy. Still others respond to an economic incentive. Physicians can earn much more money running active chemotherapy practices than they can providing solace and relief .... to dying patients and their families."
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Cancer - Chemotherapy - What do Cancer & Aids have in Common? - Create the Same Conditions for Patient Death |
If doctors keep giving chemotherapy and destroying white blood cells ... patients will die from the same conditions that AIDS patients die from. |
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Cancer - "Conventional Medicine" - The 3 Bad Approaches to Fighting Cancer - Poison - Burn - Slash |
Research shows that all cancer patients suffer from ACIDOSIS ... creating anaerobic, low oxygen levels in their bodies ... that cancer loves. |
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Cancer - Dietary Factors and Epignetic Regulation for Prostate Cancer Prevention |
Cancer research: genetic abnormalities / mutations historically were viewed as primary underlying causes; however, epigenetic mechanisms that alter gene expression without affecting DNA sequence are now recognized as being of equal or greater importance for oncogenesis. |
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Cancer - Dyspnea - Research Quotes |
Ripamonti C. Management of dyspnea in advanced cancer patients. Support Care Cancer. 1999; 7: p. 233-243.
"Dyspnea has been defined as an “uncomfortable awareness of breathing"
Coyne PJ, Viswanathan R, Smith TJ, Nebulized fentanyl citrate improves patients' perception of breathing, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation in dyspnea, J Pain Symptom Manage 2002; 23: p. 157–160.
“Dyspnea is exceedingly common. Ruben and Mor found that 70% of 1500 cancer patients suffered dyspnea during their last four weeks of life.”
Reuben DB, Mor V, How much of a problem is dyspnoea in advanced cancer? Palliat Med 1991; 5: 20–26.
“Introduction. Although a number of articles on dyspnoea in terminal cancer have appeared, [1-8] in terms of publications, this symptom remains a poor relation when compared with pain. Anyone, however, who has looked after dying people will be aware that dyspnoea is a common and often distressing symptom, particularly if severe. In such cases patients may feel that they may die from lack of air - even pain does not have this connotation.
This is demonstrated in Comroe’s definition of dyspnoea as ’difficult, laboured, uncomfortable breathing; it is an unpleasant type of breathing, though it is not painful in the usual sense of the word. It is subjective, and, like pain, it involves both perception of the sensation by the patient and his reaction to the sensation.”
Dudgeon DJ, Managing dyspnea and cough, Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 2002 Jun; 16(3): p.557-577.
"Dyspnea, like pain, is a subjective experience that incorporates physical elements and affective components. Management of breathlessness in patients with cancer requires expertise that includes an understanding and assessment of the multidimensional components of the symptom, knowledge of the pathophysiologic mechanisms and clinical syndromes that are common in cancer, and familiarity with the indications and limitations of the available therapeutic approaches. Relief of breathlessness should be the goal of treatment at all stages of cancer. Good control of dyspnea will improve the patient's quality of life."
Reuben DB, Mor V, Dyspnea in terminally ill cancer patients, Chest 1986; 89: p. 234–236.
Dudgeon DJ, Lertzman M, Dyspnea in the advanced cancer patient, J Pain Symptom Management 1998 Oct; 16(4): p.212-219.
Bruera E, MacEachern T, Ripamonti C, Hanson J, Subcutaneous morphine for dyspnea in cancer patients, Ann Intern Med. 1993; 119: p. 906-907.
Travers J, Dudgeon DJ, Amjadi K, McBride I, Dillon K, Laveneziana P, Ofir D, Webb KA, O'Donnell DE, Mechanisms of exertional dyspnea in patients with cancer, J Appl Physiol 2008 Jan; 104(1): p.57-66.
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Cancer - Medical Research - Data - Facts - Figures - Quotes |
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Poignant quotes from Cancer and Chemotherapy medical doctors, researchers and scientists.
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Cancer - Lung Tumor - Influence of O3 Ozonized Oxygen on Lung Tumor Development - Different Forms of Application |
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A pilot-study with urethane (ethyl carbamate) was carried out within the teaching aims (goal: anaesthesia) for medical students to demonstrate the unwanted long-term side-effects (carcino-genity) of this anaesthetic drug. This was achieved in laboratory animal surgery sessions, and the hazard and potential risk for the personnel (Green, 1979, Pöllman & Schulz 1987) was stressed.
Secondly, the possible post-anesthetic influence of ozone/oxygen on mouse tumor development was also demonstrated. Furthermore, we compared the pre-and post-anesthetic influence of ozonized oxygen to extrapulmonar applications on the modulation of lung tumor development.
In one part of the study we could demonstrate a decrease of 77 % of the number of lung tumors after a single ultra-short inhalation with highest doses of ozone, and a 32 % decrease after repeated periods of inhalation with lowered ozone concentrations over a period of 44-55 weeks in this 2 different exposure groups. The results of the extrapulmonar applications are discussed.
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Cancer - Melanoma Cancer - 102 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) In Vitro On Melanoma Cancer Cells |
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PDT generating 1O2 singlet oxygen and other forms of energized oxygen to destroy Melanoma (Skin Cancer) cells.
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Cancer - Neuroblastoma Cancer - 102 Singlet Oxygen Medicine Treatments - BBC News - International Report |
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102 Singlet Oxygen treatments for Neuroblastoma (NB) Cancer ... destroyed 10 escalating secondary Cancer tumors in 10 year old boy.
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Cancer - Oncogenesis - ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species) / Energized Oxygen and the Control of Oncogenesis |
Reactive oxygen species (ROS) and reactive nitrogen species and the control of oncogensis (creation of cancer cells).
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Cancer - pH - The Cause of Cancer and pH |
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One of the least understood concepts of nutrition is acid and alkaline balance. Cells depend on a balanced acid-alkaline pH. If any fluids are abnormal, digestive enzymes are rendered inactive, food does not digest properly, and allergic reactions can result. Food bound microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria, parasites; molds, viruses, etc. are liberated in the body, which puts stress on the immune system. |
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Cancer - Photodynamic 102 Therapy (PDT) - In Vitro On Melanoma Cancer Cells |
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PDT generating 1O2 singlet oxygen and other forms of energized oxygen to destroy Melanoma (Skin Cancer) cells.
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Cancer - Sonodynamic 102 Therapy - Oxygen Medicine - Cancer Treatment |
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Apoptosis cells induced by Sonodynamic Therapy (SDT) - producing ROS (reactive oxygen species) to destroy Cancer cells.
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Cancer - Supplemental Oral Oxygen Cancer Cure Formula - Official NCI Test Results |
1990 - The U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) test results showed an oral oxygen formula worked better than any chemotherapy on all cancer cell lines tested. Unfortunately, the NCI and FDA chose not to pursue this potent anti-cancer formula. The medical establishment's own official tests proved it worked better than their own toxic chemical drug and devastatingly harmful radiation treatments. |
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Cancer - Vitamin D - Cancer and Sunshine Do Not Mix ... or Do They? - WorldwideHealthCenter.net |
If sunlight were a mainstream drug ... it would probably make the cover of "Time" magazine, and be heralded as the greatest medical breakthrough in the history of modern medicine - it really is that powerful. Sunlight exposure is well-known to provoke the production of vitamin D in the body and can reduce the risk of many cancers by more than 50 percent. It can even help to reverse certain types of cancers.
Past studies have shown that being outdoors for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a week in the summer months is sufficient. However, this will be dependent on skin type, on the age of the person and the amount of UVB radiation present. Once someone has produced enough vitamin D, any extra vitamin D is changed into inactive substances in the body. So prolonged sunlight exposure does not improve vitamin D levels but it does increase the risk of long-term skin damage. |
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Cancer - Vitamin D - 02 - Sun Exposure & Breast Cancer Survival in Norway - Risk of Death with Season of Diagnosis |
Norwegian cancer study: Patients diagnosed in summer when 25-hydroxy Vit D is high = up to 40% better survival rate than winter low Vit D.
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Cancer - Vitamin D - 03 - Frequency of Vitamin D Deficiency at Breast Cancer Diagnosis |
Breast cancer patients with low Vitamin D had 70% greater chance of dying than with high levels of 25-hydroxy Vitamin D. |
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Cancer - Vitamin D - 04 - Circulating 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels Predict Survival in Early Stage Lung Cancer Patients |
Lung cancer patients: Summer diagnosis high levels of 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels = 73% survival ... versus 30% winter low Vitamin D levels. |
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Cancer - Vitamin - 05 - Lung - Colon - Prostate - Renal - Endometrial Cancers - High Vit D Dramatically Reduces Risk |
High 25-hydroxy Vitamin D correlates with decreased risk of lung cancer = 45% men, 65% women respectively. Similar results in other cancers. |
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Cancer - Vitamin D - 06 - Circulating 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels & Survival in Patients with Colorectal Cancer |
Advanced colorectal cancer death risk reduced by over 60% in patients with high 25-hydroxy Vitamin D ... vs low vitamin D levels. |
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Cancer - Vitamin D - 07 - Association Between 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D and Death from Prostate Cancer |
Hydroxy Vit D levels at mid to high range, reduced risk of death from prostate cancer by 60% and 80% respectively ... vs low Vit D levels. |
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Cancer - Vitamin E and Selenium - Supplements for Prostate Cancer: Evidence or Embellishment? |
Results from numerous laboratory and observational studies support the use of selenium and dietary vitamin E.
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Cancer - World Cancer Report - 2004 |
Action on smoking, diet and infections can prevent one third of cancers ... another third can be cured.
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Chemotherapy - Efficacy of Chemotherapy for the Majority of Cancers |
In 1971 Richard Nixon announced the War on Cancer, promising a cure by the 1977 bicentennial ... each of the 25 years since, more Americans have died of cancer than the year before. Failure of chemotherapy to control cancer is become apparent even to the oncology establishment.
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Chemotherapy - Why Chemotherapy Doesn't Work ... and Why we are Still Dying to Know the Truth |
"How in the world can chemotherapy be considered a cure, when it works for only 2-4% of cancer patients ... and only very specific ones?"
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Cures - Forbidden Cures - Alternative Healing |
There are a number of alternative healing therapies that work so well and cost so little ... compared to chemical drug treatments. |
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Death - U.S. Death Report - Is American Medicine Working? ... The Leading Cause of Death in the United States |
A definitive review of medical peer-review journals & government health statistics shows that American medicine causes more harm than good. |
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Dementia - O3 Ozone Therapy in the Demential Stage of Elderly People |
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We studied a sample made up by 50 elderly patients with a previous diagnosis of dementia who were submitted to ozone therapy through different ways.
The therapy was effective in all types and degrees of dementia with recovery of psychic and motor validity, specially regarding to symptoms of degenerative nature.
The best results corresponded to endovenous application of ozone and rectal insufflation. Intramuscular injection was less effective. No adverse reactions to treatment were present. |
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Diabetes - O3 Center - Diabetes and the Endocrine System |
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Diabetes, in its most common form, is due to insufficient insulin production by the pancreas and/or overweight which makes the insulin not work as well in getting sugar into the cells.
Ozone helps in several ways. It increases insulin production by optimizing pancreas function (all hormone production requires oxygen). It cleans out toxins and debris which interfere with cellular functioning. And it increases the amount of oxygen delivered to the extremities, which is a problem in longterm diabetics.
Depending on symptoms, ozone can be applied transdermally with a funnel on the skin of the abdomen over the pancreas, and for circulatory problems, by bagging a limb. For failing eyesight (actually a symptom caused by injected synthetic insulin), ozone applied through ear insufflation works well.
The pancreas can be regenerated by taking the herb Gymnema sylvestre. |
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Diabetes - How I Fixed My Diabetes Problem and Pain ... and You Can Too! |
After I began treatment, my recovery from diabetes was dramatic. Within 10 weeks of treatment my ph had gone from 5.5 to 6.5. Not only did my diabetes symptoms begin to disappear, I also regained much of my prior energy and zest for life. |
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Diabetes - How I Fixed My Diabetes Problem and Pain ... and You Can Too! |
After I began treatment, my recovery from diabetes was dramatic. Within 10 weeks of treatment my ph had gone from 5.5 to 6.5. Not only did my diabetes symptoms begin to disappear, I also regained much of my prior energy and zest for life. |
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Diabetes - O3 Ozone Effects in the Oxidative Stress Associated to Diabetes Mellitus |
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It is well recognized the presence of oxidative stress in diabetes mellitus. Ozone can exert its protective effects by means of an oxidative preconditioning, stimulating and/or preserving the endogenous antioxidant systems. The aim of this paper is to evaluate the ozone effects, in a preclinical and preliminary clinical studies, in the oxidative stress associated to diabetes.
Ozone treatment improved glycemic control and prevented oxidative stress associated to diabetes mellitus and its complications, in both studies, in agreement with the excellent results obtained clinically.
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Diabetes - pH Balance - Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes Risks |
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On There is convincing evidence that people with diabetes can benefit by maintaining pH balance in their bodies. The connection between diabetes and pH balance can clearly be seen in the kidneys, a bodily system that is known to be weakened by both diabetes and an acidic pH balance. By maintaining the proper pH balance in your body, your kidneys and your diabetes will likely improve, too.
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Diabetes - pH Balance and Diabetes - Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes Risks |
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There is convincing evidence that people with diabetes can benefit by maintaining pH balance in their bodies. The connection between diabetes and pH balance can clearly be seen in the kidneys, a bodily system that is known to be weakened by both diabetes and an acidic pH balance. By maintaining the proper pH balance in your body, your kidneys and your diabetes will likely improve, too.
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Diabetes - DiaMetrix Study - 2007 - Evaluating the Efficacy of Diamtrix in Controlled Human Clinical Trial |
This study demonstrated a reduction in the mean fasting blood sugar,blood pressure and body mass in subjects randomized to DiaMetrix. These findings suggest that Diametrix, an over the counter preparation, deserves further evaluation of its activity in larger clinical studies. |
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Diabetes - DiaMetrix Study - 2010 - DiaMetrix Down Regulates Inflammatory Signalling in Obese Type 2 Diabetes |
DiaMetrix, a dietary supplement, lowered blood glucose and improved several surrogate endpoints in a clinical study of diabetic patients. This study compared the activity of DiaMetrix to that of anti-diabetic drugs in an obese diavetic mouse study.
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Disease - Chronic Disease Worsens Quality of Sleep |
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Indeed, while it is well known to clinical physicians and nurses, modern official mainstream medicine cannot suggest the mechanism accountable for this phenomenon: sick people generally have worse quality of sleep. Why do people with epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma, COPD and many other health conditions have worse sleep? Furthermore, quality of sleep gets even worse with progression of health problems.
If you try to watch sleep of your relatives and friends, you can notice that their morning state and quality of health depend on one factor mainly: their breathing during sleep. When their breathing is fast and deep (noisy breathing, snoring, irregular breathing, etc.), especially through the mouth, they are in a worse health state. When their breathing is slow and relaxed, they have better or good sleep and health state. You can even measure their respiration frequency during sleep to determine their health. Furthermore, respiration of truly healthy men and women during sleep is scarcely visible or audible at all: they sleep as if they are deceased. It can be frightful, but it is a reality of life.
Before we consider effects of breath on sleep, let us look into breathing in the sick during day. Do they have unusual breath at rest? Yes, my web site has final results of tens of physiological publications that discovered that mildly ill people breathe at rest about two-three times more air than the established scientific norm. Severely or critically ill, including terminally sick and hospitalized people, breathe even harder. Terminal stages of cystic fibrosis, cancer, HIV and other health problems usually correspond to nearly 30 breaths per minute and more, instead of 12 breaths/min that is the clinical norm.
How can over-breathing influence sleep? In order to investigate this question, let us analyse effects of breathing on the nervous cells and brain.
In the first instance, miniscule normal breathing provides virtually highest possible oxygen saturation for the arterial blood: (roughly 97 percent). Hence, ifpeople breathe more, we cannot enhance oxygenation of the arterial blood, but we instantaneously lower CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentration in the bronchi and bronchioles, lungs alveoli, arterial blood, capillaries, and all other body cells, the brain cells included.
This substance is a vasodilator. Hence, chronic hyperventilation produces constriction of blood vessels. This is the main parameter that eliucidates why we can easily faint or pass out after around three minutes of forceful or deliberate hyperventilation: less oxygen and glucose is delivered to the brain.
Carbon dioxide is also irreplaceable for delivery of oxygen to cells. This law of the respiratory physiology is known as the Bohr effect: decreased carbon dioxide level decreases O2 proportion in cells. Really, large numbers of research articles have clearly shown that chronic over-breathing DECREASES oxygenation of tissues. Simultaneously, virtually all health conditions are based on low oxygenation of tissues.
Moreover, carbon dioxide is an efficient sedative and tranquilizer of the nerve cells in the brain. Neurological medical publications have demonstrated that lack of carbon dioxide leads to abnormal excitability of brain. As a result, our deep and heavy respiratory pattern results in more problems with sleep in many, but not all individuals.Headaches, chest pain, breathlessness or dyspnea, heart palpitations, and many other symptoms of hyperventilation are very common during sleep too.
Finally, it is clear that, if someone gets rid of his hyperventilation, he will be free from his diseases and sleep problems as well. |
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Dyspnea - Cancers & Disease - Research Quotes |
Ripamonti C. Management of dyspnea in advanced cancer patients. Support Care Cancer. 1999; 7: p. 233-243.
"Dyspnea has been defined as an “uncomfortable awareness of breathing"
Coyne PJ, Viswanathan R, Smith TJ, Nebulized fentanyl citrate improves patients' perception of breathing, respiratory rate, and oxygen saturation in dyspnea, J Pain Symptom Manage 2002; 23: p. 157–160.
“Dyspnea is exceedingly common. Ruben and Mor found that 70% of 1500 cancer patients suffered dyspnea during their last four weeks of life.”
Reuben DB, Mor V, How much of a problem is dyspnoea in advanced cancer? Palliat Med 1991; 5: 20–26.
“Introduction. Although a number of articles on dyspnoea in terminal cancer have appeared, [1-8] in terms of publications, this symptom remains a poor relation when compared with pain. Anyone, however, who has looked after dying people will be aware that dyspnoea is a common and often distressing symptom, particularly if severe. In such cases patients may feel that they may die from lack of air - even pain does not have this connotation.
This is demonstrated in Comroe’s definition of dyspnoea as ’difficult, laboured, uncomfortable breathing; it is an unpleasant type of breathing, though it is not painful in the usual sense of the word. It is subjective, and, like pain, it involves both perception of the sensation by the patient and his reaction to the sensation.”
Dudgeon DJ, Managing dyspnea and cough, Hematol Oncol Clin North Am 2002 Jun; 16(3): p.557-577.
"Dyspnea, like pain, is a subjective experience that incorporates physical elements and affective components. Management of breathlessness in patients with cancer requires expertise that includes an understanding and assessment of the multidimensional components of the symptom, knowledge of the pathophysiologic mechanisms and clinical syndromes that are common in cancer, and familiarity with the indications and limitations of the available therapeutic approaches. Relief of breathlessness should be the goal of treatment at all stages of cancer. Good control of dyspnea will improve the patient's quality of life."
Reuben DB, Mor V, Dyspnea in terminally ill cancer patients, Chest 1986; 89: p. 234–236.
Dudgeon DJ, Lertzman M, Dyspnea in the advanced cancer patient, J Pain Symptom Management 1998 Oct; 16(4): p.212-219.
Bruera E, MacEachern T, Ripamonti C, Hanson J, Subcutaneous morphine for dyspnea in cancer patients, Ann Intern Med. 1993; 119: p. 906-907.
Travers J, Dudgeon DJ, Amjadi K, McBride I, Dillon K, Laveneziana P, Ofir D, Webb KA, O'Donnell DE, Mechanisms of exertional dyspnea in patients with cancer, J Appl Physiol 2008 Jan; 104(1): p.57-66.
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Fibromyalgia - Full Resolution |
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Oxygen is the most important aspect for health and vitality. Research shows a large decrease in oxygen being delivered to the tissues of those we have examined and treated. We believe a large amount of this is from the chronic inflammation we have discovered in those we have treated with our advanced techniques.
For years I have been examining people who believed they were healthy since they believed they had no limitations or symptons . These were people I would meet outside of those contacting me for possible therapy, for example friends or those I train with.
Of the large number of those I examined, all demonstrated abnormal structure (alignment) and ischemia (lack of proper blood flow). I believe this is largely due to a result of ... chemicals in our environment, very poor nutrition ...
Additionally, all of those presented the left side of the body being more affected than the right. It is essential have available specific neurological techniques to normalize and maintain these areas to prevent them from returning to their abnormally trained state.
Neuromuscular massage therapy alone, although the core of our program and vitally important, doesn't allow one to see what we are finding: layers of tight tissues lacking oxygen that we are releasing with our advanced techniques.
The decreased nutrition from our soil, most foods being processed, along with the extremely fast pace of our society results in tightened tissues and lack of oxygen in humans and animals. The end result is we are left with a short circuit. Unfortunately, we have no point of reference as to what is a healthy lifestyle.
Since the turn of the century, our quality of life has been both dramatically improved and drastically impoverished. While mass production and new technology have enriched our lives in many ways, they have also robbed-and in some cases, virtually depleted-our environment of many of the essential elements we need for optimum health and performance.
Despite our best efforts, the quality of the food that we eat, the air that we breathe and the water that we drink has continued to decline. It was to meet the challenge of this growing problem that the food supplement industry was born.
In recent years, food and nutritional supplements have evolved from being lifestyle option to being a virtual lifestyle necessity! And now growing environmental challenges have created a new necessity-and with it, the birth of a new industry.
For years, medical science has recognized the increasing need for oxygen supplementation at the cellular level. In the last 200 years, it has been determined that we have already lost over 11% of the available atmospheric oxygen.
Just as the toxins and pollutants in our environment have been robbing our bodies of vital nutrients, a variety of environmental factors are increasingly depleting our cells of essential oxygen.
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How important is Oxygen?
"All chronic suffering is caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level."
- by Dr. Arthur C. Guyton, M.D., The Textbook of Medical Physiology
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Dr. Otto Warburg, recipient of two Nobel Prizes for Medicine based on his research findings on the importance of oxygen for cellular life, noted that if there is a lack of oxygen at the cellular level, no life process can take place and the cell dies.
Dr. Stephen Levine, a respected molecular biologist and geneticist, and Dr. Parris M. Kidd, Ph.D., Antioxidant Adaption, completed research confirming that-
".oxygen is the source of life to all the cells."
The constant abuse we give our bodies because of our eating and drinking habits, as well as a lack of exercise, robs precious oxygen from our bodies. This situation is further complicated by pollutants and toxic preservatives in our water, food and the air we breathe.
"Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system."
In addition to making this statement, Dr. Kidd noted that--
"We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all diseases."
Dr. Warburg's research adds further emphasis to these findings. He stated that sub-optimal oxygenation of tissues and cells seen in cellular hypoxia results in a predisposition toward degenerative diseases.
"Oxygen is a vital cell detoxifier."
When the quantity of oxygen is deficient, toxins build and eventually devastate the body functions, depleting the body of life-giving energy. For over 50 years, research chemists, biologists, physicians and nutritionists have agreed that oxygen plays perhaps the most important role in sustaining a healthy body.
Without an adequate and dependable supply of oxygen, the cells in our bodies cannot function properly. And without adequate efficiency of the cellular level, we cannot experience optimum health. |
F |
Free Radicals: Beneficial Oxygen "Free Radicals" ... vs... Harmful Free Radicals |
Recently, there has been wide dissemination of information about the purported dangers of free radicals, which are being blamed for all the ills that mankind is subject to, from aging to heart attacks to cancer.
Free radicals are atoms with unpaired electrons, a natural occurrence in biochemical reactions. There could be no chemical reactions and thus no life without free radicals. The properties of free radicals vary widely. Some are toxic to all living cells, others only to the most vulnerable cells. Singlet oxygen, O1 is a highly reactive, beneficial free radical that acts as a scavenger of other harmful free radicals. The oxygen combines with some of them to render them harmless, thereby protecting cells from damage. Healthy cells produce enzymes that protect them from oxidation.
These enzymes are glutathione peroxidase, super-oxide dismutase, catalase, and reductase. Bacteria and viruses have no such enzyme
protection and are therefore oxidized. By this elegant mechanism, ozone distinguishes between friends and foes and attacks only toxins, pathogens, and cells that have been damaged, weakened and infected.
G |
"Germ of Life" - Disease and Vaccinations - Louis Pasteur |
It was the work of Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Rudolph Virchow, Robert Koch, Paul Ehrlich and Emil von Behring that brought about the theory of wide-spread vaccination, based upon the idea of producing antibodies in the blood to 'help out' the body's immune system to identify and attack 'invading germs'. Through the work of Antoine Bechamp, William F. Koch, Royal Rife, Gunther Enderlein, Carl Edward Rosenow, Otto Warburg and Gaston Naessens, the original assumptions underlying this theory regarding the body's immune system have now been shown to be erroneous.
The so-called 'bad' bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleiomorphic shape shifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live.
Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo |
G |
A Prediction and a Challenge to the Department of Defense:
In this column I challenge the DOD to consider a proposal for the prevention of the Iraq War-associated sickness ("I-WAS") based on an energetic-molecular model of chronic disabling illness focused on solid scientific evidence for redox dysequilibrium and oxygen dyshomeostasis seen in persons with intracellular accumulation of toxic substances—metabolites of the Krebs cycle, products of impaired hepatic detoxification pathways, mycotoxins, mitochondrial uncouplers, and others.
Truth was systematically perverted during discussions of the Gulf War syndrome. Stated bluntly, the health and lives of the sick veterans were sacrificed at the altar of the pseudoscience of the one-disease/one-cause/one-drug model of the prevailing medical thought. Am I being melodramatic? Consider the following three quotes from the prestigious science journal Nature concerning the issue:
Nature, October 19, 2000 (page 819):
Desperately seeking a syndrome--The US Congress should stop pushing researchers to invent a medical definition for Gulf War syndrome, the collection of maladies associated with veterans of the 1991 conflict in the Persian Gulf.
Nature, March 8, 2001 (page 135):
Fracas over $5 million Gulf syndrome grant. The battle over Gulf War syndrome has broken out again . . . this time over a US $5 million grant. The funding has been granted without peer review, to the laboratory of clinician Robert Haley, whose research on veterans is controversial. Ross Perot...Hutchinson's action. "Those goofballs in the Pentagon are trying to just sell stress [as the cause of Gulf War illness] and not do anything for the men," he says.
Nature, July 4, 2002
On 25 June, an advisory panel appointed by veterans' affairs secretary Anthony Principi concluded that research into whether neurological damage had been caused by vaccination or exposure to nerve agents "should be aggressively pursued," and recommended that Congress commit $450 million over three years to the project.
H |
Heavy Metal Toxicity |
Research has proven that deficient levels of essential elements or elevated levels of toxic elements have a direct relationship to pathological diseases. Indeed there is much supporting evidence that high levels of elements such as cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic are directly correlated to many of our most common and debilitating degenerative pathological diseases such as cancer, dementia, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and more.
Our physical body is made up of numerous minerals which are the basis of all life. The levels of these minerals need to be delicately balanced for perfect health. Hair analysis has been proven to accurately reveal the level of minerals within the body and is hence and important test. |
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Hepatitis Virus - 100% Safe Viral Inactivation - wth O3 Ozone Oxygen Medicine Treatments |
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NATO endorses joint U.S. / Canadian O3 Ozone oxygen research. 100% safe inactivation of Hepatitis Virus in blood using O3.
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Hepatitis Virus - O3 Ozone Therapy: A Useful Alternative on Virulent Hepatitis Treatment |
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A study with 80 patients suffering from A, B, C hepatitis, since August 1996, in "Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja" Hospital, Camagüey (Cuba) was performed.
Patients, between 17 and 45 years old, were checked before in our laboratory, in order to verify the diagnoses of hepatitis. Conventional treatment (repose and diet prescripted) plus ozone therapy was applied to 40 patients, the other 40 patients only received conventional treatment. Ozone was administered, daily, by rectal way (dose = 10mg), for a total of 15 sessions.
*During the first week of O3 ozone treatment, remission of all the symptoms took place as well as the enlargement of the liver, improving their conditions and their appetite.
*All patients were totally cured at the end of the O3 ozone treatment.
*Under conventional treatment these symptoms remain for more than 10 days and the totally cure was achieved approximately 6 moths later.
Comparing these results we can say that ozone therapy is a suitable treatment against hepatitis, improving the patients health and the healing time of the disease.
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Herpes Virus - 100% Safe Viral Inactivation - wth O3 Ozone Oxygen Medicine Treatments |
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NATO endorses joint U.S. / Canadian O3 Ozone oxygen research. 100% safe inactivation of Herpes Virus in blood using O3.
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HIV Virus - 100% Safe Viral Inactivation - wth O3 Ozone Oxygen Medicine Treatments |
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NATO endorses joint U.S. / Canadian O3 Ozone oxygen research. 100% safe inactivation of HIV Virus in blood using O3.
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Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) - Therapeutic Properties of O3 Oleozon Treatment of Women with HPV Uteri Cervix Infection |
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Ríos M.A., Aguilar O., Torres A., Hernández M., Menéndez S. and Amigó M.
HPV is associated with cervical cancer and preceding lesions. Cervical cancer is the second most common malignant tumor in the world, although its tendency is to occupy a first place in some geographic zones, such as Central and South America and the Caribbean region. In spite of several studies made worldwide to establish effective therapeutics against HPV infection, there isn't consensus about this.
Now there are two different treatments for HPV infections. The first is based in lesion destruction by mean of chemicals or surgical methods, but they can't eliminate viral infection. The second one is based in viral elimination with antiviral agents.
* The ozonized sunflower oil (OLEOZON®) has shown antiviral activity in the treatment of viral infections such as Herpes virus.
Our main aim in this study was to evaluate the therapeutic efficacy of this product in HPV infected women.
To develop this study we selected 12 women with NIC I, associated with HPV and condiloma acuminate lesions. OLEOZON® was applied daily, in the uteri cervix of each patient, during 20 days. Cytological, histological (in some cases) and colposcopic examination were made to each patient before and after the treatment. Two of the twelve left the treatment.
* From the rest, eight (80 %) women showed total clinical and cytological regression of lesions.
* Viral persistence was observed in two (20 %) patients.
* In some cases, total elimination of vaginal secretion, was observed after the treatment.
* Side effects due to the OLEOZON® were not observed in any case.
H |
Hypertension - Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs - by Roger Mason |
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Hypertension - The Most Epidemic Medical Condition Known to Man |
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Hyperthyroidism - What Causes Hyperthyroidism? |
A 7-Step Plan to Boost Your Low Thyroid and Metabolism |
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Hypoxia - O3 Ozone Therapy in Hypoxic States |
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Experimental and clinical investigations have shown the activation of biological oxidation under direct dosed ozone influence upon blood in the presence of hypoxia in the whole organism and ischemia in the organ and system levels. This influence is accomplished by various ways. One of them consists in the stimulation of the antioxidative defense system. Increase of superoxide dehydrogenase and catalase activity.
Conformational reconstruction of proteins and lipids due to aminoacid residues oxidation and selective electrophylic unsaturated lipid acid reactions also takes place. An important role play the respiratory chain high activity, as well as glucose-6-phosphate and lactate dehydrogenase against the levels in the activity of the pentose phosphate path of glucose oxidation.
In addition, intensification of lactate and pyruvate utilization. Increase of phosphatose acid, adenosin di- and triphosphates levels along with the speed of their usage were registered. Finally it resulted in stimulation of biologically active substances, production and an intensification of detoxifying mechanisms. Ozone therapy ensures more adequate vital activity also by means of positive indirect influence on the cardiovascular, respiratory and excretory systems, that is confirmed by a number of electrophysiological, morphohystochemical and ultrastructural data.
Taking into account the revealed mechanisms of ozone action. Its antimicrobial and inmunomodulating influence, clinical research has been carried out. The efficacy of ozone therapy was studied in cardiovascular and traumatic patients as well as in obstetrical and dermatologlcal practices. Our data testify that it is necessary to extend the sphere of this perspective method of application.
I |
Iatrogenesis - The Leading Cause of Death in the U.S. - Is American Medicine Working? |
U.S. Death Report - Detailed statistics, causes and irrefutable medical research data.
I |
Immune System Primer |
The human immune system is made up of a surprising variety of different cell types disseminated throughout the body and collectively defining one's capacity to mount an immune response. Lymphocytes are the predominant cell type responsible for immune responses. |
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Interferon - Research on Interferon - A Review |
Interferon iinduced cells inactivated virus and resistant to infection with a live virus. Cloning of human IFN-alpha and IFN-beta receptors.
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Intestinal Amebiasis - Clinic Comparative Study of O3 Ozone Therapy and Metronidazol in Intestinal Amebiasis |
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Amebiasis is a disease, generally characterized, by dysentery with diarrhea, weakness and prostration. Also, nausea, vomithing and pain may be present.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the efficiency of rectal ozone treatment in children suffering with intestinal amebiasis. The diagnose was made by cysts or trophozoites of E. histolytica in stools. A control group using Metronidazol was used in order to compare both groups.
Ozone therapy was useful in the treatment of intestinal amebiasis with 83.8 % of efficiency and only 0.55 % of adverse effects, better than the treatment with Metronidazol who gets 71.1 % of efficiency and 17.7 % of adverse effects.
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Ischemic Wound Healing - Adjuvant Combined O3 Ozone Therapy for Extensive Wound Over Tibia |
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Leg amputation recommended after 15 day antibiotic treatment. Ozone (O3) successfully healed leg - no amputation needed.
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L |
Liver - Calcium Homeostasis - O3 Ozone Oxidative Pre-Conditioning and its Influence on Calcium Homeostasis |
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We start from the hypothesis that controlled ozone administration could be able to promote an oxidative pre-conditioning preventing the hepatocellular damage mediated by free radicals.
The results obtained showed that ozone treatment in the experimental conditions described above, was able to protect the liver against the damage originated by free radicals, regulating the lytic activity of the phospholipase
A dependent of calcium in function of the free levels of this cation, demonstrating a protective effect of calcium dependent ATPase and maintaining calcium homeostasis, hepatocellular integrity and antioxidant endogenous systems, which are responsible for offsetting the damage associated with an oxidative stress.
These results are the first ones in demonstrating ozone pharmacological efficiency against cellular damage originated by free radicals in terms of oxidative preconditioning.
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Lyme Disease - Treatment in Humans with Oxygen Medicine |
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Testimonials - successful treatment of Lyme Disease in a 13 year old ... using ozone (O3).
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M |
Melanoma - Cancer - 1O2 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) In Vitro On Melanoma Cancer Cells |
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PDT generating 1O2 singlet oxygen and other forms of energized oxygen to destroy Melanoma (Skin Cancer) cells.
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MRSA - 100% Eradication of MRSA Infection with (O3) Oxygen Medicine Treamtments |
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UK Complimentary Medical Institute - O3 destroys MRSA infection. MRSA continues to build resistance against antibiotics.
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Multiple Sclerosis - An "Italian Cure" for "Incurable" Multiple Scelrosis (MS) |
An Italian doctor has been getting dramatic results with a new type of treatment for Multiple Sclerosis, or MS, which affects up to 2.5 million people worldwide. In an initial study, Dr. Paolo Zamboni took 65 patients with relapsing-remitting MS, performed a simple operation to unblock restricted bloodflow out of the brain - and two years after the surgery, 73% of the patients had no symptoms. Dr. Zamboni's thinking could turn the current understanding of MS on its head, and offer many sufferers a complete cure.
Reading everything he could on the subject, Dr. Zamboni found a number of century-old sources citing excess iron as a possible cause of MS. It happened to dovetail with some research he had been doing previously on how a buildup of iron can damage blood vessels in the legs - could it be that a buildup of iron was somehow damaging blood vessels in the brain?
He immediately took to the ultrasound machine to see if the idea had any merit - and made a staggering discovery. More than 90% of people with MS have some sort of malformation or blockage in the veins that drain blood from the brain. Including, as it turned out, his wife.
He formed a hypothesis on how this could lead to MS: iron builds up in the brain, blocking and damaging these crucial blood vessels. As the vessels rupture, they allow both the iron itself, and immune cells from the bloodstream, to cross the blood-brain barrier into the cerebro-spinal fluid. Once the immune cells have direct access to the immune system, they begin to attack the myelin sheathing of the cerebral nerves - Multiple Sclerosis develops.
Dr. Zamboni's lucky find is yet to be accepted by the medical community, which is traditionally slow to accept revolutionary ideas.
It's certainly a very exciting find for MS sufferers, as it represents a possible complete cure, as opposed to an ongoing treatment of symptoms. We wish Dr. Zamboni and the various teams looking further into this issue the best of luck. |
P |
Parkinsons Disease - Vitamin E and Selenium - Dietary Antioxidants and Parkinsons Disease - The Rotterdam Study |
Our data suggest that a high intake of dietary vitamin E may protect against the occurrence of Parkinsons Disease (PD). |
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Parkinsons Disease - AND HBOT Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - San Francisco Institute for Hyperbaric Medicine |
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Why is Parkinson’s Disease amenable to oxygen therapy?
Extensive animal research has demonstrated a non-specific chronic inflammatory condition in the substantia nigra of the brain. Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) has been shown to be an anti-inflammatory drug in many conditions. Anecdotal evidence of many patients with well established PD have been treated with HBOT for other conditions such as diabetic foot ulcers. For example, a patient with advanced PD who is confined to a wheelchair may get up and walk across the room after a series of HBOT.
What benefits can I expect from oxygen therapy for Parkinson’s Disease?
Since every patient is different it is hard to predict the result in each individual case. However, we know from 50 years of experience that HBOT is safe and will not make the patient worse. The usual course of oxygen therapy is once daily, five days a week (M-F) for eight weeks. If a significant response is noted after 40 HBOT additional treatments may be helpful. |
P |
Pasteur - Louis Pasteur: "Germ of Life" - Disease and Vaccinations |
It was the work of Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Rudolph Virchow, Robert Koch, Paul Ehrlich and Emil von Behring that brought about the theory of wide-spread vaccination, based upon the idea of producing antibodies in the blood to 'help out' the body's immune system to identify and attack 'invading germs'. Through the work of Antoine Bechamp, William F. Koch, Royal Rife, Gunther Enderlein, Carl Edward Rosenow, Otto Warburg and Gaston Naessens, the original assumptions underlying this theory regarding the body's immune system have now been shown to be erroneous.
The so-called 'bad' bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleiomorphic shape shifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live.
Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo |
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R |
Reiter's Syndrome - O3 Ozone Therapy in the Treatment of Resiter's Syndrome |
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Reiter's syndrome is a clinic tetrad of unknown etiology, consisting of urethritis, arthritis, mucocutaneous and conjuntivitis.
It can be consecutive of an infection by chalamydia, campylobacter, salmonella or yersinia, accompanied with a systemic reaction that include fever. Occurs manily in young men and recurrences are very common. Ozone therapy was applied in 10 out-patients of Dr. Octavio de la Concepción y de la Pedraja Hospital, in Camagüey, from 1995 to 1996, suffering from this disease. A descriptive method was used in this study. It comprised 10 male patients; the age-group that prevailed was among 20-25 years old.
The positive evolution of conjuntivitis was from the 3rd session on of ozone by rectal application.
In arthritis, 90 % had improved after the 5th session; as well as the other symptom, showing the effectiveness as compared with the conventional treatment. There was not recurrence. |
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S |
Sleep - Why Chronic Diseases Worsen Quality of Sleep |
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Indeed, while it is well known to clinical physicians and nurses, modern official mainstream medicine cannot suggest the mechanism accountable for this phenomenon: sick people generally have worse quality of sleep. Why do people with epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma, COPD and many other health conditions have worse sleep? Furthermore, quality of sleep gets even worse with progression of health problems.
If you try to watch sleep of your relatives and friends, you can notice that their morning state and quality of health depend on one factor mainly: their breathing during sleep. When their breathing is fast and deep (noisy breathing, snoring, irregular breathing, etc.), especially through the mouth, they are in a worse health state. When their breathing is slow and relaxed, they have better or good sleep and health state. You can even measure their respiration frequency during sleep to determine their health. Furthermore, respiration of truly healthy men and women during sleep is scarcely visible or audible at all: they sleep as if they are deceased. It can be frightful, but it is a reality of life.
Before we consider effects of breath on sleep, let us look into breathing in the sick during day. Do they have unusual breath at rest? Yes, my web site has final results of tens of physiological publications that discovered that mildly ill people breathe at rest about two-three times more air than the established scientific norm. Severely or critically ill, including terminally sick and hospitalized people, breathe even harder. Terminal stages of cystic fibrosis, cancer, HIV and other health problems usually correspond to nearly 30 breaths per minute and more, instead of 12 breaths/min that is the clinical norm.
How can over-breathing influence sleep? In order to investigate this question, let us analyse effects of breathing on the nervous cells and brain.
In the first instance, miniscule normal breathing provides virtually highest possible oxygen saturation for the arterial blood: (roughly 97 percent). Hence, ifpeople breathe more, we cannot enhance oxygenation of the arterial blood, but we instantaneously lower CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentration in the bronchi and bronchioles, lungs alveoli, arterial blood, capillaries, and all other body cells, the brain cells included.
This substance is a vasodilator. Hence, chronic hyperventilation produces constriction of blood vessels. This is the main parameter that eliucidates why we can easily faint or pass out after around three minutes of forceful or deliberate hyperventilation: less oxygen and glucose is delivered to the brain.
Carbon dioxide is also irreplaceable for delivery of oxygen to cells. This law of the respiratory physiology is known as the Bohr effect: decreased carbon dioxide level decreases O2 proportion in cells. Really, large numbers of research articles have clearly shown that chronic over-breathing DECREASES oxygenation of tissues. Simultaneously, virtually all health conditions are based on low oxygenation of tissues.
Moreover, carbon dioxide is an efficient sedative and tranquilizer of the nerve cells in the brain. Neurological medical publications have demonstrated that lack of carbon dioxide leads to abnormal excitability of brain. As a result, our deep and heavy respiratory pattern results in more problems with sleep in many, but not all individuals.Headaches, chest pain, breathlessness or dyspnea, heart palpitations, and many other symptoms of hyperventilation are very common during sleep too.
Finally, it is clear that, if someone gets rid of his hyperventilation, he will be free from his diseases and sleep problems as well. |
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Stroke - O3 Ozone Therapy in the Treatment of Stroke |
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Posted by: Lubov Pavlova in Articles
The cerebrovascular disease is one of the main problems in medical practice, because of the high tendency to produce sequels in those who survive, limiting their physical capacities. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of ozone therapy in the ischemic cerebrovascular disease, in acute phase.
One hundred patients, with this diagnosis, that attended the Neurological Institute during a period of one year, were evaluated. Ozone by rectal insufflation was daily administered (at an ozone concentration of 40 mg/L and 200 mL), for a total of 15 sessions.
These patients were evaluated by clinical examination, blood test and their validity through the multidimensional evaluation method, at the beginning and at the end of the treatment. Antiaggregant medication was associated.
The clinical stage improved in 80 % of patients treated with ozone therapy, with a satisfactory increase of their quality of life. |
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Stroke - O3 Ozone Therapy in Acute Ischemic Stroke - National Institute of Neurology and Neurosurgery |
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It is known that cerebrovascular disease is the third leading cause of death worldwide and in our country. Given the therapeutic properties of ozone and its various medical applications such as in peripheral vascular disease, optic neuropathy, ischemic heart disease, etc..,
A study was conducted in 60 patients with acute ischemic stroke. All patients underwent CT of the head, to elucidate the etiology of stroke, as well as auditory and visual evoked potentials and cerebral blood flow at the beginning and end of treatment.
Was applied, along with the appropriate medication for comorbid disease, rectal ozone at 72 h of stroke established, beginning with 150 mL of gas, the first three sessions and from the fourth with 250 mL until the end of treatment (15 sessions).
* Improvement was observed in motor activity and higher mental, decreased latency auditory evoked potentials.
Visual and cerebral blood flow increase.
In addition, an increase in performance and improvement in exercise endurance, benefiting greatly the early rehabilitation of the patient.
* In general, ozone accelerated the improvement of patients with acute ischemic stroke. |
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T |
Toxicoisis - The True Disease of the Human Body - Hyppocrates |
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Too many toxins in the body, increase acid levels (Acidosis) reduce oxygen levels (Hypoxia), weakening the immune system ... causing disease.
Toxicosis |
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Toxicosis - Schizophremia - The Toxic Mind: The Theory of Elnora Van Winkle |
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Iproniazid is linked to relapses in schizophrenia. Evidence that toxicosis results in symptoms is intensified by the administration of a drug |
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P |
Vaccinations - Louis Pasteur: "Germ of Life" - Disease and Vaccinations |
It was the work of Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Rudolph Virchow, Robert Koch, Paul Ehrlich and Emil von Behring that brought about the theory of wide-spread vaccination, based upon the idea of producing antibodies in the blood to 'help out' the body's immune system to identify and attack 'invading germs'. Through the work of Antoine Bechamp, William F. Koch, Royal Rife, Gunther Enderlein, Carl Edward Rosenow, Otto Warburg and Gaston Naessens, the original assumptions underlying this theory regarding the body's immune system have now been shown to be erroneous.
The so-called 'bad' bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleiomorphic shape shifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live.
Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo |
W |
Wound Healing - Ischemic - Adjuvant Combined Ozone Therapy for Extensive Wound Over Tibia |
Leg amputation recommended after 15 day antibiotic treatment. Ozone (O3) successfully healed leg - no amputation needed.
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