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Oxygen Medicine Research - Clinical Trials


O2 menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas O2 Oxygen Therapy - Clinical Trials
spacer   Bronchiolitis - Concussions - Coronary Disease - Headache - Pulminary Disease - Respiratory Conditions - Wound Infections.
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O3 Ozone Research - Clinical Trials


O3 menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Clinical Trials - Latest O3 Ozone Research
O3 menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Clinical Trials - Scientific And Medical References Proving Ozone's Validity As A Medical Treatment - by Ed McCabe
spacer   This is the most complete set of English language Ozone Medical references available to date. It took 7 years of hard work against formidable opposition to bring this into existence as a public service.
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O3 menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Clinical Trials - 04 - Ozone Therapy - Oncology Clinical Studies - Cancer / Oncology
O3 menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas O3 Ozone - The FDA Continues to Supress Ozone Therapy Despite Proven Efficacy - www.NaturalNews.com

Friday, February 19, 2010 by: Paul Fassa

(NaturalNews) In January 2010, the FDA sent U.S. Marshals into Auburn, California to raid manufacturer Applied Ozone Systems and seize their ozone generators. The FDA press release asserted all kinds of ridiculous reasons for this particular raid, citing poor manufacturing procedures and the generators' potential for spreading infections, among others.

What the press release ignores is the existence of FDA's ban of ozone therapy in the USA since the 1940s even after 60 years of prior successful ozone therapy in America. The FDA also ignores the fact that ozone therapy is currently used safely, effectively, and openly in Germany, Russia, and Cuba. Evidently, America's Medical Mafia is not fond of ozone therapy's proven efficacy for a wide range of diseases, including cancer and AIDS.

What Is Ozone Therapy?

In her September 2009Health Freedom Newsarticle "The Miracle of Ozone Therapy", London based homeopathist Louise McClean asserts, "Ozone is probably one of the most miraculous healing therapies available on our planet at this time. Through its oxygenating power, it successfully treats and cures a wide range of serious degenerative conditions including cancer, cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, liver, and kidney disease".

Ozone or O3 is a highly charged oxygen molecule with increased oxygenating properties. It is often administered intravenously, or by injection, though it can be vaporized and inhaled or taken in through anal and vaginal openings. There is some use of ozone by U.S. dentists and medical doctors to prevent infections during surgical procedures,but the FDA taboo forcuringwith ozone remains.

Ed McCabe (Mr. Oxygen), ozone therapy advocate and author ofFlood Your Body With Oxygen, explains that oxygen is the most important nutrient for our bodies, while virtually all pathogens are anaerobic and will not survive in a heavily oxygenated environment. Biochemist Otto Warburg was granted the Nobel Prize decades ago for discovering that anaerobic cancer cells die in oxygen.


Some History of Ozone Therapy

In Germany, ozone therapy has been widely used since 1959. There have been 10,000 German doctors using ozone therapy for close to 10 million patients for various diseases with a 90 percent cure rate and virtually no side effects. Yet the FDA disregards this as "anecdotal evidence", while the pharmaceuticals with "scientific evidence" kill many and cure few.

Russia claims 40 years of successful ozone therapy, especially for tuberculosis. A medical report from Russia claims that those who are cured do not have a reoccurrence. Cuba authorized ozone therapy in 1986 and uses it in all its hospitals. So if you can get to Cuba, you may get a good deal! But there are ozone clinics in Mexico and other parts of the Caribbean as well.

In the 1960's, Robert Atkins, MD of Atkins Diet fame, temporarily lost his license after it was discovered he had cured, repeatcured, a woman's breast cancer by injecting the tumor with O3. He used his NYC weekly radio show to announce exactly what had happened. The resultant public outcry forced the NY State Medical Board to reinstate his license, but with Atkins' agreement to quit using or publicizing ozone therapy.

The FDA suppresses ozone therapy in every way possible. Prior to the 1940's, it was commonly used in the USA. The first USA ozone generator was created in 1896. Successful ozone therapy in America dates back to that time, before the FDA was created. Ed McCabe considers this fact sufficient to legally grandfather ozone therapy's use in America today. Unfortunately, the Medical Mafia doesn't see it that way.

Sources for more information:

The Story of Dr. Robert Atkins and Ozone Therapy


FDA Ozone Generator Raid Press Release

The Miracle of Ozone Therapy by Louise McClean

Ed McCabe's Scientific And Medical References Proving Ozone's Validity As A Medical Treatment







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