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Oxipedia - LifeOne Reports



LifeOne Reports - A to Z


LifeOne menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Aids - Immune Enhancing Effects of a Plant Based Formula on the Compromised Immune Function in Four AID’s Patients

* Lab data over the first four months: HIV-1(RNA) dropped an average of 70% within 38 days, with 3 out of 4 patients averaging a 93% drop in an average 38 days. Absolute lymphocyte count increased an ave. of 445 cells/ml. CD3+ increased an ave. of 344 cells/ml. CD4+ increased an ave. 168 cells/ml. CD8+ increased an ave. 175 cells/ml. CD4+/CD8+ increased an ave. of 0.12. Interestingly, ave. glucose levels dropped from 109 to 95 and ave. cholesterol dropped from 231 to 200. No reported complaints nor side-effects related to taking the LifeOne formula.

LifeOne menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Aids - LifeOne Therapy of Aids Patients
spacer   The immune healing substance LifeOne, is a patented selection of herbs, mushrooms, nutrients and selenium. LifeOne is able to kill viruses, which made it a logical substance to be tried in HIV infections.
LifeOne menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Cancer - Clinical Trials - LifeOne Formula


LifeOne menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Cancer - Treating Cancer - Abstracts / Clinical Studies

Finding the cause of immune system failure must become a primary factor in the treatment of all cancers.

LifeOne menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Formula - The Truth About Sodium Benzoate and LifeOne Formula

In one experiment in Germany, four generations of rats were continuously exposed to 0.05 or 1 percent sodium benzoate in their diet. Scientists did not observe any harmful effects on growth, life span, or internal organs. No tumors were detected.All evidence points to sodium benzoate as a safe preservative, except for rare instances of allergic reaction.

It also needs to be noted that this sodium benzoate was not combined with acidic food or ascorbic acid. It is this failure in experimentation that is causing such widespread concern of its use. Even in much longer term studies it has been found safe. That is because benzoate is a natural metabolite of the body. When the pH surrounding this preservative is low (acidic) then production of benzene and other difficulties take place.

LifeOne menu arrow - MOSA - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) - Vaccine Fraud

To make matters even worse it has now been learned that vaccinating women with Gardasil may actually increase the risk that those women harboring a benign cervical HPV viral infection have a 44.6 percent increased risk of having their benign HPV infection converted into a precancerous state by the HPV vaccine administration. Thus women vaccinated with Gardasil not only receive no benefit those who were sexually active before the vaccine administration have become at increased risk for developing cervical cancer.






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