News / Research - Nutrition
Oxygen Medicine Research - Featured Articles
O2 |
Oxygen in Medicine and Nutrition - Overview |
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Oxygen is the most important aspect for health and vitality. For years, medical science has recognized the increasing need for oxygen supplementation at the cellular level. All chronic suffering is caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level.
Oxygen |
Beneficial Oxygen "Free Radicals" ... vs... Harmful Free Radicals |
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Recently, there has been wide dissemination of information about the purported dangers of free radicals, which are being blamed for all the ills that mankind is subject to, from aging to heart attacks to cancer.
Free radicals are atoms with unpaired electrons, a natural occurrence in biochemical reactions. There could be no chemical reactions and thus no life without free radicals. The properties of free radicals vary widely. Some are toxic to all living cells, others only to the most vulnerable cells. Singlet oxygen, O1 is a highly reactive, beneficial free radical that acts as a scavenger of other harmful free radicals. The oxygen combines with some of them to render them harmless, thereby protecting cells from damage. Healthy cells produce enzymes that protect them from oxidation.
These enzymes are glutathione peroxidase, super-oxide dismutase, catalase, and reductase. Bacteria and viruses have no such enzyme
protection and are therefore oxidized. By this elegant mechanism, ozone distinguishes between friends and foes and attacks only toxins, pathogens, and cells that have been damaged, weakened and infected.
"Germs" |
Pasteur - Louis Pasteur: "Germ of Life" - Disease and Vaccinations |
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It was the work of Louis Pasteur, Edward Jenner, Rudolph Virchow, Robert Koch, Paul Ehrlich and Emil von Behring that brought about the theory of wide-spread vaccination, based upon the idea of producing antibodies in the blood to 'help out' the body's immune system to identify and attack 'invading germs'. Through the work of Antoine Bechamp, William F. Koch, Royal Rife, Gunther Enderlein, Carl Edward Rosenow, Otto Warburg and Gaston Naessens, the original assumptions underlying this theory regarding the body's immune system have now been shown to be erroneous.
The so-called 'bad' bacteria and viruses that modern medicine fights with its huge arsenal of pharmaceutical drugs are in reality the germs of life. These germs of life live in symbiosis with the nutritive medium that constitutes our body, allowing it to be built up and later decomposed, to be metamorphosed and recreated. These germs are pleiomorphic shape shifters who are controlled by the medium in which they live.
Germs are not something separate, isolated, unfriendly and coming from without, but are rather the foundation for all life. Without germs, there is no life. Their number is infinite. Their function is varied. Germs can change shape, join together, separate again and return to their primordial condition. Viruses, bacteria and fungi are various developmental forms of germs. The nutritive medium on which the germs thrive determines the type of development they will undergo |
Oxygen Medicine Research - Oxygen Nutrition - A to Z
A |
Acidosis - Biochemistry of Exercise-Induced Metabolic Acidosis |
Acidosis is not caused by Lactic Acidosis. Lactic Acidosis impairs Acidosis. 80 years of mainstream medical literature is incorrect! |
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Agriculture - Genetically Modified (GM) Foods - Health Risks of Gentically Modified Foods |
Governments should never have allowed these products into the food chain without insisting on rigorous testing for effects on health.
Europe - Shoppers across Europe had already voted with their feet. By the end of the first week in May, seven European supermarket chains had announced they would not sell genetically modified foods. Three large food multinationals, Unilever, Nestlé, and Cadburys-Schweppes followed suit.
India - The Supreme Court in India has upheld a ban on testing genetically modified crops. Activists in India have set fire to fields of crops suspected of being used for testing.
U.S. - The population of the USA, where up to 60% of processed foods have genetically modified ingredients, seem, as yet, unconcerned.
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Agriculture - Gentically Modified (GM) Crops - Are Disasters Waiting to Happen! |
A group of Canadian scientists wrote a letter to the Toronto Globe and Mail which warned that genetic drift or pollution from plants gene-spliced to produce medical drugs or industrial chemicals is a disaster waiting to happen.
Ninety percent of the money Americans spend on food is spent on processed foods and seventy percent of processed foods have genetically modified foods in them.
There are NO STUDIES with humans on what happens when one consumes genetically modified foods. The FDA has ASSUMED that they are equivalent to the original and never required any studies to have them approved. |
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Agriculture - Insecticides - The Cause of Mad Cow Disease, CJD, Alzheimers? |
Pharmaceutical interests in the UK are ignoring new scientific research that shows the insecticide used in the UK government's own warble-fly campaigns triggered the UK surge of 'Mad Cow' disease.
Latest experiments by Cambridge University prion specialist, David R. Brown, have shown that manganese bonds with prions. Other researchers work shows that prions in the bovine spine --along which insecticides are applied-- can be damaged by ICI's Phosmet organophosphate(OP) insecticide -causing the disease.
The new work proves that the prions can bond with manganese in animal feeds or mineral licks. These manganese prions cause the neurological degeneration seen in BSE. By a similar process, prions in human brains are damaged by lice lotions containing organophosphate. This can result in neurological diseases like CJD and Alzheimer's - later in life. |
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Agriculture - Irradiated Foods - The Problems with Irraditated Foods: What the Research Says |
In the course of legalizing the irradiation of numerous foods, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has dismissed or ignored a substantial body of evidence suggesting that irradiated food may not be safe for human consumption ... a careful analysis by FDA of all Army data presents:
* A 32.3 percent decrease in surviving progeny of dogs. Dogs weighing 11.3 percent less than animals on the control diets... Carcinomas of the pituitary gland, a particularly disturbing finding since this is an extremely rare type of malignant tumor.
* Considerable amounts of radioactivity were present in the liver, kidney, stomach, gastrointestinal tract, and blood serum of rats fed irradiated sucrose solutions. Radioactivity was present in urine and feces samples.
* Fatal Internal Bleeding in Rats.
* Embryo Deaths in Mice. Freshly irradiated diets produced elevated levels of early deaths in [mice fetuses]... The increase in early deaths would suggest that the diet when irradiated has some mutagenic potential. |
A |
Antioxidants - Revenol - World Number 1? |
An independent study on antioxidants has been conducted by Russian biochemists. As they announce their findings to the World Health Organisation, Revenol is expected to be listed as the world’s Number 1 effective antioxidant.
Revenol supplies over 60 milligrams of curcuminoids and maritime pine bark and grapeseed extract. |
B |
Beetroot - Chemicals Released by the Beet Vegetable Help Boost Athletes' Performance |
The purple root vegetable contains high levels of chemicals called nitrates, which have been shown to boost exercise performance.
The findings support earlier research, published in 2009, by British scientists which suggested drinking beetroot juice could have a powerful effect on stamina and endurance, as well as lower blood pressure.
When tasked with cycling at an easy pace, the men used less oxygen after drinking beetroot, suggesting their muscles were able to do the same amount of work while spending less energy.
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Biology Laws - Conventional Medicine Misunderstands the Fundamental Laws of Biology |
When it comes to chronic illness, the approach by modern industrial medicine ... simply doesn’t work |
Kunin |
Boron - An Ortho-Mineral - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
The effects are truly remarkable: Boron is a versatile candidate to lead this revolution in nutraceutical medicine.
Supplementation with boron in the range of 3 to 6 mg per day is 1000-fold less than the no observed adverse effect level and that boron is remarkably safe. Boron will be recognized as an essential mineral in the not too distant future.
In adults the reality is deficiency, not toxicity. Testing of blood, urine and hair reveals that many of my patients are sub-optimal in boron. Supplementation seems to confirm the observations of Dr. Nielsen: patients feel better, libido and mood go up, and calcium loss is diminished.
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Botanical Medicines for the Treatment of Cancer - Clinical Study |
Botanical medicines for the treatment of cancer: rationale, overview of current data & methodological considerations for phase I and II trials. |
C |
Camel Milk - 01 - Autism Link to Raw Camel Milk |
Evidence suggests hard-to-find raw camel milk may improve autism symptoms
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Camel Milk - 02 - Autism Link to Raw Camel Milk |
Further evidence suggests hard-to-find raw camel milk may improve child autism symptoms, ADD, ADHD and ADD disorders.
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Cancer - Botanical Medicines for the Treatment of Cancer - Clinical Study |
Botanical medicines for the treatment of cancer: rationale, overview of current data & methodological considerations for phase I and II trials. |
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Cancer - Has Cancer Already Been Cured? |
There is something sinister afoot when it comes to cancer research ... Dr. Linus Pauling who some years ago claimed that as long as there's a lot of money to be made in cancer research and the sale of chemotherapy drugs, cancer won't be cured.
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Cancer - Low Incidence Cancer Area - Worldwide |
U.S. Population = 1 in 4 incidence of cancer!
Hopi Indian Tribe = 1 in 1000.
Pueble Indians: 20 years ago 1 in 1000 ... 20 years later after local modern supermarkets were developed = 1 in 4 cancer!
Hunza Tribe: Essentially no cancer!
Peru & Ecuador: People with advance inoperable cancer have gone to live with these Indians, and found all tumor masses disappear.
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Cancer - pH - The Cause of Cancer and pH |
One of the least understood concepts of nutrition is acid and alkaline balance. Cells depend on a balanced acid-alkaline pH. If any fluids are abnormal, digestive enzymes are rendered inactive, food does not digest properly, and allergic reactions can result. Food bound microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria, parasites; molds, viruses, etc. are liberated in the body, which puts stress on the immune system. |
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Cancer - The Cancer-Sugar Connection |
Most cancer sufferers lack knowledge of what an optimal nutritional program is or how to implement it.
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Cancer - Carnivora Extract - Venus Flytrap - Immune Boosting Aids, Cancer, HIV Treatment |
Dr. C. Joe Schneller M.D., N.D., D.Sc., D.Ac., D.C. and Inventor of World's First Hybrid Darkfield Microscope performs preliminary study preceding double blind clinical study demonstrating how three Capsules of Carnivora wake up important white blood cells & NK cells of the immune system creating "Powerful Immune Defense."
"Make no mistake: It's your Immune System that heals you!"
"President Ronald Reagan used Carnivora successfully in 1985 when he had it sent directly to the White House." |
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Carnivora Extract - Venus Flytrap - Immune Boosting Aids, Cancer, HIV Treatment |
Dr. C. Joe Schneller M.D., N.D., D.Sc., D.Ac., D.C. and Inventor of World's First Hybrid Darkfield Microscope performs preliminary study preceding double blind clinical study demonstrating how three Capsules of Carnivora wake up important white blood cells & NK cells of the immune system creating "Powerful Immune Defense."
"Make no mistake: It's your Immune System that heals you!"
"President Ronald Reagan used Carnivora successfully in 1985 when he had it sent directly to the White House." |
C |
Chronium - Diabetes - Chronium Deficiency is Epidemic |
Mertz established that chromium is an essential nutrient to life. It is certain that chromium deficiency causes diseases identical to adult onset diabetes and atherosclerosis. In other words, chromium is a cause of both diabetes and hardening of the arteries. Brewer's yeast, which is high in chromium, reversed the diabetes.
C |
Coral Calcium - Can a Natural Nutritional Supplement Assist in the Behaviour Modification of Autistic Children & Parents |
The results indicate that there was a significant difference in favor of the nutrition group. This study strongly indicates that Coral Calcium or other nutritional supplements like them can greatly benefit both autistic children and their parents. Also, parents reported better rest and satisfaction in the nutritional group.
For instance, Coral Calcium contains calcium which has been show to aid in sleep. Also, this supplement contains lithium which has greatly helped bipolar individuals. People who suffer from bipolar disorder have strong mood swings similar to autistic children tantrums. Perhaps this mineral helps balance the brain of this population as well.
Studies have shown that calcium plus vitamin D helps the population in a variety of ways and even prevent cancer (Tang, 2011). More studies are needed on the benefits of such supplements and effects on physiology and neurology of special needs children and general population. |
D |
Diabetes - DiaMetrix Study - 2007 - Evaluating the Efficacy of Diamtrix in Controlled Human Clinical Trial |
This study demonstrated a reduction in the mean fasting blood sugar,blood pressure and body mass in subjects randomized to DiaMetrix. These findings suggest that Diametrix, an over the counter preparation, deserves further evaluation of its activity in larger clinical studies. |
D |
Diabetes - DiaMetrix Study - 2010 - DiaMetrix Down Regulates Inflammatory Signalling in Obese Type 2 Diabetes |
DiaMetrix, a dietary supplement, lowered blood glucose and improved several surrogate endpoints in a clinical study of diabetic patients. This study compared the activity of DiaMetrix to that of anti-diabetic drugs in an obese diavetic mouse study.
D |
Diabetes - pH Balance - Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes Risks |
On There is convincing evidence that people with diabetes can benefit by maintaining pH balance in their bodies. The connection between diabetes and pH balance can clearly be seen in the kidneys, a bodily system that is known to be weakened by both diabetes and an acidic pH balance. By maintaining the proper pH balance in your body, your kidneys and your diabetes will likely improve, too.
D |
Diet - Cancer - Prostate - Dietary Factors and Epignetic Regulation for Prostate Cancer Prevention |
Cancer research: genetic abnormalities / mutations historically were viewed as primary underlying causes; however, epigenetic mechanisms that alter gene expression without affecting DNA sequence are now recognized as being of equal or greater importance for oncogenesis. |
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Diet - Cancer - 2004 World Cancer Report |
Action on smoking, diet and infections can prevent one third of cancers ... another third can be cured.
F |
Food Deceptions - How Food Manufacturers Trick Consumers with Deceptinve Ingredients Lists |
One of the most common tricks is to distribute sugars among many ingredients so that sugars don't appear in the top three. For example, a manufacturer may use a combination of sucrose, high-fructose corn syrup, corn syrup solids, brown sugar, dextrose and other sugar ingredients to make sure none of them are present in large enough quantities to attain a top position on the ingredients list (remember, the ingredients are listed in order of their proportion in the food, with the most common ingredients listed first).
In foods, companies pad the ingredients lists with healthy-sounding berries, herbs or superfoods that are often only present in miniscule amounts. Having "spirulina" appear at the end of the ingredients list is practically meaningless. There's not enough spirulina in the food to have any real effect on your health. This trick is called "label padding" and it's commonly used by junk food manufacturers who want to jump on the health food bandwagon without actually producing healthy foods.
Another trick is to pad the list with miniscule amounts of great-sounding ingredients. You see this in personal care products and shampoo, too, where companies claim to offer "herbal" shampoos that have practically no detectable levels of real herbs in them.
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Fulvic Acid |
Fulvic acid is effective at neutralising a wide range of toxic material - from heavy metals and radioactive waste to petrochemicals.
G |
Garlic |
Louis Pasteur confirmed the antibacterial action of garlic in 1858. Human population studies show that eating garlic regularly reduces the risk of oesophageal, stomach, and colon cancer. This is partly due to its ability to reduce the formation of carcinogenic compounds. Animal and test tube studies also show that garlic and its sulphur compounds inhibit the growth of different types of cancer, especially breast and skin tumours.
Garlic is mentioned in the Bible and the Talmud. Hippocrates, Galen, Pliny the Elder, and Dioscorides all mention the use of garlic for many conditions, including parasites, respiratory problems poor digestion, and low energy. Its use in China was first mentioned in A.D. 510.
G |
Germanium - 01 - A New Apporach to Immunity |
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Germany: Biologically, germanium appears to be highly effective in stimulating electrical impulses on a cellular level and in its apparent role as an "oxygen catalyst".
Russia: The next news about germanium came from Russia, where reports suggested that germanium had anticancer activity.
A few years later, Dr. Kazuhiko Asai, a brilliant Japanese chemist,associated healing plants, medicinal herbs, and special waters with this common germanium bond: plants and waters known to have special therapeutic properties have relatively high concentrations of germanium. These plants, mentioned earlier, are garlic, aloe, comfrey, chlorella, ginseng, and watercress.
France: The holy water of Lourdes, known for its therapeutic value, also contains germanium.
Some additional plants also have significant quantities of germanium, but they are herbals that are not familiar to most people. For the herbologists, they are: shelf fungus (a variety of Reishi mushroom), shiitake mushrooms, pearl barley, sanzukon, sushi, watermt, boxthornseed, andwisteria knob.
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Ginseng - 01 - The Effects of Ginseng Radix Rubra on Human Vascular Endothelial Cells |
Results suggest Red ginseng has the effect of accelerating endothelial cells proliferation and of promoting physiological activities. |
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Glycemic Diet - Cancer - The Importance of the Low Glycemic Impact (Part 2) |
Research confirms the long-term advisability of eating foods with a low glycemic rating. |
H |
Heavy Metal Toxicity |
Research has proven that deficient levels of essential elements or elevated levels of toxic elements have a direct relationship to pathological diseases. Indeed there is much supporting evidence that high levels of elements such as cadmium, mercury, lead and arsenic are directly correlated to many of our most common and debilitating degenerative pathological diseases such as cancer, dementia, heart disease, diabetes, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia and more.
Our physical body is made up of numerous minerals which are the basis of all life. The levels of these minerals need to be delicately balanced for perfect health. Hair analysis has been proven to accurately reveal the level of minerals within the body and is hence and important test. |
H |
Hyperthyroidism - What Causes Hyperthyroidism? |
A 7-Step Plan to Boost Your Low Thyroid and Metabolism |
I |
Indian Tribes - Low Cancer Incidences |
U.S. Population = 1 in 4 incidence of cancer!
Hopi Indian Tribe = 1 in 1000.
Pueble Indians: 20 years ago 1 in 1000 ... 20 years later after local modern supermarkets were developed = 1 in 4 cancer!
Hunza Tribe: Essentially no cancer!
Peru & Ecuador: People with advance inoperable cancer have gone to live with these Indians, and found all tumor masses disappear.
L |
Licorice - Cancer - 01 - Protective Effect of Licorice Against Effects of Radiation / Chemo in Head & Neck Malignancies |
- Yashtimadhu (Licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra) can be used effectively in prevention and treatment of oral mucositis post radiation and chemo.
There were no interruptions in the treatment.
- Food intake was not severely affected leading to maintenance of nutritional status of the patients.
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Licorice - Cancer - 02 - Effects of Licorice Extract Against Tumor Growth of Mouse Colon Cancer |
The administration of the licorice extract significantly reduced the cisplatin-induced oxidative stress.
- Administration of the licorice extract inhibits growth of mouse colon carcinoma without any adverse effects, reducing cisplatin-induced toxicity.
The licorice extract may be a candidate for an anticancer and chemopreventive agent. |
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Licorice - Uterine - Analgesic and Uterina Relaxant Effects of Isoliquiritigenin - a Licorice Flavone |
Licorice formula has been used in Chinese Medicine for the treatment of dysmenorrhea for thousands of years. Results indicate isoliquiritigenin, (from the roots of Licorice - Glycyrrhiza glabra), has a spasmolytic effect on uterine contraction and an effective activity in reducing pain.
M |
Marijuana - How THC and Medical Marijuana can Kill Cancer |
First identified in the early 90s, the receptors that combine with cannabis were found to not only exist in the brain, but in many other organs as well. And, cancer cells also have these receptors.
Researchers at the Complutense University School of Biology in Spain decided to look into a possible link they found that active cannabinoids targeted specific receptors on cancer cells. And, the receptors that were targeted led to two deadly messages getting sent to the cells:
- THC and active cannabinoids potentially affected the blood flow to tumors, effectively starving them of nutrients and making them lifeless masses of human tissue,
- Some evidence showed active cannabinoids made cancer cells cannibalize others, effectively shrinking the tumors
Dr. Donald Abrams, an oncology and clinical medicine professor at the University of California, San Francisco, agrees with the potential. He says active cannabinoids have the potential for anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant and even anti-cancer applications. If Nagarkitti’s lab experiments are any indication, the potential for active cannabinoids may soon be unlocked. |
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Milk - Camel Milk - 01 - Autism Link to Raw Camel Milk |
Evidence suggests hard-to-find raw camel milk may improve autism symptoms
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Milk - Camel Milk - 02 - Autism Link to Raw Camel Milk |
Further evidence suggests hard-to-find raw camel milk may improve child autism symptoms, ADD, ADHD and ADD disorders.
N |
Ninjinyeoto (NYT) - Hepatitis C - Herbal Medicine amerliorates ribavirin-induced anemia in chronin Hepatitis C |
We report here that, Ninjinyoeito (NYT), a herbal medicine can reduce the RBV-induced anemia. These results suggest that NYT could be used as a supportive remedy to reduce the RBV-induced anemia in the treatment of chronic hepatitis C.
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Ninjinyeoto - 01 - The Effects of Ninjinyoeito (NYT) on Cultured Venous Endothelial Cells |
Results suggest Ninjinyoeito is effective in accelerating the physiological functions of human vein endothelial cells in vitro.
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Ninjinyeoto - 02 - The Effects of Ninjinyoeito (NYT) on Human Vascular Endothelial Cells - 1993 |
Results suggest Ninjinyoeito (NYT) presumably exerts an anti-aging effect by inhibiting the metabolic aging of cells.
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Ninjinyeoto - 03 - The Effects of Ninjinyoeito (NYT) on Human Aorta Endothelial Cells - 1994 |
Results suggest that Ninjinyoeito (NYT) accelerates physiological function of in vitro human aorta endothelial cells.
O2 |
Oxygen in Medicine and Nutrition - Overview |
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Oxygen is the most important aspect for health and vitality. For years, medical science has recognized the increasing need for oxygen supplementation at the cellular level. All chronic suffering is caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level.
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Oral Oxygen Formula - Cancer Cure - Official NCI Test Results |
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1990 - The U.S. National Cancer Institute (NCI) test results showed an oral oxygen formula worked better than any chemotherapy on all cancer cell lines tested. Unfortunately, the NCI and FDA chose not to pursue this potent anti-cancer formula. The medical establishment's own official tests proved it worked better than their own toxic chemical drug and devastatingly harmful radiation treatments. |
O |
Orange Juice - "Squeezed": What you don't Know About Orange Juice |
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Orange juice is healthy and wholesome. We drink it because it's fresh, full of Vitamin C and made from the natural fruit of orange trees. Right? Not hardly, says Alissa Hamilton in this darkly absorbing history of the Florida orange juice industry.
Even if the carton says "not from concentrate," what you drink when you pour a glass of conventional, pre-squeezed orange juice is wholly industrialized, more a product of laboratory "food science" than of those sunshine-nourished orange groves Bing Crosby and Anita Bryant once pitched ... Hamilton set out to chronicle the orange juice industry's influence on the biodiversity of the sweet orange.
Documents Hamilton stumbled across ... changed the direction of her research and painted a damming picture of the "wholesome" citrus industry and its "tree-fresh" product. Her discoveries--and the loss of the archives after Professor Mack died.
The story in Squeezed, about an industry that became so successful in deceiving the consumer that it may have killed its own market, is an important contribution to the annals of our everyday food and how it is produced and marketed.
"I wrote this book with a modest ambition," Hamilton says in the Preface, "to make you look at your glass of pre-squeezed orange juice differently and begin to see through the opaque packages of food that surround you."
pH |
pH - Balance and Diabetes - Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes Risks |
On There is convincing evidence that people with diabetes can benefit by maintaining pH balance in their bodies. The connection between diabetes and pH balance can clearly be seen in the kidneys, a bodily system that is known to be weakened by both diabetes and an acidic pH balance. By maintaining the proper pH balance in your body, your kidneys and your diabetes will likely improve, too.
pH |
pH - The Cause of Cancer and pH |
One of the least understood concepts of nutrition is acid and alkaline balance. Cells depend on a balanced acid-alkaline pH. If any fluids are abnormal, digestive enzymes are rendered inactive, food does not digest properly, and allergic reactions can result. Food bound microorganisms such as yeast, bacteria, parasites; molds, viruses, etc. are liberated in the body, which puts stress on the immune system. |
pH |
pH Balance - Diabetes - Improper pH Balance Increases Risk and Damage of Diabetes Risks |
On There is convincing evidence that people with diabetes can benefit by maintaining pH balance in their bodies. The connection between diabetes and pH balance can clearly be seen in the kidneys, a bodily system that is known to be weakened by both diabetes and an acidic pH balance. By maintaining the proper pH balance in your body, your kidneys and your diabetes will likely improve, too.
P |
Pink Slime - 01 - 'Pink Slime' (beef parts paste with ammonia) ... "good for kids", says Beef Products, Inc |
Perhaps the most amazing display of unmitigated gall since the Journal of Pediatrics declared mercury 'good for kids,' ... not its 'Pink Slime!'
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Pink Slime - 02 - 'Pink Slime' Beef Off US School Menu - BBC News Report |
"What pink slime reveals to us ... is the unsavoury marriage of engineering and food, but it's present in a lot of the products we eat.
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Pink Slime - 03 - Pink Slime Production is Suspended at 3 out of 4 Processing Plants - BBC News Report |
Beef is heated, spun in a centrifuge to separate the meat from the fat. Final product treated with ammonium hydroxide gas to kill bacteria.
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Pink Slime - 04 - "Pink Slime" Ire Prompts Key Producer to Close Plants - Reuters News Reports |
The current debate, which has been brewing for months, began after celebrity chef Jamie Oliver drew attention to the practice.
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Pink Slime - 05 - 'Pink Slime' - Kroger, Giant Join Rush Away from ‘Pink Slime’- Washington Times News Report |
Beef is exposed to ammonium hydroxide gas to kill bacteria, such as E. coli and salmonella. (O3) Ozone is a safer. more effective alternative.
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Pink Slime - 06 - 'Pink Slime' - Kroger, Giant Join Rush Away from ‘Pink Slime’- Washington Times News Report |
Beef is exposed to ammonium hydroxide gas to kill bacteria, such as E. coli and salmonella. (O3) Ozone is a safer. more effective alternative.
P |
Plant Polyphenols and Oral Health - Old Phytochemicals for New Fields |
Pre-clinical studies; polyphenols against the most common oral diseases (caries ,periodontitis and candidiasis) ... and oral cancer prevention.
R |
Red Meat - American Red Meat Increases Death, Cancer and Heart Risk - U.S. Harvard University Study, USA |
Processed vs unprocessed red meat both increased risk of death (13% vs 20%), heart disease (18% vs 21%), cancer death (10% vs 16%).
R |
Resveratrol - Have Harvard Scientists Discovered the Fountain of Youth? - U.S. Harvard University Study, USA |
The resveratrol-fed mice ended up living up to 15% longer than normal. In human terms, it's like adding another 11 years to your life!
Harvard researchers decided to put overweight resveratrol mice through endurance tests against normal, thin mice. Guess who performed better? The overweight mice had twice the stamina and agility as the thin mice! Now that's incredible.
In another study, done by the Institute of Genetics and Molecular and Cellular Biology, researchers put mice on treadmills and measured how far they'd run before collapsing. The average mouse was able to run for 1 kilometer. But mice fed resveratrol were able to run 2 kilometers!
So not only does resveratrol help you live longer, it also gives you more energy to enjoy it!
R |
Revenol - World Number 1 Antioxidant? |
An independent study on antioxidants has been conducted by Russian biochemists. As they announce their findings to the World Health Organisation, Revenol is expected to be listed as the world’s Number 1 effective antioxidant. Revenol supplies over 60 milligrams of curcuminoids and maritime pine bark and grapeseed extract. |
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Revenol |
Revenol contains antioxidants from maritime pine bark and grape seed pycnogenols extracts - up to 95% in concentration and bio-availability.
Revenol also contains curcuminoids - nature’s most powerful and aggressive antioxidant, which is around 150 times more powerful than Vitamin E, about 60 times more powerful than Vitamin C, and about 3 times more powerful than anti-oxidants from maritime pine bark andgrape seed pycnogenols extract.
Revenol also contains ginkgo biloba for the brain and circulatory system; alpha and beta carotene to increase potency.
Revenol supplies over 60 milligrams of curcuminoids and maritime pine bark and grapeseed extract.
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Revenol - Cascading Revenol |
Antioxidants such as Vitamin C neutralise the damage caused by these free radicals. The problem is, after having entered the body, most antioxidant molecular structures will grab one free radical and then change into an inert state, ceasing to be of further scavenging value.
The additional problem is that even when an antioxidant neutralises a free radical, the process creates an off-shoot free radical that is slightly different and less potent in variety, which in turn create sanother, and so on.
Typical antioxidants have no ability to address this free radical cascading effect.
However Cascading Revenol’s technologically advanced formulation actually regenerates these scavenging molecules so that they can neutralise multiple free radicals. So, instead of only one free radical being destroyed per antioxidant molecule, each molecule is able to change structure and repeat the process again and again.
Thus the value of each individual antioxidant molecule increases exponentially.Cascading Revenol’s unique action is devastating to the free radical onslaught that damages cancer sufferers. This product can be an essential component in any B17 Metabolic Therapy treatment.
S |
Selenium - Cancer - Low Selenium Levels and Prostate Cancer Risk |
The key nutritional ingredients invariably missing for cancer are Vitamin B17 and the trace mineral selenium.
A recent US study showed an overall drop of 50% in cancer deaths and a fall of 37% in new cancer cases, especially lung, bowel and prostate - among 1,300 volunteers taking supplements for four years.
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Selenium - Cancer - Low Selenium Levels and Prostate Cancer Risk |
Low selenium is associated with a 4- to 5-fold increased risk of prostate cancer. Low selenium levels remained a risk factor even after the researchers took into account other factors such as age, smoking and alcohol use.
The investigators found that prostate cancer risk was significantly higher in the group of men with the lowest selenium blood levels, compared with the groups with higher levels.
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Selenium and Vitamin E - Cancer - Supplements for Prostate Cancer: Evidence or Embellishment? |
Results from numerous laboratory and observational studies support the use of selenium and dietary vitamin E.
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Selenium and Vitamin E - Chemo - Prostate Cancer and Chemoprevention |
Data regarding lycopene, vitamin E, and selenium as chemoprevention for prostate cancer appear promising.
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Stevia - 01 - Dominant Lethal Test in Rats with Some Plant Extracts - (Including Stevia) - Clinical Study |
Based on these results, concluded that all the investigated plant extracts have no toxic effect on male rat reproduction and progeny outcome. |
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Stevia - 02 - Diabetes - Stevia Acts Directly on Pancreatic Beta Cells to Secrete Insulin - Clinical Study |
The natural sweetener stevioside, which is found in the plant Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, has been used for many years in the treatment of diabetes among Indians in Paraguay and Brazil. The results indicate that the compounds may have a potential role as antihyperglycemic agents in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus. |
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Stevia - 03 - Diabetes - Effect of Stevia Rebuadiana on gGlucose Tolerance in Normal Adult Humans - Clinical Study |
The extract of Stevia rebaudiana increased glucose tolerance. The extract significantly decreased plasma glucose levels during the test and after overnight fasting in all volunteers. |
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Stevia - 04 - Stevia Increase the Renal Plasma Flow of normal and Hypertensive Rats - Clinical Study |
These results are consistent with impairment of a renal-auto-regulation mechanism in this hypertensive model after Stevia administration. Stevia extract, at doses higher than used for sweetening purposes, is a vasodilator agent in normo- and hypertensive animals. |
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Stevia - 05 - Effectiveness and Tolerability of Oral Stevioside (Stevia) in Human Hypertension - Clinical Study |
Conclusion: This study shows that oral stevioside is a well tolerated and effective modality that may be considered as an alternative or supplementary therapy for patients with hypertension. |
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Stevia - 06 - Effects of Stevioside (Stevia) on Blood Pressure and Plasma Catcholomines - Clinical Study |
The present data show that stevioside given intravenously to conscious SHR was effective in blood pressure reduction and there was no change in serum catecholamines in anaesthetized animals with this natural compound. |
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Stevia - Benefits - Toxic or Tasty - The Real Issues in the Stevia Battles? |
Stevia has undergone numerous toxicity tests. None of these tests have shown any harmful effects. Few substances can make this claim.Centuries of continuous use by natives of South America ... and added to a number of food products in Japan since the mid 1970. In addition, thousands of tons of stevia extracts have been consumed over the last 20 years in many countries with no harmful effects reported.
Stevia has the potential to become a popular non-caloric sweetener.
Apparently, because someone (FDA won't say who, but it's a big company) doesn't want it on the market, and convinced FDA to ban it. the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 has forced FDA to allow it in dietary supplements. The agency says it's still illegal to use it as a food ingredient, placing them in the rather stupid position of saying it's safe if labeled as a supplement, but not when sold in or as a food. |
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Stevia - Health and Wellness Trends - France |
France is the first E.U. country to allow the use of stevia, a natural sweetener, as an ingredient in food and beverage products sold in France.
Private label brands are becoming increasingly popular in the French health food market, as consumers seek competitive prices, along with the same health benefits as branded foods. In 2008, private label brands had control of almost 28% of the better-for-you packaged food and beverage market and 23.5% of the organic food and beverage market |
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Stevia - Heritability for Yield, Leaf:Stem Ratio and Stevioside Content from a Landrace Cultivar of Stevia Rebaudiana |
Bertoni is a herbaceous perennial native to the highlands of Paraguay. A number of compounds are present in the leaf tissue that have a potential food use as low calorie sweeteners. The purpose of this work was to determine if sufficient genetic variability was present in locally available stevia germplasm to allow selection of lines with agronomic and chemical properties suitable to local production conditions.
Yield, leaf:stem ratio and stevioside concentration were all found to be highly heritable. Yield levels were comparable to other stevia producing areas. Stevioside concentration was higher, probably as a result of production under long days. These initial results also show that Stevia has good potential for production in southwestern Ontario. |
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Sugar - The Cancer - Sugar Connection |
Most cancer sufferers lack knowledge of what an optimal nutritional program is or how to implement it.
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Sweeteners - Aspertame: Brain Development - EPA Questions Role of Aspertame in Brain Development |
A December 2010 article in Politics Daily reports on a list released by the EPA of chemicals highly suspected in the development of brain disorders, including learning disabilities, aspartame and Asperger’s. And guess what? Aspartame is on that list—right beneath arsenic.
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Sweeteners - Aspertame: Diabetes and Lupus |
A 1997 study found that macrophages exposed to aspartame produces a three-fold rise in leukotriene (B4, C4 and 15 hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid) and arachidonic acid metabolites. This would be detrimental to patients having autoimmune disorders such as lupus, multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis. Clinically, there is some evidence for worsening of two of the three conditions (MS and Lupus) by aspartame use.
H. J. Roberts, MD has written many articles concerning aspartame's toxic effects on diabetic patients and on the food additive's correlation to Multiple Sclerosis, Alzheimer's, and other diseases.
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Sweeteners - Splenda - Sucralose - The Potential Dangers of Sucralose |
The FDA acknowledges that sucralose "is produced at an approximate purity of 98%." While that may sound pretty pure, just what is in that other 2%? It turns out that the final sucralose product contains small amounts of potentially dangerous substances such as:
* Heavy Metals (e.g., Lead)
* Arsenic
* Triphenilphosphine Oxide
* Methanol
* Chlorinated Disaccharides
* Chlorinated Monosaccharide
There is no monitoring of health effects. It took government agencies decades to agree that there were countless thousands of deaths from tobacco. Why? Simply because there had been no monitoring or epidemiological studies. Without such monitoring and studies, huge effects can easily go unnoticed.
Sucralose is not yet approved for use in most European countries.
T |
Tea - Alzheimers - 01 - Cardiovascular Disease & Cancers - Mounting Evidence that Tea may be Beneficial |
Mounting evidence that tea may potentially be beneficial to Alzheimer's and other diseases, including cardiovascular disease and cancer.
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Tea - Cancer - Botanical Medicines for the Treatment of Cancer - Clinical Study |
Botanical medicines for the treatment of cancer: rationale, overview of current data & methodological considerations for phase I and II trials. |
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Tea - Cancer - Taheebo / Pau 'Darco / Purple Lapacho - Has Cancer Already Been Cured? |
There is something sinister afoot when it comes to cancer research ... Dr. Linus Pauling who some years ago claimed that as long as there's a lot of money to be made in cancer research and the sale of chemotherapy drugs, cancer won't be cured.
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Tea - Cancer - 01 - Links to Tea and Cancer Prevention |
Bioavailability and antioxidant cctivity of tea flavanols after consumption of green tea, black tea, or a green tea extract supplement.
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Tea - Cancer - 02 - Prostate Tumor - Links to Tea and Cancer Prevention |
Polyphenols in brewed green tea inhibit prostate tumor xenograft growth by localizing to the tumor, decreasing oxidative stress & angiogenesis.
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Tea - Cancer - 03 - Colorectal Carcinoma - Links to Tea and Cancer Prevention |
Inhibitory effect & mechanisms of anthocyanins & anthocyanidins-rich extract from purple-shoot tea on colorectal carcinoma cell proliferation.
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Tea - Cancer - 04 - Links to the Tea and Cancer and Heart Disease Prevention |
The tea plant Camellia sinesis is cultivated in >30 countries. Epidemiologic observations and laboratory studies have indicated that polyphenolic compounds present in tea may reduce the risk of a variety of illnesses, including cancer and coronary heart disease.
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Tea - Cancer - 05 - Links to the Tea Polyphenols and Cancer Chemo Prevention |
Researches in laboratory animals demonstrated that tea components had an inhibitory effect on carcinogenesis at a number of organ sites. |
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Tea - Cancer - 06 - Links to the Tea Antioxidants in Cancer Chemo Prevention |
Properties of tea polyphenols ... effective agents against the initiation, promotion, and progression stages of multistage carcinogenesis. |
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Tea - Cancer - 07 - Skin Cancer Photoprotection by Green Tea: Antioxidant and Immunomodulatory Effects |
Topical treatment or oral consumption of green tea polyphenols (GTP) inhibit chemical carcinogen - or UV radiation-induced skin carcinogenesis. |
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Tea - Cancer - 08 - Green Tea Polyphenolic Antioxidants and Skin Cancer Photoprotection (Review) |
Many laboratories have shown that topical treatment or oral consumption of green tea polyphenols inhibits chemical carcinogen- or ultraviolet radiation-induced skin tumorigenesis. Studies have shown that green tea extract also possesses anti-inflammatory activity. |
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Tea - Cancer - 09 - Cutaneous Photoprotection from Ultraviolet Injury by Green Tea Polyphenols |
Green tea extratcs - remarkably effective at reducing severity of adverse human health effects of overexposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation. |
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Tea - Diabetes - Yerba Mate - Anti-Obesity and Anti-Diabetic Effects of Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) - Clinical Study |
This study found that Yerba Mate extract has potent anti-obesity activityin vivo. Additionally, we observed that Yerba Mate treatment has a modulatory effect on glucose levels related to obesity.
The data presented in this study suggest that Yerba Mate extract may act synergistically to suppress body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation and to decrease the serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose. Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ, which has a fundamental role in metabolism and homeostasis regulation.
The production and secretion of an excess or insufficient amount of adipokines greatly influence insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, inflammation, and atherosclerosis and may provide a molecular link between increased adiposity and the development of diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndromes, and cardiovascular diseases. In the present study, the level of leptin in serum was directly affected by a high-fat diet. Additionally, treatment with Yerba Mate extract recovered the concentration of leptin. |
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Tea - Diabetes - Yerba Mate - 06 - Improves Glycemic and Lipid Profiles of Type 2 Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes Individuals |
Mate tea consumption improved the glycemic control and lipid profile of T2DM subjects, and mate tea consumption combined with nutritional intervention was highly effective in decreasing serum lipid parameters of pre-diabetes individuals, which may reduce their risk of developing coronary disease.
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Tea - Health Benefits of Green Tea, Degenerative Disease Prevention and Weight Loss |
Green tea contains EGCG. 100+ times more effective in neutralizing free radicals than vitamin C, preventing cellular damage that leads to many diseases, especially cancer. EGCG tops other antioxidants - butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA), butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT) and resveratol. |
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Tea - Hibiscus Tea - Heart Disease - Hibiscus Tea Could Help Blood Pressure - Study |
Just three cups of hibiscus tea a day were shown to reduce the blood pressure of people at risk of heart disease, stroke and kidney disease.
The drink contains extracts from the hibiscus sabdariffa flower, which boasts antioxidants that help to rid the body of harmful free radicals – destructive molecules that damage cells and DNA.
Studies have linked antioxidants to many health benefits, including protection against heart disease and cancer.
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Tea - Hibiscus Tea - Heart Disease - Hibiscus Tea Could Help Blood Pressure - Study |
Several species of hibiscus are also revered for their medicinal properties.
In fact, several recent studies have shown that drinking hibiscus tea may help to lower blood pressure and serum cholesterol, deter the oxidation of free radicals, and prevent kidney disease associated with diabetic nephropathy.
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Tea - Maccha / Matcha Tea - Japanese Shizuoka Matcha Tea - Health Benefits |
Strong blood detoxifer and alkalyzer. 70 times the antioxidants of orange juice. Nine times the beta carotene of spinach. 4 times the beta carotene of carrotsTrace minerals calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium. Rich source of L-theanine & amino acids which improve calmness, mental alertness ... and more! |
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Tea - Maccha / Matcha - Health Facts - Nutritional Table |
* 2 cups of regular green tea has approx. twice the antioxidants of red wine, 7 times that of orange juice and 20 times that of apple juice.
* Matcha, on a gram per gram basis, has approximately 10 times the polyphenols and antioxidants of regular teas.
* Matcha has approximately 9 times the beta-carotene of Spinach, 4 times that of carrots.
* Matcha contains essential vitamins and minerals for a healthy lifestyle.
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Tea - Lapacho - 01 - Taheebo / Pau D' Arco / Purple Lapacho - Antibacterial Activity - Clinical Study |
Antibacterial activity of Tabebuia impetiginosa Martius ex DC (Taheebo) against Helicobacter pylori. |
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Tea - Yerba Mate - 01 - The Hidden Benefits of Yerba Mate - Herbal Tea - - Clinical Study |
Yerba Mate is full of antioxidants, Vitamins A, C and E as well as many phytochemicals. Phytochemicals contain powerful antioxidants and augment immune defenses and protect against cellular destruction. |
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Tea - Yerba Mate - 02 - Yerba Mate Tea vs Colon Cancer Compounds - Herbal Tea - Clinical Study |
Yerba Mate - anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer effects of yerba mate tea may be most potent against bowel cancer. “We believe there’s ample evidence to support drinking mate tea for its bioactive benefits, especially if you have reason to be concerned about colon cancer”. |
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Tea - Yerba Mate - 03 - Development of Innovative Nutraceutical Fermented Beverage from Herbal Mate - Clinical Study |
Yerba Mate could be used as a new, non-dairy vehicle for probiotic consumption, especially by vegetarians and lactose intolerant consumers.
It is expected that such a product will have good market potential in an era of functional foods. |
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Tea - Yerba Mate - 04 - Anti-Obesity and Anti-Diabetic Effects of Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) - Clinical Study |
This study found that Yerba Mate extract has potent anti-obesity activityin vivo. Additionally, we observed that Yerba Mate treatment has a modulatory effect on glucose levels related to obesity.
The data presented in this study suggest that Yerba Mate extract may act synergistically to suppress body weight gain and visceral fat accumulation and to decrease the serum levels of cholesterol, triglycerides, and glucose.
Adipose tissue is an endocrine organ, which has a fundamental role in metabolism and homeostasis regulation. The production and secretion of an excess or insufficient amount of adipokines greatly influence insulin sensitivity, glucose metabolism, inflammation, and atherosclerosis and may provide a molecular link between increased adiposity and the development of diabetes mellitus, metabolic syndromes, and cardiovascular diseases.
In the present study, the level of leptin in serum was directly affected by a high-fat diet. Additionally, treatment with Yerba Mate extract recovered the concentration of leptin. |
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Tea - Yerba Mate - 05 - A Comprehensive Review on Chemistry, Health Implications, and Technological Considerations |
Yerba Mate has been shown to be hypocholesterolemic, hepatoprotective, central nervous system stimulant, diuretic, and to benefit the cardiovascular system. It has also been suggested for obesity management. Yerba Mate protects DNA from oxidation and in vitro low-density lipoprotein lipoperoxidation and has a high antioxidant capacity.
It has also been reported that Yerba Mate tea is associated to both the prevention and the cause of some types of cancers.
This review presents the usage, chemistry, biological activities, health effects, and some technological considerations for processing of Yerba Mate tea. Furthermore, it assesses in a concise and comprehensive way the potential of Ilex paraguariensis as a source of biological compounds for the nutraceutical industry.
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Tea - Yerba Mate - 06 - Mate Tea Improves Glycemic and Lipid Profiles of Type 2 Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes Individuals |
Mate tea consumption improved the glycemic control and lipid profile of T2DM subjects, and mate tea consumption combined with nutritional intervention was highly effective in decreasing serum lipid parameters of pre-diabetes individuals, which may reduce their risk of developing coronary disease.
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Today, scientific research in both Asia and the west is providing hard evidence for the health benefits long associated with drinking tea. |
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Toxicosis - Human Toxicity is at an All-Time High |
Air is filled with harmful pollutants ... bottled water is loaded with antimony toxins ... fruit and vegetables filled with pesticides and herbicides. |
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Toxicosis - The True Disease |
Cells adapt to toxicosis, but when levels of toxin become intolerable the body initiates a detoxification process ... toxicosis is the true disease. Toxicosis causes the body to become starved of oxygen (hypoxia), weakening the immune system and allowing disease cells to develop. |
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Toxicosis - Schizophremia - The Toxic Mind: The Theory of Elnora Van Winkle |
Iproniazid is linked to relapses in schizophrenia. Evidence that toxicosis results in symptoms is intensified by the administration of a drug |
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Venus Flytrap - Carnivora Extract - Immune Boosting Cancer Treatment |
Dr. C. Joe Schneller M.D., N.D., D.Sc., D.Ac., D.C. and Inventor of World's First Hybrid Darkfield Microscope performs preliminary study preceding double blind clinical study demonstrating how three Capsules of Carnivora wake up important white blood cells & NK cells of the immune system creating "Powerful Immune Defense."
"Make no mistake: It's your Immune System that heals you!"
"President Ronald Reagan used Carnivora successfully in 1985 when he had it sent directly to the White House." |
Vit B-17 |
Vitamin B-17 - (Laetrile) - Cancer |
“If you have cancer, the most important single consideration is to get the maximum amount of Vitamin B17 into your body in the shortest period of time. This is secondary to the medical skill involved in administering it, which is relatively minimal “— Ernst T. Krebs Jr
Vitamin B 17 (laetrile) and Vitamin A are then given to the patient to work with the enzymes and the immune system to destroy the cancer cell. Initially laetrile was looked upon as useless, which it is when used in isolation. However in Metabolic Therapy, it works with enzymes vitamins and the immune system to destroy the already weakened cancer.” |
Vit C |
Vitamin C - Esterfied Vitamin C |
Esterfied Vitamin C - a bonded form of Vitamin C that increases its power and residual retention in the body (up to 3 days); natural Vitamin E for greater absorption and effectiveness. Micro-spheres are also included which bond to the intestinal wall, allowing up to 400% more of the ingredients to be digested and absorbed.
An independent study on antioxidants has been conducted by Russian biochemists. As they announce their findings to the World Health Organisation, Revenol is expected to be listed as the world’s Number 1 effective antioxidant. |
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Cancer and Sunshine Do Not Mix ... or Do They? - WorldwideHealthCenter.net |
If sunlight were a mainstream drug ... it would probably make the cover of "Time" magazine, and be heralded as the greatest medical breakthrough in the history of modern medicine - it really is that powerful. Sunlight exposure is well-known to provoke the production of vitamin D in the body and can reduce the risk of many cancers by more than 50 percent. It can even help to reverse certain types of cancers.
Past studies have shown that being outdoors for 5-10 minutes, 2-3 times a week in the summer months is sufficient. However, this will be dependent on skin type, on the age of the person and the amount of UVB radiation present. Once someone has produced enough vitamin D, any extra vitamin D is changed into inactive substances in the body. So prolonged sunlight exposure does not improve vitamin D levels but it does increase the risk of long-term skin damage. |
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Cancer - 02 - Sun Exposure & Breast Cancer Survival in Norway - Risk of Death with Season of Diagnosis |
Norwegian cancer study: Patients diagnosed in summer when 25-hydroxy Vit D is high = up to 40% better survival rate than winter low Vit D.
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Cancer - 03 - Frequency of 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Deficiency at Breast Cancer Diagnosis |
Breast cancer patients with low Vitamin D had 70% greater chance of dying than with high levels of 25-hydroxy Vitamin D. |
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Cancer - 04 - Circulating 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels Predict Survival in Early Stage Lung Cancer Patients |
Lung cancer patients: Summer diagnosis high levels of 25-hydroxy Vitamin D levels = 73% survival ... versus 30% winter low Vitamin D levels. |
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Cancer - 05 - Lung - Colon - Prostate - Renal - Endometrial Cancers - High Vit D Dramatically Reduces Risk |
High 25-hydroxy Vitamin D correlates with decreased risk of lung cancer = 45% men, 65% women respectively. Similar results in other cancers. |
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Cancer - 06 - Circulating 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D Levels & Survival in Patients with Colorectal Cancer |
Advanced colorectal cancer death risk reduced by over 60% in patients with high 25-hydroxy Vitamin D ... vs low vitamin D levels. |
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Cancer - 07 - Association Between 25-Hydroxy Vitamin D and Death from Prostate Cancer |
25-Hydroxy Vit D levels at mid to high range, reduced risk of death from prostate cancer by 60% and 80% respectively ... vs low Vit D levels. |
Vit D |
Vitamin D - Diabetes - Vitamin D Lowers Type 1 Diabetes Risk |
Babies who received at least 2,000 international units (IU) of vitamin D daily were nearly 80% less likely to develop type 1 diabetes over the next three decades compared with infants who had lower intakes of the vitamin.
"Between 47% and 97% of infants in European countries receive a vitamin D supplement whereas few infants in the USA are given one, and when they are, it is generally in the form of a multivitamin preparation in the USA."
This is amazing and tragic as it is so simple to correct. All that is required is a small bit of cod liver oil. Cod liver oil has the exact type of vitamin D that you and particularly your children will need to stay healthy.
Interestingly, northern Finland, which has the highest reported incidence of type 1 diabetes in the world, only receives two hours of sunlight during December. |
Vit E |
Vitamin E and Selenium - Cancer - Supplements for Prostate Cancer: Evidence or Embellishment? |
Results from numerous laboratory and observational studies support the use of selenium and dietary vitamin E.
Vit E |
Vitamin E and Selenium - Chemo - Prostate Cancer and Chemoprevention |
Data regarding lycopene, vitamin E, and selenium as chemoprevention for prostate cancer appear promising.
Vit E |
Vitamin E - Parkinsons Disease - Dietary Antioxidants and Parkinsons Disease - The Rotterdam Study |
Our data suggest that a high intake of dietary vitamin E may protect against the occurrence of Prkinsons Disease (PD). |
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