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News / Research




O3 Ozone is Non-Toxic - Safe Inhalation - Part 1


In many discussions on the properties and uses of O3 Ozone, it is stated that... "O3 Ozone is a toxic substance, that is harmful to the mucous membrane, that it is an irritant or that it is a poisonous gas".

These statements are based upon the results of experiments which were carried on by workers who were unaware of the true nature of the gas they were investigating.


For example, recent authoritative investigation have established that pure (O3) Ozone is non-toxic even in concentrations as great as 20 to 50 parts per million of air.


However, Ozone containing oxides of nitrogen, on the other hand, can be toxic in higher concentrations such as 1.5 parts per million ... therefore, nitrogen oxide is the toxic component.

Although it has not yet been definitely shown why Ozone containing HIGH nitrogen oxides can be toxic, confirmation was made in 1942 by Hill, a physician specializing in industrial hygiene.


In 1921, Hill and Aeberly published a series of articles reporting on tests concerning the effects of Ozone, chemically, physically, and physiologically.

As a result of these tests a toxic limit for Ozone was established at 1 part per million. It was also stated that 20 parts per million with an exposure of two hours might prove fatal to human beings.


After noting the work of Thorp, Hill, realizing that oxides of HIGH levels of nitrogen had been present in his previous test, decided to re-run the test on an identical basis to determine if pure O3 Ozone had higher toxic limits.

As a final result of his work, Hill states: "Pure O3 Ozone in NOT POISONOUS in any sense of the word as it breaks down in contact with the mucous membrance and only oxygen remains."




"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."

Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris






O3 Ozone - Safe Inhalation - Part 2


When prepared from atmospheric air, with proper ozonizers, and care fully administered, O3 Ozone is absolutely NON-IRRITATING.

If these precautions are not observed, it may produce irritation instead of relief.

Ozone should be inhaled directly from the ozonizers air-tight chambers, such as are used in hospitals for the treatment of tubercular cases, are cumbersome and inconvenient, and not suitable for the advanced front. Ozone is a very evanescent body and soon loses its power and becomes oxygen again, and for these reasons should be inhaled direct from the ozonizer.


Ozone should be thus inhaled from 10 to 15 minutes at each application. The number of applications being dependent on:

1. the severity of the case
2. the toleration of it by the patient and
3. the relief afforded.

It must be remembered that the sooner Ozone is inhaled, even though for a short time at first, the better the result will be.



1. Ozone relieves the cough, dyspones and pain.

2. Ozone assists the expulsion of the glutinous mucous from the air passage.

3. Ozone stimulates the heart's action and reduces its intermittence when this symptom shows.

4. In many cases of gassing, the mental condition of the patient is affected, they become dull, stupid and apathetic. OZONE RELIEVES AND BANISHES THESE CONDITIONS.

- In British Medical Journal "The Lancet"




"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."

Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris






O3 Ozone - Safe Inhalation - Part 3

Many consumers, including the American Red Cross, have successfully used indoor air cleaning devices equipped with optional and scalable (O3) ozonation at higher levels. EcoQuest donated Fresh Air devices for use in the Pentagon following the September 11, 2001 attacks.

Other examples were cited of Breeze AT air cleaners being donated for use by the Red Cross in shelters set up in San Bernardino during the forest fires in Southern California to address odor problems.




"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."

Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris






O3 Ozone - Safe Inhalation - U.S. St Louis Public Schools - Part 4

During the influenza epidemic in St. Louis, the most critical and advanced cases were transferred to an open air school, which made for high percentage of mortality.

In one particular ward, experiments were made with (O3) Ozonized air on cases approaching or at the crises period of the diseases where patients were able to inhale at all, they were at once relieved and successfully carried over the crisis.


Comparing the total days absent we find that in the school where (O3) Ozonized air was used, the school children were absent, due to the foregoing cases of sickness, 475 school days.

while in the school where ordinary air was circulated by means of the ordinary air ventilating system, the school children were absent a total of 1,098 school days.


* Thousands of lives would be saved every year if homes and schools were equipped with apparatus for the circulation of O3 Ozone.

* Injected with the air of the building to the extent of one part of Ozone to one million parts of air, it effects approximately 100% purification.

* In five years that Ozone has been used in the Public Schools of St. Louis, Tuberculosis cases have been reduced 50%, also other diseases have been materially reduced

- www.understandingozone.com/article_drReviews.asp

http://mosao2.org/Article%20-%20MOSA%20PDF/O3_schools_St_Louis_01.pdf (Link)




"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."

Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris






O3 Ozone - U.S. Mainstream Misinformation & Pseudo-Science


Unfortunately the only time that many of us hear about (O3) ozone is in the context of pollution. It is even perceived, incorrectly, as being part of, or even a major ingredient in pollution (by some "scientists").

O3 Ozone is a compound that naturally occurs in nature.  O3 Ozone is simply, three atoms of oxygen linked together (O-O-O), rather than the two atoms of O2 oxygen (O-O), we normally breath. 


While ozone is often mistakenly referred to as smog, SMOG is actually a combination of man-made chemicals, nitrates and hydrocarbons. Smog consists of over 100 chemicals, such as, CO², CO, SO². Major producers of smog include automobiles, fires, waste treatment, oil production, industrial solvents, paints, and coatings. It is these particles that create the dirty black / grey toxic air.

Whereas, O3 Ozone is a natural colorless gas made up entirely of Oxygen ... but when we look at SMOG we can see that it is certainly not colorless!


Toxic particles present in smog include industrial chemicals, carbon monoxide, dirt, soot and dust.

Non-toxic particles present in smog include (O2) Oxygen and (O3) Ozone.


(O3) Ozone is NOT smog. (O3) Ozone is actually present to clean up the man-made chemical smog.
(O3) Ozone
is nature's tool for cleaning up the chemicals that "man" spews into the atmosphere.

The greater the concentration of chemicals / pollutants that "man" spews into the atmostphere ... the greater the concentrations of (O3) ozone will be present to clean it all up. In fact, without (O3) Ozone we the Earth could not clean itself of the true SMOG which is the hydrocarbons



Sadly, scientists in this past century had to find a way to measure the amount of smog in the air

... so they erm ... picked on ozone!



Not becuase it was evil or the most irritating or the main constituent, it was because it closely correlates with the amount of pollution present in the air; because it is easy and inexpensive to measure; and because measuring the main constituents of smog (hydrocarbons, nitrogen, nitrates) is very expensive and complex (and they would give the industrial establishments a bad name if particular pollutants were measured, named and shamed in the daily media).

So, high ozone levels ONLY means high peroxide and nitrate levels - which cause substantial respiratory injury.

Another reason that scientists and the unknowing society are quick to jump on the "ozone is bad stuff" bandwagon is that when one looks up ozone at the science journal website, "Medline", almost all references to ozone are about the toxic effects on pulmonary tissues.


An exception is a study out of Tulane University where a physician had used ozonated water to bath the peritoneal cavity before closing the wound - bacteriostatic - with amazing success at decreasing the incidence of infection after surgery. (And who picked up on this wonder? NO ONE!).

The medical use of ozone has a safety history that is unprecedented in modern  medicine. 


To be clear ... (O3) Ozone is NOT smog ... and it is the toxic hydrocarbons and high nitrate levels which causes SMOG and causes respiratory injury. Without nature's natural (O3) Ozone our planets air would be a polluted mess that could never be cleaned.

- www.pacificholistic.com/oxygen

- www.air-zone.com/whatissmog.html



"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein


“The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” - Albert Einstein






O3 Ozone - Current Regulations - U.S. California


In a recent Public Hearing to consider adoption of proposed new California Air Resources Board (ARB) Government Regulations to limit Ozone emissions from indoor cleaning devices:

Public Comment:

The proposed regulation is being orchestrated by vested companies seeking to eliminate ozone generators. Vested older technology and product manufacturers tend to resist the introduction of newer and competitive technology and product manufacturers.


Given the report, it is logical to assume that special interest groups have resorted to deceptive assertions only intended to influence your judgment. You are being lied to by people who represent organizations that are greedy and corrupt.


Biased sponsors of this proposed rulemaking have not even had the decency to include one testimonial in their reports.

- Public Hearing to Consider Adoption of a Proposed Regulation to Limit Ozone Emissions from Indoor Air Cleaning Devices - California Environmental Protection Agency - Air Resources Board




"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application. The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room.

Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris







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