News / Research - Vitamin C (IV) Therapy
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3 Case Studies - Canadian Medical Journal - Intravenous (IV) Vitamin C - Cancer Research |
At concentrations above 1000 μmol/L, vitamin C is toxic to some cancer cells but not to normal cells in vitro. We found 3 well-documented cases of advanced cancers, confirmed by histopathologic review, where patients had unexpectedly long survival times after receiving high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy.
We examined clinical details of each case in accordance with National Cancer Institute (NCI) Best Case Series guidelines.
Tumour pathology was verified by pathologists at the NCI who were unaware of diagnosis or treatment. In light of recent clinical pharmacokinetic findings and in vitro evidence of anti-tumour mechanisms, these case reports indicate that the role of high-dose intravenous vitamin C therapy in cancer treatment should be reassessed. |
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Vitamin C - iv Megadoses Significantly Help Body Fight Against All Kinds of Viral, Bacterial and Chronic Diseases |
Since the late forties research has shown that megadoses of vitamin C significantly help the body fight against all kinds of viral and bacterial diseases.
Such as polio, hepatitis, measles, myocardicitus, shingles, pneumonia, rabies, scurvy, flu, and chronic inflammation. Several interesting results have even been achieved against HIV, AIDS and cancer. Vitamin C is also effective against encephalitis because vitamin C, as well as the harmless compound mannitol, is capable of breaking through the blood-brain barrier. It also has a positive effect on various non-viral diseases, such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, leprosy, typhoid, malaria, severe dysentery, etc.
These benefits can be found in thousands of articles on www.PubMed.com.
More information about the benefits of vitamin C can be found in many places including the article “Curing the Incurable” by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (450 pages), ISBN: 0-9779-5202-9 and in articles by Dr. Fred R. Klenner (1907-1984), who is the pioneer in this field. One can also look at www.fonteine.com/vitaminecdossier or read the recommendations on vitamin C given by the double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling who advises most people to take several grams per day.
Have a look at the research he conducted with the Scottish doctor Ewan Cameron on the influence of vitamin C on cancer, which showed that cancer does not thrive in an environment with sufficient vitamin C. (This study was repeated later at the Mayo Clinic in the USA, probably funded by the pharmaceutical industry, where experimental mice were injected so full with vitamin C that it resulted in growths. The researchers came up with the predictable conclusion that vitamin C has no positive effect on cancer.)
One characteristic of vitamin C is that it is absorbed incompletely and quite a large part of the dose is lost. Infusion is not a very practical solution. Another way to achieve maximum absorption is to ingest vitamin C lypospheric. An additional problem is that vitamin C in fruits is mainly formed after ripening, as an anti-oxidant. This is problematic because kiwis, oranges and peppers often are often picked when they are immature to facilitate transport. Therefore, much less natural vitamin C has been created before consumption.
The marketing problem with this vitamin is that it costs almost nothing to produce; therefore, there is little opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to make a profit on it. Their PR machinery therefore ensures that this coenzyme is hardly taken seriously.
Cellular communication
All matter has a variable ratio of electrons, protons and neutrons. Dead tissue is saturated with electrons while living material has a shortage of them. Living tissues require, among other things, that organic molecules, such as proteins in body tissue, remain unsaturated with electrons. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, a micro-nutrient that functions as a co-enzyme, responds to a large number of important chemical components in the body. It is one of the basic substances that ensures that a lively, continuous exchange of electrons takes place between molecules and tissue in the body. Exchange of energy, probably the most important form of cellular communication, can only take place when there is an imbalance between electrons and molecules. Throughout the whole body this causes the natural exchange of electrons, with is a form of biological electricity. All bodily functions are arranged, controlled and regulated by this physical exchange of electricity. This exchange also creates and maintains the subtle magnetic field (acupuncture!) that maintains good health throughout the body.
In addition to its other remarkable qualities, vitamin C appears to be a major catalyst for this exchange of electrical voltage. Larger amounts of vitamin C stimulate the mutual exchange of tension between the cells of the body, allowing improvement of health through this means of communication. Life can be defined as a state in which the exchange of electrons occurs optimally between the cells. For cells to be healthy this mutual exchange of electrons must occur completely and be uninhibited. This is not the case when the cells are affected by disease, which can stall or even stop this process completely, causing cell death.
If there is a reduction in electrical current, vitamin C can restore it. Poor electron exchange throughout the body can reduce performance and cause illness and this often means there is a vitamin C deficiency. Because of this causal connection it is recommended for most medical conditions that vitamin C be part of the treatment. Just as dehydration requires water, poor exchange of electrons, which is characteristic of most disease – requires vitamin C. This is almost always the case, even when vitamin C deficiency is not necessarily the direct cause of the occurrence of the disease.
People are virtually the only mammals that cannot manufacture vitamin C themselves and therefore depend on external sources of this nutrient. Humans lack the liver enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO), which is used in the final stage of the transformation of glucose into vitamin C. Interestingly, the actual GLO genes, sequentially coded DNA, are fully present, but this part of the human DNA remains for unclear reasons ‘untranslated’. This means that the recipe for GLO is present in man, but that nothing happens with it. This provides opportunities for new, promising research (Epigenetics)! If indeed there were a way to find the code to ’turn on’ the existing ‘GLO switch’, the overall health of humanity would leap to a level hitherto unknown. Human beings would then be able to continuously produce vitamin C from glucose. Suddenly there would be significantly fewer toxic substances and infectious threats, and probably much less disease. But simply administering the GLO enzyme would already produce miraculous results.
This possible intervention certainly deserves further study.Unlike humans, apes, guinea pigs, fruit bats, and almost all other mammals, reptiles and amphibians synthesize their own vitamin C. They can even produce up to ten times the normal level when the animal is sick, injured or stressed. For example, an adult goat creates about 13,000 mg of vitamin C daily to stay healthy, while the same goat fighting a life-threatening infection or poisoning may produce up to an ounce a day!
This could explain why (wild) animals remain healthy into old age, until their time of death has come. By switching ‘on’ the GLO gene or administering the (cheap) GLO enzyme, human beings may also be able to live longer, and, in combination with oral doses of vitamin C, stay healthy and fit until old age.
An interesting topic of research would be to find out to what extent remarkably fit older people may be able to produce the GLO enzyme. Perhaps this is an exception to the genetic rule.
One can imagine what a broader application of this totally safe, highly effective means of improving public health could mean! As well as how many millions or billions this could can save, for example, in elderly-care, which consumes about 40% of the healthcare budget.
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Introduction - Intravenous (IV) High Dose Vitamin C - Kills Cancer Cells |
Recall how hydrogen peroxide is poured on wounds to kill germs. Well now researchers clearly show high-dose vitamin C, when administered intravenously, can increase hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) levels within cancer cells and kills them. I.V. vitamin C was also demonstrated to kill germs and may be an effective therapy for infectious disease.
With a growing body of evidence mounting, National Institutes of Health (NIH) researchers conceded today that intravenous vitamin C may be an effective treatment for cancer. Two years ago, the same researchers reported a similar study but the news and media failed to publish it.
The latest study, published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, confirms the work of Nobel-Prize winner Dr. Linus Pauling who conducted cancer research in the 1970s with vitamin C. Dr. Pauling's studies were discredited at the time by poorly conducted research studies at the Mayo Clinic.
Unlike cancer drugs, I.V. vitamin C selectively killed cancer cells, but not healthy cells, and showed no toxicity. The ability of intravenous vitamin C to kill lymphoma cells was remarkable almost 100% at easily achievable blood serum concentrations.
For inexplicable reasons, NIH researchers continue to maintain high-dose oral vitamin C can produce a limited increase in serum vitamin C concentrations. However, their earlier study published in 2004 clearly showed oral-dose vitamin C can achieve three times greater blood concentration than previously thought possible, a fact which negates the current Recommended Dietary Allowance for vitamin C. [Annals Internal Medicine 140:5337, 2004] NIH researchers refuse to issue a retraction of their earlier flawed research which mistakenly claimed humans cannot benefit from high-dose oral vitamin C supplements.
The NIH also offered no explanation why it has taken 35 years to confirm the work of Dr. Linus Pauling. Only markedly higher doses of vitamin C will selectively build up as peroxide in the cancer cells to the point of acting in a manner similar to chemotherapy. These tumor-toxic dosages can ONLY be obtained by intravenous administration.
Intravenous vitamin C also does more than just kill cancer cells. It boosts immunity. It can stimulate collagen formation to help the body wall off the tumor. It inhibits hyaluronidase, an enzyme that tumors use to metastasize and invade other organs throughout the body. It induces apoptosis to help program cancer cells into dying early. It corrects the almost universal scurvy in cancer patients. Cancer patients are tired, listless, bruise easily, and have a poor appetite. They don't sleep well and have a low threshold for pain. This adds up to a very classic picture of scurvy that generally goes unrecognized by their conventional physicians.
To summarize, most organisms make their own vitamin C. When they are under stress, either by illness or injury, Mother Nature has provided them with a means to facilitate healing: they synthesize more ascorbic acid. As a result, they are in less pain, they remain active, they can sleep, and they have a better appetite: all functions which promote healing.
Dr. Riordan once said that here at The Center, we don't treat cancer... we treat people who happen to have cancer. IVC is a tool that allows our Center physicians to harness a healing mechanism that our human ancestors lost long ago: the ability to dramatically increase tissue levels of vitamin C. Research shows that the astonishingly high levels achievable only by IVC not only help fight the risk of infection and the pain of metastases, they actually aid in the defeat of the cancer cells themselves, through a very elegant mechanism that does no harm to healthy cells. It's a discovery that the medical world is only beginning to discover.
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Article - Intravenous vitamin C for cancer - By. Dr. Ronald Hoffman |
Dr. Hugh Riordan of Kansas treated hundreds of cancer patients with doses of vitamin C up to 200,000 mg (200 grams) per day in infusions lasting 4-12 hours several times a week. He compiled a series of case histories documenting impressive responses but passed recently, before his work was generally acknowledged. His protegee, Dr. Jeanne Drisko, Director, KU Integrative Medicine, has undertaken a series of clinical trials to validate the benefits of IV vitamin C in cancer. An FDA approved trial is now underway.
Research at the National Institutes of Health is beginning to suggest that vitamin C deserves another chance to find its niche in the arsenal of anti-cancer therapies. Studies now suggest that even high dose vitamin C given by mouth is poorly absorbed. Blood levels “max out” at doses of 500 mg given several times during the day. But vitamin C given intravenously is another story.
When delivered in a “drip,” much higher concentrations of C can be attained. At these higher concentrations, vitamin C has different characteristics than if given orally. While oral vitamin C boosts immunity and assists tissue repair, it is too weak to do much to kill or inhibit cancer cells. But at high doses delivered directly into the bloodstream, it may act to increase levels of hydrogen peroxide deep in the tissues where cancer cells lurk. Peroxide-mediated killing is one of the white blood cells’ key mechanisms for fighting infection and cancer.
Research currently under way has shown that high concentrations of vitamin C can stop the growth or even kill a wide range of cancer cells. Only intravenous administration of vitamin C can deliver the high doses found to be effective against cancer. IV vitamin C, when administered by a trained, experienced physician, is safe and well-tolerated, even at doses as high as 100,000 mg (100 grams) per day.
Proper blood tests must be done to ensure that it is well-tolerated, and the patient must be monitored. Doses must be gradually adjusted upward. Not all patients are candidates for IV vitamin C. Vitamin C can be safely administered even while patients are undergoing chemo and radiation; in fact, the FDA-approved trial at the University of Kansas Medical Center explicitly permits the co-administration of vitamin C with conventional treatments. Intravenous vitamin C remains one of the key modalities employed by the Hoffman Center in support of recovery from cancer, and it is hoped that additional research, now under way, will further document its benefits. -
See more at: http://drhoffman.com/article/intravenous-vitamin-c-for-cancer-2/#sthash.7eZ0R9JG.dpuf |
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Article - Leukemia - Case Study - New Zealand Hospital |
"Having been cured from Leukemia using natural products and high dose Vitamin C myself", says spokeswoman Nicola Grace, "I am excited that finally the truth is coming out about natural cures for infectious diseases and cancer.
Now that this simple, cheap and effective treatment is implicated in the spontaneous remission of what a team of specialists were convinced was a terminally fatal case of swine flu, as well as hairy cell leukaemia, it would be negligent to ignore and criminal to deny high dose intravenous Vitamin C for future swine flu and/or hairy cell leukaemia admissions" she states. |
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Cancer - 01 - Concentrations - Pharmacologic Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) Concentrations Selectively Kill Cancer Cells |
Action as a pro-drug to deliver H2O2 hydrogen peroxide to tissues. These data indicate that (Vit C) ascorbate at concentrations achieved only by i.v. administration may be a pro-drug for formation of H2O2, and that blood can be a delivery system of the pro-drug to tissues ... giving plausibility to i.v. ascorbic acid (Vit C) in cancer treatment, and positive implications for treatment of infections where H2O2 may be beneficial. |
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Cancer - 02 - Concentrations - A Concentration-Function Approach Yileds Pharmacology and Therapeutic Discoveries |
For pharmacologic ascorbate (Vit C) to promote cancer cell death, H2O2 must be formed. There are many downstream targets of H2O2 and they almost certainly involve the actions of reactive oxygen species. ROS can have direct effects on a wide variety of biologically important molecules, including lipids, DNA, RNA, and proteins. The summation of damage and repair elicited by H2O2 differs according to cell and tissue type, which is integral in an individual cancer cell’s sensitivity and ultimate ability to either survive or succumb to pharmacologic ascorbate. |
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Cancer - 02 - Concentrations - A Concentration-Function Approach Yileds Pharmacology and Therapeutic Discoveries |
For pharmacologic ascorbate (Vit C) to promote cancer cell death, H2O2 must be formed. There are many downstream targets of H2O2 and they almost certainly involve the actions of reactive oxygen species. ROS can have direct effects on a wide variety of biologically important molecules, including lipids, DNA, RNA, and proteins. The summation of damage and repair elicited by H2O2 differs according to cell and tissue type, which is integral in an individual cancer cell’s sensitivity and ultimate ability to either survive or succumb to pharmacologic ascorbate. |
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Cancer - 03 - High-Dose Vitamin C (Ascorbic Acid) Therapy in the Treatment of Patients with Advanced Cancer |
As research results concerning ascorbate acid (Vit C) pharmacokinetics and its mechanisms of action against tumor cells have been published, and as evidence from case studies has continued to mount that ascorbate therapy could be effective if the right protocols were used, interest among physicians and scientists has increased. |
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Cancer - 04 - Intraveous Vitamin C as a Chemotherapy Agent: a Report on Clinical Cases |
The cancers cases reviewed are the following: Renal cell carcinoma (2), Colorectal cancer (1), Pancreatic cancer (1), Non-Hodgkin's lymphoma (2) and breast cancer (1). Toxic reactions were not observed at these high doses of intravenous Vitamin C. |
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Cancer - 05 - Intraveous Vitamin C - Re-evaluation of prolongation of survival times in terminal human cancer |
Survival times were measured not only from the date of “untreatability” but also from the precisely known date of first hospital attendance for the cancer that eventually reached the terminal stage.
The ascorbate-treated patients were found to have a mean survival time about 300 days greater than that of the controls.
Survival times greater than 1 yr after the date of untreatability were observed for 22% of the ascorbate-treated patients and for 0.4% of the controls.
The mean survival time of these 22 ascorbate-treated patients is 2.4 yr after reaching the apparently terminal stage; 8 of the ascorbate-treated patients are still alive, with a mean survival time after untreatability of 3.5 yr. |
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Cancer - Leukemia - Case Study - New Zealand Hospital |
"Having been cured from Leukemia using natural products and high dose Vitamin C myself", says spokeswoman Nicola Grace, "I am excited that finally the truth is coming out about natural cures for infectious diseases and cancer.
Now that this simple, cheap and effective treatment is implicated in the spontaneous remission of what a team of specialists were convinced was a terminally fatal case of swine flu, as well as hairy cell leukaemia, it would be negligent to ignore and criminal to deny high dose intravenous Vitamin C for future swine flu and/or hairy cell leukaemia admissions" she states. |
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Cancer - Neuroblastoma - 01 - Vit C Enhances the Effects of 6-Hydroxdopamine and H202 in Neuroblastoma Cell Line |
Results suggest that continuous application of a high dosage of ascorbic acid (Vit C) might be a useful approach in neuroblastoma therapy. |
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Cancer - Neuroblastoma - Mice - Effect of Ascorbic Acid (Vit C) & H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide on Mouse Neuroblastoma Cells |
At pharmacological concentrations (1-6 mM), ascorbic acid (Vit C) caused dose-dependent cell death. The lethal concentration at which 50% cells were killed (LC50) was determined to be approximately 3.141 mM ascorbic acid (Vit C) at 24 h. Cell death was partly mediated through the loss of total glutathione levels in the cells. The combination of ascorbic acid (Vit C) and H2O2 is disadvantageous for cancer cell survival. |
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Cosmetics - Final Report - of the Safety Assessment of L-Ascorbic Acid as used in cosmetics. |
The Panel believed that the clinical experience in which Ascorbic Acid was used on damaged skin with no adverse effects and the repeat-insult patch test (RIPT) using 5% Ascorbic Acid with negative results supports the finding that this group of ingredients does not present a risk of skin sensitization. These data coupled with an absence of reports in the clinical literature of Ascorbic Acid sensitization strongly support the safety of these ingredients. |
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Heart - Use of Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C) in Open Heart Surgery as an Oxygen Free Radical Scavenger |
Results of biochemical analysis supported the effect of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) as an oxygen difference between two groups. This is thought to be related to the factors which were non-uniformly distributed in both groups (pulmonary hypertension, positive inotropic, preload, afterload reducing medications) directly effecting the hemodynamic condition.
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2011 - FDA - Banning Injectable Vitamin C: What’s Next from the FDA? |
The FDA has just notified small pharmacies that they will no longer be allowed to manufacture or distribute injectable vitamin C—despite its remarkable power to heal conditions that conventional medicine can’t touch. Please help reverse this outrageous decision!
What possible rationale is offered? Because it’s dangerous? No. Because it can’t be patented and therefore won’t be taken through the standard FDA approval process.
The government, instead of banning intravenous vitamin C, should instead be supporting research into it. Even though IV C is being used in burn units around the world, including in the US, and has been adopted by the military for this purpose, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) refuses to fund any studies using intravenous C in patients. There are privately funded studies currently underway, but of course these cannot continue if the FDA bans the substance. |
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