Notes A to Z
(It is generally acknowledged that any foreign substances including proteins--which have not been filtered through the body's normal digestive assimilative, and excretory processes, can be highly toxic when freely ranging in the lymphatic and blood systems.) Other foreign additives normally found in various vaccines include:
1914 - C.E. Rosenow - Mayo Biological Laboratories:
C.E. Rosenow of the Mayo Biological Laboratories began a series of experiments in which he took distinctive bacterial strains from a number of different disease sources and placed them in one culture of uniform media:
In time the distinctive strains all became one class. By repeatedly changing cultures, he could individually modify bacterial strains making them some harmless or "pathogenic" and in turn reverse the process.
He concluded that the critical factor allowing demonstration of the polymorphic nature of bacteria was their environment and the food they lived upon.
These discoveries were first published in the year 1914 in the Journal of Infectious Disease."
1930's - Royal Raymond Rife - Inventor of Universal Microscope
Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria such as colon bacillus could be converted into varied "pathogenic" bacteria.
For example, Rife also observed that bacillus coli could in time be modified into the bacterial agent associated with typhus, and the process actually reversed.
In Rife's words:
"In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease,
but we believe it is . . the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that
in actuality produce the of disease.
We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced
. . . it is susceptible to no disease."
1930's - Royal Raymond Rife - Inventor of Universal Microscope
Rife showed that by altering the environment and food supply, friendly bacteria such as colon bacillus could be converted into varied "pathogenic" bacteria.
For example, Rife also observed that bacillus coli could in time be modified into the bacterial agent associated with typhus, and the process actually reversed.
In Rife's words:
"In reality, it is not the bacteria themselves that produce the disease,
but we believe it is . . the unbalanced cell metabolism of the human body that
in actuality produce the of disease.
We also believe if the metabolism of the human body is perfectly balanced
. . . it is susceptible to no disease."
O3 |
In vitro effects of benzophenone-2 and octyl-methoxycinnamate on the production of interferon-gamma and interleukin-10 by murine splenocytes. |
Chemical ultraviolet light absorbers (UV-filters) are nowadays widely used in cosmetic and plastic industry. Recent in vitro and in vivo studies have reported that certain chemical UV-filters possess estrogenic activity raising the question of whether these compounds are safe to human health. Work on estrogenic effects of these compounds, however, has focused mostly on reproductive organs, and as the presence of estrogen receptors has been identified in several cells of the immune system, UV screens also may have a great impact on immunity. Thus, we have studied the in vitro effects of two widely used UV-filters--benzophenone-2 (BP-2) and octyl-methoxycinnamate (OMC)--on the production of interferon (IFN)-gamma and interleukin (IL)-10, two cytokines representing Th1- and Th2-type response, respectively, by activated murine splenocytes. Cells were cultured on 48-well plastic plates and stimulated with 12-miristate 13-acetate (PMA) (5 ng/ml) and ionomycin (50 ng/ml) in the presence of different concentrations (10-5-10-8M) of the studied substances or 17beta-estradiol (E2). After 48 hr incubation the supernatants were collected and the levels of IFN-gamma and IL-10 were measured using immunoenzymatic assay. Our results show that BP-2 and OMC at high concentrations (10-5M) shifted the Th1/Th2 balance toward a Th2 response (lower IFN-gamma production and higher IL-10). These effects were comparable to those of E2. Our results clearly show that UV-screens at high doses also may possess immunomodulatory effects some of which resemble those of E2
O3 |
17beta-estradiol promotes breast cancer cell proliferation-inducing stromal cell-derived factor-1-mediated epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation: reversal by gefitinib pretreatment. |
The coordinated activity of estrogens and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) family agonists represents the main determinant of breast cancer cell proliferation. Stromal cell-derived factor-1 (SDF-1) enhances extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) activity via the transactivation of EGFR and 17beta-estradiol (E2) induces SDF-1 production to exert autocrine proliferative effects. On this basis, we evaluated whether the inhibition of the tyrosine kinase (TK) activity of EGFR may control different mitogenic stimuli in breast tumors using the EGFR-TK inhibitor gefitinib to antagonize the proliferation induced by E2 in T47D human breast cancer cells. EGF, E2, and SDF-1 induced a dose-dependent T47D cell proliferation, that being nonadditive suggested the activation of common intracellular pathways. Gefitinib treatment inhibited not only the EGF-dependent proliferation and ERK1/2 activation but also the effects of SDF-1 and E2, suggesting that these activities were mediated by EGFR transactivation. Indeed, both SDF-1 and E2 caused EGFR tyrosine phosphorylation. The molecular link between E2 and SDF-1 proliferative effects was identified because 1,1'-(1,4-phenylenebis(methylene))-bis-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane octahydrochloride (AMD3100), a CXCR4 antagonist, inhibited SDF-1- and E2-dependent proliferation and EGFR and ERK1/2 phosphorylation. EGFR transactivation was dependent on c-Src activation. E2 treatment caused a powerful SDF-1 release from T47D cells. Finally, in SKBR3, E2-resistant cells, EGFR was constitutively activated, and AMD3100 reduced EGFR phosphorylation and cell proliferation, whereas HER2-neu was transactivated by SDF-1 in SKBR3 but not in T47D cells. In conclusion, we show that activation of CXCR4 transduces proliferative signals from the E2 receptor to EGFR, whose inhibition is able to revert breast cancer cell proliferation induced by multiple receptor activation. |
O3 |
Modulation of GABAA receptor-mediated currents bybenzophenone derivatives in isolated rat Purkinje neurones
We investigated modulation of GABAA receptor-mediated whole-cell currents in cerebellar Purkinje neurones by several derivatives of benzophenone. A metabolite of phenazepam, 5-bromo-2’-chloro-2-aminobenzophenone (I), caused dual modification of peak amplitudes of GABA-gated currents that depended upon the concentration of applied GABA and incubation time. Following short 10 s pre-incubations, 1–30 μM I facilitated activation and delayed deactivation of currents evoked by 500 ms pulses of 20 μM GABA. In addition, 10 μM I prominently enhanced desensitisation of currents during applications of 500 μM GABA mainly by decreasing the value of the fast time constant of the desensitisation. Continuous 6 min incubation with 10 μM I during GABA stimulation or its administration between but not during 1 s pulses of 500 μM GABA led to a gradual, partly reversible attenuation of GABA-activated currents. This inhibition was not observed when I was applied only during pulses of GABA, indicating that the blockade was not use-dependent. One of the possible mechanisms of this down-modulation could be an intracellular effect of I, because when applied intracellularly it caused slow inhibition of responses to consecutive GABA pulses. When 3–30 μM I was applied on the background of small ‘plateau’-like current 5–7 s after application of 500 μM GABA, it was able to block open channels with on and off rates similar to those observed with 30 μM picrotoxin but much slower than in the case of 500 μM benzylpenicillin.
At a concentration of 10 μM, 5-substituted benzophenones, but not 2-aminobenzophenone orbenzophenone itself, exhibited modulatory properties similar to I and distinct from those of picrotoxin and benzylpenicillin. Therefore, we conclude that derivatives of benzophenone are a novel class of GABAAreceptor modulators with a unique pharmacological profile. |
O3 |
C: Had their amalgam fillings and root canals removed
The answer, which might come as a surprise to many, is C.
Mum came across this fact when she was looking at various treatment centres, following her diagnosis. She had long known that mercury fillings and root canals were toxic – but finding out this really hammered it home.
Way back in the 1920s Dr Weston Price, a dentist and author of the epic tome Dental Infections and the Degenerative Diseases, discovered that when he performed root canal therapy on patients, chronic illness would often follow. Was he responsible for spreading disease through this common procedure? He was brave enough to ask himself that question.
Price found that when he removed the root canal filled tooth (essentially a dead tooth filled with poison) his patients would promptly recover from whatever illness they were struck down with – be it arthritis, heart disease or kidney failure.
To test his theory, Price took infected root canal filled teeth and inserted them under the skin of rabbits. What he discovered, through these seemingly ‘hare-brained’ experiments, was that the rabbits became ill with the same diseases as the patients. If the patient had developed cancer followed RCT – so would the rabbit. |
Is therapeutic O3 Ozone Genotoxic?
Díaz S.
Ozone is a potent oxidant toxic agent as environmental pollutant to human airways. However, it is applied as chemotherapeutic agent under controlled conditions and proper concentrations to diverse disturbances expressed through deficit of antioxidant defences, due to its proved effect to stimulate them.
It has also been confirmed that ozone is mutagenic in micro-organisms and genotoxic in animals and human cells in vitro.
We studied the genotoxic activity of therapeutic ozone in animal models, human cells in vitro and in patients receiving this therapy. Two levels of genetic damage were analysed, cytogenetic damage by chromosomal aberrations assay and primary lesions to DNA by the Comet assay.
The results showed that therapeutic ozone is not clastogenic in patients, but induces DNA single strand breaks in exposed cells probably through its reactive intermediaries as hydrogen peroxide.
The recovery of the cell damage was followed after the treatments confirming that DNA damage declines after the end of exposure. |
DE |
Cancer: the selfish cell? |
http://www.wellcome.ac.uk/Education-resources/Teaching-and-education/Big-Picture/All issues/Evolution/Articles/WTD026065.htm
Most of the time, the body's cells work together harmoniously, each contributing to the greater good. An exception to this rule are cancer cells, which divide and colonise the body. They prosper at the expense of other cells, but also seal their own fate by eventually killing the host.
A process of selection is seen as cancers develop. Normally, when cells begin to go wrong – for example, if their genes are damaged – they receive signals that tell them to self-destruct. But a cell may acquire mutations (or it might have inherited them) that cause it to resist these signals. Other changes encourage it to start dividing – it is becoming a cancer cell.
A mass of cancer cells – a tumour – may build up. But then it will stop growing becauseoxygen cannot get to the cells in the centre of the tumour. But if another mutation causes cells to release chemicals that attract new blood vessels, it can start multiplying again. Often, then, many tiny tumours form in the body, but only one or a few go on to cause problems.
Even with a blood supply, a population of cancer cells is stuck where it originated. But some cells may acquire a new ability – motility. They may detach from the original tumour mass and travel around the body. They may acquire the ability to digest tissue and invade other organs, setting up metastases (secondary cancers).
So, by accumulating genetic changes, cancer cells acquire properties that enable them to overcome the body's defences. They gain a selective advantage, increase in number and spread. Selection within tumours also leads to resistance to anticancer drugs, such as tamoxifen, much as selection favours antibiotic resistance in bacteria.
But there is a big difference between this process and evolution in the outside world. A cancer cell growing out of control kills its host, so is soon 'extinct'. Natural selection is not so crude. 'Survival of the fittest' does not mean short-term survival of the strongest and the elimination of all other forms of life. |
O3 |
Ukrain - Cancer /Therapy:
Summary: A type of chemotherapy derived from a combination of two known cytotoxic drugs that are of little use individually, as the doses required for effective anticancer action are too high to be tolerated. However the combination is effective at far lower doses, with few side effects.
Description: Ukrain is a derivative of alkaloids that come from the greater celadine plant. Numerous scientific tests have shown that the preparations can destroy cancer cells through a process called apoptosis (programmed cell death) without harming healthy cells.
Ukrain inhibits the formation of new blood vessels that supply the tumor with nutrients and also through which single tumor cells can migrate to other areas of the body. This leads to a starvation of the tumor and inhibits the formation of metastases.
During the use, Ukrain activates a whole series of highly effective immune system mechanisms in the patient so that the bodys own resources start to combat the tumor.The drug is easy to use and is administered intravenously once a day for 10 days with very little in the way of side effects.
History: Ukrain was first developed in 1978 by Dr. Wassyl J. Nowicky, director of the Ukrain Anti-Cancer Institute of Vienna, who named this therapy after his native country (without the e).
Ukrain has been tested at the National Cancer Institute against 60 different human cancer cell lines and was found to completely inhibit the growth of cancer in 57 of them.
These included leukemia, melanoma, cancers of the lung, colon, brain, ovary, breast and kidney.Investigation of Ukrain Therapy is being continued in Austria, where it is produced, Canada, Germany, France, The Netherlands,Thailand, Swaziland and Switzerland. Only a few alternative practioners offer this therapy in the United States. |
Herbs |
But bear in mind that, scientific studies normally tested substances in isolation whereas there are several active constituents in any one herb which act synergistically to determine the healing power of that herb. Likewise there are also national institutions which keep an open mind about Pau d arco. |
Herbs |
Notes: Beware! There are some national institutions that do not support the use of Pau D Arco. According to these institutions, there is not enough consistent scientific evidence on human subjects to prove its effectivity. |
Failure of high-dose vitamin C (ascorbic acid) therapy to benefit patients with advanced cancer. A controlled trial. |
One hundred and fifty patients with advanced cancer participated in a controlled double-blind study to evaluate the effects of high-dose vitamin C on symptoms and survival. Patients were divided randomly into a group that received vitamin C (10 g per day) and one that received a comparably flavored lactose placebo. Sixty evaluable patients received vitamin C and 63 received a placebo. Both groups were similar in age, sex, site of primary tumor, performance score, tumor grade and previous chemotherapy. The two groups showed no appreciable difference in changes in symptoms, performance status, appetite or weight. The median survival for all patients was about seven weeks, and the survival curves essentially overlapped. In this selected group of patients, we were unable to show a therapeutic benefit of high-dose vitamin C treatment.
1O2 |
5. 1O2 Singlet Oxygen - PDT PhotoDynamic Therapy - "Thought" To Activate Immune System Too - Cancer Active - UK |
***** |
Although we featured this benefit of PDT in our report on this exciting and potentially non-invasive therapy more than a year ago, a new report in the British Journal of Cancer claims the new discovery: that PDT can do more than treat the cancer it is directly attacking. In early studies using animal models, Roswell Park Researchers in the USA found that treatment with PDT stimulated the immune system to move out and attack cancer cells elsewhere in the body.
To recap, PDT uses an agent which attaches to the cancer cells. Then by shining light of a certain frequency onto the agent it produces free radical oxygen and kills the cancer cell.
Hitherto, many of the agents developed in the USA have essentially been ‘drugs’ and can kill healthy cells as well. A new breed of natural, algae based agents developed by the Russians has been seen to be far more targeted on cancer cells and to stimulate the immune system
throughout the body. Readers may care to read our report on our web site.
Meanwhile the Roswell Park ‘drug’ seems to have many of these immune system developing benefits too. Dr Sandra Gollnick, senior author of the research, explains:
“Solely treating the tumours in the shoulder worked as normal for PDT. But it also sparked off an immune response that reduced the number of tumours in the lungs as well. We made sure this wasn’t due to activated drug reaching the lung tumours, and we were able to identify the precise part of the immune system being activated.
“It’s the first time this effect has been seen and explained in such detail, although other scientists have predicted that PDT could trigger an immune response.”
PDT is almost one hundred years old, but with new laser delivery methods and new agents it is at last coming into its own. |
Cancer |
Cancer - Ovary - Evista link to ovarian cancer? |
In October of last year Professor Samuel Epstein and The Cancer Prevention Coalition in the USA warned women about Evista (raloxifene), marketed by Eli Lilly since 1997. The CPC looked at an 8% increased risk of ovarian cancer in white female users over 65 years of age between 1997 and 1999.
Lilly's own study specifically designed to prove the drug's safety found that the drug was shown to induce ovarian cancer in rats and, at doses well below the therapeutic level, in mice. The study admitted, "The clinical relevance of these tumour findings is not known". The Cancer Prevention Coalition state that this conclusion violates the strong scientific consensus that the induction of cancer in well-designed studies in two species creates the strong presumption of human risk.
A study by University of Southern California researchers, presented at the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology July 2001 annual meeting, has provided further evidence of Evista's cancer risk.
It showed that Evista increases the growth rate of ovarian cancer cells in laboratory studies, and may increase risks of recurrence of ovarian cancer.
These warnings were first raised by Dr. Epstein in a 1/12/98 Jim Lehrer TV Newshour programme. This prompted two women to contact the Coalition saying that they had been diagnosed with ovarian cancer following Evista treatment. The first was a 68-year old Florida woman, following two years of treatment to prevent worsening of her osteoporosis. The second was a 53-year old Chicago woman, treated with Evista for over three years to prevent osteoporosis, and recurrence of her previously treated breast cancer.
Dr. Epstein describes the inaction of the FDA and the NCI in the light of all this research as "reckless".
O3 |
O3 Congress |
Center for Research and Evaluation Biology, Institute of Food and Drugs.
The use of ozone as pharmacotherapeutic concept is controversial, considering their actions as environmental pollution and the lung. However, its efficacy has been demonstrated in a number of pathologies, all associated with the generation of reactive oxygen species (ros), although it remains unknown how he is able to exert its pharmacological action.
In 1995, ICVA, it was shown that this treatment is administered under controlled conditions, is able to protect liver cells against damage induced by CCl 4 through a process of oxidative preconditioning.
Later in 1996 showed its role in maintaining calcium concentrations in liver homogenates in the same experimental model. Given these results we decided to evaluate the influence of this therapy in liver subcellular organelles associated with the generation of free radicals, which are also important stores of calcium.
The results obtained show that ozone regulates calcium levels in subcellular fractions studied (cytosolic, mitochondrial and microsomal), preventing further by controlling the content of this cation enhancement of hepatocellular damage mediated by degradative enzymes of the cell structure.
The administration of this gas also prevents the development of other oxidative processes, by controlling which states the formation of eicosanoids. Its prophylactic effects were evidenced by its action on the formation of fructosamine, the activity of antioxidant enzymes and malondialdehyde content. |
Kunin |
Expertosis: Diseases Caused By Government Experts - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
Currently we have been brainwashed by a 50 year propaganda campaign to blame our major health problems on fat and cholesterol. At the same time, it was, illegal to make claims that health problems could be caused by mineral-depleted soils or that health benefits were obtainable by means of vitamin and mineral supplements.
The American people were kept in the dark. Physicians who spoke out were ridiculed, censured, and occasionally lost their license!
That is why there are so few nutrition-physicians in America today. There are lots of nutritionists with other degrees or no professional degree at all, but there are almost no qualified and experienced physician nutrition specialists. Most doctors have been misled by their training in a way that denies the importance of nutrition. The de facto situation in American Medicine remains: “put nutrition last.” |
A |
Acidosis - Hypoxia - Ischemia: from Acidosis to Oxidation |
Organ damage can occur quickly when blood flow is compromised. Lactic acidosis has long been associated with such ischemia, and many physicians assume that organ damage is caused by this acidosis. However, reviewing the literature related to hypoxia and ischemia reveals little data to support the concept of acidosis as damaging to tissue. In contrast, recent studies indicate that the acidosis is actually protective, even during reperfusion when cellular damage may occur.
Reperfusion is accompanied by generation of free radicals and other reactive species that can damage proteins, membranes, and nucleic acids, supporting an emerging view that implicates these reactive species in the actual tissue damage. The critical targets of the damaging species are not known, but reaction with key enzymes and structural proteins could certainly disrupt organ function.
Cellular proteins are oxidatively modified during reperfusion, in part by metal- catalyzed oxidation in which cellular iron plays a key role. Metal- catalyzed oxidation of proteins may be important in the pathogenesis of other disorders, including the potentially blinding disease, retinopathy of the premature. |
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Acidosis - Hypoxia - Astrocyte energetics, function, and death under conditions of incomplete ischemia: A mechanism of glial death in the penumbra |
Cerebral artery occlusion produces regions of incomplete ischemia (the ischemic penumbra), which, in the absence of reflow, undergo progressive metabolic deterioration culminating in infarction. The factors causing infarction are not yet established, but progression to cell death is preceded by progressive acidosis, decreasing glucose utilization, and ATP depletion.
To identify potential mechanisms of glial death in the ischemic penumbra, astrocytes in culture were subjected to conditions that occur during incomplete ischemia: hypoxia, acidosis, and raised extracellular K+. Neither acidosis (to pH 6.2) nor chemical hypoxia (5 mM azide) alone produced significant astrocyte death or marked ATP depletion.
By contrast, hypoxia combined with acidosis caused near-complete ATP depletion by 3.5 h and 70% cell death after 7 h. Glycolytic rate increased during hypoxia alone but decreased during hypoxia with acidosis. Since glycolysis is the sole source of ATP production during hypoxia, acidosis inhibition of glycolysis is a likely cause of the far greater ATP depletion resulting from hypoxia with acidosis. Glutamate uptake was reduced during hypoxia and further reduced during hypoxia with acidosis, consistent with the changes in astrocyte ATP.
Glutamate uptake, ATP levels, and glycolytic rate each exhibited reductions that were progressive over 3 h of hypoxia with acidosis, and these changes were accompanied by progressive intracellular acidosis. Since ATP depletion leads to acidosis, and acidosis inhibits glycolysis, these findings suggest a regenerative cycle initiated by the combination of hypoxia with acidosis. This cycle could result in progressive metabolic decline and cell death in the ischemic penumbra. GLIA 21:142–153, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc. |
A |
Acidosis - Hypoxia - A Unique Pathway of Cardiac Myocyte Death Caused By Hypoxia-Acidosis |
Chronic hypoxia in the presence of high glucose leads to progressive acidosis of cardiac myocytes in culture. The condition parallels myocardial ischemia in vivo, where ischemic tissue becomes rapidly hypoxic and acidotic. Cardiac myocytes are resistant to chronic hypoxia at neutral pH but undergo extensive death when the extracellular pH (pH[o]) drops below 6.5.
A microarray analysis of 20 000 genes (cDNAs and expressed sequence tags) screened with cDNAs from aerobic and hypoxic cardiac myocytes identified> 100 genes that were induced by >2-fold and ∼20 genes that were induced by >5-fold. One of the most strongly induced transcripts was identified as the gene encoding the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member BNIP3.
Northern and western blot analyses confirmed that BNIP3 was induced by 12-fold (mRNA) and 6-fold (protein) during 24 h of hypoxia. BNIP3 protein, but not the mRNA, accumulated 3.5-fold more rapidly under hypoxia–acidosis. Cell fractionation experiments indicated that BNIP3 was loosely bound to mitochondria under conditions of neutral hypoxia but was translocated into the membrane when the myocytes were acidotic. Translocation of BNIP3 coincided with opening of the mitochondrial permeability pore (MPTP).
Paradoxically, mitochondrial pore opening did not promote caspase activation, and broad-range caspase inhibitors do not block this cell death pathway. The pathway was blocked by antisense BNIP3 oligonucleotides and MPTP inhibitors. Therefore, cardiac myocyte death during hypoxia–acidosis involves two distinct steps: (1) hypoxia activates transcription of the death-promoting BNIP3 gene through a hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) site in the promoter and (2) acidosis activates BNIP3 by promoting membrane translocation. This is an atypical programmed death pathway involving a combination of the features of apoptosis and necrosis.
In this article, we will review the evidence for this unique pathway of cell death and discuss its relevance to ischemic heart disease. The article also contains new evidence that chronic hypoxia at neutral pH does not promote apoptosis or activate caspases in neonatal cardiac myocytes. |
A |
Acidosis - Hypoxia - Rapid astrocyte death induced by transient hypoxia, acidosis, and extracellular ion shifts |
Death of astrocytes requires hours to days in injury models that use hypoxia, acidosis, or calcium paradox protocols. These methods do not incorporate the shifts in extracellular K+, Na+, Cl−, and Ca2+ that accompany acute brain insults. We studied astrocyte survival after exposure to hypoxic, acidic, ion-shifted Ringer (HAIR), with respective [Ca2+], [K+], [Na+], [Cl−], and [HCO ] of 0.13, 65, 51, 75, and 13 mM (15% CO2/85% N2, pH 6.6).
Intracellular pH (pHi) was monitored with the fluorescent dye BCECF. Cell death was indicated by a steep fall in the pH-insensitive, 440-nm-induced fluorescence (F440) and was confirmed by propidium iodide staining. After 15–40-min HAIR exposure, reperfusion with standard Ringer caused death of most cultured (and acutely dissociated) astrocytes within 20 min. Cell death was not prevented if low Ca2+ was maintained during reperfusion. Survival fell with increased HAIR duration, elevated temperature, or absence of external glucose.
Comparable durations of hypoxia, acidosis, or ion shifts alone did not lead to acute cell death, while modest loss was noted when acidosis was paired with either hypoxia or ion shifts. Severe cell loss required the triad of hypoxia, acidosis, and ion shifts. Intracellular pH was significantly higher in HAIR media, compared with solutions of low pH alone or with low pH plus hypoxia.
These results indicate that astrocytes can be killed rapidly by changes in the extracellular microenvironment that occur in settings of traumatic and ischemic brain injury. GLIA 34:134–142, 2001. © 2001 Wiley-Liss, Inc. |
A |
Aids - Does HIV Cause Aids? |
That's the important point, AIDS is not a disease, it's a new definition of old diseases coupled with a positive test result on the antibody test. HIV, if it exists at all, is a harmless retrovirus, like all AAAA retroviruses, incapable of killing cells, incapable of causing disease.
Basically long-term drug consumption. An HIV positive antibody test result leads to experimental, poisonous drugs. It's the fear of a terminal diagnosis, that you will die, that the drugs will only stave off the inevitable for so long, that everyone -- your friends, family, physicians, treat you as though you are dead.
I realized that all of the diseases that exist in AIDS also exist in people that don't have HIV. If there are people who have these diseases but don't have HIV, then clearly HIV cannot be the sole and sufficient cause of those diseases. There have to be other factors. That's just common sense.
The other thing that made me start questioning this whole thing is chronic fatigue syndrome. I worked with a woman who had chronic fatigue, and we had the same symptoms. We had chronic diarrhea, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes -- she was told her disease didn't exist, I was told to take 50 pills and I was going to die.
In fact we were suffering from the same thing, so it seemed logical to me to not focus on killing the virus, but focus on boosting the immune system. Embracing those two concepts got me to question whether it was the disease or drug toxicity. That got me to question everything I was taught to believe about HIV ... was diagnosed with AIDS six years ago, primarily because of blood counts.
N.B. Chemotherapy induces "Aids" Blood Counts - Cancer Doctors carefully monitor blood counts so as not to reach those Aids blood levels. |
A |
Alzheimers Disease |
Free radicals that cause membrane lipid peroxidation, disruption of nucleic acids, protein oxidation, is one of the etiopathogenic factors in AD. |
(i) O3 IN MEDICINE - 2000 |
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Apricots |
There are societies that have not become too corrupted by the sophistication of modern technology. These people are capable of biting through the pit. We have even seen dogs break the pit and eat the seeds.
Squirrels, chipmunks, bears, and higher primates such as monkeys ordinarily do it. Curators of zoos tell us when monkeys and apes are thrown fresh apricots, peaches and plums, in time, if they are thrown enough of them, they cease eating the sweet sugary fruit and they begin hoarding the pits. They manage to break open those pits. Primates will take them in hand and hammer them against a piece of concrete. Eating these seeds is universal among the nomads and among the higher animals. |
A |
Agriculture - Crops - Gentically Modified Crops |
A group of Canadian scientists wrote a letter to the Toronto Globe and Mail which warned that genetic drift or pollution from plants gene-spliced to produce medical drugs or industrial chemicals is a disaster waiting to happen.
Ninety percent of the money Americans spend on food is spent on processed foods and seventy percent of processed foods have genetically modified foods in them.
There are NO STUDIES with humans on what happens when one consumes genetically modified foods. The FDA has ASSUMED that they are equivalent to the original and never required any studies to have them approved. |
A |
Autism - Coral Calcium - Can Natural Nutritional Supplement Assist in Behaviour Modification of Autistic Children & Parents |
The results indicate that there was a significant difference in favor of the nutrition group. This study strongly indicates that Coral Calcium or other nutritional supplements like them can greatly benefit both autistic children and their parents. Also, parents reported better rest and satisfaction in the nutritional group.
For instance, Coral Calcium contains calcium which has been show to aid in sleep. Also, this supplement contains lithium which has greatly helped bipolar individuals. People who suffer from bipolar disorder have strong mood swings similar to autistic children tantrums. Perhaps this mineral helps balance the brain of this population as well.
Studies have shown that calcium plus vitamin D helps the population in a variety of ways and even prevent cancer (Tang, 2011). More studies are needed on the benefits of such supplements and effects on physiology and neurology of special needs children and general population. |
A |
Aids - Does HIV Cause Aids? |
That's the important point, AIDS is not a disease, it's a new definition of old diseases coupled with a positive test result on the antibody test. HIV, if it exists at all, is a harmless retrovirus, like all AAAA retroviruses, incapable of killing cells, incapable of causing disease.
Basically long-term drug consumption. An HIV positive antibody test result leads to experimental, poisonous drugs. It's the fear of a terminal diagnosis, that you will die, that the drugs will only stave off the inevitable for so long, that everyone -- your friends, family, physicians, treat you as though you are dead.
I realized that all of the diseases that exist in AIDS also exist in people that don't have HIV. If there are people who have these diseases but don't have HIV, then clearly HIV cannot be the sole and sufficient cause of those diseases. There have to be other factors. That's just common sense.
The other thing that made me start questioning this whole thing is chronic fatigue syndrome. I worked with a woman who had chronic fatigue, and we had the same symptoms. We had chronic diarrhea, night sweats, swollen lymph nodes -- she was told her disease didn't exist, I was told to take 50 pills and I was going to die.
In fact we were suffering from the same thing, so it seemed logical to me to not focus on killing the virus, but focus on boosting the immune system. Embracing those two concepts got me to question whether it was the disease or drug toxicity. That got me to question everything I was taught to believe about HIV ... was diagnosed with AIDS six years ago, primarily because of blood counts.
N.B. Chemotherapy induces "Aids" Blood Counts - Cancer Doctors carefully monitor blood counts so as not to reach those Aids blood levels. |
A |
Alzheimers Disease |
Free radicals that cause membrane lipid peroxidation, disruption of nucleic acids, protein oxidation, is one of the etiopathogenic factors in AD. |
(i) O3 IN MEDICINE - 2000 |
A |
Apricots |
There are societies that have not become too corrupted by the sophistication of modern technology. These people are capable of biting through the pit. We have even seen dogs break the pit and eat the seeds.
Squirrels, chipmunks, bears, and higher primates such as monkeys ordinarily do it. Curators of zoos tell us when monkeys and apes are thrown fresh apricots, peaches and plums, in time, if they are thrown enough of them, they cease eating the sweet sugary fruit and they begin hoarding the pits. They manage to break open those pits. Primates will take them in hand and hammer them against a piece of concrete. Eating these seeds is universal among the nomads and among the higher animals. |
A |
Agriculture - Crops - Gentically Modified Crops |
A group of Canadian scientists wrote a letter to the Toronto Globe and Mail which warned that genetic drift or pollution from plants gene-spliced to produce medical drugs or industrial chemicals is a disaster waiting to happen.
Ninety percent of the money Americans spend on food is spent on processed foods and seventy percent of processed foods have genetically modified foods in them.
There are NO STUDIES with humans on what happens when one consumes genetically modified foods. The FDA has ASSUMED that they are equivalent to the original and never required any studies to have them approved. |
A |
Autism - Coral Calcium - Can Natural Nutritional Supplement Assist in Behaviour Modification of Autistic Children & Parents |
The results indicate that there was a significant difference in favor of the nutrition group. This study strongly indicates that Coral Calcium or other nutritional supplements like them can greatly benefit both autistic children and their parents. Also, parents reported better rest and satisfaction in the nutritional group.
For instance, Coral Calcium contains calcium which has been show to aid in sleep. Also, this supplement contains lithium which has greatly helped bipolar individuals. People who suffer from bipolar disorder have strong mood swings similar to autistic children tantrums. Perhaps this mineral helps balance the brain of this population as well.
Studies have shown that calcium plus vitamin D helps the population in a variety of ways and even prevent cancer (Tang, 2011). More studies are needed on the benefits of such supplements and effects on physiology and neurology of special needs children and general population. |
B |
Biochemical Defense System |
Dr. Burzynski has proposed that, in addition to our immune system, there is another body defense system, which he calls the biochemical defense system. The immune system's job is to protect an organism against external invaders, such as bacteria and other microorganisms. Dr. Burzynski believes that the biochemical defense system constitutes the body's internal defense system against defective cells.
The active molecules in the immune system are large proteins made up of hundreds to thousands of amino acids. These proteins help the immune system identify and destroy invading bacteria and viruses. But the primary components of the biochemical defense system are the peptides and organic acids that Burzynski calls antineoplastons. The peptides are much smaller molecules, containing fewer than fifty amino acids.
Burzynski's research indicates that the biochemical defense system functions by reprogramming defective cells. Instead of killing cells, the biochemical defense system works to change the program inside defective cells so that they begin to function normally again.
In the past, many scientists believed that peptides were simply a type of intercellular debris that resulted from the breakdown of proteins. Burzynski thinks that the peptides may represent a biochemical communications system in the body. To him, these peptides can be seen as "molecular words" or pieces of information, and cancer can be considered a kind of defective information processing.
Research scientists at the M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute tested samples of the isolated peptides in tissue cultures with cancer cells and normal cells. Some of the peptides had selective activity against cancer cells without harming normal cells. It is the dream of every cancer researcher to find an agent that selectively inhibits the growth of cancerous cells without being toxic to normal cells.
One group of the peptides, named antineoplaston A, was effective against a variety of different types of cancer, including breast cancer, lymphoma, leukemia, and bone cancer. Other anti-neoplastons were found to have more specific effects. For example, antineoplaston L is named for its specific activity against leukemia, and antineoplaston 0 is effective against osteosarcoma.
For practical reasons Burzynski concentrated on studying antineoplaston A, because it showed activity against a variety of cancers. Animal studies of antineoplaston A that gave beneficial results without toxicity led to the decision to begin human clinical trials. |
C |
Cancer - Breast Cancer - Should You Get a Mammogram? - No Scientific Evidence of Improvement |
Danish researchers say a re-analysis of their controversial study of a year ago confirms their original conclusions -- that there is no evidence that breast-cancer screening with mammography saves women's lives.
Based on the current report, Lancet editor, Richard Horton, concludes that "at present, there is no reliable evidence from large randomized trials to support screening mammography programs." |
C |
Cancer - Lifestyle Factors
A study by The British Medical Journal says that 75% of most cancers are caused by environmental and lifestyle factors. A report by the Columbia University School of Public Health estimates that 95% of cancer is caused by diet and environmental toxicity. |
C |
Cancer - Metabolism
Cancer metabolism is fundamentally anaerobic, for that reason, increasing oxygenation in damaged tissues, may diminished the side effects produced by radiation treatments, as well as increase radio-sensibility. |
C |
The Top 10 Most Common Toxins |
C |
Carnivora / Ozone / H2O2 / IV / Chelation Therapies - Paroled clinic operator sentenced on new charges - unapproved medical treatments
After a 10-day jury trial, a Diamondhead, Miss., man and his wife were found guilty of conspiracy and wire fraud in their operation of a clinic that dispensed unapproved treatments for people with AIDS and other serious illnesses.
James Oral Boyce, 59, was sentenced last July 26 to five years of imprisonment for each of nine counts, which will run concurrently. He also must serve three years of supervised probation after release and pay $113,243.25 in restitution to victims and family members. He is barred from having interest in any medical venture in the future.
At sentencing, Boyce already was serving a five-year term in a Mississippi state prison for violating probation, following a 1991 guilty plea of prescription forgery and drug possession with intent to distribute. He must finish this term before beginning the federal sentence.
Margaret Boyce, 51, received 24 months probation for each of two counts, also to run concurrently. She must pay $8,800 restitution to victims and family members, and is under home detention with electronic monitoring for six months at a cost to her of $4.99 a day. She also must perform 200 hours of community service.
James Boyce formed Natural Options Inc. at his Diamondhead home in 1990. Ostensibly, the business was for growing and selling tomatoes. But Boyce also sold an unapproved oral drug he called HAD-A-PAIN, a form of dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO), which has been approved only for external use in a horse liniment and for intravenous treatment of interstitial cystitis in humans.
In November 1992, after FDA's Minneapolis district office reported seeing a magazine ad touting HAD-A-PAIN, an investigator in the agency's Gulfport, Miss., resident post visited Boyce's operation. Boyce told FDA he had stopped selling the drug because of poor sales. He also claimed he was a medical doctor.
In July 1993, Mississippi state officials notified FDA that they suspected Boyce was running a clinic that used unapproved devices, drugs, and therapies. That same month, FDA began investigating the clinic. "We found that Boyce was claiming to cure AIDS, cancer, multiple sclerosis, arthritis, and other serious diseases," says James Blakely, the Gulfport investigator.
In the clinic, which Boyce operated from July 1992 to August 1993, were unapproved intravenous hydrogen peroxide injections, chelation therapy, and drugs smuggled from Germany and Mexico. One drug used was Carnivora, made from the juice of Venus, flytrap plants. Sold over the counter in Germany, Carnivora is illegal in this country. The clinic also had an ozone generator machine, used to introduce toxic ozone gas through a vein or rectally. The gas, which has no known therapeutic value, can prompt an embolism, or obstruction of a blood vessel.
Boyce never advertised the clinic, which at various times was known as B. Boyce Clinic Inc., Natural Options Inc., and Hyperbaric Manufacturing Co. Patients typically were desperately ill, seeking an alternative to conventional treatment. They found the clinic by word-of-mouth or through referrals from alternative-medicine practitioners. Interviews with employees, clients and patients, along with information from seized records, indicated that during the year the clinic was open, Boyce charged patients a total of almost $500,000. One patient from Australia paid $30,428 for 36 treatments. Patients often paid through wire transfer of funds to Boyce's account.
In February 1993, Boyce hired a local physician, Sidney Wong, M.D., as a consultant to add legitimacy to the clinic. Wong administered an initial exam to selected patients at Boyce's direction for a flat $300 fee and didn't see patients again. Boyce then took over treatment. (In December 1993, Mississippi suspended Wong's medical license for his involvement but has since reinstated him.)
In August 1993, an FDA special agent called the clinic asking questions under the guise of someone seeking help for her sick brother. Boyce told the agent the clinic used ozone treatments, various European enzymes (such as Carnivora), and hydrogen peroxide intravenous drips. Also used was a diapulse machine, a radio-wave generating machine that emits radio frequencies touted to treat various maladies. All Boyce's methods, drugs and devices violated the federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act and other U.S. laws, as well as Mississippi state law.
When the FDA agent visited the clinic, Boyce said treatment would cost $2,500 a week, with an additional $2,500 for enzyme treatment.
On Aug. 24, 1993, officials from FDA, U.S. Customs, and the state of Mississippi executed search warrants on Boyce's offices and home. Among items seized were a diapulse machine; about $10,000 worth of smuggled and unapproved drugs; roughly $50,000 worth of prescription drugs and devices; and patient and business records. Narcotics agents also arrested Boyce for violating his earlier parole.
Through the entire clinic enterprise, Margaret Boyce abetted her husband in his criminal activities and committed numerous federal violations.
COPYRIGHT 1996 U.S. Government Printing Office
COPYRIGHT 2004 Gale Group |
C |
Chronium - Diabetes - Chronium Deficiency is Epidemic |
Mertz established that chromium is an essential nutrient to life. It is certain that chromium deficiency causes diseases identical to adult onset diabetes and atherosclerosis. In other words, chromium is a cause of both diabetes and hardening of the arteries. Brewer's yeast, which is high in chromium, reversed the diabetes.
C |
Codex Food Law
Will Your Right to Use Natural Medicine Be Taken Away? |
C |
Cuban Medicine - The Secrets of Cuban Medicine
- by Aleksei Aleksandrov, Argumenty i Fakty (mass-circulation weekly), Moscow, Russia, Sept. 17, 2003
In the Havana airport, pale people in wheelchairs and groups of children with a feverish glint in their eyes are barely noticeable among noisy crowds of tourists.There are not too many of them, but there are some on almost every foreign plane landing at the airport of the Cuban capital. These are the people who have come to Cuba seeking medical treatment. It is hard to believe, but even now, as Cubans—living in poverty and cursing the delights of the socialist economy—stand jammed in lines at stores to exchange food stamps for groceries, numerous Cuban clinics and sanitariums are successfully treating thousands of cancer patients every year. In a period of 10 years, 18,000 modest citizens of Russia and Ukraine have undergone treatment in Cuba without having to pay a single kopeck. How did a small tropical republic manage to create the best health-care system in Latin America?
“You are asking where the billions of dollars we receive from foreign tourists go? You think the money is spent on new uniforms and false beards for Fidel?” laughs a government official in Havana. “Take a tour of our hospitals, clinics, and rehabilitation facilities—you will find the answer to your question there. Exactly half of all the currency earned in our country goes toward the health-care system, and it is our policy to spare no expense for that purpose. Maybe there is no gasoline in Cuba to fill the car up before heading off to work in the morning, and they don’t have meat for lunch everywhere, but at least the people are healthy.”
The successes of Cuba in the area of health care are, in fact, amazing, especially if you take into account that the country was on the verge of economic collapse after the Soviet Union ended its generous financial aid program. Physicians from leading clinics in the United States come here in secret (officially it is forbidden for U.S. citizens to visit Cuba) to acquaint themselves with Cuban experience and practices, say officials at the Russian Embassy in Havana. They illegally buy medications, such as the famous Cuban vaccine for meningitis, which is produced nowhere else in the world. Then there are the Cuban physicians who have developed a drug to treat hepatitis B. Regarding treatment for cancerous tumors, the Cubans are well ahead of many of the world’s developed countries.
Che Guevara, the renowned revolutionary, who once owned a popular, inexpensive clinic in Argentina, is taken to be the founding father of the Cuban health-care system. It was he, a physician by profession, who launched the reforms that even-tually transformed the country into the leader in health care throughout Latin America. The formula was utterly simple—no matter what happened in the country, cutting expenditures for the health of the people was categorically forbidden. Even right after 1991 (the year aid from the U.S.S.R. was ended), when plants stopped operating, public buses didn’t run, and shops were empty—no one in the government even suggested reducing health-care expenditures.
he results you can see are stunning. Now there are 350,000 people working in the health-care field (physicians, nurses, and hospital support personnel). And this workforce serves a population of [more than] 11 million people! The infant mortality rate is 7 per 1,000 births [the Russian figure is estimated at 19.51 per 1,000 births—WPR], and now people on the Caribbean island live an average of 80 years.
“I still remember when I was an intern at a large hospital in Moscow,” says Luis, deputy chief medical officer at a Santiago hospital, in excellent Russian. “There was some state-of-the-art imported equipment sitting under snow outdoors for two winters in a row. There was just no one to set it up. Such things simply don’t happen here—the currency has been spent on equipment, patients are waiting for it—so the equipment is assembled without delay.” Complex microsurgery of the eye and successful treatment of breast cancer are widespread in Cuba. There are also projects to develop highly complex vaccines at the Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology. Cuban physicians have even learned to transplant brain cells in an attempt to treat Parkinson’s disease. Strange as it may seem, not all Cubans are happy with this situation. Many harshly criticize Castro, claiming that younger people have to work harder to provide for an aging population.
What is unique about Cuban health care—I have been unable to figure out. But maybe the time has come for us to try to learn some things from Cuba. |
D |
Dental - Flouride - 50 Reasons to Oppose Flouridation |
U.S. - The US fluoridation program has massively failed to achieve one of its key objectives, i.e. to lower dental decay rates while minimizing dental fluorosis (mottled and discolored enamel). The goal of the early promoters of fluoridation was to limit dental fluorosis (in its mildest form) to 10% of children (NRC, 1993, pp. 6-7).
The percentage of children with dental fluorosis in optimally fluoridated areas is up to EIGHT TIMES this goal (Williams, 1990; Lalumandier, 1995; Heller, 1997 and Morgan, 1998). The York Review estimates that up to 48% of children in optimally fluoridated areas have dental fluorosis in all forms and up to 12.5% in the mild to severe forms (McDonagh, 2000).
China - Three studies from China show a lowering of IQ in children associated with fluoride exposure (Li et al, 1995; Zhao et al, 1996 and Lu et al, 2000). Another study (Lin et al, 1991) indicates that even just moderate levels of fluoride exposure (e.g. 0.9 ppm in the water) can exacerbate the neurological defects of iodine deficiency, which include decreased IQ and retardation. (According to the CDC, iodine deficiency has nearly quadrupled in the US since the 1970's, with nearly 12% of the population now iodine deficient.) |
D |
Diamtrix - Supplement Facts
F |
Formaldehyde - Methylene Glycol - Methandiol |
Formaldehyde mixed with water produces Methylene Glycol. Used in hair and beauty products. 7+% formaldehyde. Harmful in Canada. Companies and scientists insist they are completely different. (However, body processes back into formaldehyde). |
Hydrogen Peroxide
"Therapeutic Use of Intravenous Hydrogen Peroxide" was reported at an International Medical Symposium in Czechoslovakia attended by representatives from 26 different countries. Oxidation Therapy |
H2O3 |
Di-Hydrogen Trioxide:
Recent studies have suggested that antibodies can catalyze the generation of previously unknown oxidants including dihydrogen trioxide (H2O3) and ozone (O3) from singlet oxygen (1O2*) and water. Given that neutrophils have the potential both to produce 1O2*and to bind antibodies, we considered that these cells could be a biological source of O3. We report here further analytical evidence that antibody-coated neutrophils, after activation, produce an oxidant with the chemical signature of O3.
This process is independent of surface antibody concentration down to 50% of the resting concentration, suggesting that surface IgG is highly
efficient at intercepting the neutrophil-generated 1O2* . Vinylbenzoic acid, an orthogonal probe for ozone detection, is oxidized by activated neutrophils to 4-carboxybenzaldehyde in a manner analogous to that obtained for its oxidation by ozone in solution.
This discovery of the production of such a powerful oxidant in a biological context raises questions about not only the capacity of O3 to kill invading microorganisms but also its role in amplification of the inflammatory response by signaling and gene activation. |
Hypoxic Tumor Cells
Hypoxic tumor cells are 2.5 - 3 times more resistant to radiotherapy, With Higher Potential metastatic than normoxic cells. Tumor hypoxia is an independent Prognostic factor in head and neck and uterine cervix tumors. |
IV Nutrition Therapy - What is Intravenous Nutritional Therapy? |
Intravenous Nutritional Therapy (I.V.) is a method of delivering Vitamins, Minerals, and other natural substances directly into the patient’s bloodstream. I.V. nutrition bypasses the digestive tract where many nutrients may be partially or fully lost due to poor absorption. I.V. Nutrition also creates higher than normal blood levels of specified nutrients, which have been shown in the scientific literature to be effective in the treatment of certain conditions. By directly administering nutrients to the body, the increased nutrient levels can provide an immediate therapeutic response by correcting deficiencies that may arise from a disease state. Dr. Friedman customizes a Nutrient I.V. Therapy program specific to each individual patient’s needs. |
Kunin |
Autism: Children Who Can't Speak - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
Researchers have conjectured that autism is due to brain injury; however proof has been elusive, that is most cases do not display cell damage and infiltrates typical of either viral disease or immune reaction in the brain.
On the other hand, viral infection has long been recognized as a cause of encephalitis and prenatal rubella (in the mother), post-natal measles, mumps, german measles, chickenpox, and other viruses (in the baby) are known to cause autism, ADHD, and a spectrum of delayed neurological and psychological disorders, including multiple sclerosis, delinquency, criminality, addiction, schizophrenia, and depression.
Kunin |
Cancer - Cancer Teaches us Lessons - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
Her oncologist prescribed iron supplements; but these caused muscle pain and intestinal cramps so she stopped the therapy. Not a bad idea, since chemotherapy destroys blood cells, which then release their mineral and iron contents into the body fluids.
Free iron is always adverse because it provokes platelet aggregation, causing clots that stick to blood vessel walls, thus providing a foothold for metastatic cancer cells.
These clots contain growth factors that promote cancer cell growth, and blood vessel growth into the tumor, which feeds the metastases by bringing nourishment to the upstart cancer cells.
Kunin |
Cyanide Poisoning: A Low-fat Diet Disease - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
Exercise as a drain on nutrient supplies and a stress to the antioxidant systems must be considered in relation to diet, environment and total person, otherwise it is only a fad, sometimes helpful and sometimes dangerous.
It came as a surprise to the Cuban health officials that the incidence of the eye and nerve disease was lowest in those who are usually most vulnerable to poisonings: children under age 7, the elderly, over age 65, and pregnant women. Why were these groups not the most affected by the epidemic? It turned out that in Cuba these groups receive supplemental dairy products, rich in the sulfur amino acids; and the pregnant women get prescribed vitamin pills as well.
A low fat diet is likely to be low in meat and dairy products, hence low in B12 and sulfur amino acids, e.g. methionine and cysteine. That is what made the victims of cyanide poisoning so vulnerable to eye and nerve damage from their cassava and other vegetables. Animal fat is also protective to nerve membrane because it induces production of Cholesterol, which is essential to stabilize and repair cell membranes. Saturated fats and cholesterol are less vulnerable to oxidation than are the polyunsaturated fatty acids found in vegetable oils. A low fat, low cholesterol diet carries an increased risk for nerve damage, particularly due to environmental oxidants, herbicides, pesticides and dietary toxins, such as cyanides. |
Kunin |
Expertosis: Diseases Caused By Government Experts - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
Currently we have been brainwashed by a 50 year propaganda campaign to blame our major health problems on fat and cholesterol. At the same time, it was, illegal to make claims that health problems could be caused by mineral-depleted soils or that health benefits were obtainable by means of vitamin and mineral supplements.
The American people were kept in the dark. Physicians who spoke out were ridiculed, censured, and occasionally lost their license!
That is why there are so few nutrition-physicians in America today. There are lots of nutritionists with other degrees or no professional degree at all, but there are almost no qualified and experienced physician nutrition specialists. Most doctors have been misled by their training in a way that denies the importance of nutrition. The de facto situation in American Medicine remains: “put nutrition last.” |
Kunin |
Fatigue: the Most Common Symptom - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
Fatigue is one of the most frequent symptoms that brings a patient to the doctor. The causes are numerous and, in fact, it can accompany almost any illness. The presence of fatigue is, however, an important indicator of serious disease. Chronic fatigue Syndrome (CFS) is not a new disease; however in the past few years it has seemingly increased in frequency and severity.
Environmental pollution has been suspect in CSF, particularly since some researchers have found cell membrane damage similar to effects of the organic chlorine pesticides, such as DDT, chlordane, lindane and dioxins, chemicals that linger in the body for decades. The hair mineral test panel is the most convenient and inexpensive screening test for exposure to lead and mercury. |
Kunin |
What Is Orthomolecular Medicine? - by Dr. Richard A. Kunin MD |
Orthomolecular Medicine is a strategy for the maintenance of health and the treatment of disease by varying the amounts of substances normally found in the body, such as vitamins and minerals. The word, orthomolecular, was introduced by Dr. Linus Pauling in 1968 and it launched a storm of controversy over the role of nutrition in medicine. |
L |
Literature to Preface of Second Edition:
1. WILLSTAETTER, WIELAND and EULER, Lectures on enzymes at the centenary of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Naturforscher. Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Gesellschaft, 55, 3583, 1922. The 3 lectures of the 3 chemists show that in the year 1922 the action of all enzymes was still a mystery. No active group of any enzyme was known.
2. OTTO WARBURG, Biochem. Zeitschrift, 152, 479, 1924.
3. OTTO WARBURG, Heavy Metals as prosthetic groups of enzymes, Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1949.
4. OTTO WARBURG, Wasserstoffübertragende Fermente, Verlag Werner Sänger, Berlin, 1948.
5. DEAN BURK, 1941. On the specificity of glycolysis in malignant liver tumors as compared with homologous adult or growing liver tissues. In Symposium of Respiratory Enzymes, Univ. of Wisconsin Press. pp. 235-245,1942. DEAN BURK, Science 123,314,1956. Woods, M. W., Sandford, K. K., Burk, D., and Earle, W. R. J. National Cancer Institute 23, 1079-1088, 1959. DEAN BURK, Burk, D., Woods, M. and Hunter, J. On the Significance of Glucolysis for Cancer Growth, with Special Reference to Morris Rat Hepatomas. Journ. National Cancer Institute 38, 839-863, 1967.
6. O. WARBURG und F. KUBOWITZ, Bioch. Z. 189, 242, 1927; H. GOLDBLATT und G. CAMERON, J. Exper. Med. 97, 525, 1953.
7. O. WARBURG, 17. Mosbacher Kolloquium, April 1966. Verlag Springer, Heidelberg, 1966.
8. O. WARBURG, K. GAWEHN, A. W. GEISSLER, D. KAYSER and S. LORENZ, Klinische Wochenschrift 43, 289, 1965.
9. O. WARBURG, Oxygen, The Creator of Differentiation, Biochemical Energetics, Academic Press, New York, 1966.
10. O. WARBURG, New Methods of Cell Physiology, Georg Thieme, Stuttgart, and Interscience Publishers, New York, 1962. |
L |
Liver - Arsenic - Hepatic Cirrhosis |
When eating apples that have been sprayed with arsenic and we eat enough of these apples; the arsenic may produce hepatic cirrhosis, which may impair the capacity of the liver to detoxify certain carcinogens and thereby contribute to the development of cancer. |
M |
METABOLIC ACIDOSIS depletes the body of essential alkaline mineral reserves in the bones and organs. |
M |
In Germany, mistletoe extract is listed in certain directories as a commercially available drug for cancer treatment. Source: Happle R. Alternative medicine: really an alternative to academic medicine? Hautarzt 2000; 51: 439-43. |
M |
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O3 |
Ozone - Application forms for ozone/oxygen mixtures in viral diseases such as hepatitis and herpes
Posted by: Lubov Pavlova in Articles - Hartmut Oorstewitz HD |
Due to the fact that no safe virucidal and virostatic substances are available up to the present time, the treatment of viral diseases presents a special problem. Nevertheless, previous observations argue in favor of the fact that we now possess a highly effective and, in addition, practically atoxic, risk-free and economic method of treatment where ozone/oxygen therapy is involved.
Thus, in vitro tests applying 1.5 mg ozone per ml oxygenKave shown that it is possible to eliminate polio viruses at a rate of more than 99.9 ?� within a matter of seconds.
Following the ozonization of approx. 12000 stored blood units by WOLFF and WEHRLI, it was found that no single case of (virally transmitted) hepatitis was contracted as a result.
The effects of ozone/oxygen mixtures in systemic viral infections are nowadays considered to be found in 4 partially synergiatic reaction processes:
1. The virus-inactivating property of ozone and its peroxidic products,
2. The activation of phygocytosis,
3. The cellular projective effect of healthy organ cells, and
4. Their cytotoxic effect on virally damaged cells bhus ensuring their rapid elimination.
For this total effect to act as thoroughly as possible, the ozone must be applied under predetermined conditions which may, thanks to the equipment and application forms available at the present time, be taken as a matter of course.
It is assumed that peroxides, via an oxidative intervention on the cell receptors, exert an change on the virus so that it is inhibited, i.e. prevented from attaching itself to the membrane receptors of the host cell. The virus is thus inactivated and the infection cycle interrupted. In addition to this, the peroxides in the phagocytes activate endogenous cellular metabolism.
Consequently, the cell’s own hydrogen peroxide, H202, is formed, a substance which plays a major part in the destruction of foreign microorganisms such as viruses. |
O3 |
Ozone - Ozone therapy in cosmetology
Posted by: Lubov Pavlova in Articles - I. Goltseva - salon “Something different”, Nizhny Novgorod |
A disturbance of this mechanism leads to development of local hypoxia, toxicosis and acidosis and in further to cellulites.
In conditions of oxygen deficit in acidic environment it comes to active growth of connective tissue that surrounds fat cells by membrane and forms cellulites small knots (micronodules). Fat cells degenerate, make groups and form in connective tissue thick conglomerates (macronodules) that block circulation and lymphatic flow, it comes to calcination of fat cells.
Thus, the main mechanism of cellulites development is microcirculatory disorder that leads to edema, which in turn aggravates hemodynamics closing circulus vitiosus.
Cellulites treatment should be focused:
? � Firstly, on removal of disease reason;
? � Secondly, on correction of pathogenetic mechanisms of disease development; ?�
? � Thirdly, on liquidation of its appearances and consequences.
All these tasks can be successfully fulfilled by ozone.
As a rule, cellulites is not an independent pathology, but manifests on a background of the main disease owing to the organism’s intoxication. Therefore, without removing a reason it is impossible to cure a consequence. Ozone producing a complex effect on the organism acts on the molecular, cellular, systemic levels and treats both actual diseases and their consequence i.e. cellulites.
Ozone therapy provides remission for half to one year, but not only 1-2 months like traditional treatment. So, ozone is used to treat cellulites, but not only to achieve a temporary cosmetic effect.
Based on the results of numerous clinical investigations it can be claimed that for today ozone therapy is one of the most effective methods for prevention and treatment of cellulites.
The gathered experience allows making a conclusion that ozone therapy is characterized by simplicity of application, good tolerance by patients, practically complete absence of side-effects, high efficiency and reasonable prices for appropriate equipment. This is a very profitable method of treatment. |
O3 |
Ozone - Condition of General Immunity in Response to Application of Ozonized Olive Oil to a Vaginal Postoperative Wound.
Posted by: Lubov Pavlova in Articles - V. V.Mekhedko, E.I.Nazarov National Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education named after P.L.Shupyk, All-Ukrainian association of ozone therapists and manufacturers of the equipment.
Research-and-production enterprise Econika, Ukraine,www.ozonetherapy.org |
Hospital stay of patients of the basic group with application of the ozonized olive oil was by 2.7 days less after surgery than of the controls.
Such immune response confirms the fact that stimulation of the immune response of the mucous membranes can result in stimulation of immune mechanisms of protection both in the mucous membranes and all over the organism. There were no positive dynamics observed in using the traditional methods of treatment of postoperative wounds by antiseptic preparations. |
O3 |
Ozone - 4th International Synopsium in O3 Ozone Applications |
A system for oxidative stress diagnosis has been developed in the Ozone Research Center of Cuba, which has been successfully evaluated in different pathologic conditions before and after ozone therapy cycles of treatment. Eight blood biochemical parameters are determined and their results computerized in software, which assess a redox index giving five grades of oxidative stress. |
O3 |
Ozone - Correction of Hypoxia Disorders of Blood During Extra Corporeal Processing with Ozone & Anti-Hypoxia Medicine. |
We have studied on a dog model if the blood hypoxia disorders may be corrected with ozone and gutimin (guanilurea) after a hemorrhagic shock. Heparinized blood (52 mL) with a preliminary added antihypoxia medication was subjected in vitro to the ozone processing in an oxygenator. The ozone dose was 250 µg.
Hypoxia alterations were defined by increase in blood glucose and incompletely oxygenated products (lactate, pyruvate), statistically significant pH change (acidosis), hypercapnia, growing buffered base lack, decreased antioxidant activity, increasing the primary products of lipid peroxide oxidation, growing the chemiluminescence and erythrocytes aggregation.
Blood ozonization caused pH shift into alkaline side, gaining pO2 and soluble oxygen amount more than 2 times and an increase of chemiluminescence by 24 %.
This ozone-intensified peroxidation simultaneously induced a blood own antioxidant system activity growth (its fermental part), aerobic glycolysis growth (carbohydrate conversion products decreased more than 30 %), disrupted the free radical oxidation chain at the primary products, and also decreased significantly erythrocytes aggregation, apparently due to an increase of fluidity of their membranes and oxidation fibrinogen modification.
Combined use of gutimin and ozone, increased significantly the blood antioxidant capability, improved acid-alkaline condition and aggregation characteristics to optimum values. Gutimin as a substrate of antioxidant protection served as a target to be bombed by active oxygen.
Repairing oxidation blood metabolism (lactate and pyruvate levels decreased) and detoxication ozone effect without hyperoxia appearance were abserved.] |
O3 |
Ozone - Biochemical Properties of Ozone Therapy (Russia). |
The use of ozone in medicine is based on the ozone properties and are expected to be used according to its concentration. Highly concentrated ozonated solutions responsible for the bactericidal effect against a wide range of microorganisms are used externally.
These ozone properties are caused by its oxidative capacity, that in high concentrations may cause activation of free radical reactions. Parenteral ozone has been proved to be effective in different diseases, when major and minor autochaemotherapy, intravenous and intraarterial ozonation are indicated.
In Russia, it is the intravenous injection of ozonated physiological solution that is widely used in medical practice.
In these cases the role of ozone becomes important due to the activation of oxygen dependent reactions of metabolism and Crebs cycle with formation of a large amount of protons necessary to restore the buffer capacity of antioxidant defend system against free radical and peroxidates.
Ozone is capable to mantain the dynamic balance of pro-oxidant and antioxidant systems responsible for membrane structure and metabolism.
To prevent negative effect of ozone on cell membranes in the lipid peroxidation (LP) activation processes, it is necessary to define the exact concentrations and methods. Screening method of LP estimation within 30 - 60 seconds is intensity of induced chemiluminescence.
Intraperitoneal injection of ozonated saline can act trigger- like launching the main regulatory mechanisms:
- Activate H+ -ATP -ase, to provide ATP important energy - dependent processes.
- Bring K+ - Na+ and Ca2+ - ATP-ase to normal range and to regulate distribution processes in inter - and intracellular space.
- Correction of secondary messengers (cAMP and cGMP contents) in liver and tumour tissue of sarcoma - 45 inoculated animals. Levels of cAMP and c GMP can indirectly show the tendency and activity of cells physiological processes in extreme conditions cAMP contents in the cells of different organs increase in response to activation of hypathalamo-hypophis-adrenal system. In liver cells the cyclic nucleotide acts as an agent to mobilize internal potential of cells in order to provide active reactions of synthesis and energy generation.
- Dose-dependent response of proteolytic system, inhibitory antiproteolytic plasma
potential. Estimation of proteolytic enzymes (trypsin-like and chymotr y psin - like proteinase, elastase, kallikrein, kininase and leucinaminopeptidase) can be used as a sensitive criterium to control efficacy and safety of ozonated saline solution.
O3 |
Ozone - is Therapeutic Ozone Gentoxic? |
Ozone is a potent oxidant toxic agent as environmental pollutant to human airways. However, it is applied as chemotherapeutic agent under controlled conditions and proper concentrations to diverse disturbances expressed through deficit of antioxidant defences, due to its proved effect to stimulate them.
It has also been confirmed that ozone is mutagenic in microorganisms and genotoxic in animals and human cells in vitro.
We studied the genotoxic activity of therapeutic ozone in animal models, human cells in vitro and in patients receiving this therapy. Two levels of genetic damage were analysed, cytogenetic damage by chromosomal aberrations assay and primary lesions to DNA by the Comet assay.
The results showed that therapeutic ozone is not clastogenic in patients, but induces DNA single strand breaks in exposed cells probably through its reactive intermediaries as hydrogen peroxide.
The recovery of the cell damage was followed after the treatments confirming that DNA damage declines after the end of exposure. |
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Ozone |
From the Author of Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness
"In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state...Low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease...Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease."
Dr.Stephen Levine - Renowned Molecular Biologist |
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Ozone |
Under oxygenation is one of the main underlying causes of poor health. Oxygen/Ozone therapy seeks to redress this imbalance.
Oxygen starvation is caused by poor breathing, de-oxygenated and refined foods, smoking, lack of exercise, environmental pollution and carbon monoxide poisoning (especially for those living in cities i.e. most of us) and the natural reduction in ambient oxygen that has been taking place since the Cretaceous era as confirmed by Science News November 7th 1987.
Other treatments both conventional and alternative do work - as long as the blood stream is properly oxygenated. |
O3 |
Ozone |
Under oxygenation is one of the main underlying causes of poor health. Oxygen/Ozone therapy seeks to redress this imbalance.
Oxygen starvation is caused by poor breathing, de-oxygenated and refined foods, smoking, lack of exercise, environmental pollution and carbon monoxide poisoning (especially for those living in cities i.e. most of us) and the natural reduction in ambient oxygen that has been taking place since the Cretaceous era as confirmed by Science News November 7th 1987.
Other treatments both conventional and alternative do work - as long as the blood stream is properly oxygenated. |
P |
Protocel - Entelev® - Cancell® |
INGREDIENTS: Protocel’s ingredients are a propriety blend of Tetrahydroxyquinone, Rhodizonic Acid, Sodium, Potassium, Croconic Acid, Triquinoyl, Pyrocatechol, Leuconic Acid, mineral and trace elements including Copper.
TOXICITY: Protocel is less toxic than an aspirin a day, and many people have used Protocel for years without experiencing any adverse side effects.
ANTIOXIDANT VALUE: Protocel® may be the most powerful antioxidant ever tested.
Testing done at the Brunswick Laboratories in Massachusetts showed Protocel to have an ORAC antioxidant value of approximately 1.4 million (µmole TE/L). Before Protocel was tested, the three highest antioxidant ratings for nutritional supplements were Xango Juice (16,960), YL Berry Young Juice (32,000) and Eniva’s VIBE (83,200). Protocel’s antioxidant rating is about 17 times higher than that of VIBE. |
S |
Selenium / Selenite |
Selenite, satin spar, desert rose, and gypsum flower are four varieties of the mineral gypsum; |
http://cancerfighter.wordpress.com/2008/07/02/liquid-sodium-selenite/ |
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Sports Medicine and Sports Nutrionomics
Athletes - post game recovery. Pre-game oxygenation of muscles. Improved performance.
Footballers / Boxers eat more meat for "protein" and get brain disease. Hits are blamed for brain disease.
T |
Toxicosis, Acidosis, Hypoxia |
First catabolic deviation from the optimal metabolism will be the toxicosis generated by our modern way of life and erratic toxic nutrition. This will generate on its own the next important step of acidosis. In it initial phase of low acidity <7.34 pH, the lowered levels of oxygen will already negatively influence the immune system, by diasbling the defense mechanism against invaders and slowing down the healing process which can be observed as an effect when strong medication is to be administered.
Without deminishing the exposure to toxicity, the toxicosis will escalate the acidosis furthermore to a possible critical level of <7.21 pH.
In the high acidic environment <7.21 pH, the absorption, transportation and utilization of oxygen will be substantially reduced and the final step of hypoxia will be reached ... when the oxygen starved cells are turning to a negative metabolism based on glycolysis. All the degenerative and chronical disease find their origin in the above described process. |
V |
Vitamin A |
n 1963 when Dr. Ernesto Contreras initiated his activities as a clinical oncologist, the use of Vitamin Aas a useful agent in malignant neoplasm was considered illogical and absurd. Now, Vitamin-A is accepted as an agent of great use for the major epithelial cancers as well as for epidermis carcinomas, chronic leukaemia and transitional cells.
The first formal studies of the possible anti-tumour effects of Vitamin A were initiated in Germany, by investigators of Mucos Laboratories in Munich. It was a proven fact, that lung cancer in Norwegian sailors was less common than in other groups, even though they smoked since childhood. Logic indicated that it had to be the opposite.
After studying the Phenomenon, it was discovered that they ate abundant quantities of raw fish liver, high in Vitamin A, since childhood. The logical conclusion was that high doses of such vitamin prevented the growth of lung cancer in heavy smokers. But it was also found that high doses of Vitamin A were toxic, and could cause adverse reactions.
The main focus was to find out how to administer enough Vitamin A to observe preventive or healing effects, without injuring the liver. The solution was found by one of the investigators, when he discovered that unprocessed milk had the vitamin, and children who were breast-fed never experienced toxic effects.
Nature had the solution by including Vitamin A in milk in the form of Micro-Emulsification.
Mucos investigators proceeded to prepare a variety of emulsified concentrations, formulating their famous High Concentration A-Mulsin. One drop contains 15,000 units. They were able to administer over a million units per day in progressive doses, without producing hepatic toxicity.
The explanation is that, inemulsified form, Vitamin A is absorbed directly into the lymphatic system without going through the liver in high quantities. Having solved the toxicity problem, it was possible to test the product in high doses.
It was demonstrated that Vitamin A has the following effects:
1. In normal doses, it protects epithelium and vision.
2. In doses of 100,000 to 300,000 units per day, it works as a potent immune stimulant.
3. In doses of 500,000 to 1,000,000 units per day, it works as a potent anti-tumour agent, especially inepidermis and transitional carcinomas. |
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Vitamin C- driven free radical generation from iron
Circulating free iron is lethal. Humans have two circulating iron binding proteins to soak up free iron to prevent it from generating toxic quantities of free radicals. These proteins are transferrin, a high-affinity, low-capacity protein (2 atoms of iron per molecule of transferrin) for which there are receptors on the surface of every iron-requiring cell; and ferritin, a lower-affinity, high-capacity protein (maximum of 4500 atoms of iron per molecule of ferritin) for which there are receptors only on the surface of iron-storage cells such as RE (reticulo-endothelial) cells.
Iron is trapped inside the ferritin protein shell as harmless Fe3. When there is a high serum level of reduced ascorbic acid, it drives through the pores of the ferritin protein shell to the inside surface, where it converts the Fe3 to catalytic Fe2, which then leaks out of the pores of the ferritin protein shell and generates billions of free radicals. In normal individuals, per milliliter of serum, there are approximately 300,000 molecules of transferrin per molecule of ferritin. Ferritin protein is an acute phase reactant that sharply rises in the presence of inflammation of any kind, whereas transferrin is a reverse acute phase reactant that falls in the presence of inflammation of any kind. |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/8642459 |
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Vitamin C - "Nothing heals in the body without sufficient Vitamin C" |
Reprints of articles published by metabolic physicians Dr. Ernest Krebs, Jr., Dr. Dean Burk (USA), Dr. Hans Nieper of Germany, Dr. Ernesto Contreras of Mexico, Dr. Manuel Navarro of the Philippines, and Dr. Shigeaki Sakai of Japan, concluded that nothing heals within the body without sufficient Vitamin C. |
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"Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path ... and leave a trail. - Bear Grylls. |
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Cancer Rates - Hopi Tribe = 1 in 1000. U.S. Population = 1 in 4. |
http://www.cancer-coverup.com/brewer/brewer-05.html |
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And when you trust your television
What you get is what you got
Cause when they own the information
Oh, they can bend it all they want
"Waiting on the World to Change", John Mayer
"No one understood better than Stalin that the true object of propaganda is neither to convince nor even to persuade, but to produce a uniform pattern of public utterance in which the first trace of unorthodox thought immediately reveals itself as a jarring dissonance."
Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives, Alan Bullock |
http://www.cancertutor.com/ |
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"Over the last 10 years, Cancer Research UK has helped to develop new drugs which destroy the blood supply to the kidney cancers. These drugs control the disease in most patients but do not cure it. "It is best to prevent the problem in the first place - maintaining a healthy weight and not smoking are the best ways of doing that." |
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-17553930 |
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"To be ... or not to be ... that is the question" (Hamlet Skull with Speech Bubble - Toxicosis vs Optimal Metabolism) ) |
"Disease ... or not disease ... that is the question" (Oxygen Bubble Cartoon with Speech Bubble) |
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A university has its responsibility to the student as well as an obligation to add to knowledge. Let us not put our students in the position of observing or being a party to practices contrary to the ideal for a university and for his future career. If the student sees his institution engaged in fundamental research, freely supported and freely conducted, he will learn that independence in investigation is man's right and a university's responsibility to exemplify
-N. PAUL HUDSON, Ohio State University Graduate School Record, December, 1951. |
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In the field of cancer research, e.g., genetic abnormalities/mutations historically were viewed as primary underlying causes; however, epigenetic mechanisms that alter gene expression without affecting DNA sequence are now recognized as being of equal or greater importance for oncogenesis. |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22332092 |
** |
The tea plant Camellia sinesis is cultivated in >30 countries. Epidemiologic observations and laboratory studies have indicated that polyphenolic compounds present in tea may reduce the risk of a variety of illnesses, including cancer and coronary heart disease. |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/10837321 |
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Quote - implications for Singlet Oxygen Photodynamic Therapy (UV cancer exposure) vs O3 Ozone
Epidemiological, clinical and biological studies have implicated that solar ultraviolet (UV) light is a complete carcinogen and repeated exposure can lead to the development of various skin disorders including melanoma and nonmelanoma skin cancers. |
http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/12871030 |
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Quote - Tea Extract - Antioxidants - (1 types of tea! ... many more vitamins & minerals in other teas)
100+ times more effective in neutralizing free radicals than vitamin C.
Strong blood detoxifier and alkalyzer due to high chlorophyll content,
70 times the antioxidants of orange juice.
Vitamins A, B6, B-complex, C, E, K, niacin, folate, riboflavin, thiamin.
Trace minerals calcium, magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, sodium.
Rich source of L-theanine & amino acids which improve calmness, mental alertness.
Nine times the beta carotene of spinach and 4 times the beta carotene of carrots,
Extremely rich in polyphenols (antioxidants) and catechins, esp. epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG)
Boosts metabolic rate by 35-40% in regular drinkers, thus assisting in weight loss. |
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The First International Conference of Bio-oxidative Medicine was held February 17-19, 1989 in Dallas/Ft. Worth, TX. Physicians presented papers on the efficacy and safety of hydrogen peroxide infusions.
Since that date the non-profit International Bio-Oxidative Medicine Foundation1 has grown rapidly, attracting many physicians who have also presented many scholarly works based on their work with patients. |
http://www.garynull.com |
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In Germany, mistletoe extract is listed in certain directories as a commercially available drug for cancer treatment
Source: Happle R. Alternative medicine: really an alternative to academic medicine? Hautarzt 2000; 51: 439-43. |
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Education is a powerful force that can induce change or reinforce error. Rather than continuing to reinforce error, educators need to recognize their power in reshaping how students and academics alike explain and discuss all matters pertaining to metabolic acidosis and skeletal muscle proton buffering. The correct teaching of metabolic acidosis is crucial for the promotion and acceptance of the correct understanding of exercise-induced metabolic acidosis. |
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A number of substances are known to cause oxidation in the body but the most important of these is Hydrogen Peroxide (H202). Although a natural substance made in the body, it is still considered a drug when used in Oxidative Therapy. Hydrogen Peroxide, when exposed to blood or other body fluids containing the enzyme CATALASE, is chemically split into OXYGEN and water.
Remember how Hydrogen Peroxide foams when you put it on a wound? The foam is OXYGEN being produced by the action of catalase on the Hydrogen Peroxide. A small amount of Hydrogen Peroxide can supply large amounts of OXYGEN to the tissue. |
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High pH therapy research reports a direct correlation between pH levels in the body and oxygen levels, and in turn, immune system function and disease. The cells of the body can only live within a certain pH range or they will die. When we eat or drink, we affect our body's pH values.
When we take in something acidic, or of low pH (low oxygen) values, the body either has to pull alkaline minerals from within itself to neutralize the acid, or store the acid somewhere in the tissue. If you drink an acidic soda at pH 2.5, it takes 32 glasses of water at pH 10 to neutralize the acid. And, as one's pH drops, the cells' oxygen levels also drop, and its ability to function properly and heal itself diminishes drastically.
The pH number is an exponent number of 10; therefore, a small difference in pH translates to a big difference in the number of oxygen or OH- ions. A difference of 1 in a pH value means ten times the difference in the number of OH- ions, a difference of 2 means one hundred times the difference in the number of OH- ions. In other words, blood with a pH value of 7.45 contains 64.9% more oxygen than blood with a pH value of 7.30 |
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Quote - Nutrionomics:
Braich - The mordern diets .. with no exception ... will fail in a short, medium or long periods of time due to the profound requirement demanded from the patient. The need to categorically change his/her period way of eating and way of life.
When applied properly, the principles of nutrionomics a do not require any radical change in your way of living eating and so on.
The compensation towards the alkalic diet can happen very conveniently and without any biological or psycholoigcal stress. |
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so that you can broaden your health education and options. Please consult your physician before considering any therapy.