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MOSA Dentistry Department - Introduction


Oxygen Medicine - Introduction

Oxygen Medicine is the study and application of OYXGEN in all its variable forms, as the ultimate and omnipotent biological healer, protector, disease fighter and pathogenic destroyed known to nature.



Oxygen Medicine - Goals

The goal of oxygen medicine is to re-establish and maintain the optimal metabolic function in order to prevent the chronical and sub-chronical afflictions of the modern civilization and ultimately, control degenerative and aging processes for optimal quality and longevity of life.



Oxygen Medicine - The Key

"After many years of extensive and intensive international research, and analyzing a vast volume of medical research and scientific publications, as well as, selective elimination of psuedo-scientific and misleading information ... MOSA considers OXYGEN IN MEDICINE as the key element in re-establishing and maintaining the optimal cellular metabolism within the body, as well as, the most potent drug in its many energized forms, in fighting not only the invading micro-organisms but also the degenerative diseases and processes created by pollution in its many forms." - MOSA





Introduction to Oxygen Medicine in Dentistry

Oxygen medicine has been successfully utilized in Dentistry around the world since the 1950's. There are approximately 30,000 dentists in the European Community and over 100,000+ dentists worldwide, presently employing various forms of oxygen medicine technologies, in all phases of dentistry.


Particularly, in the fight against tooth decalcifications, the results are very promising. remineralization has been achieved by just a few oxygen medicine applications. Since the treatment is absolutely painless, this qualifies especially for pediatric (childrens) dentistry.


In the treatment of gum disease, oxygen medicine proves to be the ultimate medicine, since the rsdical changes in the mouth flora and in partickular, the ability of reactive oxygen species ROS in penetrating the biofilm in the dental sulcus, proves to be superior to any other medication.


Endodontically and in oral surgey, oxygen medicine proved its ability for total sterilization without any residual mutations or resistence building.






Oxygen Medicine - Applications and Benefits in Dentistry

Since one of the pioneers in oxygen medicine was a dentist, it is important to mention that oxygen medicine has an important place in dental practices as well. According to the German dentist Fritz Kramer, oxygen medicine, such as in the form of ozonated water, can be used in the following ways.

menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org As a powerful disinfectant.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org In its ability to control bleeding.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org In its ability to cleanse wounds in bones and soft tissue
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org By improving the local supply of oxygen to the wound area, ozone can improve healing.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org By improving the metabolic processes related to healing by increasing the temperature in the area of the wound.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org As a mouth rinse (especially in cases of gingivitis, paradentosis, thrush or stomatitis).
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org As a spray to cleanse the affected area, and to disinfect oral mucosa, cavities and in general dental surgery.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org As a water jet to clean cavities of teeth being capped, receiving root canal therapy, and in treating painful gingivitis and stomatitis.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org To oxidize arterial plaque.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org To increases the flexibility and elasticity of red blood cells, allowing oxygen levels to stay elevated for days, or even weeks after treatment.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org To break down Petrochemicals, which have a potential to place a great burden on the immune system.






(Reported in Time magazine, September 2002) 

Edward Lynch, of the Royal Victoria Hospital's School of Dentistry, U.K., has come up with a technique that allows saliva to help decayed teeth repair themselves naturally. The remedy that he discovered is (O3) ozone.


The bad bacteria that cause decay are slow workers and ozone not only kills these bugs, but also primes the tooth surface so that remineralizing can begin. Human saliva is "supersaturated" with calcium and phosphates, which allow teeth to heal and cavities to close.


This technology uses safe methods to ensure that the gas goes only into the hole, not the patient's mouth. A small rubber cap is fitted over the tooth and the hole is hit by a concentrated blast of ozone for up to 40 seconds. It is then suctioned out.

So far, the treatment has been used in more than 100 test facilities around the world. The success rate is around 99%, and there are no reports of treated teeth re-decaying.


For patients, the treatment will mean that for most cavities there will be no need for drilling - eliminating the noise, smell and discomfort that it can cause.


100% of patients who have had the treatment say they would want it again if they needed another filling. It can be used as a preventative measure as well: children will never need fillings if they continue treatment. Healthy teeth would need to be treated every six months or so, perhaps as part of a routine checkup







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so that you can broaden your health education and options. Please consult your physician before considering any therapy.