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Dentistry Department - Study Groups



MOSA - Oxygen Medicine Study Groups:

A. Oxygen Medicine - Oxygen Effects on Sulcus Flora with Implications on Periodontitis Therapy


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The structural and quantitative changes and compensatorial interaction of aerobic and anaerobic flora during and after therapeutic application of oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) particles shall be studied in perspective to periodontal afflication.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org The termination of general therapeutic guidelines in oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) utilization.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Periodontal disease and the degree of oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) particles and their influence on different stages of periodontitis.



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B. Oxygen Medicine - Development of Reactive Oxygen Vehicles for Utilization in Periodontal Disease Therapy


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Selection of substances and combination of substances best suited as carriers – their abilities in preservation and site release of oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) particles into periodontal pockets.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Timely considerations, degrees of affect and penetration, and consideration of proposed combinations.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS)comparison based on the same ideal vehicle.



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C. Oxygen Medicine - Fighting Decalcification Therapy in Children and Teenagers



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Effects of oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS on decalcified interproximal of permanent dentition.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Determination of highest efficacy of oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS)in arresting and reversing decalcification
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Determination of highest efficacy of oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) in arresting and reversing decalcification
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Development of the ideal carrier for oxygen and ENERGIZED OXYGEN (ROS) particles, and technology of utilization for general dental practice.



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D. Oxygen Medicine - The Utilization of Tryogen in Endodontic Therapy



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Study on TRYOGEN method of utilization in root canal (RC) therapy – sterilization – rinsing and dessication of canals
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Accessibility of apical delta and  parallel observation of TRYOGEN applications in gas and liquid form.
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Comparison between TRYOGEN and conventional methods of endo-sterilization
menu arrow - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org Simplification of endo therapy in regard to instrumentation – time of therapy – rate of predictability and accessibility for general dental practice.



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New Research Proposals


If you would like to address MOSA on a particular subject regarding the establishment of other Oxygen Medicine Study Groups on a national and international level, we would like to communicate with you and debate the possibility of such group establishment.



Click here to Contact MOSA for further information




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so that you can broaden your health education and options. Please consult your physician before considering any therapy.