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News / Research - Vaccines - A to Z



  Lyterian Medicine - Ancient Greece - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the America  

Your Health:

"Your health is the most fundamental of all human rights.

A privilage to have ... and your duty to preserve.

Nutrionomics is the knowledge to assist and guide you in this task."






Chemical Toxicity ... Vaccines


“No pharmaceutical drug is devoid of risks from adverse reactions and vaccines are no exception. Vaccination is a medical intervention and should be carried out with the informed consent of those who are being subjected to it.”  - Dr. Lucija Tomljenovic, University of British Columbia




“Public health officials on both sides of the Atlantic have lost the public trust because they have been in league with vaccine manufacturers in denying that safety problems exist." - Vera Hassner Sharav




If vaccines posed no safety problems why has the US Vaccine Court awarded more than $2 billion dollars to settle 2,500 cases involving vaccine-related debilitating injuries in children?” (8)


When US FDA officials analyzed the data on autism and thimerosal-containing vaccines they found a clear link. Their response, detailed in transcripts of a meeting at Simpsonwood, VA in July 2000 was to “massage” the data to make the link go away (9).


In the UK, JCVI (Joint Committee on Vaccines and Immunization) has known since 1986 that there were serious safety concerns around vaccinations, for measles in particular. JCVI has repeatedly responded to negative data by ignoring it or covering it up, and has downplayed vaccine safety concerns while overplaying benefits (10).





The pronounced reduction and elimination of numerous diseases (before the introduction of related vaccination programs) is clearly eminent in government statistics throughout the world.





European Countries and many others throughout the world eliminated disease without the use of vaccines.

It is well-known and accepted that the improvement in health and sanitation throughout the 1800's and early 1900's provided a direct correlation and significant disease reduction (up to 90-100%) of the very diseases that vaccinations programs were introduced for.

By the time vaccination programs were ever introduced for these diseases in the early, mid and late 1900's ... the vaccination programs often caused a sudden spike in the diseases they were supposed to be preventing!





Adjuvants, a key component of all vaccinations, have been shown to predispose to autoimmune disease (2). Auto-immune disease has continued to rise in recent decades with increased vaccines.


Aluminum is a serious neurotoxin but is used as an adjuvant in many vaccines; between 2 and 18 months of age children may repeatedly receive up to 50 times the FDA safety limit in vaccines alone (3).


A Cochrane review of MMR in 2005 found that “The design and reporting of safety outcomes in MMR vaccine studies, both pre- and post-marketing, are largely inadequate”(4).


Recorded adverse events following HPV vaccine in the US, which are thought to represent less than 10% of the actual incidence, now stand at well over 21,000, including 93 deaths, 8,661 emergency room visits, 4,382 cases who have not recovered and 702 who have been disabled. (5)




Why do we give rubella vaccinations to boys when the only people that rubella seriously affects are pregnant women and their babies?


Mumps is very rare and only of serious danger to boys – so why give it to girls? Introduction of the mumps vaccine only served to shift the incidence of the disease from very young children, in whom it was harmless, to older children in whom it was not.


Diphtheria had effectively disappeared by the time the vaccination for it was introduced.


Catching measles in childhood reduces the risk of asthma by 80% and of allergy in general by 30% (6)


Chicken pox, caught under the age of eight, reduces the risk of eczema by 45% and of severe eczema by a dramatic 96% (7)


A to Z - Vaccine News: http://mosao2.org/news_vaccines.html

The Salk Vaccine Fiasco: http://www.vaclib.org/basic/polio/salk-fiasco.htm







Neuro Toxcity - NIH Research


To accomplish a multi-layered research effort that could improve medical treatment for people with seizure disorders, the NIH has established a $17 million center dedicated to identifying medical countermeasures for neurotoxic chemicals that cause seizures in humans.

Pamela Lein, a developmental neurobiologist and neurotoxicologist in the Department of Molecular Biosciences, directs the program, the CounterACT Center of Excellence, part of the NIH Countermeasures Against Chemical Threats Research Network.








Lyterian Medicine - Ancient Greece - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the America

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Autism - Link to MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine

In a series of 43 autistic children, mostly regressive, with chronic gastrointestinal symptoms, the majority were found to have pathologic inflammation of the colon and terminal ileum. 90% had pathologic lymphonodular hyperplasia of the terminal ileum. Moreover, the findings were similar and consistent from patient to patient within the affected group.

- Testimony by Arthur Krisgman, M.D. before the Committee on Government Reform





Autism - Link to MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella Vaccine

Abnormal Measles - Mumps - Rubella Antibodies and CNS Autoimmunity in Children with Autism.

Autoimmunity to the central nervous system (CNS), especially to myelin basic protein (MBP), may play a causal role in autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder. Because many autistic children harbor elevated levels of measles antibodies, we conducted a serological study of measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) and MBP autoantibodies. Using serum samples of 125 autistic children and 92 control children, antibodies were assayed by ELISA or immunoblotting methods.


ELISA analysis showed a significant increase in the level of MMR antibodies in autistic children.

Immunoblotting analysis revealed the presence of an unusual MMR antibody in 75 of 125 (60%) autistic sera but not in control sera.


This antibody specifically detected a protein of 73-75 kD of MMR. This protein band, as analyzed with monoclonal antibodies, was immunopositive for measles hemagglutinin (HA) protein but not for measles nucleoprotein and rubella or mumps viral proteins. Thus the MMR antibody in autistic sera detected measles HA protein, which is unique to the measles subunit of the vaccine.

Furthermore, over 90% of MMR antibody-positive autistic sera were also positive for MBP autoantibodies, suggesting a strong association between MMR and CNS autoimmunity in autism. Stemming from this evidence, we suggest that an inappropriate antibody response to MMR, specifically the measles component thereof, might be related to pathogenesis of autism. 

Copyright 2002 National Science Council, ROC and S. Karger AG, Basel

Singh VK, Lin SX, Newell E, Nelson C.
Department of Biology and Biotechnology Center, Utah State University, Logan, Utah, USA.





Autism - Vaccines and Autism - Entercolitis, Autism and Measles Virus

We review some gastrointestinal, immunopathological and virological observations in a subset of children with developmental disorders investigated by us over the last 4 years. Gastrointestinal symptoms in these children, often starting around the same time as the characteristic developmental regression, include chronic constipation with overflow, pain, bloating, and oesophageal reflux associated with nocturnal waking and distress.

Gastrointestinal and behavioural symptoms appear to be provoked by foods such as grains and dairy products; withholding these foods produces symptomatic improvements. In a systematic analysis of 385 unselected autistic-spectrum children, Melmed and Schneider identified clinically significant gastrointestinal symptoms in 46%, compared with 10% of 97 developmentally normal paediatric controls.

In this population, symptoms may be underestimated and require careful attention. An autistic child in pain may be distressed, aggressive, and self injurious; our early findings that bowel clearance often abrogated these behavioural symptoms provided such a clue. Intestinal permeability, measured by urinary excretion of inert sugars after oral dosing—a non-invasive marker of epithelial integrity—is elevated in some children with autism, even in the absence of symptoms.

Thus reliance upon overt symptomatology may substantially underestimate the proportion of autistic children with possible gastrointestinal pathology.

There is compelling evidence that many children with autism and gut symptoms have organic mucosal pathology.

Toxic gut–brain encephalopathies are seen in patients with failure of hepatic detoxification mechanisms. They are also seen in intestinal pathologies such as infantile intussusception, short bowel syndrome and coeliac disease.

Presence of urinary opioids of dietary origin in some affected children and their clinical response to exclusion of dietary opioid substrate may be clues to a toxic encephalopathy. Further studies clearly need to validate this and attempt separation of patient groups within the autistic spectrum.

For the children described above we hypothesise that the root problem lies in aberrant early immune programming

... particularly within the mucosal immune system. Immunological immaturity may permit the generation of inappropriate or inadequate cytotoxicity in the face of atypical viral exposures.

Factors that modify maturation of T helper cell effect or function, including vaccines, toxins or natural infections (or lack thereof), may prolong dysregulated T cell function or delay maturation and thus impair antiviral responses.

Inappropriate early conditioning of the mucosal immune system, in which faecal flora plays an obligatory role, may allow inappropriate persistence of agent which home to gut-associated lymphoid tissue.

The immunomodulatory nature of MV suggests that persistent expression within mucosal lymphoid tissue may affect mucosal tolerance mechanisms and alter risk for autoimmunity and inflammation.

AJ Wakefield - Centre for Gastroenterology, Department of Medicine & Centre for Paediatric Gastroenterology,
Royal Free & University College Medical School, London, UK





Autism - Clinical Presentation and Histologic Findings at Ileocolonoscopy in Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Chronic Gastrointestinal symptom

Background: Children with developmental disorders experience chronic gastrointestinal symptoms.

Aims: To examine the nature of these gastrointestinal symptoms and histologic findings in children with autism spectrum/developmental
disorders and ileocolonic disease.

Results: Diarrhea was present in 78%, abdominal pain in 59% and constipation in 36%. Ileal and/or colonic lymphonodular hyperplasia
(LNH), defined as the presence of an increased number of enlarged lymphoid follicles, often with hyperactive germinal centers, was
present in 73.2%. Terminal ileum LNH presented visually in 67% and histologically in 73%. Colonic LNH was multifocal and presented
histologically in 32%. Ileal and/or colonic inflammation presented in 74%, consisting primarily of active or chronic colitis (69%). Ileal
inflammation presented in 35%.

Presence of LNH significantly predicted mucosal inflammation. Patients with ileal and/or colonic LNH
had lower mean/median age than those without; patients with ileal and/or colonic inflammation had lower mean/median age than those
without. There was a significant association between ileo and/or colonic inflammation or LNH, and onset of developmental disorder;
plateaued or regressive onset conferred greater risk than early onset.

Conclusions: Patients with autism or related disorders exhibiting chronic gastrointestinal symptoms demonstrate ileal or colonic inflammation upon light microscopic examination of biopsy tissue. Further work is needed to determine whether resolution of histopathology
with appropriate therapy is accompanied by GI symptomatic and cognitive/behavioral improvement.






By Lenny G. González, MD

Recent studies in the medical literature have confirmed that gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are common in patients with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). In two prospective studies, GI symptoms were present in 80% and 70% of autistic children, respectively.

In contrast with the ASD group in the latter study, Valicenti-McDermott et al. reported GI symptoms in only 28% of neurotypical controls.
Retrospective studies that rely only upon review of the children’s existing clinical records are likely to underestimate the true size of the problem since these records rarely document GI symptoms.

The inadequacy of this approach means that it is impossible to determine whether symptoms were not present or, more likely, that the clinician just failed to document them. On the other hand, prospective studies that systematically ask about the presence or absence of specific symptoms provide a much more accurate picture of the size of the problem.

In summary, particular attention should be paid to:

1. Nutritional intervention (e.g., gluten-free/casein-free diet and appropriate supplementation)
2. Treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)
3. Treatment of eosinophilic esophagitis
4. Management of gastritis with or without Helycobacter pylori infection
5. Treatment of constipation
6. Management of pancreatic insufficiency
7. Antifungal treatment
8. Probiotics, prebiotics (foods that support beneficial bacteria), fermented foods
9. Treatment of other infections including Clostridium difficile, intestinal parasites such as protozoarians and helminths, and other bacteria including ECEP, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Citrobacter feundii, Enterobacter cloacae, Pseudomona aeruginosa, Proteus mirabilis, Aspergillus, Trichosporum and Geotrichum sp, among others.


Our experience of Venezuelan children with ASD is that most have GI symptoms that may not be immediately evident or may not be obviously related to intestinal distress. The absence of obvious GI symptoms does not mean an absence of the disease. There may be chronic inflammation anywhere from the esophagus down to the rectum that may be seen even in asymptomatic patients; the GI evaluation is an essential part of the investigation protocol in ASD. In our experience, treating GI disease is consistently associated with improved cognitive functions, decreased self-aggressiveness, better attention, improved eye contact, and decreased sleep disorders.






Measles - Measles Inclusion - Body Encephalitis Caused by the Vaccine Strain of Measles Virus - Canada

We report a case of measles inclusion-body encephalitis (MIBE) occurring in an apparently healthy 21-month-old boy 8.5 months after measles-mumps-rubella vaccination.He had no prior evidence of immune deficiency and no history of measles exposure or clinical disease.

During hospitalization, a primary immunodeficiency characterized by a profoundly depressed CD8 cell count and dysgammaglobulinemia was demonstrated.

A brain biopsy revealed histopathologic features consistent with MIBE, and measles antigens were detected by immunohistochemical staining.Electron microscopy revealed inclusions characteristic of paramyxovirus nucleocapsids within neurons, oligodendroglia, and astrocytes.

The presence of measles virus in the brain tissue was confirmed by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction.

The nucleotide sequence in the nucleoprotein and fusion gene regions was identical to that of the Moraten and Schwarz vaccine strains; the fusion gene differed from known genotype A wild-type viruses.






Vaccines - Hepatitis Vaccine - Italy

This reports walks discusses the many inconsistencies, questionable correlations and pseudo conclusions in vaccination statistics.







R. Virchow - "Father of the Germ Theory"

"If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissues, rather than being the cause of disease."







"Uniting all scientific efforts towards one single goal."

MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas







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