Energized Oxygen
Energized Oxygen Applications in Reversing the Chronical Disease and Disorders to the Optimal Metabolism:
The stage of biological metabolic impairment becomes the subject of the Oxygen Medicine and particularly, Energized Oxygen Applications, when the goal of reversing the escalating conditions becomes critical to re-establishing the balanced well-functioning optimal metabolism within the organism.
Energized Oxygen Applications immediately begin reversing the escalation of toxicity levels and increasing the oxygen levels. Oxygen in its energized forms will reverse hypoxia, strengthen the immune system, reduce acidity levels, in order to re-establishing optimal pH levels ... and in a safe and natural way, the capability of the organism to cope with otherwise overwhelming toxicity.
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Types of Energized Oxygen
O - Atomic Oxygen |
O atomic oxygen is a highly energized and reactive single oxygen molecule that does not exist naturally for very long. O atomic oxygen is a key component in oxygen medicine and bio-chemical processes.
O - Atomic Oxygen in Medicine |
O atomic oxygen plays a key role in oxygen medicine therapies and throughout natural biochemical and bio-oxidative process. There are many biomedical applications of O atomic oxygen. Many have been investigated over the past 100+ years throughout the international scientific medical communities, and many more areas continue to be explored.
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O3 - Ozone / Trioxygen |
O3 ozone is a safe energized form of O2 oxygen consisting of three (O) atomic atoms. O3 ozone produced 1O2 singlet oxygen in high yields once it enters the body and reacts with numerous different biological molecules.
The reaction of O3 ozone with many types of organic molecules in the body produces 1O2 singlet oxygen in high yield. 1O2 singlet oxygen is another form of energized oxygen and is used in many very effective cancer treatments which the FDA approves, such as, photodynamic therapy (PDT) and sonodynamic therapy (SDT).
O3 ozone can be produced in several ways, such as, by an electrical spark or high electromagnetic energy reaction with O2 oxygen. The energized O3 oxygen molecules are key to destroying innumerable disease cells in medicine.
Ozone can be formed by the following reactions:
A |
1/2 O2 = O |
Heat of Reaction A= +59.1 Kcal |
B |
O + O2 = O3 |
Heat of Reaction B = -24.6 Kcal |
AB |
3/2 O2 = O3 |
Heat of Reaction AB= +34.5 Kcal |
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O3 - Ozone / Trioxygen Therapy |
O3 ozone / trioxygen therapy is the administration of pure medical grade O3 ozone oxygen for a wide variety of purposes in both chronic and acute patient care. O3 ozone is established worldwide for safe medical use.
O3 ozone and other energized oxygen molecules has been investigated over the past 100+ years throughout the international scientific medical communities. O3 ozone plays a prominent role in many advanced healthcare systems and socialized medicine countries, as well as, in numerous third world countries also (see article).
O3 ozone is well-documented in vast international medical research, including tens of thousands of advanced scientific studies and tens of millions of safe, effective medical applications on human patients, in treating innumerable disease conditions, across a wide spectrum of Human Medicine, Veterinary Medicine and Dentistry.
The energized oxygen present in O3 ozone has proven effective in destroying innumerable forms of diseases and disorders, boosting the immune system and enhancing the human body's own natural biochemical disease fighting and healing processes.
O3 ozone is present in all emergency ambulances in Germany. Germany embraces all forms of medicine in order to determine the very best treatments for its citizens. German doctors and scientists have concluded that O3 ozone application is critical to early response in stroke victims and is considered to be the most effective medicine for wound healing and burns. O3 ozone has been used in wars to effectively treat wounded military personel.
O3 ozone is free from side effects when administered by oxygen medicine professionals. Safe and effective O3 medical dosage have long been established throughout the international scientific medical communities.
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North American O3 Ozone Research - 100% Inactivation of HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Viruses
Many United States Universities (Harvard, University of California, Baylor, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY) have conducted successful medical O3 ozone research for various disease conditions, with results consistent to proven international O3 ozone research and applications.
For example, in the 1990's, Cornell University took part in ground breaking joint North American Canadian pilot study using medical grade O3 ozone.
It was a collaborative effort between scientists at the Department of National Health and Welfare, the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Animal Disease Research institute and Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Results from the study proved therapeutic low dose O3 ozone applications resulting in ...
the 100% eradication of viruses in the blood: HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes.
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The joint US Canadian O3 ozone study addressed the fundamental question:
Will whole blood experimentally contaminated with a highly virulent strain of simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) produce immunodeficiency disease in primates
if the blood is treated with (O3) ozone before transfusion?
The answer came back loud and clear:
Ozone protected all simian subjects from infection by cleaning all viruses from the blood.
- Surgeon General, Canadian Armed Forces
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The systematic use of ozone in the treatment of AIDS could not only reduce the virus load,
but also possibly revitalize the immune system. Several German and Italian studies have shown that O3 ozone enhances the production of interleukin-2 and interferon-y.
Findings at laboratories in North America and Europe have demonstrated that
ozone has remarkable potency against disease factors in blood products.
Blood approved for transfusion must be certified to be free of viral
and bacterial contaminants, and (O3) ozone appears to fill the requirements.
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International O3 Ozone Blood Research:
US and Canada:
3-minute ozonation of serum spiked with one million HIV-1 particles per millilitre
would achieve virtually 100% viral inactivation (loss of infectivity).
In Germany:
10 000+ units of human blood containing hepatitis virus were rendered safe through treatment with a mixture of ozone (O3) and oxygen (O2) for transfusion.
In Canada:
Clinical trial of O3 Ozone in the treatment of AIDS patients (by means of phlebotomy,
O3 ozonation of the blood sample and intramuscular reinoculation) ...
showed no evidence of serious side effects.
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H2O2 - Hydrogen Peroxide |
H2O2 consists of two H hydrogen atoms and two O atomic oxygen atoms. H2O2 hydrogen peroxide is a very simple molecule produced by almost every cell in the body, it is a clear liquid and a strong oxidizer.
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H2O2 - Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy |
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide is an amazing molecule, essential for life in both plant and animal. H2O2 hydrogen peroxides is critical to healthy immune system function, fighting disease and healing the body.
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide acts as a "first responsder", sounding the alarm and alerting cells to bodily trauma. H2O2 hydrogen peroxide signals the activation of the reparative gene in respone to acute oxidative stress. White blood cells produce H2O2 hydrogen peroxide as their main weapon in killing anaerobic disease cells, viruses and bacteria.
H2O2 hydrogen peroxide is a product of what is called intermediary metabolism in the body and it participates in a significant number of biochemical reactions in the body. H2O2 is the key to signalling the reparative genes response in our DNA.
A number of substances are known to cause oxidation in the body but the most important of these is H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide.
H202 is a natural biochemical product of body metabolism and is a vital part of our first line defense system. It oxidizes toxins, kills bacteria, stops viruses, stimulates immunity and many things yet undiscovered.
H2O2 is very non-toxic when administered in the proper therepeutic dosage
intra-arterially and intravenously. From all indications at this time ...
H2O2 may well be one of the greatest discoveries in medicine in this century.
H202 hydrogen peroxide is produced by all cells of the body for many different physiological reasons. H202 hydrogen peroxide is involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, immunity, vitamin and mineral metabolism or any other system you might wish to explore.
Studies demonstrate a positive metabolic effect to intravenous infusion of H202. Its ability to oxidize almost any physiological or pathological substance, in addition to producing increased tissue and cellular oxygen tensions, it has proven to have therapeutic value.
H202 hydrogen peroxide, when exposed to blood or other body fluids containing the enzyme CATALASE, is chemically split into OXYGEN and water.
Remember how H202 hydrogen peroxide foams when you put it on a wound? The foam is OXYGEN being produced by the action of catalase on the H202 hydrogen peroxide. A small amount of H202 hydrogen peroxide can supply large amounts of OXYGEN to the tissue.
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O2 - Oxygen / Dioxygen |
O2 oxygen is the most stable form of oxygen and consists of two (O) atomic oxygen atoms. O2 oxygen is the most common allotrope of elemental oxygen found on Earth. O2 molecules are easily broken apart to create energized (O) atomic oxygen.
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O2 - Oxygen Therapy |
O2 oxygen therapy is the administration of O2 oxygen for a variety of purposes in both chronic and acute patient care. O2 oxygen is essential for cell metabolism, and in turn, tissue oxygenation is essential for all optimal normal physiological functions.
Increasing O2 oxygen in the breathing gas increases the amount of O2 oxygen in the blood. O2 oxygen can be administered in many ways, including specific treatments at raised air pressure, such as hyperbaric O2 oxygen therapy.
Higher blood and tissue levels benefit the patient by increasing the supply of O2 oxygen to the lungs, and thereby increasing the availability of O2 oxygen to the body's immune system and tissues, especially when the patient is suffering from oxygen starvation (hypoxia and/or hypoxaemia).
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1O2 Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) |
1O2 photodynamic therapy uses a combinations of UV light, lasers and sensitizing drugs to produce 1O2 singlet oxygen particles at local cancer site, in turn, flooding the local areas with energized oxygen, destroying cancer cells, helping to replenish oxygen levels and boosting the immune system ... to further aid the body's fight against disease cells and toxins.
The reaction of O3 ozone with many types of organic molecules produces 1O2 singlet oxygen in high yield. Therefore, O3 ozone and 1O2 singlet oxygen molecules are very close in their prodution, behaviour, safety and effectiveness in medicine.
Research in bio-chemical reactions therefore suggests that 1O2 singlet oxygen photodynamic therapy (PDT) may, in fact, initially produce O3 ozone before reacting with other biological molecules inside the body to produce these high yields of 1O2 singlet oxygen.
1O2 photodynamic therapy (PDT) has been researched extensively for decades in advanced medical countries and socialized healthcare countries like Russia, Cuba, China, in Europe and South America.
There are approximately 3000 published articles about 1O2 singlet oxygen photodynamic therapy (PDT), adding further support to the tens of thousands of international research articles on other energized oxygen medicine treatments. Many of the 3000 published articles support the fact that 1O2 photodynamic therapy (PDT) is proving very effective against cancers and skin disease conditions.
However, 1O2 photodynamic therapy has limitations that O3 ozone therapy does not have. For example, 1O2 photodynamic therapy (PDT) is limited to treating cancers and disease conditions close to the surface of the skin. Whereas, O3 ozone can treat conditions at the surface of the skin, as well as, internally (where 1O2 photodynamic therapy cannot reach. 1O2 photodynamic therapy (PDT) UV light source and lasers, can only penetrate a few millimeters under the skin surface.
Despite these limitations, 1O2 photodynamic therapy (PDT) still manages to produces the all important energized oxygen particles in the body and initiates the same safe and effective biochemical disease fighting and healing processes as the other more established oxygen medicine therapies, such as, O3 ozone therapy.
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1O2 Sonodynamic Therapy (SDT) |
1O2 sonodynamic therapy (SDT) is similar in many ways to 1O2 photodynamic therapy (PDT), except it uses ultrasound to generate the 1O2 energized oxygen instead of a UV light source. 1O2 sonodynamic therapy is a semi-local therapy capable of penetrating further into the body than UV light, thus, producing energized oxygen deeper into the body than 1O2 photdynamic therapy (PDT).
The reaction of O3 ozone with many types of organic molecules also produces 1O2 singlet oxygen in high yield. O3 and 1O2 are very close in their prodution, behaviour, safety and effectiveness in medicine.
1O2 sonodynamic therapy (SDT) has also been approved by the FDA in the United States. There are numerous scientific research publications based on promising results of 1O2 sonodynamic therapy (SDT) in China, England, Australia and Mexico.
The Hope4Cancer Institute has specific information on the toxicology, pharmacology and the industrial development of this product from its raw state to its final purified condition. According to the Hope4Cancer Institute... "there are literally no side-effects apart from some tiredness after treatment. There is none of the photo-sensitivity of the older agents." This compares very favorably with side-effects from various other cancer therapies, such as, chemotherapy and radiation therapy.
1O2 sonodynamic therapy (SDT) is often used in conjunction with 1O2 photodynamic therapy (PDT) to generate additional energized oxygen in the body, to seek out an destroy more cnacer cells, add an additional boost to the immune system and futher enhance the body's fight against cancer.
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High pH Therapy |
High pH therapy research reports a direct correlation between pH levels in the body and oxygen levels, and in turn, immune system function and disease. The cells of the body can only live within a certain pH range or they will die. When we eat or drink, we affect our body's pH values.
When we take in something acidic, or of low pH (low oxygen) values, the body either has to pull alkaline minerals from within itself to neutralize the acid, or store the acid somewhere in the tissue. If you drink an acidic soda at pH 2.5, it takes 32 glasses of water at pH 10 to neutralize the acid. And, as one's pH drops, the cells' oxygen levels also drop, and its ability to function properly and heal itself diminishes drastically.
The pH number is an exponent number of 10; therefore, a small difference in pH translates to a big difference in the number of oxygen or OH- ions. A difference of 1 in a pH value means ten times the difference in the number of OH- ions, a difference of 2 means one hundred times the difference in the number of OH- ions. In other words, blood with a pH value of 7.45 contains 64.9% more oxygen than blood with a pH value of 7.30
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Vitamin C Therapy |
Vitamin C Therapy is has been proven particularly effective in destroying cancer cells when introduced intravenously into the body in high dosages. It is known that people with cancer are using high doses of intravenous vitamin C also known as ascorbate, as a cancer treatment and this is occurring frequently.
When Vitamin C enters your body through an IV site, it is known that it acts like a drug and not a vitamin. It produces H2O2 hydrogen peroxide around the cancer cells. Animal research studies in particular, have shown that H2O2 hydrogen peroxide kills the cancer cells while leaving the normal cells unharmed.