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Oxygen - Optimal Metabolism


Diagram A - Oxygen Medicine Bio- Chemical Process  - MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - www.mosao2.org

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Optimal Metabolism


Optimal Metabolism is the maintenance of the Optimal Metabolic Environment within the Optimal Biological Buffer Zone in an organism.


Optimal Metabolism is achieved by understanding and following the Oxygen Medicine Principles established in Nutrionomics.








Nutrionomics is the study of the principles and the science of Oxygen Medicine Nutrition.






Oxygen Medicine Nutrition


Oxygen Medicine Nutrition will identify the primary fundamental nutritional factors in maintaining optimal metabolism in the organism, for optimal quality of life.


Oxygen Medicine Nutrition will identify the primary fundamental nutritional factors causing metabolic impairment in the organism, due to nutritional exposure to Bio-Pollutants.


Oxygen Medicine Nutrition will develop Functional Nutrional Programs to safely and effectively reverse metabolic impairment when such conditions occur.






The Natural Detoxification Process / Biological Buffer Zone


Within certain biological limits, any organism owns the quality and the possibility of maintaining proper function in presence of naturally occuring polluters by thre process of self-detoxification. Within normal limits, the polluters will be metabolized and dis-activated to facilitate the elimination out of the body.


However, if the concentration or toxicity, as well as, the origin of the polluters will exceed the buffer-capacity, the body will reach the point of TOXICOSIS. Therefore, the accumulation of toxins in timely and concentration-wise manner will lead to TOXICOSIS.








TOXICOSIS is based upon Bio-Pollution from Non-Bio-Natural substances ... including Non-Bio-Natural food intake and Non-Bio-Natural environmental impact.


TOXICOSIS results in metabolic impairment, subsequently causing ACIDOSIS and HYPOXIA in the organism. These fundamental degenerative conditions will lead to the weakening of the immune system, the increase of acidity levels, the lowering of pH levels (below 7.35), the lowering of oxygen levels ... and oxygen starvation at the cellular level (HYPOXIA).


The escalation of these conditions (TOXICOSIS, ACIDOSIS and HYPOXIA) are the primary fundamental underlying causes of the severity and epidemic proportions of all degenerative, chronic and systemic disease in society.


Energized Oxygen Applications and Oxygen Medicine Nutrition will safely and effectively reverse these fundamental underlying degenerative conditions, prevent the occurance of metabolic impairment, and the subsequent causes of TOXICOSIS ... and the escalation of ACIDOSIS and HYPOXIA in the organism in the future.






Bio-Natural Foods


Bio-Natural Foods are any food substances which maintain their natural unaltered biological integrity, consistent with their natural biological balance and chemical concentrations which will be metabolized within an organism as nature intended ... in the Bio-Natural Form and in Bio-Natural Concentrations by the organism's Bio-Natural Metabolic Processes.


Bio-Natural Foods remain free of unnatural chemical pollutants and artifiical chemical additives, untouched by man-made industrial processing techniques, undepleted of nutrients, unstripped of nutrient quality, and un-doctored by man-made chemical and biological imbalancing techniques.






Non-Bio-Natural Foods / Bio-Pollutants


Non-Bio-Natural / Bio-Pollutants are any chemicals either natural or man-made, which due to their chemical composition or their concentration, cannot be metabolized partially or at all), or leads to additional A-Typical metabolic reactions and therefore accummulating within the organism ... are considered Non-Bio-Natural or Bio-Pollutants.






Non-Bio-Natural / Bio-Polluter - Substances


Non-Bio-Natural / Bio-Polluter Substances are any substances that will polllute any uni-cellular or pluri-cellular organism to the point where the optimal biological buffer zone cannot ensure an optimal metabolism and optimal metabolic functions.






Non-Bio-Natural / Bio-Polluter - Environmental Factors


Any substance or energy impact delivered to the organism from the surroundings which are not introduced as food or ingested as nutrition.






Bio-Pollution - Biological Impacts


Bio-Pollution will impact the organism on two primary ways:


1. Non-Metabolic Food Components

2. Environmental Impactors


It is also important to mention, that the environmental impactors will have a direct influence on the food pollution as well as the environment itself. The concentration of polluters regarding the nutrition intake can be artificially and exponentially increased in the form of food preparation (inlcuding modern food packaging).


In the matter of bio-pollution, whether it be from food intake or environmental load, the cardinal importance is if the organism can eliminate the polluter, or the polluter will accummulate in the storage departments of the organism (usually the fat cells).


Food polluters particulary, will effect the biological buffer zone and the possibility of self-detoxification in short, medium and long-term ways.






The Impact of Different Bio-Polluters


The impact of different Bio-Polluters could be exponentially increased by the inter-chemical reactions between themselves. The result of such chemical reactions could produce higher toxical loads for the organisms than the primary polluters individually.


Certain polluters may not be of imminent danger to the body and could be eliminated by the detoxification process. However, when catalyzed by additional polluters or acting themselves as catalysts to others, the collective impact may overwhelm the biological buffer zone and the capability of natural metabolic detoxification.


Considering the natural chemicals found currently in plants and animal organisms and utilized as prime materials for the chemical pharmaceutical industry, it must be observed that even so, such chemicals may occur naturally (and therefore could be considered as biological non-polluters) ...


once transformed through the process of quasi-purification and questionable artificial procedures, such biological non-polluters may turn to biological polluters due to either concentration, de-naturalization, separation from their natural chemical environment ... or when combined with highly toxic non-natural polluters.






Oxygen Medicine as the Natural Biological Metabolic Response to
Non-Bio-Naturals / Bio-Polluters


Within the natural optimal biological buffer zone, the organism will eliminate the toxins of natural and possibly artifical origin to promote and maintain the optimal metabolis ... if the neccessary components has sufficient oxygen presence and therefore an optimal alkaline environment is present.






Oxygen Medicine and Energized Oxygen Applications in Reversing the Chronical Disease and Disorders to the Optimal Metabolism


The stage of biological metabolic impairment becomes the subject of the Oxygen Medicine and particularly, Energized Oxygen Applications, when the goal of reversing the escalating conditions becomes critical to re-establishing the balanced well-functioning optimal metabolism within the organism.


Energized Oxygen Applications will immediately begin reversing the escalation of toxicity levels, increasing the oxygen levels and in its energized forms, strengthening the immune system, redducing acidity levels and re-establishing optimal pH levels and in a safe and natural way, the capability of the organism to cope with otherwise overwhelming toxicity.









"Unless your body rids itself of toxins at 100 percent efficiency, some waste is left behind, still in the body. Over time (years) it accumulates within you, setting the stage for diseases to occur as the inner toxins / pollution accumulates. This is why you get more and more diseases as you get older. This is the cause of virtually all disease. It is very important to remember that when your body no longer naturally has or gets enough clean energetic oxygen... your body can no longer take out the trash that causes disease.


As an example of how dirty we have become internally, I have witnessed hundreds of AIDS, cancer, arthritis, and other patients getting oxygen/ozone therapy. When they start out their blood is filthy, diseased, and so empty of oxygen that it is almost BLACK. Put the medical oxygen/ozone in them daily, and after a few weeks of oxidizing/oxygenating detoxification their blood starts to turn a bright cherry RED, clean and full of LIFE." 

- Ed McCabe







Germany - 1967:

"Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes.
But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause,

... the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen
in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar." 


- Two time Noble Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg,
Director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology, Germany







Germany - 1967:


"The first priority of treatment ... all growing body cells be saturated with oxygen"

"The second priority of treatment ... to avoid further exposure to toxins."

- Two time Noble Prize Winner, Dr. Otto Warburg,
Director of the Max Planck Institute for Cell Physiology, Germany







" ... we can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of disease."

- Dr. Stephen Levine,  Renowned Molecular Biologist and Geneticist
Author, "Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness":







"In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state ...
low oxygen in the body tissues is a sure indicator for disease ... hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease."

- Dr. Stephen Levine,  Renowned Molecular Biologist and Geneticist
Author, "Oxygen Deficiency: A Concomitant to All Degenerative Illness":






Canada - 1993:


In a brief to the NATO Blood Committee ...

the Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces reported on joint U.S. / Canadian findings, a 3-minute (O3) Ozonation of serum spiked with one million HIV-1 particles per millilitre ... would achieve virtually 100% viral inactivation (loss of infectivity).


Ref: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1490857/







Europe - 1993:

"A review of 300 000 patients who had been given more than 5 million Ozone (O3) treatments concluded that when strict protocols were followed the rate of adverse effects was 000007% and that there was no evidence of carcinogenicity."


Ref: Jacobs MTH: Untersuchung uber Zwischenfalle und
Typische Komplikationenin der Ozone - Sauerstoff Therapie
(AufzugAPRIL 1, 1993 CAN MED ASSOC J 1993; 148 (7) 1159 auf der Dissertation).
Ozo Nachrichten 1986; 1: 5








Canada - 1990's:

"A recent Canadian Clinical Trial of Ozone (O3) in the treatment of AIDS patients
(by means of phlebotomy, ozonation of the blood sample and intramuscular reinoculation) showed no evidence of serious side effects."








Germany, Italy, Russia, Cuba:

" ... have all successfully treated viral infections with increased oxygenation.

Fifteen adults patients suffering from Herpes Zoster were treated with
injections of O3 Ozone / Oxygen for a period of fifteen days.

All patients were completely symptom free after the treatment
AND follow-up examinations a year later showed not one relapse."


- Center of Medical and Surgical Research, Havana, Cuba








Italy :

"27 herpes patients with intravenous injections of Oxygen and O3 ozone.
All patients healed completely after a minimum of one and a maximum of
five injections. Five years later 24 of the 27 were still outbreak free.
Re-infection was suspected in the other three.


- Dr. R. Mattassi, Division of Vascular Surgery, Santa Corona Hospital, Milan, Italy








Germany - 1990's:

"In Germany, O3 Ozone generators are fitted in all emergency ambulances
and play a prominent role throughout the healthcare system."








Germany - 1950's:

"More than 10 000 units of human blood containing Hepatitis Virus were rendered safe through treatment with a mixture of O3 Ozone and O2 Oxygen for transfusion."


Ref: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1490857/








USA - 1978:

"In 1978, the FDA reported 1.5 million people were hospitalized in the USA
due to side effects, and approximately 140,000 people die (9.3%) from
prescription drug usage."




Germany 1979:

"In 1979, the German Medical Society has published that 384,775 patients
were treated with O3 Ozone with a minimum of 5,579,238 applications ...
the side effect rate observed was only .000007 per application!" 







"Uniting all scientific efforts towards one single goal."

MOSA - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas





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