Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas (MOSA)
The second half of the 20th century represented the time period in which the traditional medicine initiated in the late 19th century and reached by pre-World War 2 discoveries turned into the symptomatic medicine we know today.
The observation, expressed frequently by medical personalities worldwide, that the contemporary medicine has been reduced to tests / data / accumulation resulting in prescriptions to only improve the abnormal test results, and in so doing, treat the symptoms rather than the causes, has led in the first decade of our new century to the
What is functional medicine?
Well, it would be just the opposite of symptomatic medicine. It represents the new way of thinking in the medicine of tomorrow. To treat a disease, one must understand the cause. To successfully treat a patient and return them to a healthy status, the practitioner must understand the function of the entire organism and not only the particular chemical unbalance causing the treated affliction.
According to functional medicine and also to the ancient Hypocratic medical practice, when ingesting a medicine one must consider that the result will be much more significant than the immediately observable result postulated by today’s pharmaceutical manufacturer. Taking that medicine will affect the entire organism on extreme and often unknown levels.
Functional medicine is advancing to the next crucial observation….the postulated, self repairing potential of the organism. The fundamental observation that no cell can survive, for any given time, in unicellular or pluri-cellular form, without the potential of self repair, has been re-postulated again based on the DNA potential of repair.
Oxygen medicine specilists, as well as prominent representatives of functional medicine, describe the body’s own pharmaceutical development….the minute production of H2O2, sufficient enough to activate the reparative genes. Once stimulated, these newly discovered genes will initiate the body’s own repair process.
In the modern medical philosophy, the statement that the majority of degenerative and chronic disease responsible for the health status of our society today, components of the aging process in general, is based on oxygen starvation of our body on the molecular and sub-molecular level now makes perfect sense.
At the present time our atmosphere contains less than 20% of the oxygen available for life. Ages ago, the life on our planet evolved on a much higher oxygen concentration. All organism functions, including the repair processes, were based on this higher level of ambient oxygen and will properly function to their full potential only when the prime substance of life, O2, is abundantly present.
One must remember that if the O2 level in the atmosphere were to drop under the 19% mark in the future, our lives on this planet would no longer be sustainable or possible.
The multitude of scientific observations, the accumulation of test data worldwide, and the imperative necessity of uniting all research efforts, are culminating in our time into the fact that the medicine of the new millennium will be
Oxygen medicine is capable of stimulating and harvesting the life’s own healing forces, once it has been researched and more fully understood. Medical international cooperation, in the research and information exchange, will become essential for the enormous domain covered by the oxidative medicine.
The Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas - MOSA – is dedicated to oxygen medicine, data accumulation, education, the exchange of international medical information and establishing of focus groups and publications. MOSA is the first international organization ever to be developed in this matter.
As oxygen is the main element in sustaining life, it is only logical that the medicine dedicated to protect life should be the oxygen medicine and the synthesis of all present and future trends and directions of medical development such as:

Functional Medicine
Oxygen Mediine (O, O2, O3, H2O2, 1O2) |
(1O2) Photodynamic Therapy |

(102) Sonodynamic Therapy |
Activated Oxygen |
Energized Oxygen |

Alternative Medicine |
Herbal Medicine |
Holistic Medicine |

Molecular and Nanomedicine |
Diet / Nutrition |
Alkiline Therapy |

High pH Therapy |
Metabolism Research |
Vitramin C Therapy |

Genetics |
Immunology |
Interferon Research |
MOSA is dedicated to all and each aspect of the oxygen medicine.
Dr Florian Braich, DDS PhD
MOSA Chairman
© 2011