MOSA's Role
The role of the Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas (MOSA) as we can see it now, at the starting point of our journey, to welcome the promising and fascinating technologies of the dawning third millennium, can be expressed laconically in these three words
Inspire • Educate • Heal
MOSA's Goal
The goal explanation must be indeed, of the same simplicity to adequately complete the picture. MOSA’s role, therefore, is to INSPIRE you, the practitioner, and introduce you to something extraordinarily new, intriguing and fascinating in its simplicity.
Inevitably, the next step to EDUCATE will follow for as you begin understanding the possibilities, you will demand information. Once this has been accomplished, you will proceed to the next logical step to apply the accumulated knowledge, with confidence and commitment and so the final step, the healing will be initiated.
The one and only one reason for what all this began, to HEAL your patients will be accomplished by the ozone itself, leaving you to experience and contemplate in satisfaction the achieving of our final goal…
"Healing Your Patients"
We are confident that with your help and participation in realization of MOSA’s goals, oxygen medicine will find itself in not a very long time, among the standard… patient friendly and universally utilized technologies of the third millennium medicine.
Dr Florian Braich, DDS PhD
MOSA Chairman
© 2011