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About MOSA - Tryogen



The Tryogen Concept - A Short Synopsis

Oxygen medicine, as an encompassing idea, is relatively new.  It was developed over a long and somewhat unplanned evolutionary process. Life giving oxygen was always a preoccupation of medical researchers and scientists, trying to understand the degenerative disease plaguing our modern society.


The observations and recognition of the frontiers reached by the traditional / symptomatic medicine of the late 20th century, has initiated the idea that the process of aging, as a quintessential summary of all chronic disease could be influenced on the molecular level; where the unit of life, the cell, tries to purify itself and breathe. 


On other distant planets and galaxies life may have evolved, as speculated today, on another chemical exchange mechanism, but on our earth, life as we know and live it, cannot exist without the ever present and intimately ventilated oxygen. The chemistry of oxygen is extremely elegant in its simplicity.  Similar to other elements oxygen can emerge to different embodiments, depending on the level of energy to which it has been exposed. 


In 2011, in different MOSA articles, I proposed the formulation of "energized oxygen".  Later last year other authors, for example the ones describing the newly FDA approved photodynamic therapy, are talking about “excited oxygen”. 


Further terminologies such as "reactive oxygen species" or (ROS)", “loaded oxygen”, “stimulated oxygen”, “hyper oxygen” and “multi-atomic oxygen” could all be describing the same stage in which the oxygen molecule finds itself, when exposed to an energy source such as ultraviolet. 


It is common knowledge that under solar UV bombardment in the upper atmospheric level, oxygen will develop a very thin layer of ozone -- the ultimate DNA protector of our planet.  When exposed to UV the oxygen, as described by Tesla and others a century ago, will undergo in laboratory several stages of gas metamorphosis, falling in its atomic and therefore extremely reactive and unstable O form. 


This O (oxygen) and not the molecular O2 will be responsible for the diversity of O2 metamorphosis – as O, O2 and O3, as well as a hypothetical form proposed by myself in 2011 and postulated as O2-O.  The mixture of all these forms in a permanent flux of new formation as well as falling back into the molecular O2, when under the UV bombardment, can be imagined as a “O2 soup” with the O2 as a permanent and major ingredient. 


In 2011 I developed the name of TRYOGEN and utilized it since then as an expression of unity for all forms of oxygen, residing inside the “oxygen soup” and created under the energy bombardment.  The TRYOGEN as MOSA’s own terminology will be utilized in the future to express the instant presence of all three forms of O2 at any given moment when energized: O-O2-O3. 


The TRYOGEN per its definition symbolizes the permanent metamorphosis of O2 when energized to its atomic O and through this to its super molecular O3 and O2-O forms.  These supercharged forms are returning permanently to this stable form of O2 only to absorb energy again and emerge again as O3 and O2-O.  This process will continue as long as energy will be applied. 


I hope the expression TRYOGEN unifies the many research efforts striving in the same direction, but being divided merely by forms of expression.  In conclusion, I baptize the trilogy of oxygen, when energized, T R Y O G E N, as a matter of syntax simplicity.



Dr Florian Braich, DDS PhD
MOSA Chairman
© 2011

Email: fbraich@mosao2.org




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