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MOSA Membership - Click Here to Enroll - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas
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MOSA Newsletter - Sign Up Here - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas

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MOSA Study Groups - Sign Up Here - www.mosao2.org - Medical Oxygen Society of the Americas
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About MOSA - Seminars / Webinars



MOSA - Education

Presently MOSA is developing an ambitious program of education and oxygen medicine informatic.


Despite oxygen medicine's lengthy history of healing success, in numerous forms of medicine, treating a plethora of diseases and conditions, and it's vast research and practice worldwide ... based on national and international surveys, the general medical community still lacks the basic information in the field of oxygen medicine  ... almost entirely. 


With the exception of a small group of progressive enthusiasts, the health industry and medical institutions in general, have not been exposed yet to any of oxygen medicine's immense possibilities. 




MOSA - Seminars / Webinars

MOSA proposed seminars and webinars will be scaled up to different levels of information.  Starting with the basic knowledge of the subjects, the seminars will progress to the higher and more in depth stages, culminating with the newest results published up to date worldwide. 


We will strive to our member community the world renowned personalities whenever they may be able to join us over the web or in person at our seminars.


The diversification of oxygen medicine is indeed of immense proportions.  The triple parallels of disciplines: human medicine, veterinarian medicine and dentistry with all additional ramifications, represent the field upon which the oxy-medicine will spread its developments in the century to come. 


The task of MOSA regarding the selectivity, categorization and delivery of medical information together with establishing necessary webinars and seminars to satisfy its goals will be equally vast and very challenging. 




Coming Soon ...

Veterinary Department - Webinars

Presently MOSA's Veterinary Department, is developing the curriculum for a series of webinars aimed to deliver to the practicing veterinarian the knowledge and expertise of utilization of oxygen medicine in their domain. 


The webinar format will facilitate the participation of a large number of colleagues, disregarding their geographic location.  The timing of the webinar was selected as well to enable everyone to attend without disrupting their schedules in a busy veterinarian office. 


The upcoming webinar ... VENTISTRY © ... (Veterinary Dentistry) will be offered by MOSA in the immediate future as well. Growing concerns with oral health have been voiced in the last decades, not only in human medicine but expressed strongly by the leading veterinarians worldwide. 


Dr. F. Braich DDS, PhD (MOSA Head of Dentistry Department) will join Dr J. Shoemaker in presenting to the veterinarian community the newest technologies and ideas of human dentistry and the adaptation of these to the veterinarian patient. 


The unique principles of BIORESTRUCTURING © will be explained, evaluated and finally implemented for the benefit of the patient.  Information, registration, certification processing will be published by MOSA on our website.






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While every effort has been made to ensure that the information and data provided on this website are correct, no guarantee can be provided that
the information it contains is completely error-free. MOSA shall not be held liable for information and data that is not up-to-date, correct or complete.

MOSA reserves the right to edit, change or add to the information and data provided without prior notice. This website is produced and published
so that you can broaden your health education and options. Please consult your physician before considering any therapy.