H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide Research - A to Z
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Benefits - The Many Benefits of H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide - By Dr. David G. Williams |
Hydrogen peroxide is involved in all of life's vital processes, and must be present for the immune system to function properly.
The cells in the body that fight infection (known as granulocytes) produce hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) as a first line of defense against invading organisms like parasites, viruses, bacteria and yeast. It is also required for the metabolism of protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals.
As a hormonal regulator, hydrogen peroxide is necessary for the body's production of estrogen, progesterone and thyroxin; it also helps regulate blood sugar and the production of energy in cells. Hydrogen peroxide has long been used medically as a disinfectant, antiseptic and oxidizer, but has only recently been found to successfully treat a wide variety of human diseases with a minimum of harmful side effects.
Nathaniel Altman - Author of Oxygen Healing Therapies |
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H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide - Produced by every cell in the Human Body for many Different Physiological Reasons |
From the 2,500 or more references on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) we have collected and reviewed, we have come to appreciate this physiological product as an extremely important molecule in metabolism.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced by all cells of the body for many different physiological reasons.
The granulocytes produce H2O2 as a first line of defense against bacteria, yeast, virus, parasites, and most fungi. It is involved in any metabolic pathway which utilize oxidases, peroxidases, cyclo-oxygenase, lipoxygenase, myeloperoxidase, catalase, and probably many other enzymes.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, immunity, vitamin and mineral metabolism or any other system you might wish to explore.
Our studies demonstrate a positive metabolic effect to intravenous infusion of H2O2. Hydrogen peroxide's ability to oxidize almost any physiological or pathological substance, in addition to producing increased tissue and cellular oxygen tensions, has proven it to have therapeutic value.
We feel the evidence presented should stimulate a new appreciation in the study of the potential therapeutic application of bio-oxidative mechanisms ... perhaps we have become myopic about biological oxidation!
A primary clinical objective in the treatment of Chronic Degenerative disease is to improve micro-circulation to relieve chronic tissue hypoxia."
- Charles H. Farr, MD, PhD
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.”
- Albert Einstein
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Hydrogen Peroxide added in small amounts to drinking water cured a variety of sickness - colds, flu, cholera, malaria |
"120 years ago(during the reign of Queen Victoria), people in India (a British Colony then) found that Hydrogen Peroxide added in small amounts to drinking water cured a variety of sickness especially colds, flu, cholera, malaria etc,
It threatened the British monopoly drug sales, so they issued a fake news story by hiring a news reporter disguised as a doctor to put out the information to the effect that taking Hydrogen Peroxide causes viral brain damage, It sounded unbelievable, but the child who died of the Hydrogen Peroxide caused viral brain damage was non-existent. |
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Conventional Medicine admits Vitamin C Kills cancer - if you take it the right way - (Vitamin C Produces H2O2) |
"Years ago, Dr. Linus Pauling touted vitamin C for cancer. Researchers rushed to conduct studies on its effectiveness against the disease. But the studies failed. So vitamin C doesn't work for cancer, right? Wrong!
The integrative docs could have told you why the studies failed. The studies used oral vitamin C, not intravenous. There is a limit to the amount of oral vitamin C you can take. Too much will cause diarrhea.
However, 10,000 mg taken through IV produces blood concentrations 25 times greater than if you were to take it by mouth. Now the pundits who said vitamin C doesn't work have to eat their words, thanks to a new study.
Respected members of the National Institutes of Health itself conducted this study. According to the study, which appeared in the prestigious Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, vitamin C led to the formation of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), a chemical that can kill cells.
This suggests a potential mechanism for therapy, said lead researcher Dr. Mark Levine ... I can't believe it! The NIH actually used the "hydrogen peroxide" words.
Alternative doctors have used massive doses of IV-C for years to treat cancer ... Dr. Hugh Riordan reported several cures of cancer. IV-C may stimulate apoptosis (programmed cell death) of cancer cells, while leaving alone normal cells, which have resistance to oxidants. While vitamin C is an antioxidant, in high doses it acts more like an oxidant. And you know my penchant for oxidation therapy.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a miracle cure that conventional medicine has bad mouthed for years. They've denied you access by deliberately telling you falsehoods in the interest of the drug companies.
The hydrogen peroxide molecule is a chemical mediator for a variety of essential chemical reactions in all of your cells. Intravenous administration of peroxide is the least expensive way to go. But if unavailable, due to corrupt medical politics, high dose IV-C could be your best friend for infections and even cancer. Most any complementary physician can provide IV-C for you.
I'm grateful for the open mindedness of these few researchers at the ivory towers. The tragedy in this story is that you can be sure that your oncologist won't try IV-C even if you are sure to die. You see, it's just not proper medicine to try to save your life with something that won't hurt you and that might theoretically help. So take this information to your integrative physician. Your life, and not medical dogma, comes first to him.
http://www.doctorrowen.com/ |
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Curing the "Incurables ... Kidney Failure ... "Reversing the "Irreversible" with H2O2 & Chelation - Dr Majid Ali - New York |
When Professor Alfred Fayemi and I (Dr. Majid Ali) published Pathology of Maintenance Hemodialysis (1982), we were not aware that chronic kidney failure could be reversed in most cases:
None of the staff nephrologists ever raised the possibility during hundreds of hospital conferences.
In 2005, we published an article entitled “The dysox model of renal insufficieny and improved renal function with oxystatic therapies,” ... we documented the reversal of kidney failure in all patients with blood creatinine level of less than 4 and who followed our program that included hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and EDTA chelation infusions for at least six months.
Normal blood creatinine level is less than 1.2 mg/dL. I point out that this level does not change when one kidney is removed, to excise a tumor, for instance. Such is the functional reserve created by evolutionary design.
Nearly all patients on dialysis, who consulted me, told me that their doctors did not inform them of their rising creatinine levels until it rose above 6 and probably too late to avoid dialysis.
Lest I be considered irresponsible for creating false hope, a 2003 report in The New England Journal of Medicine showed falling creatinine levels with EDTA chelation therapy, indicating reversal of kidney failure.
It seemed to us then that the dat of EDTA chelation for avoiding dialysis had arrived.
Alas! That did not happen ... people with kidney failure continue to be neglected with the abominable 'watchful waiting' strategy—until dialysis cannot be avoided. At present, the cost of dialysis per person per year is over $100,000. Perhaps that explains something.
- Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.”
- Albert Einstei
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Vit C - Synthetic Vitamin C Produces H2O2 at the Cellular Level ... & Produces Striking Unexpected Cures - 1934 |
From the September 22, 1934, issue of Science News
Synthetic vitamin C, called ascorbic acid, in its first actual use on medical patients is producing very striking and unexpected disease conquests, the British Association for the Advancement of Science was informed by Prof. A. Szent-Györgyi, the Hungarian chemist who played a major role in the artificial manufacture of this important vitamin.
The mouth disorder known as pyorrhea, a certain kind of hemophilia, which is a disease of bleeding, certain forms of hemorrhagic nephritis, and several other diseases against which medicine was helpless are seemingly being cured by ascorbic acid.
Ascorbic acid is not a cure for hereditary hemophilia.
"This is the more striking since these pathological conditions have not been thought to be connected with lack of vitamin," Prof. Szent-Györgyi explained. "These curative effects suggest that humanity is suffering much more gravely from a lack of vitamin C than has hitherto been supposed."
Disfiguring colorations of the skin brought on by illness are also made to disappear by ascorbic acid. Patients with Addison's disease, who have a yellow color, can be bleached out again by the use of this substance. |
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Vitamin C / H2O2 - Megadoses Significantly Help Body Fight Against All Kinds of Viral, Bacterial and Chronic Diseases |
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(Vitamin C produces high yields of H2O2 - Hydrogen Peroxide) in humans and animals).
Since the late forties research has shown that megadoses of vitamin C significantly help the body fight against all kinds of viral and bacterial diseases.
Such as polio, hepatitis, measles, myocardicitus, shingles, pneumonia, rabies, scurvy, flu, and chronic inflammation. Several interesting results have even been achieved against HIV, AIDS and cancer. Vitamin C is also effective against encephalitis because vitamin C, as well as the harmless compound mannitol, is capable of breaking through the blood-brain barrier. It also has a positive effect on various non-viral diseases, such as diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, tuberculosis, rheumatic fever, leprosy, typhoid, malaria, severe dysentery, etc.
These benefits can be found in thousands of articles on www.PubMed.com.
More information about the benefits of vitamin C can be found in many places including the article “Curing the Incurable” by Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD (450 pages), ISBN: 0-9779-5202-9 and in articles by Dr. Fred R. Klenner (1907-1984), who is the pioneer in this field. One can also look at www.fonteine.com/vitaminecdossier or read the recommendations on vitamin C given by the double Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling who advises most people to take several grams per day.
Have a look at the research he conducted with the Scottish doctor Ewan Cameron on the influence of vitamin C on cancer, which showed that cancer does not thrive in an environment with sufficient vitamin C. (This study was repeated later at the Mayo Clinic in the USA, probably funded by the pharmaceutical industry, where experimental mice were injected so full with vitamin C that it resulted in growths. The researchers came up with the predictable conclusion that vitamin C has no positive effect on cancer.)
One characteristic of vitamin C is that it is absorbed incompletely and quite a large part of the dose is lost. Infusion is not a very practical solution. Another way to achieve maximum absorption is to ingest vitamin C lypospheric. An additional problem is that vitamin C in fruits is mainly formed after ripening, as an anti-oxidant. This is problematic because kiwis, oranges and peppers often are often picked when they are immature to facilitate transport. Therefore, much less natural vitamin C has been created before consumption.
The marketing problem with this vitamin is that it costs almost nothing to produce; therefore, there is little opportunity for the pharmaceutical industry to make a profit on it. Their PR machinery therefore ensures that this coenzyme is hardly taken seriously.
Cellular communication
All matter has a variable ratio of electrons, protons and neutrons. Dead tissue is saturated with electrons while living material has a shortage of them. Living tissues require, among other things, that organic molecules, such as proteins in body tissue, remain unsaturated with electrons. Vitamin C, ascorbic acid, a micro-nutrient that functions as a co-enzyme, responds to a large number of important chemical components in the body. It is one of the basic substances that ensures that a lively, continuous exchange of electrons takes place between molecules and tissue in the body. Exchange of energy, probably the most important form of cellular communication, can only take place when there is an imbalance between electrons and molecules. Throughout the whole body this causes the natural exchange of electrons, with is a form of biological electricity. All bodily functions are arranged, controlled and regulated by this physical exchange of electricity. This exchange also creates and maintains the subtle magnetic field (acupuncture!) that maintains good health throughout the body.
In addition to its other remarkable qualities, vitamin C appears to be a major catalyst for this exchange of electrical voltage. Larger amounts of vitamin C stimulate the mutual exchange of tension between the cells of the body, allowing improvement of health through this means of communication. Life can be defined as a state in which the exchange of electrons occurs optimally between the cells. For cells to be healthy this mutual exchange of electrons must occur completely and be uninhibited. This is not the case when the cells are affected by disease, which can stall or even stop this process completely, causing cell death.
If there is a reduction in electrical current, vitamin C can restore it. Poor electron exchange throughout the body can reduce performance and cause illness and this often means there is a vitamin C deficiency. Because of this causal connection it is recommended for most medical conditions that vitamin C be part of the treatment. Just as dehydration requires water, poor exchange of electrons, which is characteristic of most disease – requires vitamin C. This is almost always the case, even when vitamin C deficiency is not necessarily the direct cause of the occurrence of the disease.
People are virtually the only mammals that cannot manufacture vitamin C themselves and therefore depend on external sources of this nutrient. Humans lack the liver enzyme L-gulonolactone oxidase (GLO), which is used in the final stage of the transformation of glucose into vitamin C. Interestingly, the actual GLO genes, sequentially coded DNA, are fully present, but this part of the human DNA remains for unclear reasons ‘untranslated’. This means that the recipe for GLO is present in man, but that nothing happens with it. This provides opportunities for new, promising research (Epigenetics)! If indeed there were a way to find the code to ’turn on’ the existing ‘GLO switch’, the overall health of humanity would leap to a level hitherto unknown. Human beings would then be able to continuously produce vitamin C from glucose. Suddenly there would be significantly fewer toxic substances and infectious threats, and probably much less disease. But simply administering the GLO enzyme would already produce miraculous results.
This possible intervention certainly deserves further study.Unlike humans, apes, guinea pigs, fruit bats, and almost all other mammals, reptiles and amphibians synthesize their own vitamin C. They can even produce up to ten times the normal level when the animal is sick, injured or stressed. For example, an adult goat creates about 13,000 mg of vitamin C daily to stay healthy, while the same goat fighting a life-threatening infection or poisoning may produce up to an ounce a day!
This could explain why (wild) animals remain healthy into old age, until their time of death has come. By switching ‘on’ the GLO gene or administering the (cheap) GLO enzyme, human beings may also be able to live longer, and, in combination with oral doses of vitamin C, stay healthy and fit until old age.
An interesting topic of research would be to find out to what extent remarkably fit older people may be able to produce the GLO enzyme. Perhaps this is an exception to the genetic rule.
One can imagine what a broader application of this totally safe, highly effective means of improving public health could mean! As well as how many millions or billions this could can save, for example, in elderly-care, which consumes about 40% of the healthcare budget.
http://www.topclinicfinder.com/vitamin-c-the-most-underrated-vitamin/ |
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Can O3 Ozone and H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide Cure HIV / AIDS? |
Although used by an estimated ten million patients in Europe since the early 1960's, the therapeutic use of medical ozone and hydrogen peroxide, is still largely a mystery to North Americans. |
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F.A.S.T. - Foundation for Alternative Science and Technology |
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Bio-oxidative therapies: O2 Oxygen, O3 Ozone and H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide |
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Hydrogen Peroxide – Medical Use & History |
Breast-fed babies get their first dosage of hydrogen peroxide therapy from their mother's milk. Breast milk contains a high amount of hydrogen peroxide. The first milk or colostrum contains even higher amounts, which according to Educate-yourself.org helps to stimulate the baby's
immune system.
The growing alternative medicine field has spurred interest in hydrogen peroxide. According to Educate-yourself.org, in the last 25 years more than 7,000 articles have been published on hydrogen peroxide use as a treatment. Educate-yourself.org goes on to say that hydrogen peroxide has shown promise in treating several illnesses, including some forms of cancer and emphysema.
Its use as a medical treatment, however, can be traced back to the early 1920s. According to Dr. David G. Williams of Educate-yourself.org, the English medical journal Lancet reported that infusion of hydrogen peroxide was used to successfully treat pneumonia during an epidemic shortly after the first world war.
Father Richard Willhelm, the founder of Educational Concern for Hydrogen Peroxide, was dedicated to promoting the use of peroxide as a treatment. In the 1940s, Willhelm reported on the use of hydrogen peroxide to treat several ailments successfully. Among these were skin
diseases, polio and bacteria‐related mental illness. |
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Water - Oxygen Water |
Christiaan Barnard, who performed the first
heart transplant, said in March 1986 that he was
taking H2O2 hydrogen peroxide and water himself, several times daily
to reduce arthritis and aging, and he recommended it highly at that time. Since then he has come under heavy attack by the medical establishment for this position, and now states that he "is not involved" with the peroxide movement. But he does not retract his original endorsement, nor deny that he still uses it personally. Over a hundred physicians are already curing a broad assortment of "incurables" with this natural anti-microbial agent. |
MOSA - Featured Articles
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Cancer - The Origins of Cancer - by Dr. Otto Warburg |
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Full Article - Complete scientific understanding of the cause of Cancer ... "The lack of O2 oxygen at the cellular level."
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HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus - 100% Safe Viral Inactivation - wth O3 Ozone Oxygen Medicine Treatments |
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NATO endorses joint U.S. / Canadian O3 Ozone oxygen research. 100% safe inactivation of HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus in blood.