U.S. / Canada / NATO - HIV Studies:
In a brief to the NATO Blood Committee ... the Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces reported on joint U.S. / Canadian findings:
"A 3-minute (O3) Ozonation of serum spiked with one million HIV-1 particles per millilitre, would achieve virtually 100% viral inactivation (of HIV)."
The study also found that the (O3/O2) procedure would destroy several other lipid-encapsulated viruses, including Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) and various other viral strains of interest to veterinarians:
- Bacteria - Aeromonas Hydrophila - Coliform Bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus
- Coxsackievirus
- Echovirus
- Fungi - Candida Utilis
- Hepatitis Viruses
- Herpes Viridae - Simplex, Varicella-Zoster, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus
- Lipid-Encapsilated Viruses
- Orthomyxoviridae - Influenza
- Paramyxoviridae - Mumps, Measles
- Retroviridae - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV)
- Retrovidae - Anemia Virus, Equine Infectious Virus
- Rhabdoviridae - Rabies
- Polioviridae
Two teams of US virologists have used comparable (O3/O2) gas-diffusion techniques to confirm the Canadian findings.
NCBI Journal: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1490857/
MOSA Article: O3_HIV_NATO_Canada2.html
Video: http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=ozone+medical+documentary&sm=3
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jj6qBuNXumo
Did you hear about this groundbreaking study? ... probably not.
Oxygen and Ozone Medicine - International Medical Research
United States - Chicago Medical College - O3 Ozone:
"If I could have only one remedy (to treat any disease), I would prefer to take my chances with Ozone."
- Noble M. Eberhard, M.D., A.M., Ph.D. - Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery
Worldwide - Medical O3 Ozone ... "Given to Every Patient":
In some clinics around the world, (O3) Ozone therapy is the first agent given to each and every patient that enters the clinic regardless of their ailments. (O3) Ozone therapy addresses the key issues in almost all disease conditions: oxygen delivery, circulation, and immune system function.
Worldwide - O3 Ozone ... 36 Countries ... 36,000 Doctors ... 70+ Years:
Direct Intravenous Ozone Therapy (DIV) has been used for the past 70 years, in over 36 countries by over 36,000 physicians worldwide. While there are hundreds of research studies worldwide they are published in foreign language medical journals, predominately German, Russian, Polish, Spanish and Italian.
- Howard F. Robins D.P.M.
Germany - O3 Ozone ... "10,000,000+ Patients Treated ... 60+ Years":
Despite more than 10 million people being successfully treated with O3 ozone in Germany for the last 60 years ... this is still considered to be "anecdotal evidence" by the medical establishments who control mainstream western medicine, western governments and many educational institutions.
Many a sceptical doctor has been forced to change his stance while examining its success. In fact the rate of success in Germany has been measured at 90% with the lowest side effects of any medical treatment.
One doctor cited only 3 out of 10,000 cases ever having any kind of allergic reaction, which quickly disappeared when adjusting the dosage.
Many people travel from North America to Germany for treatments because it had been difficult for them to find a practitioner in the US. Nowadays, there are some doctors and naturopaths in the US who give a course of treatments as well as a few clinics in Mexico.
Germany - O3 Ozone ... 300,000+ Patients ... 5,000,000+ Treatments:
"A review of 300,000 patients who had been given more than 5 million Ozone (O3) treatments concluded that when strict ozone protocols were followed the rate of adverse effects was 0.000007% and that there was no evidence of carcinogenicity."
... medical Ozone has thus proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised !!!.
- Jacobs MTH: Untersuchung uber Zwischenfalle und Typische Komplikationenin der Ozone - Sauerstoff Therapie (AufzugAPRIL 1, 1993 CAN MED ASSOC J 1993; 148 (7) 1159 auf der Dissertation).
Ozo Nachrichten 1986; 1: 5
China - Medical O3 Ozone ... 100,000's of Patients Per Year:
At present, hundreds of hospitals have already established ozone therapy program, work in progress according to statistics, hundreds of thousands of patients receive this therapy every year.
- http://www.otsoniterapia.net/uutta/kiina.html
United States - NY - Medical O3 Ozone ... 150,000+ Applications:
Dr. Howard Robins, New York: "Since January 1990 we have performed over 155,000 intravenous ozone therapies. 45,000 Major Auto-Hemotherapies (MAH), and 105,000 DIV’s.
Beginning in July, 1994 we have focused our research solely on DIV applications and have developed our own extremely assertive protocols.
Frequency of treatment at a minimum of three times to as much as twelve times a week; accurate concentration of medical grade ozone usually at 55mcg per cc to a low of 42mcg per cc; given at rates of one cc per 5 to 15 seconds using 25gauge butterfly needles. It is necessary to adjust parameters and modulate all of the above to avoid Jarrisch-Herksheimer (kill-off) reactions."
The Healing Center, Dr. Howard Robins D.P.M., 200 West 57th Street, New York, NY 10019.
- http://www.o3center.org/Clinics/UnitedStates/NewYork.html
- http://www.mdjunction.com/forums/reflex-sympathetic-dystrophy-discussions/medicine-treatments/2459624-direct-iv-ozone-therapy
France - Medical (O3) Ozone ... Research Quote:
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
Russia - Medical O3 Ozone ... 40 Years of Safe, Effective Treatments:
Ozone therapy has also been practised in Russia for 40 years in their hospitals. Prof. Sergey P. Peretyagin, President of the Russian Association of Ozone Therapy has been using it for 30 years. Doctors there report no reccurence of the diseases after treatment.
Cuba - Medical O3 Ozone ... Hospital Emergency Rooms:
In Cuba, for example, there is an ozone generator in every major hospital emergency room.
- www.oxygenhealingtherapies.com/pro_ozone.html
Cuba - Medical O3 Ozone ... 100,000's of Patients ... Free Treatment !!!
In Cuba, since 1986 and hundreds of thousands of people have been treated free ($$$) in every hospital in Cuba. Ozone therapy has been studied extensively, for decades, by Cuban scientists and medical doctors.
Ozone therapy is approved by the Cuban Ministry of Health. Ozone therapy safely treats and reverses numerous chronic disease and microbial conditions plauging the United States ... and at very low costs.
France - Medical (O3) Ozone ... Research Quote:
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
United States - NY - H2O2 & Chelation ... Reversing Kidney Disease:
In 2005, we published an article entitled “The dysox model of renal insufficieny and improved renal function with oxystatic therapies,”:
We documented the reversal of kidney failure in all patients with blood creatinine level of less than 4 and who followed our program that included hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and EDTA chelation infusions for at least six months.
Nearly all patients on dialysis, who consulted me, told me that their doctors did not inform them of their rising creatinine levels until it rose above 6 (!!!) and probably too late to avoid dialysis.
A 2003 report in The New England Journal of Medicine also showed falling creatinine levels with EDTA chelation therapy, indicating reversal of kidney failure. It seemed to us then that the day of EDTA chelation for avoiding dialysis had arrived.
... Alas! That did not happen.
People with kidney failure continue to be neglected with the abominable 'watchful waiting' strategy—until dialysis cannot be avoided. At present, the cost of dialysis per person per year is over $100,000. Perhaps that explains something.
- Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
Germany - Medical O3 Ozone ... vs Stroke:
German ambulances are fitted with Medical Ozone generators for emergency use, in healing stroke patients ... the patients treated this way have a much lower incidence of permanent paralysis ... compared to stroke patients where medical ozone is not used.
If (O3) ozone is administered within 24 hours of a stroke, 95% of patients suffer no permanent paralysis.
(Pharmaceutical medicine has no drugs or protocols that can achieve anywhere near these results (which are also completely non-toxic) ... yet they still deny this medicine to stroke patients in the U.S. and U.K..
Germany - Medical O3 Ozone ... vs Stroke:
Research conducted by Dr. Gerd Wasser (Germany, 1995) shown that medical ozone (O3) therapy has given satisfying results to patients who had recently suffered from acute brain stroke ...
Of 45 patients treated with ozone therapy:
- 40 patients (89%) had perfectly cured without any remain symptoms,
- 5 patients (11%) cured with minimum remain symptoms,
- None of them had serious paralysis.
Without ozone therapy, generally:
- 30% will die,
- 55% will be cured with light paralysis,
- 15% will be invalid.
For this reason, Dr. Gerd Wasser suggested that ozone therapy should be given immediately to any stroke patient to prevent permanent paralysis.
China - Medical O3 Ozone ... vs Stroke:
Many hospitals make clinical research on the use of ozone therapy in the treatment of ischemic stroke. This area has seen rapid development:
Preliminary results of the study show that ozone therapy can reduce brain swelling and promoting tissue repair in the brain, which has been a new research field in the last two years.
- http://www.otsoniterapia.net/uutta/kiina.html
United States & Europe - 1993 - O3 Ozone ... vs Blood Diseases:
"Findings in laboratories in North America and Europe have demonstrated that (O3) ozone has remarkable potency against disease in blood products. Blood approved for transfusion must be certified to be free of viral and bacterial contaminants ... and (O3) ozone appears to fill those requirements."
- Medical Science News - April 1993 - Canadian Medical Association, Canada
Germany - 1950's - O3 Ozone ... vs Hepatitis Virus:
"More than 10,000 units of human blood containing Hepatitis Virus were rendered safe through treatment with a mixture of O3 Ozone and O2 Oxygen for transfusion.
Russia - Medical O3 Ozone ... vs Hepatitis Virus:
In Russian medicine, the treatment of hepatitis is one of the most important aspects of using medical (O3) ozone therapy. In this case a therapeutic effect of ozone develops both through its direct action on the virus and indirectly through its immunomodulating action.
Ozone therapy is effective in treating all types of viral hepatitis – A, B, C, particularly its chronic forms.
Germany - O3 Ozone ... vs Surgical Amputation due to Gangrene:
"Out of a total of 33 patients scheduled in hospital for surgical amputation ... only 1 patient (due to other problems) actually had to have an amputation after receiving ozone therapy treatment."
Germany - O3 Ozone ... vs Burns:
"The use of O3 ozone medical in Burns Units is so effective in immediately halting infection and promoting healing ... that it is difficult to understand why this practice has not yet been applied in the U.S. ... considering its widespread use in Germany for decades."
"For North America not to have medical ozone in their burns units is criminal. Burns are the most painful and disfiguring pathology a person can experience and ozone therapy is so effective and so inexpensive."
- Dr. Stanley Beyrle, Wichita, United States - Kansas Clinic of Traditional Medicine in Wichita, Kansas
- a founding father of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians
United States - New York - O3 Ozone ... "Harmless" Medicine:
"That (O3) Ozone is harmless, we have demonstrated over a period of many years in patients of all ages. By its soothing, quieting effect on the nervous system, it relieves Insomnia. It is especially indicated in Asthma and all diseases of the Respiratory Organs."
- Frank B. Carpenter, M.D., New York City, NY
United States - Chicago Medical College - O3 Ozone:
"If I could have only one remedy (to treat any disease), I would prefer to take my chances with Ozone."
- Noble M. Eberhard, M.D., A.M., Ph.D. - Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery
U.K. - Medical O3 Ozone ... Royal Family ... Queen Mother:
The Queen Mother took regular medical ozone injections to remove toxins and rejuvenate the whole body. She let slip the treatment to friends when they commented on how good she looked.
... Prince Charles recommended ozone therapy to her.
- The Daily Mirror Newspaper - U.K. (May 13th - 2001)
U.S. - Medical O3 Ozone ... Medical Suppression ... Breast Cancer Cure:
Renowned New York physician Dr. Robert Atkins cured a patient of breast cancer with medical ozone injections directly into the breast. Her mainstream cancer doctors had given up on after using all the radiation and chemotherapy her body could take.
When the patient's Oncologist discovered the tumor had disappeared, the State Medical Board was contacted and "Dr. Adkins's medical license was revoked" ... for using an "unapproved therapy" to cure.
The following week, the Medical Board, in Albany, NY, was flooded with telephone calls, telegrams, and letters from concerned patients and public. When Dr. Atkins had his licence reinstated by a State Judge, the judge said: "I have never seen a such capricious and malicious act by a regulatory agency over a matter as inconsequential."
The State Medical Board restored Dr. Atkins' license, along with an admonition "not to publicly promote" his use of medical ozone therapies.
(N.B. Many safe and effective medicines which reverse and cure disease ... are available in medical clinics throughout the U.S. ... but they cannot be "publicly promoted" as cures for diseases in the United States.
They will not be made available as mainstream hospital procedures nor covered by Medical Insurance Programs. Thus, these therapies must be researched independently by the individual U.S. citizen.)
U.S. - Medical O3 Ozone ... AIDS / HIV ... Medical Suppression:
1992: In North Carolina, Dr. John Pittman M.D. was threatened with the loss of his medical licence if he continued using ozone therapy on his AIDS patients. He moved his clinic to Haiti for awhile in 1993, then
closed it down due to the deteriorating political situation in that country.
After North Carolina passed an Alternative Medical Practices Act early in 1994, Dr. Pittman was advised by the State Medical Board, that he could come back to North Carolina and practice ozone therapy.
France - Medical (O3) Ozone ... Research Quote:
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
U.S. - St. Louis Public Schools - Medical O3 Ozone Cures - Part 1:
During the influenza epidemic in St. Louis, U.S., the most critical and advanced cases were transferred to an open air (public) school, which made for high percentage of mortality (death).
In one particular ward, experiments were made with (O3) Ozonized air on cases approaching or at the crises period of the diseases where patients were unable to inhale at all (and were soon to die) ...
After being transferred to the (O3) ozonized air ward they were at once relieved of their crisis ... (each suddenly began to breath again and heal) ... and successfully carried over the crisis.
Lecture by J. H. Effenberg, Ps.D., Ph.D. - Turlock, California - Ozone, God's Gift to Humanity
U.S. - St. Louis Public Schools - Medical O3 Ozone Cures - Part 2 :
* Thousands of lives would be saved every year if homes and schools were equipped with apparatus for the circulation of O3 Ozone.
* Injected with the air of the building to the extent of one part of Ozone to one million parts of air, it effects approximately 100% purification.
* In five years that (O3) Ozone has been used in the U.S. Public Schools of St. Louis, Tuberculosis cases have been reduced 50% ... other diseases have significantly more reduced or completed eliminated.
(N.B. Most U.S. doctors, scientists and citizens believe Medical Ozone is toxic and has no medicinal value).
Tonsilitis |
13 |
57 |
Headache |
9 |
66 |
Stomachache |
0 |
25 |
Earache |
1 |
15 |
Toothache |
0 |
15 |
Indigestion |
0 |
9 |
Fever |
1 |
49 |
The Grippe |
0 |
6 |
Pneumonia |
0 |
4 |
- www.understandingozone.com/article_drReviews.asp
http://mosao2.org/Article%20-%20MOSA%20PDF/O3_schools_St_Louis_01.pdf (Link)
United States - Chicago Medical College - O3 Ozone:
"If I could have only one remedy, I would prefer to take my chances with (O3) Ozone."
- Noble M. Eberhard, M.D., A.M., Ph.D. - Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery
United States - O3 Ozone ... vs HIV, Retroviruses:
Ozone was found to inactivate HIV-1 virions in a dose-dependent manner. The data indicate that the antiviral effects of ozone include viral particle disruption, reverse transcriptase inactivation, and/or a perturbation of the ability of the virus to bind to its receptor on target cells.
Ozone treatment offers promise as a means to inactivate human retroviruses (HIV, Hepatitis A, B,C) in human body fluids and blood product preparations.
- The American Society of Hematology (1991)
Worldwide - Medical O3 Ozone ... vs Cancer:
In one landmark study, cultured cells of different carcinoma types were compared with non-cancerous human lung fibroblasts on exposure to (O3) ozonated air (0.3, 0.5, and 0.8 ppm of ozone for 8 days).
Alveolar adenocarcinoma, breast adenocarcinoma, uterine carcinosarcoma and endometrial carcinoma showed a 40% cell growth inhibition at 0.3 ppm of ozone and 60% at 0.5 ppm. The non-cancerous lung cells were unaffected at these levels. At 0.8 ppm ozone exposure, cancer cell growth inhibition was 90%!!!
Interestingly, it was at this level that the control cell group started to manifest anabolic slowdown. The authors postulate that cancer cells are less able to compensate for the oxidative challenge of (O3) ozone than normal cells, possibly by way of reduced functionality of the glutathione system (Sweet 1980).
Spain - Medical Ozone ... vs Cancer Tumors :
Systemic ozone therapy was administered by autohemotransfusion on three alternate days over one week. Tumor oxygenation levels were measured using polarographic needle probes before and after the first and the third ozone therapy session... a significant decrease was observed in hypoxic values ≤10 and ≤5 mmHg of pO2.
When individually assessed, a significant and inverse non-linear correlation was observed between increase in oxygenation and the initial tumor pO2 values at each measuring time-point, thus indicating that the more poorly-oxygenated tumors benefited most (rho = −0.725; P = 0.001).
Additionally, the effect of ozone therapy was found to be lower in patients with higher hemoglobin concentrations (rho = −0.531; P < 0.034). Despite being administered over a very short period, ozone therapy improved oxygenation in the most hypoxic tumors.
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC442111/
United States - Medical O3 Ozone ... vs HIV:
(O3) Ozone Inactivates HIV at Non-Cytotoxic Concentrations:
The inactivation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cytotoxic properties of (O3) ozone-treated serum and serum-supplemented media were examined. The titer of HIV suspensions in human serum was reduced in a dose-dependent manner when treated with total reacted (O3) ozone concentrations at a range of 0.5 to 3.5 μg/ml−1.
Complete inactivation of HIV suspensions was achieved by 4.0 μg/ml−1 of (O3) ozone in the presence or absence of H-9 cells. In contrast, cellular metabolism, as measured by MTT dye cleavage, and DNA replication, as measured by BUdR incorporation, were enhanced in H-9 cells grown in media treated with quantities of (O3) ozone that completely inactivate HIV.
The permissively HIV-infected cell line HXB/H-9 was cultured in (O3) ozone-treated media for six days with culture supernatants being sampled and assayed on alternate days for HIV p24 core protein. HIV p24 was reduced in all treated cultures compared to control cultures, with an average reduction of 46% [p24].
South Africa - O3 Ozone ... vs HIV, Herpes, Rabies, Vaccine Diseases:
... tests confirmed pathogens can be destroyed by minute amounts of (O3) ozone. The effect of ozone as a virucide, below a certain critical concentration value is small or zero. Above this level all pathogens are eventually destroyed. This effect is called all-or-none response and the critical level the "threshold value”.
There is a two-step process of inactivation of viruses with (O3) ozone. Period one lasts less than 10 seconds, during which time a kill rate of about 99% is achieved. Period two runs for several minutes to complete destruction. This phenomenon is independent of changes in (O3) ozone concentration between 0.07 and 2.5 mg/l.
Lipid-containing viruses are sensitive to treatment with (O3) ozone. Viruses containing lipid coatings include the Herpes viruses, a large family grouping the Simplex, Zoster, Cytomegalovirus and Epsteinn-Barr viruses, mumps, measles, influenza, rabies and the HIV virus.
- www.eco3.co.za/Ozone_Facts.htm
Malaysia - Medical O3 Ozone ... "Supported by Government":
Medical ozone is "officially sanctioned" by the Malaysian Government with hospitals dedicated to ozone therapy in the treatment of numerous diseases.
U.S. / Canada / NATO - 1993 - O3 Ozone ... vs HIV:
In a brief to the NATO Blood Committee ... the Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces reported on joint U.S. / Canadian findings:
"A 3-minute (O3) Ozonation of serum spiked with one million HIV-1 particles per millilitre, would achieve virtually 100% viral inactivation.
Ozonized (O3) biologic fluids, in which there is a presumed abundance of superoxide, singlet oxygen (1O2), hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and other highly reactive species, had both extracellular and intracellular virucidal properties.
The study also found that the (O3/O2) procedure would destroy several other lipid-encapsulated viruses, including Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) and various other viral strains of interest to veterinarians.
Two teams of US virologists have used comparable (O3/O2) gas-diffusion techniques to confirm the Canadian findings.
Michael E. Shannon: personal communication, 1992.8
United States - Washington D.C. ... "6th World Ozone Conference":
The Sixth World Ozone Conference held in Washington, D.C., during May, 1983, produced many outstanding papers on the medical and therapeutic uses of ozone. They ran the full spectrum of topics from cancer to herpes to rheumatoid arthritis, written by the world's most recognized specialists in their fields.
- www.pacificholistic.com/oxygen
United States - O3 Ozone ... vs AIDS, Tuberculosis:
PubMed which publishes trials has 5015 references on ozone showing 95% improvement with studies on its usage for AIDS and tuberculosis. Despite of these studies, the U.S. National Institute of Health, with a budget of nearly $30 billion has been around for 100 years but has not done any studies on ozone.
- www.pacificholistic.com/oxygen
U.K. & France - O3 Ozone ... vs War Wounds, Surgery:
The results of the first 21 cases treated by medical (O3) ozone at the Queen Alexandra Military Hospital “England” cannot be regarded as anything but satisfactory from every standpoint, be it humanitarian, scientific or economic.
The cases were, for the most part, those of cavities and sinuses in the femur and tibia. It is the great experience of those who have seen a great deal of war surgery that such cases obstinately resist treatment and are apt to remain unhealed for months and years … I have failed in only one case.
The properties of medical (O3) ozone which have a wonderful healing effect are … an increased flow of blood to the affected part … as a germicide it destroys all hostile micro-organic growth … as the French chemist Hennocque has shown it has great powers in the formation of oxyhemoglobin.
U.S. - Dentistry - O3 Ozone ... vs Root Canals, Cavities, Gum Disease:
"Oxygen and ozone have become an essential part of state-of-the-art dental care.
We use oxygen and ozone to kill bacteria, freshen bad breath, heal infected gums, treat deep cavities, whiten teeth, and avoid root canals.
Ozonated water is very effective in killing bacteria and yet is safe enough to drink by the glassful. Ozone is what keeps the water that runs through our dental equipment free of the biofilm that is loaded with bacteria.
- Jacques Doueck DDS - www. avoidrootcanal.org/oxygen-and-ozone-in-dentistry/
Germany, Italy, Russia, Cuba - O3 Ozone ... vs Viruses:
"Doctors in Germany, Italy, Russia and Cuba have all successfully treated viral infections with increased oxygenation.
Italy - O3 Ozone ... vs Herpes Virus:
"27 herpes patients with intravenous injections of (O2) Oxygen and (O3) Ozone.
... all patients healed completely after a minimum of one and a maximum of five injections. Five years later 24 of the 27 were still outbreak free. Re-infection was suspected in the other three.
- Dr. R. Mattassi, Division of Vascular Surgery, Santa Corona Hospital, Milan, Italy
Cuba - O3 Ozone ... vs Herpes Virus:
In Cuba ... fifteen adults patients suffering from herpes zoster were treated with injections of O3 Ozone / O2 Oxygen for a period of fifteen days. All patients were completely symptom free after the treatment AND follow-up examinations a year later showed not one relapse."
- Center of Medical and Surgical Research, Havana, Cuba
China - O3 Ozone ... vs Herniated Discs ... 50,000 Patients Per Year:
Of patients with cervical or lumbar herniation, treated more than 50, 000 patients every year with medical ozone (O3) therapy ... and more than 80% of them with excellent results.
- http://www.otsoniterapia.net/uutta/kiina.html
Italy - Europe - O3 Ozone ... vs Back Pain:
In recent years more than 14,000 lower back pain patients have been treated with medical ozone therapy in Europe, mostly in Italy, where the procedure was developed.
Canada - O3 Ozone ... vs Herniated Discs:
Canadian Radiologists predict oxygen-ozone therapy will become the standard treatment in the United States to treat herniated disks within the next five years.
Kieran J. Murphy, an interventional neuroradiologist and vice chair and chief of medical imaging at the University of Toronto in Toronto, Ontario ... presented at the San Diego meeting, his analysis of 12 studies involving more than 8,000 patients treated with the ozone/oxygen in Italy and elsewhere in Europe.
Computer imaging guides the needle used to deliver the ozone/oxygen treatment to the herniated disc. Patients require no more than a local anesthetic, and Murphy says most of his patients have reported improvements in pain within 48 hours of the treatment.
“The estimated improvement in pain and function is impressive when we looked at patients who ranged in age from 13 to 94 years with all types of disc herniations.
Equally important, pain and function outcomes are similar to the outcomes for lumbar discs treated with surgical discectomy, but the complication rate is much less – less than 0.1 percent.
In addition, the recovery time is significantly shorter for the oxygen/ozone injection than for the discectomy ... you don’t have to undergo invasive surgery,” said Murphy.
The analysis suggests that ozone therapy is as effective as surgery for relieving pain caused by a herniated disc, with a much lower incidence of complications and much quicker recovery times.
- http://www.empowereddoctor.com/ozone-injections-relieve-pain-of-herniated-discs
United States - O3 Ozone ... vs Multiple Diseases:
"The conditions I would mention especially as being most amenable to O3 OZONE treatment are:
Neurasthenia, Melancholis, Insomnia, Hay Fever, Bronchitis, early stages of Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Anemia, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Headache, Inactive Liver or Kidneys, and Syphilis in any stage ...
and I would say that it is a most valuable adjunct to surgical and other procedures for the relief or cure of organic disease."
- Homer Clark Bennett, M.D., M.E., Ph.D.
China - O3 Ozone ... vs Multiple Diseases
Medical ozone therapy has introduced into China in 2000. n the last decade the ozone therapy area has seen significant progress. Initially it was used only in the treatment of lumbar disc herniation ... but now with a number of pain conditions, osteoarthritis, gynecological infections, ulcers, viral hepatitis, the treatment of cerebral infraction, etc..
- http://www.otsoniterapia.net/uutta/kiina.html
United States - O3 Ozone ... vs Cancer, AIDS:
Well-known New York physician, the late Dr. Robert C. Atkins used (O3) ozone generators and treated patients with AIDS, cancer and yeast infections. He found the generators ‘useful, extremely safe’ and they ‘shrink tumours, enhance the immune system.’
- John W. Waldron - www.o3center.org
Cuba - O3 Ozone ... vs Viruses / Shingles / Herpes Zoster:
At the Center of Medical and Surgical Research in Havana, 15 adult patients suffering from herpes zoster (shingles) were treated with injections of ozone/oxygen for a period of 15 days.
All patients were completely symptom-free after the treatment and follow-up examinations a year later showed no relapse.
Cuba - O3 Ozone Oil Capsules ... vs Gastro-Intestinal Disorders:
Digestion - Cuban doctors are using capsules filled with ozonated (O3) oil to treat gastroduodenal ulcers, gastritis, giardia and peptic ulcers.
Cuba - O3 Ozone Water ... vs Gastro-Intestinal Disorders:
In 50 cases of giardiasis which did not respond to conventional (pharma drug) treatment, ozonated water was administered. Each patient drank four glasses of ozonated water per day for ten days, followed by a 7-day period without treatment. This cycle was then repeated a second time.
46% experienced a remission during the first cycle of treatment while an additional 48% became asymptomatic by the end of the second cycle. There were no adverse side-effects reported.
- Revista CENIC Ciencias Biologicas, pp. 61-4
United States - O3 Ozone Oil Capsules ... vs HIV:
At the IAOHD Conference you may recall a series of slides on the treatment of HIV with ozonated oils.
I showed one patient called Elizabeth. Elizabeth started her ozonated oil (in capsules) treatment with a registered Viral Load of 64000 HIV virions per ml blood 2 years ago.
She has been officially discharged as a HIV patient as she is now HIV-free.
Presented at the International Association of Ozone in Healthcare and Dentistry (IAOHD) in Las Vegas, United States, February 2013.
Germany - O3 Ozone ... vs AIDS:
In 1986, Dr. Alexander Preuss in Stuttgart, FRG, published several case histories of AIDS patients treated with ozone who became completely healthy and went back to work.
Germany - O3 Ozone ... vs Viruses, Bacteria:
Medical ozone is accepted by the overwhelming majority of all German educated physicians and doctors. Most water purification in Germany is through ozone, and we are beginning to use it now to purify water in the United States.
Ozone is a disinfectant, virucidal and bactericidal. If it can kill viruses and bacteria when used industrially, why can't we use it in medicine, and apply it to human function?
... because it is inexpensive and the drug companies don't want it. There is no money in it for them.
Ozone oxidizes the cells of the body systemically. It stimulates enzymes and phagocytes, the white blood cells which chew up the debris, the viruses and the bacteria in the blood. It activates alpha interferon, gamma interferon, interleuken II and tumour necrosis factor.
Ozone is specific for pathogenic cells and does not hurt the good cells.
With red blood cells, it increases the cascade of events that eventually frees oxygen from the hemoglobin molecule so that oxygen is released. It is effective with hepatitis B.
We have not had one hepatitis patient that we haven't had success with.
We use more than just ozone, but ozone is a major part of it. For pathological conditions produced by viruses like herpes, hepatitis, AIDS and cancer, we use 38-42 ug/ml.
- Stanley Beyrle, N.M.D. (Naturopathic Medical Doctor)
United States - O3 Ozone ... vs Pneumonia, Asthma:
Case No. 1.
"October 15. Pneumonia and Asthma patient 72 years old was transmitted to the hospital by ambulance. Temp. 105.2, pulse and respiration way above normal at arrival. The case was desperate and the doctor decided to place the patient in the air conditioned OZONE ROOM.
During the next 6 days, temperature, pulse and respiration dropped gradually so that on Oct. 21, the temp. was 97.4, pulse 70, and respiration 23. Patient was discharged from Hospital, October 25.
Case No. 2.
"Patient admitted to the hospital Feb. 3, suffering from DOUBLE PNEUMONIA and placed in a private room. Feb. 5, his temp. reached 105.6, pulse 128, respiration 50. This desperate case was transferred Feb. 5, at 8 p.m. to the air conditioned OZONE ROOM. Within ONE hour, temp., pulse and respiration began to drop and the patient walked OUT OF THE HOSPITAL on February 14.
Case No. 3.
"A double pneumonia case became critical on July 1, at 7:30 p.m. when his temp. reached 103.8. pulse 140, respiration 58. Within 45 minutes after he was transferred to the air conditioned OZONE ROOM, his temp. and respiration began to drop rapidly. On July 7, his temp. was 98.6, pulse and respiration normal. Patient was discharged from hospital, July 12.
These are just a few cases which prove the power of OZONE used in conjunction with properly conditioned air to be of help to the medical profession.
- In "Air Conditioning and Ozone Facts"
France - O3 Ozone ... vs Whooping Cough:
"My personal experience rests on over one hundred cases during ten years:
In all these cases, and especially those treated from the outset of well developed whooping cough, I have obtained amelioration prompt and rapid at first, and later a complete cure.
In a time little longer than that ordinarily covered by a very light attack, the result has been constant.
This constancy and continuity of action enables us to be still more strongly affirmative than we were earlier in our researches and we do not hesitate to say that OZONE is a remedy par excellence for whooping cough.
If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application. The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
Germany - O3 Ozone ... vs Viruses, Blood Purification:
Blood Purification: Several authors have investigated ozone for sterilizing blood supplies (Wolff 1979, Wehrli 1957). The treatment of 500 ml of whole blood with 100ml of O3/O2 mixture (40 to 50 ug/ml) is reported to render it virus-free without injuring any cellular elements.
One study examined 10,000 samples and found no cases of hepatitis transmission (Wehrli 1957).
Administered properly – and this cannot be overemphasized - embolization does not occur since both gases, unlike nitrogen, are readily soluble in blood. Indications include intermittent claudication, leg ulcers, and incipient gangrene (Rokitansky 1982).
Germany - O3 Ozone ... vs Bacteria:
Action of Ozone on Bact. coli - Bacilli Diphtheria, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus ... Ozone, very quickly and energetically, acts deadly on germs, grown macroscopically and dried on a medium soil.
The first table shows a mortification of 98% and 99% of the bact. coli within two minutes and this confirms completely the results of Dr. Heise. It also gave evidence that the action of Ozone is very intense on the plates and grows six (6) hours after the vaccination.
The other plates, dysentry, streptococcus, staphylococcus, which commonly were ozonized after 3-4 hours after vaccination were absolute steril alter two (2) minutes.
According to the results of these experiments as shown in these tables, the disinfectory germical action of Ozone must be considered as most excellent and superior to other methods.
- Hans Kleinmann, M.D., German Research Authority - In "Action of Ozone on Pathogenic Germs"
Europe - Germany - Italy - O3 Ozone ... vs Multiple Diseases:
Autohemotherapy: Medical Ozone is administered to increase the oxygenation and the red cell fluidity in the treated blood aliquot, and for eliminating the pathogens it may contain.
In addition, beneficial systemic immunological and anti-viral actions are reported (Vogelsberger 1983; Viebahn 1999; Bocci 2005).
Autohemotherapy has been applied to the treatment of several conditions, including acute and chronic viral infections, some carcinomas, and circulatory disturbances such as diabetes and arteriosclerosis.
Ozone-enhanced remineralization of bone has also been reported (Riva-Sanseverino 1987). Of interest are the testimonies of some patients, who after receiving this treatment, experience feelings of well-being lasting for a few minutes to several hours.
Germany & France - O3 Ozone ... vs Multiple Diseases:
Payr in 1935 and Augourg in 1936 first used Ozone-Oxygen mixtures in rectal insufflation. The list of indications has expanded to include many conditions.
Inflammatory diseases of the bowel, Ozone promotes healing and restores the floral balance disturbed by harmful germs. In a typical treatment, daily insufflations are applied starting with 50 ml and increasing as tolerated in increments until 500 ml are administered.
This technique is of use in the treatment of bowel infections associated with AIDS. Microsporidia, a tiny, rarely detected parasite may be responsible for many cases of AIDS wasting illness this germ is susceptible to Ozone treatment.
United States - O3 Ozone ... vs Multiple Diseases:
"Ozone increases the oxygenation of the blood and tissues, thus increasing oxyhemoglobin and also increasing the number of red blood corpuscles. There are some diseases of the respiratory organs, including tuberculosis, infectious diseases and all conditions, where imperfect oxidation and impaired nutrition are present, where (O3) OZONE is beneficial.
An (O3) OZONE spray has been demonstrated to be healing in all forms of ulcers, etc. OZONE is especially effective in consumption.
- Noble M. Eberhard, M.D., A.M., Ph.D. - Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery
Germany - Europe - O3 Ozone ... Olympic Athletes:
In Germany, which has long set the standard for drinking water and pool water quality worldwide, Ozone systems are the sanitizer of choice.
Europeans are so accustomed to the pristine environment of swimming pools without chlorine, that a group of European Olympic Swimmers at the Atlanta Olympics in 1996, refused to enter a chlorinated pool.
... the pool was subsequently switched to an Ozone treatment system.
- www.envronozone.com/swimming_pools/ozone_swimming_pools.htm
United States - White House - O3 Ozone:
Ozone has been used for 100 years to sanitize municipal water. Los Angeles, CA has one of the largest ozone municipal water treatment plants in the world. Almost all bottled water is treated with ozone.
The White House swimming pool has an ozone sanitation system. Over 90% of hot tubs and spas use ozone sanitation systems.
- www.hydrosystem.com/article/43/about-us/a-green-company
United States - O3 Ozone ... vs "Super Bugs", Drug Resistant Bacteria:
Scottsdale, AZ - Ozone Kills MRSA “Super Bugs”:
Sanitizing towels, linens, and surfaces with ozonated water has been shown to be extremely effective in the reduction of Staphylococcus aureus (staph) bacteria and its more drug-resistant and harder to treat strain known as methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), which is spreading rapidly in the US population.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) just reported in the Journal of the American Medical Association that in 2005, 94,000 people contracted serious, or invasive, staph infections and 19,000 of them died; rates three times the previous estimates.
Italy - O3 Ozone ... vs Viruses, HIV, Hepatitis, Flu:
Extracorporeal ozone therapy is ideally suited for the administration of low and very low ozone dosages over prolonged periods of time:
This methodology may be best suited for the management of acute viral infections when explosive viremia threatens life, as in avian influenza (bird flu); or in chronic viral afflictions (e.g., hepatitis C, HIV) during periods of viral recrudescence. (Di Paolo 2000; Bocci 2002)
Europe - O3 Ozone ... vs Multiple Diseases:
Payr in 1935 and Aubourg in 1936 first used ozone-oxygen mixtures in rectal insufflation to treat ulcerative colitis and fistulae. The list of indications has expanded to include proctitis and hemorrhoids.
It is reported that in inflammatory diseases of the bowel ozone promotes healing and restores the floral balance disturbed by pathogenic organisms. In a typical treatment for ulcerative colitis, daily insufflations are applied.
High initial medical ozone concentrations achieve hemostasis (stops bleeding). Subsequently, low ozone concentrations promote resolution (Viebahn 1994). This technique may have some promise in the treatment of bowel infections associated with AIDS. Microsporidia, tiny intestinal parasites may contribute to AIDS wasting illness, and studies are needed to ascertain the benefits of ozone intervention.
Germany - O3 Ozone ... vs Multiple Diseases:
Ozonated water infused into warm baths provides stimulation of local circulation and disinfectant action to varicosities (varicose veins). Eczema, skin ulcers, and peripheral circulatory disorders are reported to benefit from ozone balneotherapy. - Renate Viebahn MD - 1994
Worldwide - O3 Ozone ... vs "Super Bugs", Drug Resistant Bacterias:
Exposed to (O3) ozone, bacterial species fare poorly, a fact appreciated since the 19th century!
Ozone is a strong germicide needing only a few micrograms per liter for measurable action. At a concentration of 1 mg/L H2O at 1°C, ozone rapidly inactivates coliform bacteria, staphylococcus aureus, and Aeromonas hydrophilia (Lohr 1984).
... despite this 100+ year old "fact" ... pharma-controlled modern hospitals and doctors and are still reluctant / refusing to use medical ozone to quickly and safely prevent and cure the numerous rampant drug-resistant bacterial diseases causing infections and deaths in modern U.S. hospitals.
Worldwide - O3 Ozone: ... vs Viruses
All viruses are susceptible to ozone's neutralizing action. Viruses, however, differ in their relative susceptibility to destruction by ozone. Other researchers, in similar experiments, concluded that in ozonation, it is the viral capsid that sustains damage (Riesser 1977). Viruses, unlike mammalian cells, have no enzymatic protection against oxidative stress.
Lipid-enveloped viruses are sensitive to treatment with ether, organic solvents, and ozone, indicating that disruption or loss of lipids results in impaired or destroyed infectivity. Indeed, once the virion’s lipid envelope becomes fragmented, its DNA or RNA core cannot survive.
Although ozone's effects upon unsaturated lipids are one of its best documented biochemical action, ozone is known to interact with other viral constituents. Ozone can interact with viral proteins, their constituent amino acids and lipopolysaccharides. Indeed, when ozone comes in contact with viral capsid proteins, protein hydroxides and protein hydroperoxides are formed and viral demise ensues.
- ozoneinmedicine.com/articles_med.html
Worldwide - O3 Ozone ... "International Ozone Associations":
There are International Ozone Associations which meet for conferences every year in different cities. Hundred of medical papers have been published.
- www.pacificholistic.com/oxygen
Worldwide - O3 Ozone - vs Heart Surgery, Tooth Decay:
Many dentists are now using (O3) ozone to prevent decay or infection during dental operations and it is used during heart surgery to reduce the need for risky blood transfusions.
- www.pacificholistic.com/oxygen
Worldwide - O3 Ozone ... "Non-Toxic" Medicine:
Ozone is a non-toxic and more potent disinfectant than chlorine and bleach. Ozone removes arsenic and degrades cyanide. Cyanide oxidation with ozone is a two-step reaction similar to alkaline chlorination, producing cyanate.
Ozone also degrades petrochemicals. Petrochemicals have the potential to place a great burden on the immune system. They also worsen and even cause allergies and are detrimental to your long-term health.
United States - New York- O3 Ozone ... "Harmless" Medicine:
"That (O3) Ozone is harmless, we have demonstrated over a period of many years in patients of all ages. By its soothing, quieting effect on the nervous system, it relieves Insomnia. It is especially indicated in Asthma and all diseases of the Respiratory Organs."
- Frank B. Carpenter, M.D., New York City, NY
Worldwide - O3 Ozone - Municipal Water
In most major cities throughout Europe and in many other parts of the world (including some U.S. states), the public drinking water is ozonated to clear it of harmful bacteria.
- www.pacificholistic.com/oxygen
Worldwide - O3 Ozone ... vs Viruses, Bacteria:
Bacteria fare poorly when exposed to ozone, a fact appreciated since the 19th century.
Ozone is a strong germicide needing only micrograms per liter for measurable action. At a concentration of 1 mg per liter of water at 1°C, ozone rapidly inactivates coliform bacteria, staphylococcus aureus, and Aeromonas hydrophilia. [Lohr 1984].
The inactivation rate of enteroviruses is more rapid than for E coli, takes place in relatively small concentrations of ozone, and is influenced by pH, temperature, and the presence of ambient organic compounds (Ivanova 1983).
At dosage concentrations used in external therapy, medical ozone essentially inactivates all bacterial species. This holds true for oxygen-dependent aerobic organisms, for oxygen-independent anaerobic bacteria well known for causing gangrene, and for facultative species that can go either way.
Ozone’s universal anti-bacterial action makes it an agent of choice in the management of wound infections colonized by bacterial species belonging to diverse groups.
An incomplete list of bacterial families susceptible to ozone inactivation includes: The Enterobacteriaceae, a large group of microorganism families whose natural habitat is the intestinal tract of humans.
These Gram-negative organisms include Escherichia coli, Salmonella, Enterobacter, Shigella, Klebsiella, Serratia, and Proteus.
Other ozone-sensitive bacterial species include Streptococci, Staphylococci, Legionella, Pseudomonas, Yersinia, Campylobacteri, and Mycobacteria.
- Gerard V. Sunnen, M.D. - Ozonics International - www.OzoneInMedicine.com
Worldwide - O3 Ozone ... "12th World Ozone Congress":
Overseas, medical ozone is used in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, and Cuba to name but a few. Recently, the Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association was held in Lille, France:
It was well attended by researchers from around the world, some of whom are at a loss to under stand America's seeming domination by an FDA out of step with the latest in research, and out of control.
Japan - O3 Ozone ... Amino Acids Catalyze Ozone in the Human Body
Previous observations revealed that antibody-catalyzed ozone formation by human neutrophils contributed to the killing of bacteria.
In this study, we discovered that 4 amino acids themselves were able to catalyze the production of an oxidant with the chemical signature of ozone from singlet oxygen in the water-oxidation pathway, at comparable level to antibodies. The resultant oxidant with the chemical signature of ozone exhibited significant bactericidal activity in our distinct cell-free system and in human neutrophils.
The results also suggest that an oxidant with the chemical signature of ozone produced by neutrophils might potentiate a host defense system, when the host is challenged by high doses of infectious agents.
Departments of Hematology and Oncology and Anesthesia, Kyoto University Hospital, Japan
1983 - Sixth World Medical Ozone Conference - U.S. - Washington D.C.
The evidence and reports concerning medical ozone therapy are almost too good to be true. Perhaps you have not heard of this truly miraculous, yet entirely natural, form of “medicine”. That is because until now the medical authorities in the United States have been painfully slow in their investigation of the beneficial uses of ozone.
However, the World Ozone Conference held in Washington, D.C. produced many outstanding papers on the medical and therapeutic uses of ozone. They ran the full spectrum of topics form cancer to herpes to rheumatoid arthritis, written by the world’s most recognized specialists in their field. These papers concluded that:
Ozone removes unwanted bacteria and viruses from the blood, the same way it does water.
The possibility of becoming infected with hepatitis, HIV virus, syphilis and other infectious diseases through blood transfusions could be eliminated by the use of ozone.
Ozone disinfects open wounds.
Ozone is effective in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular disease and arteriosclerosis. It promptly restores circulation, relieves angina pain and improves brain circulation and function.
Cancerous tumours, lymphomas and leukaemia may be eliminated without use of surgery, radiation of chemotherapy.
Ozone is highly effective for all forms of rheumatoid and arthritic disease.
Ozone is highly effective for allergies.
Ozone improves Multiple sclerosis, and other neurological diseases, ameliorates the loss of bran function in Alzheimer’s, senility and Parkinson’s disease.
External use of ozone is very effective in treating burns, acne, ulcers, open sores, and wounds, insect bites, and fungus and skin disorders.
Ozone is effective for proctitis, colitis, prostitus, fissure, candidiasis, and other yeast infections, trichooniasis, and other forms of vaginitis, bladder cysts, fistulas, Crohns disease.
Mononunucleosis, cirrhosis of the liver, Aids, herpes and hepatitis have been successfully treated with ozone without the use of drugs.
The application of ozone is painless, has no adverse side effects and is extremely cost effective for both physicians and patients.
Gangrene has been eliminated through sealing an affected extremity in a bag and pumping ozone into it, thus allowing the ozone to be absorbed through the skin. Healing takes place very quickly, the flesh often turns from black to pink during the first treatment.
- www.simkul.co.za/o3_hydro_bubble_spa.htm
"The evidence from these doctors’ research is conclusive ... oxygen at the cellular level plays the primary role in health and well-being." - Artour Rakhimov, PhD
"If I could have only one remedy, I would prefer to take my chances with (O3) Ozone."
- Noble M. Eberhard, M.D., A.M., Ph.D. - Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery
France - Medical (O3) Ozone ... Research Quote:
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
United States - Ozone (O3) Studies ... Hill, M.D., 1942:
Nature's ozone (O3) in the atmosphere, and pure medical grade ozone (O3), are both completely non-toxic to humans, animals and plants. Humans have even been tested with ozone concentrations as great as 20 to 50 parts per million of air with no negative reactions (Hill, M.D., 1942).
"Although it has not yet been definitely shown why Ozone containing HIGH nitrogen oxides can be toxic ... it has been definitively established that ozone "free or low of nitrogen oxides" is comparatively non-toxic.
Too high levels of Nitric Oxide is the toxin ... not (O3) Ozone.
United States - (O3) Ozone Studies ... Hill and Aeberly, 1921:
In 1921, Hill and Aeberly published a series of articles reporting on tests concerning the effects of Ozone, chemically, physically, and physiologically. As a result of these tests a toxic limit for Ozone was established at 1 part per million. It was also stated that 20 parts per million with an exposure of two hours might prove fatal to human beings.
After noting the work of Thorp, Hill realizing that oxides of HIGH levels of nitrogen had been present in his previous test, decided to re-run the test on an identical basis to determine if pure Ozone had higher toxic limits.
... as a final result of his work, Hill, M.D., states:
"PURE OZONE IS NOT POISONOUS IN ANY SENSE OF THE WORD as it breaks down in contact with the mucous membrane and only oxygen remains."
France - Medical (O3) Ozone ... Research Quote:
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
Ozone, A Medical Breakthrough? ... Investigative Documentary Video
Filmed in 11 countries over 16 years. Today, hospitals around the world use Ozone Therapy!
Cancer, HIV, AIDS, Hepatitis, Herpes, MS, Fybromylagia, Epstein Bar, Parkinson's, Eczema, Pain, Stroke... the list is lengthy. Ozone therapy is extremely effective with no adverse side affects.
Ozone a Medical Breakthrough? features interviews with patients, doctors, including Academy Award nominated Nick Nolte, as well as top experts and representatives from U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).
The powerful investigative documentary, tells the story of a simple medical treatment set against the background of politics and economics that control the health care system. "Illegal" in the United States and Canada ... ozone therapy has been used to treat several million people in Europe, for a variety of medical conditions, from excema and gangrene, to cancer, strokes, hepatitis, herpes and AIDS.
The film includes scientific evidence that ozone selectively attacks viral matter and selectively inhibits the growth of cancer cells, without harming healthy cells. As well, dozens of papers have been presented supporting the use of ozone for about forty other areas of medicine, including pain management and circulatory disorders that cause strokes. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration has a different opinion.
Recently, ozone has been scientifically proven to selectively attack viruses as well as cancer cells without harming healthy cells ... and a study conducted by the Canadian military in association with the International Red Cross found that monkeys injected with blood plasma contaminated with SIV (the monkey equivalent of the AIDS-related virus) died within 12 to 14 days, while ...
ALL the monkeys receiving injections that had been treated with ozone remained uninfected and healthy.
"I think its appalling that the FDA has publicly condemned ozone therapy, while their files contain dozens of medical submissions indicating the safety and effectiveness of the treatment," says Rogers
... meanwhile, research dollars are being spent instead on enormously expensive pharmaceutical compounds with questionable merit.
This revealing and often disturbing film traces the progress of this highly controversial treatment, and features interviews with representatives of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, the National Institutes of Health, as well as experts in Europe, Canada and Mexico.
Video By Geoff Rogers - Narrated by Will Lyman (PBS Frontline).
Geoffrey Rogers, Project Director (604) 873-4626
Toll Free: 1-800-216-4403
Email: thresholdfilms@yahoo.com
To order copies:
1. "Ozone and the Politics of Medicine"
2. "Ozone, a Medical Breakthrough"
Threshold Film Inc.
#301-356 East 6th Avenue
Vancouver, Canada
V5T 1K1
(604) 873-4626
Oxygen Deficiency ... "The Single Greatest Cause of All Disease"
"... we can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all disease."
- Dr. Stephen Levine, Renowned Molecular Biologist and Geneticist *
"Hundreds of different diseases named by allopathy medicine are but symptoms of one underlying cause:That cause, is hypoxia, or oxygen starvation at the cellular level. This is the cause of degenerative disease (arthritis, atherosclerosis, multiple sclerosis, rheumatism, cancer, etc.)." - www.ohengroup.com/
Life is an injury-healing-injury cycle. Oxygen governs all aspects of this cycle with an enormous network of signals. Oxygen heals by orchestrating a vast and intricate system of intelligence that detects and responds to injury.
Oxygen ushers life in and then terminates. It does so by initiating, enhancing, perpetuating, and terminating signals that regulate all aspects of human energetics, development, and demise.
- www.ethicsinmedicine.us/
"The lessons for persons with cancer here is the same: A the most fundamental level, it is oxygen that determines whether their immune cells win cancer cells or whether cancer cells defeat human cells."
- Majid Ali, M.D. - Author of "Oxygen and Aging" (2003)
"Disease is due to a deficiency in the oxidation process of the body, leading to an accumulation of toxins. These toxins are ordinarily burned in normal oxidation." - Dr. Albert Wahl
"Every healing art on earth involves getting oxygen to cells!"- Dr. Samuel West - Chemist & Lymphologist
Studies indicate that over 96% of the body’s daily nutritional needs is for oxygen everything we do is all about making oxygen available to our cells for metabolism and ultimately to produce energy.
- ww.cancershield.net/id11.html
"My research has convinced me that lack of oxygen is the root of most or perhaps even all disease."
- Dr. Shizou Inoue - Director of Japan Health Association - Chairman of the Oxygen Health Association
"In all serious disease states we find a concomitant low oxygen state ... low oxygen in the body tissues
is a sure indicator for disease." - Dr. Stephen Levine - Renowned Molecular Biologist and Geneticist
“It just made sense, that when you check people’s oxygen levels, especially with chronic degenerative disorders, they seem to be low on oxygen and didn’t have any energy,” - David Darbro, M.D.
"Lack of oxygen clearly plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous."
- Dr. Harry Goldblatt - Journal of Experimental Medicine
"A lack of oxygen (hypoxia) is the prime cause of 1.5 million heart attacks each year."
- Dr. Richard Lippman - Renowned Researcher
"Oxidation is the source of life. Its lack causes impaired health or disease, its cessation, death."
- Dr. F.M. Eugene Blass, PH.D., - Author - Oxygen Therapy: Its Foundation, Aim, Results
"Cells undergoing partial oxygen starvation send out tiny panic signals which are collectively felt in the body ... people rarely suspect that the constant vague feelings of helplessness, fatigue ... uneasiness are symptoms of cellular oxygen deprivation." - Townsend Letter for Doctors - www.tldp.com
"Starved of oxygen the body will become ill, and if this persists it will die, I doubt if there is an argument about that." - Dr. John Muntz - Nutritional Scientist
Medical (O3) Ozone is a powerful therapeutic tool for curing disease, but it is equally important for prevention of disease. Medical (O3) Ozone both treats and prevents most communicable disease as well (mumps, measles, influenza, cholera, tropical fevers, etc.). - www.ohengroup.com/

Curing "Incurables" ... Reversing the "Irreversible" ... Alzheimer's
On August 28, 2010, The New York Times ran a front page story entitled “Years Later, No Magic Bullet Against Alzheimer’s Disease.” This was a grave disservice to Times= readers. Consider the following quote from the report:
But the jury’s verdict was depressing and distressing. So far, nothing has been found to prevent or delay this devastating disease, which ceaselessly kills brain cells, eventually leaving people mute, incontinent, unable to feed themselves, unaware of who they are or who their family and friends are.
"So far, nothing has been found to prevent or delay this devastating disease."
... this is a shameful distortion of the facts.
Alzheimer’s disease, first and foremost, is an oxygen problem of the brain cells caused by the trio of toxicities of foods, environment, and thoughts, such as heavy metal overload, toxic protein deposition, gut fermentation, and others that block oxygen's energetic and detergent functions.
In my book Oxygen and Aging (2000), I devoted a chapter to Alzheimer’s disease and the use of oxystatic therapies to prevent it and arrest its course in early and intermediate stages. - Dr. Majid Ali
- www.ethicsinmedicine.us/oxygen_and_alzheimers_disease.htm
Curing the "Incurables" ... Reversing the "Irreversible" ... Kidney Failure
When Professor Alfred Fayemi and I published Pathology of Maintenance Hemodialysis (1982), we were not aware that chronic kidney failure could be reversed in most cases. None of the staff nephrologists ever raised the possibility during hundreds of hospital conferences.
In 2005, we published an article entitled “The dysox model of renal insufficieny and improved renal function with oxystatic therapies,” ... we documented the reversal of kidney failure in all patients with blood creatinine level of less than 4 and who followed our program that included hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and EDTA chelation infusions for at least six months.
Normal blood creatinine level is less than 1.2 mg/dL. I point out that this level does not change when one kidney is removed, to excise a tumor, for instance. Such is the functional reserve created by evolutionary design.
Nearly all patients on dialysis, who consulted me, told me that their doctors did not inform them of their rising creatinine levels until it rose above 6 and probably too late to avoid dialysis.
Lest I be considered irresponsible for creating false hope, a 2003 report in The New England Journal of Medicine showed falling creatinine levels with EDTA chelation therapy, indicating reversal of kidney failure. It seemed to us then that the day of EDTA chelation for avoiding dialysis had arrived.
... Alas! That did not happen.
People with kidney failure continue to be neglected with the abominable 'watchful waiting' strategy—until dialysis cannot be avoided. At present, the cost of dialysis per person per year is over $100,000. Perhaps that explains something.
- Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
Curing the "Incurables" ... Reversing the "Irreversible" ... Fibromyalgia
Fibromyalgia is an oxygen (deficiency) problem ... Patients who are given these diagnostic labels shuttle between specialists. Most of them also receive other diagnostic labels in their sad journeys.
They fumble and suffer, sometimes for years, before they find doctors who detect and treat all their oxygen-related issues, and guide them back to health, albeit very slowly in many cases.
If you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, please be wary:
* Of experts who claim there is no treatment for fibromyalgia simply because their drugs do not work. (How does anyone become an expert on a problem he never solves?)
* Of the fibromyalgia support groups who spread negative information because they believe that the condition is irreversible.
* Of the fibromyalgia patients who lose hope for others because they could not heal.
In a clinical study conducted at the Institute of Integrative Medicine and published in The Journal of Integrative Medicine, the author and his colleagues reported excellent outcome in 67% and good outcome in another 19% (a near-complete recovery or marked improvement in almost 86%) of a series of 150 patients.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) ... Fibromyalgia ... Lyme Disease
Consider the case of a young woman who develops persistent fatigue that interferes with her job. She consults her doctor who diagnoses chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). He talks about many things, orders several lab tests, but he does not mention the word oxygen.
Why not? ... The answer: "Science is Dumbed Down"
The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal has never considered the deficiency of oxygen in the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome. - Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
Fibromyalgia is an oxygen problem. The so-called chronic Lyme disease is also an oxygen problem. Patients who are given these diagnostic labels shuttle between specialists.
Most of them also receive other diagnostic labels in their sad journeys.They fumble and suffer, sometimes for years, before they find doctors who detect and treat all their oxygen-related issues, and guide them back to health, albeit very slowly in many cases.
- Dr. Majid Ali Editor, The Journal of Integrative Medicine
In Oxygen and Aging (2000), I introduced the term "Air Travel Dysox" (air travel stresses causing excess acidity, decreased liquidity of bodily fluids, diminished oxygen in tissues) to describe many cases of drastic adverse effects of long flights, including dramatic rises in hepatitis C viral load, elevations of PSA in men with prostate cancer, and worsening of symptoms of multiple sclerosis.
In extreme cases, I have seen phlebitis and even an encephalitis-like state that required hospitalization (encephalitis is brain inflammation). Less serious forms of air travel dysox are more common, especially in persons with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, immune disorders, and pulmonary diseases.
- Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
Vitamin C (H2O2) Brings New Zealand Farmer Back from Certain Death
We can thank "60 Minutes" New Zealand for this...
They recently produced and broadcast the story of Allan Smith, a dairy farmer in New Zealand who contracted Swine flu in 2009 and, lungs filling up with mucous, he rapidly came perilously close to death.
His condition got so grave that the hospital, on the advice of a consultant, was ready to bid him a bon voyage, by pulling the plug on the life support system that was helping him to breathe. To complicate things further .. he also showed signs of “leukemia".
Conventional doctors claimed he "could not survive" after contracting a severe case of swine flu in June of last year ... but they were wrong. Allan's family refused to accept the hospital's hopeless prognosis and the subsequent decision to turn off his life support.
Instead, his family insisted the hospital try high dose intravenous (IV) vitamin C (which produces high yields of H2O2 Oxygen Medicine ... the human body's natural healing molecule).
Standing in the way of success, the hospital staff’s collective and unanimous belief was that such restoration was not even possible, under any circumstances.
The entire intensive care unit staff declared he was beyond hope. They had written him off, and were ready to get on to other, “more viable,” patients.
Yet one medical expert after another, throughout this nine week ordeal, refused to administer intravenous vitamin C !!!
In this case, they had absolutely NOTHING to lose by taking a wild chance ... they had already given up! and claimed he was as good as dead! ... And yet they resisted every step of the way.
What unfolded was a microcosm of contrasting health care philosophies, a territorial battle wherein the patient ’s life was clearly shown to be secondary to standard protocol.
This drama is being played out in hospitals around the world, except that the outcome in this story was the exception when, with genuine cooperation on the system’s part … it could become the rule.
We’ll let the video, produced by 60 Minutes New Zealand, tell the story:

Please follow the link and watch the 18-minute video, and watch the drama play out:
Living Proof: Vitamin C – Miracle Cure? – 60 Minutes – Video – 3 News
Vitamin C is an essential nutrient. It has specific purposes in the human body, for example, producing H2O2. Mr. Smith’s case showed what supplementing the body with a natural element, for which there is a known purpose in human the metabolic process, can do.
The body does need oxygen at the cellular level. Hypoxia, or lack of oxygen in the cells and tissues, is the fundamental cause for all degenerative disease.
When an environment is chronically oxygen deprived, anaerobic microorganisms must proliferate in order to maintain the life of the host. When medications are given that further deplete oxygen, a downward spiral will continue.
Delivering oxygen (HBOT, Medical O3 Ozone, H2O2) to an oxygen depleted environment changes all that.
Vitamin C has already been researched more than any other supplement, or even most pharmaceutical drugs, in the history of the planet (see vitamincfoundation.org - www.nutrionomics.com). We should not allow another 70 years of research to go by before its proper use and administration begins.
At this stage, and still unfortunately, it's our responsibility to become informed about treatments for chronic disease rather than just believing that "trust" in medical authority decisions is our best option.
Certainly as is the case in the second video (below) regarding cancer and the use of intravenous vitamin C; this topic is becoming increasingly pressing and relevant to all of us as instances of cancer rates continue to climb:
Oxygen Orchestrates Life and Death
"Nature put nearly 50 trillion oxygen-loving cells in the human body so we can live healthily. It also put nearly 50 trillion, mostly oxygen-heating, microbes in the bowel so that it can clear away the bodies after we die. Oxygen preserves the ecologic balance for the two types of cells."
"Oxygen in health, is nature's prime antibioitic. And oxygen in disease is nature's prescription for not prolonging the process of dying. Oxygen is efficient in health, as well as, in dying."
- Majid Ali, M.D. - Author of: "Oxygen and Aging" (2003)
"No matter how we twist and turn, we shall eventually come back to the cell."
- Rudolph Virchow - German Pathologist - Author of Cellular Pathology (1858)
"No matter how we twist and turn, we shall eventually come back to oxygen."
- Majid Ali, M.D. - Institute of Integrative Medicine - New York, NY (2000)
U.S. - The Suppression of ... "The Cause and Cure of All Disease"
The American Association of lymphology indicates that laboratory research and studies on the cause and cure of all diseases were done between 1930 and 1963 at the Harvard, Tulane and Mississippi medical schools by Dr. Cecil H Drinker, Dr. H. S Myerson and Dr. Arthur C. Guyton
... but were suppressed by special interest.
They believe that every healing art involves the movement of oxygen into the cells ... while all illness including cancer involves the movement of oxygen away from the cells ... lack of oxygen (hypoxia) and loss of energy at the cell level which is the cause of all disease that afflicts humanity.
According to Dr. C. Samuel West, ‘blood proteins and water must be removed from the spaces between the cells referred to as intercellular space by the lymphatic vessels to keep the cells in what is called the "Healthy Dry State."
In this situation the cells effectively burn complex carbohydrates to produce carbon dioxide, water and energy. If this does not happen, the blood proteins and water around the cells will alter the "Dry State" to the “Diseased Wet State."
This produces lack of oxygen (hypoxia) and loss of energy at the cell level which is the cause of all disease that afflicts humanity.
If there is insufficient oxygen (hypoxia) at the cellular level, the metabolism will be incomplete and carbon dioxide and lactic acid will be produced. Since carbon dioxide displaces oxygen from the hemoglobin and prevents the red blood cells from getting the needed oxygen for cellular functions.
Organs near the stagnation are awash in their own wastes, cannot take in nutrients neither can they eliminate wastes. Studies show that excess blood proteins and water leave the blood stream under shock, stress, toxins malnutrition or injury.
Healing occur when we pull out all the dead cells, poisons, excess blood proteins and water from around the cells to keep them in what is called the "Dry State" so the cells can get oxygen.
The diseased ‘Wet State’ constitutes a shift from oxidation to fermentation. In this condition the rate of production of cancer cells outweigh the rate of destruction.
Organs. Oxygen oxidizes (Mop up) toxic build up. Its deficiency is the culprit in all cancers; it creates a state of cellular confusion or drowning. It occurs when the human body’s oxygen availability, demand and utilization drops lower than normal due to exposure to conditions that stems from malnutrition, environmental pollution, physical inactivity, stress and westernization of ancestral life.
These conditions suffocate our cells because the supply of oxygen falls short of our demand; metabolism is faulty, immunity is lowered and the cells shift from using oxygen (aerobic process) for metabolism to predominately using sugar (anaerobic process).
- www.cancershield.net/id11.html
Lack of Oxygen ... and ADHD
"Children who had in-utero exposure to ischemic-hypoxic conditions, situations during which the brain is deprived of oxygen, were significantly more likely to develop ADHD - attention deficit hyperactivity disorder later in life ... as compared to unexposed children.
The study of 82,000 children aged 5 years old, also found that the increased risk of ADHD remained the same across all race and ethnicity groups.
- 26 percent greater risk of developing ADHD = specifically, exposure to birth asphyxia.
- 34 percent greater risk of developing ADHD = exposure to pre-eclampsia (high preg. blood pressure).
- 47 percent greater risk of developing ADHD = exposure to neonatal respiratory distress syndrome.
- Kaiser Permanente Study - Published in the Journal "Pediactrics"
Lack of Oxygen ... and the Aging Process
The latest scientific research concludes that premature aging is in large part caused by lack of oxygen. The established definition of aging is a process “…which allows the respiratory chain to function at the maximum rate until the tissue has become virtually depleted of oxygen” - Harper’s Biochemistry
(Ref. Robert K. Murray, MD, Ph.D., Daryl K. Granmer, MD, Peter A. Mayes, Ph.D., D.Sc., Victor W. Fodwell, Ph.D., Harper’s Biochemistry, 25th Edition, Appleton & Lance, Stanford, Connecticut, 2000, Page 140)
A healthy oxygenated body seldom succumbs to illness. Ozone therapy is also a well-known anti-aging therapy. It is not just for those whom are sick. The Queen Mother (4 August 1900 – 30 March 2002), while alive was a regular user of ozone as are many of today’s elite.

Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 1
Eco-Tec believes in treating people – not disease. There are numerous positive case studies all over the world but the conclusion is yours. HIV and AIDS are viruses after all and if we believe, that Ozone kills viruses and bacteria in our air, water, blood, then why not in our bodies? You be the judge...
In a brief to the NATO Blood Committee ... the Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces reported on joint U.S. / Canadian findings:
"A 3-minute (O3) Ozonation of serum spiked with one million HIV-1 particles per millilitre, would achieve virtually 100% viral inactivation."
Ozonized (O3) biologic fluids, in which there is a presumed abundance of superoxide, singlet oxygen (1O2), hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and other highly reactive species, had both extracellular and intracellular virucidal properties.
The study also found that the (O3/O2) procedure would destroy several other lipid-encapsulated viruses, including Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) and various other viral strains of interest to veterinarians:
- Bacteria - Aeromonas Hydrophila - Coliform Bacteria - Staphylococcus aureus
- Coxsackievirus
- Echovirus
- Fungi - Candida Utilis
- Hepatitis Viruses
- Herpes Viridae - Simplex, Varicella-Zoster, Cytomegalovirus, Epstein-Barr Virus.
- Lipid-Encapsilated Viruses
- Orthomyxoviridae - Influenza
- Paramyxoviridae - Mumps, Measles
- Retroviridae - Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV),
- Retrovidae - Anemia Virus, Equine Infectious Virus
- Rhabdoviridae - Rabies
- Polioviridae
Two teams of US virologists have used comparable (O3/O2) gas-diffusion techniques to confirm the Canadian findings.
The systemic use of medical (O3) ozone in the treatment of AIDS could not only reduce the virus load but also possibly revitalize the immune system. The concept of oxygen radicals being used to destroy viruses in biologic fluids and in cells is not entirely foreign to pharmacology.
Ozonized (O3) biologic fluids, in which there is a presumed abundance of superoxide, singlet oxygen (1O2), hydroxyl and peroxyl radicals and other highly reactive species, having both extracellular and intracellular virucidal properties.
With regard to the effect of medical (O3) ozone ... Italian studies (V. Bocci), have suggested that medical ozone enhances the production of interleukin-2 (the T-lymphocyte antiviral immune peptide, interferon-y. There is (recombinant) sisterpeptide, interferon-a, can inhibit the expression by infected cells of p24 viral core protein.
NCBI Journal: www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1490857/
MOSA Article: O3/O3_HIV_NATO_Canada2.html
Video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HTf0xQxTncw
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 2
“Dr. Horst Keif is curing AIDS victims in the Munich area of West Germany, by hyper-oxygenating their blood with ozone, which destroys the AIDS virus on contact.
As the ozone, molecules dissolve into the blood they give up their third oxygen atom, releasing considerable energy, which inactivates all lipid-envelope viruses while leaving the blood cells unharmed.
Ozone overcomes the AIDS virus by fundamentally different process than usually attempted with drugs. Instead of burdening the liver and immune system with elaborate toxic substances, ozone simply oxidises the molecules in the shell of the virus, rendering it incapable of spreading.
It also oxygenates the blood to a greater degree than is usually reached, what with poor air and sluggish breathing habits.”
- Spotlight Newspaper by Fr. Richard Wilhelm B.Sc
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 3
“I know a number of cases of individuals with T- cell counts that have been very low, but because of regular ozone therapy they have not gotten any opportunistic infections. In fact, it is almost as though the ozone is taking the place of their immune system.
It’s my belief that the use of ozone in association with other complimentary therapies can convert AIDS from a uniformly terminal illness to something that is chronically manageable, which is better than anyone else can offer at this point.”
- Dr. John Pittman
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 4
“ I have kept in continual contact with 6 U.S. MD’s who, independent of each other, have collectively reported bringing over 300 AIDS patients to HIV negative status, including complete eradication of secondary disease factors such as energy loss, weight loss , diarrhoea, etc.
I have also interviewed many AIDS patients who have been getting ozone therapy on their own, and all those who followed good protocols reported an immediate increase in energy, weight gain, and T cell stabilisation or increase in a few weeks.”
- National Institute of Health – Ed McCabe
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 5
“Aids patients can be greatly helped with medical ozone. Ozone not only gets rid of infections by opportunistic organisms like the Cytomegalovirus virus, candidiasis, gastro intestinal tract infections etc. but it also prevents replication of the HIV virus (the virus that lays the ground for AIDS).
The treatments should be aggressive; immune stimulations and other supplements are essential. Frequent detoxification with ozone baths. Thus, AIDS patients can be kept well and enabled to live a better life. - Dr. James Boyce
- www.simkul.co.za/o3_hydro_bubble_spa.htm
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 6
United States - Ozone Inactivates HIV at Non-Cytotoxic Concentrations:
The inactivation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cytotoxic properties of ozone-treated serum and serum-supplemented media were examined. The titer of HIV suspensions in human serum was reduced in a dose-dependent manner when treated with total reacted ozone concentrations at a range of 0.5 to 3.5 μg/ml−1.
Complete inactivation of HIV suspensions was achieved by 4.0 μg/ml−1 of ozone in the presence or absence of H-9 cells. In contrast, cellular metabolism, as measured by MTT dye cleavage, and DNA replication, as measured by BUdR incorporation, were enhanced in H-9 cells grown in media treated with quantities of ozone that completely inactivate HIV.
The permissively HIV-infected cell line HXB/H-9 was cultured in ozone-treated media for six days with culture supernatants being sampled and assayed on alternate days for HIV p24 core protein. HIV p24 was reduced in all treated cultures compared to control cultures, with an average reduction of 46% [p24].
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - ParT 7
Ozone was found to inactivate HIV-1 virions in a dose-dependent manner. The data indicate that the antiviral effects of ozone include viral particle disruption, reverse transcriptase inactivation, and/or a perturbation of the ability of the virus to bind to its receptor on target cells.
Ozone treatment offers promise as a means to inactivate human retroviruses in human body fluids and blood product preparations. - The American Society of Hematology (1991)
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 8
Finland - Europe:
A Finnish HIV patient received a course of medical ozone treatment ten years ago, in Tallinn, (Estonia), which he continued later in Finland.
As a result, he was later tested for HIV in the University of Helsinki Department of Virology ... his results were, HIV-negative, and no virus found yet, even after half a year.
The Finnish patient has withdrawn from the publicity, his results have not been verified in more detail.
Nevertheless, the case is interesting, and certainly independent of the number of other items set out in this article. Personally, I have been in contact with Kari Green Bay as a manufacturer of generators was involved in Tallinn, the doctor Ari Koivu peninsula, which also had to follow the treatments.
The two treatments directly involved in the certificate is sufficient at least for me facto primary sources. At the same time, improvement of Epstein-Barr virus-induced chronic fatigue syndrome.

(Image): Iltalehti news media headline impressively the Finnish HIV patient's case twice:
First: 2.6.1995, when the first results were negative. Secondly: Another article (top right) was published on 19.2.1996 when the patient had received only negative results in the past eight months.
This was not the only Finnish ozone treatments received HIV patient. In addition, on the basis of my knowledge, at least four Finnish HIV-patients have received ozone treatments. They have all been by word of mouth symptom relief, but no other results have not been this level.
Whether HIV patients do improve with the ozone treatments, I believe that it is still secondary. Great results can not, of course, can not promise, but I can not be surprised any of them.
The very fact that all the secondary symptoms improved or disappeared, is perfectly adequate reason for using ozone. Form of treatment is safe, especially in the long run also inexpensive, so I think you should at least try.
Thanks to Dr. Horst Kiefille and his assistant Stephanie Bazlerille their deployment studies. Thanks also to Dr. Silvia Menendez they send her information and relevance of our research. - Micah Sallinen, 2005
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 9
1991, Dr. Robert Mayer, who has been using medical ozone since the forties, had late stage AIDS patients in his research centre clinical ozone study who only had a count of 5 T-cells. Normal count is 600-1500+. Below 200 is generally assumed fatal.
Although they had a count of only 5 T-cells, because of the applied three times a week ozone therapy, his patients are stabilising and returning to complete health.
By 1992, Dr. Mayer was reporting a patient going HIV negative, confirmed by 3 Western Blot retests, and 3 ELISA retests.
- Ed McCabe’s - Author of "Oxygen Therapies"
Lack of Oxygen ... Medical Ozone ... and AIDS / HIV Virus - Part 10
In April of 1992,1 interviewed Dr. Eric Satori M.D., and one of his cured AIDS patients:
Dr. Satori told me the results he was getting with his own brand of direct IV ozone therapy which also includes mental conditioning, To remove the reason the patient gets diseased.”
So far he has reported over 50 AIDS patients becoming virus free by combining subclavian heavy ozone treatments with vitamin, mineral, thymus, and homeopathic supplements. He reports he commonly gets results in only 12 days because he has been refining his therapy during 10 years of clinical research!
- Ed McCabe’s - Author of "Oxygen Therapies"
Medical Ozone ... AIDS / HIV Virus Studies ... Ignored by U.S. FDA !!!
If medical ozone has hereby been proven in international peer reviewed journals to work so safely and effectively, registering a 97 -100% kill rate on the most virulent recombinant virus known to man ...
1. How much more effective is it in the treatment of ALL the other lesser viruses, thereby negating the need for all the allopathic vaccines and antibiotics for polio, chicken pox, mumps, swine flu, colds, and legionnaire’s disease, etc.?
2. Is this why FDA officials, many of which are financially connected with the pharmaceutical companies, have declared medical ozone to be on “clinical hold” and dare not allow U.S. human trials?
3. What about human suffering? What about the majority of misguided people that believe the story line in the old movies and trust that the politicians are all humanitarians and would never do such a terrible thing as hold an AIDS cure back from little babies for profit?
Mr. James Caplan at CAPMED, a medical supply distributor in Philadelphia, sent all 150 of the top U.S. AIDS researchers copies of the above Journal of Hematology report showing that medical ozone, when used as a viricide, eliminated HIV ... he invited questions or responses:
Not one response was ever received from any of these “top” researchers using our tax money to “find a cure.”
Perhaps they are only looking for more funding instead. One of the original AIDS experts recently stated that all he could see as the result of all the millions of dollars being spent on AIDS research was that as he looks out in the parking lot, all his colleagues are now driving more expensive cars!
Lack of Oxygen ... and Alzheimer's
On August 28, 2010, The New York Times ran a front page story entitled “Years Later, No Magic Bullet Against Alzheimer’s Disease.” This was a grave disservice to Times= readers. Consider the following quote from the report:
But the jury’s verdict was depressing and distressing. So far, nothing has been found to prevent or delay this devastating disease, which ceaselessly kills brain cells, eventually leaving people mute, incontinent, unable to feed themselves, unaware of who they are or who their family and friends are.
"So far, nothing has been found to prevent or delay this devastating disease."
... This is a shameful distortion of the facts."
Alzheimer’s disease, first and foremost, is an oxygen problem of the brain cells caused by the trio of toxicities of foods, environment, and thoughts, such as heavy metal overload, toxic protein deposition, gut fermentation, and others that block oxygen's energetic and detergent functions.
In my book Oxygen and Aging (2000), I devoted a chapter to Alzheimer’s disease and the use of oxystatic therapies to prevent it and arrest its course in early and intermediate stages. - Dr. Majid Ali
- www.ethicsinmedicine.us/oxygen_and_alzheimers_disease.htm
Medical Ozone ... and Cancer ... Dr. Robert Atkins - U.S.
Renowned New York physician - Dr. Robert C. Atkins used (O3) ozone generators and treated patients with AIDS, cancer and yeast infections.
He found the generators ‘useful, extremely safe’ and they ‘shrink tumours, enhance the immune system.’
The U.S. FDA stopped Dr. Adkins using the ozone machines when they discovered how successful he was in healing his patients with safe, non-toxic medical ozone. He said ... ‘My patients need ozone'.
Many years ago, one of his patients entered a NYC hospital and was examined by an intern who noticed a pronounced scar on one breast. He inquired about its origination. He was horrified when the patient explained that it was a result of Dr. Atkins having injected ozone into a tumor and curing it. He immediately filed charges of 'Quackery' against Dr. Atkins with the U.S. State Medical Board.
Subsequently, the Board withdrew Dr. Atkins' license to practice medicine.
However, the U.S. State Medical Board had overlooked the fact that Dr. Atkins had conducted a weekly radio program on medicine for many years. So, the following Saturday, Dr. Atkins explained to his listening audience, on station WOR, that he was being punished for curing a woman of breast cancer by injecting ozone into the tumor via a hypodermic needle. (This procedure, of course, was not sanctioned by the FDA.)
The following week, the Medical Board, in Albany, was flooded with so many telephone calls, telegrams, and letters that they quickly reversed their decision and restored Dr. Atkins' license, along with an admonition not to publicly promote his use of ozone therapies.
When Dr. Atkins had his licence reinstated by a State Judge, the judge said: "I have never seen a such capricious and malicious act by a regulatory agency over a matter as inconsequential."
It was not long after that when the New York State Legislature passed the Enabling Act that permits physicians to utilize whatever new, experimental therapies that they deem best for their patients, regardless of the edicts of the FDA.
- John W. Waldron - www.o3center.org
U.S. - States Pass Laws Protecting Doctors Who Practice Alt. Therapies
On July 26, 1994, New York state passed an Alternative Medical Practices Act, thereby joining Alaska, North Carolina, Washington and Colorado. The new state laws protect medical doctors who practice
alternative therapies, such as medical ozone therapy and EDTA chelation from losing their licenses.
The New York law requires that at least two members of the State Board for Professional Medical Conduct must be Physician-practitioners of non-conventional medicine.
The New York law was designed to prevent a repeat of cases like the years of investigation and harassment of Dr. Warren Levin, M.D. for his unconventional treatment modalities (vitamin and mineral therapies, EDTA chelation and other orthomolecular therapies).
After 13 years of investigation and harassment, Dr. Warren was cleared of all charges.
Other high profile cases were Dr. Emmanual Rivici, M.D. and Dr. Robert Atkins M.D.
Dr. Robert Atkins, NY had his licence suspended for using medical ozone on a cancer patient that other doctors had given up on after using all the radiation and chemotherapy her body could take.
When Dr. Atkins had his licence reinstated by a State Judge, the judge said: "I have never seen a such capricious and malicious act by a regulatory agency over a matter as inconsequential."
1992: In North Carolina, Dr. John Pittman M.D. was threatened with the loss of his medical licence if he continued using ozone therapy on his AIDS patients. He moved his clinic to Haiti for awhile in 1993, then
closed it down due to the deteriorating political situation in that country.
After North Carolina passed an Alternative Medical Practices Act early in 1994, Dr. Pittman was advised by the State Medical Board, that he could come back to North Carolina and practice ozone therapy.
Dr. Pittman opened "The Carolina Center for Bio-Oxidative Medicine," in Raleigh, NC in October, 1994 and has resumed offering Ozone Major Autohemotherapy for PWA's. His phone number is 800-539-9812 or 704-857-0073.
In Spartanburg, South Carolina, Dr. H. Fudenberg M.D. has offered ozone and has done medical ozone research for PWA's for some time. Dr. Fudenberg monitors T4 counts weekly and adjusts concentration and dosage of ozone to attain maximum buildup of the T4 counts. He can be reached at 803-576-0988.
Dr. Frank Shallenberger M.D. continues to offer ozone therapy in Minden, NV (702-782-4164).
“The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” - Albert Einstein
"To me the worst thing seems to be a school principally to work with methods of fear, force and artificial authority. Such treatment destroys the sound sentiments, the sincerity and the self-confidence of pupils and produces a subservient subject." - Albert Einstein
Lack of Oxygen ... and Cancer
All tumours have higher rates of destruction with Oxygen than do non-tumour cells. It was for this that Otto Warburg won the Nobel Prize in 1931.
In 1953, 40 years ago, the research of Dr. Harry Goldblatt was published in the Journal of Experimental Medicine. His research confirmed that the lack of oxygen plays a major role in causing cells to become cancerous.
Cancer cells are less able to compensate for the oxidative challenge of Ozone than normal cells. There are many clinical and anecdotal reports of Ozone usually major or minor autohaemotherapy, at times prescribed on a daily basis for several weeks, applied to the treatment of various cancer conditions.
Medical (O3) ozone stimulates the production of Tumour Necrosis Factor. The body produces TNF when a tumour is growing. The greater the mass of the tumour the more tumour necrosis factor is produced (up to a point).
When a tumour has turned metastatic, cancer cells are breaking off and being carried away by the blood and lymph. This allows the tumour to take up residence elsewhere in the body; or in other words, divide its forces. The lone cancer has little chance of growing due to the TNF produced to inhibit the original tumour.
When the tumour is removed surgically, the TNF levels drop dramatically and new tumours emerge from seemingly healthy tissue. (What medical personnel see during an operation to remove cancer).
- www.simkul.co.za/o3_hydro_bubble_spa.htm
In addition ... Ozone (O3) produces high yields of Singlet Oxygen (1O2) from the reaction of biological molecules. Singlet Oxygen (1O2) is detailed extensively in destroying tumours. Singlet Oxygen (1O2) is produced in two forms of successful non-toxic cancer treatments (PDT and SDT) used throughout Europe.
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) and Sonodynamic Therapy (SDT) are both FDA approved cancer treatments in the United States, and also available in Hospitals and Clinics in Mexico.
.- http://mosao2.org/news_1o2.html
Medical Ozone ... and Cancer Tumors - Spain:
Systemic ozone therapy was administered by autohemotransfusion on three alternate days over one week. Tumor oxygenation levels were measured using polarographic needle probes before and after the first and the third ozone therapy session... a significant decrease was observed in hypoxic values ≤10 and ≤5 mmHg of pO2.
When individually assessed, a significant and inverse non-linear correlation was observed between increase in oxygenation and the initial tumor pO2 values at each measuring time-point, thus indicating that the more poorly-oxygenated tumors benefited most (rho = −0.725; P = 0.001).
Additionally, the effect of ozone therapy was found to be lower in patients with higher hemoglobin concentrations (rho = −0.531; P < 0.034). Despite being administered over a very short period, ozone therapy improved oxygenation in the most hypoxic tumors.
- www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC442111/
Lack of Oxygen ... and Cerebral Hypoxia
"If you want to read about some pseudo-scientific situations that happens with cerebral hypoxia in citizens of the Moon, find and read Wikipedia articles ... here we focus on real Earth stuff.
Over 90% people believe that a deep or heavy breathing pattern provides more oxygen for brain cells and vital organs. Moreover, over 90% of modern people "practice" hyperventilation 24/7.
However, overbreathing reduces oxygenation of the human body and all vital organs causing cerebral hypoxia. There is no a single medical study, or physiologist, or medical doctor who has proven or shown that overbreathing improves cerebral or body-oxygen levels or is good for us."
- Artour Rakhimov, PhD - www.NormalBreathing.com
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” - Albert Einstein
Lack of Oxygen ... and Chronic Fatigue - Part 1
Do you recall a day when you ran after a toddler on a beach or at a pool and then breathed heavily for moments? Why did you breathe that way? To get more oxygen, you say correctly.
Did you ever workout in a gym more than you should have and then felt tired for a day? How did that happen? Lactic acid buildup in muscles, you say. Why did that happen? Because there was not enough oxygen to burn those acids, you reply. Basic exercise physiology stuff.
Next consider the case of a young woman who develops persistent fatigue that interferes with her job. She consults her doctor who diagnoses chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS). He talks about many things, orders several lab tests, but does not mention the word oxygen. Why not?
The answer: science is dumbed-down. The doctor follows The New England Journal of Medicine and the Journal has never considered the deficiency of oxygen in the cause of chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
Lack of Oxygen ... and Chronic Fatigue - Part 2
Evidence supporting the hypothesis includes the following:
1. Spontaneity of oxidation in nature is the basic cause of the aging process for organisms capable of aerobic respiration. Redox dysregulations represent the initial events that lead to clinical disease processes.
2. Incidence of chronic fatigue is increasing, as is the oxidant stress in the Earth's atmosphere.
3. Evidence for oxidative cell membrane injury in chronic fatigue is furnished by changes in intracellular and extracellular ions.
4. Immunologic abnormalities that occur in chronic fatigue are consistent with initial oxidative injury.
5. Commonality of association of antigens of HLA-DR3 region with chronic fatigue syndrome and with other immune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, pemphigus vulgaris, systemic lupus erythematosus, and IgA and gold nephropathies.
6. Direct morphologic evidence of increased oxidative stress on the cell membrane is shown by the fact that we have found membrane deformities in up to 80% of erythrocytes in blood from chronic fatigue syndrome patients. These deformities are quickly reversed by administering ascorbic acid intravenously.
7. Changes in electromyopotentials observed in chronic fatigue patients are consistent with intracellular ionic and membrane changes.
8. Clinical entities commonly associated with chronic fatigue are known to increase oxidative molecular stress.
9. Clinical evidence obtained with relief of fatigue and related muscle symptoms with the use of oral and intravenous antioxidant nutrient therapy. From a clinical standpoint, this model for the molecular basis of chronic fatigue is useful for making therapeutic decisions for successful management of chronic fatigue without drug regimens. - Majid Ali, M.D.
Reprinted from the Journal of Advancement in Medicine, Volume 6, Number 2, Summer 1993
Lack of Oxygen ... and Diabetes - Part 1
"Medical research has clearly shown that tissue hypoxia leads to poor blood glucose and insulin control, and increased insulin resistance." - Artour Rakhimov, PhD
"According to all these medical studies (* below) ... low oxygen in cells is the key factor for development of insulin resistance and diabetes ... the cause of diabetes on a cell level is clear.
This is not a big surprise since oxygen is so fundamental for normal cell and organ function. Furthermore, many other chronic diseases (such as cancer, heart disease, and cystic fibrosis) ... have the same cause."
- Artour Rakhimov, PhD - www.NormalBreathing.com
- (* Department of Medicine, Stanford University Medical Center, California, USA)
(* Heinis teal, 2010)
- (* Cheng teal, 2010)
(* Regazzetti teal, 2009)
(* Halberg teal, 2009)
- (* Glassford et al, 2007)
(* Carroll & Ashcroft, 2006)
(* Moritz et al, 2002)
Lack of Oxygen ... and Diabetes - Part 2
Diabetes is an oxygen (hypoxia) problem ... I express the relationship between oxygen, insulin, and diabetes in the following simple words:
Diabetes is an insulin toxicity problem before it becomes a sugar problem. Insulin toxicity is an insulin excess problem before it becomes a toxicity problem. Insulin excess is a blocked-insulin-receptor problem before it is an insulin excess problem.
The trio of toxicities - toxic foods, toxic environments, and toxic thoughts - problem is caused when the toxicities disrupt oxygen homeostasis.
Is Diabetes mellitus a sugar problem? No. The abnormalities of blood sugar seen in diabetes are the consequences of the derangements of cellular energetics and toxicity that collectively create what is commonly called diabetes. Is diabetes an insulin problem? No.
The abnormalities of insulin functions are the consequences of plasticized (chemicalized) and hardened cell membranes that immobilize the insulin receptors embedded in them. Is diabetes a problem of blood vessels that causes blindness, kidney failure, stroke, heart attacks, and neuropathy? No.
The abnormalities of blood vessels are the consequences of oxidizing and deoxygenizing influences in diabetes. - Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
Lack of Oxygen ... and Fibromyalgia ... and Lyme Disease
Fibromyalgia is an oxygen problem. The "so-called" chronic Lyme disease is also an oxygen problem.
Patients who are given these diagnostic labels shuttle between specialists. Most of them also receive other diagnostic labels in their sad journeys. They fumble and suffer, sometimes for years, before they find doctors who detect and treat all their oxygen-related issues, and guide them back to health, albeit very slowly in many cases.
- www.majidalimd.wordpress.com/2010/09/08/oxygen-lyme-disease-and-fibromyalgia/
Fibromyalgia ... Two Visits from Former Patients:
Denville, New Jersey, Fall of 1994:
"Look at this, Dr. Ali, this is my picture!" EB waved a page of The New York Times at me. "I was a very successful broker. Now I'm a broken man. I hurt all the time. I can hardly stand for an hour without rest. I have no life. I can't do anything for my daughters. My wife doesn't understand any of this. The other day she and I talked about separation. I have done everything you asked me to do but see no benefit. People at the fibromyalgia support group tell me there is no treatment for it and that I'm wasting my time and money with you. Please be honest with me. I plead with you. If this is my fate, I will accept it. But I must know the truth."
Denver, Colorado, Summer of 1996:
"Doc, before you ask your questions, I want to tell you something. I thought of canceling this phone visit with you but decided against it. Here is what I wanna say. The other day I was on the ski slopes with my two daughters. God, it felt great to be alive again. To be a father to my daughters again. It is okay between my wife and me now. Doc, stay with your work. God bless you. Don't let the distractors tell you fibromyalgia isn't reversible. That's all I wanted to say. I will have a phone visit with you if I need you again, and I hope I won't. You understand that, don't you?"
Fibromyalgia ... Beware of the "Pseudo-Experts!
If you are diagnosed with fibromyalgia, please be wary:
Of experts who claim there is no treatment for fibromyalgia simply because their drugs do not work. (How does anyone become an expert on a problem he never solves?)
Of the fibromyalgia support groups who spread negative information because they believe that the condition is irreversible.
Of the fibromyalgia patients who lose hope for others because they could not heal.
In a clinical study conducted at the Institute of Integrative Medicine and published in The Journal of Integrative Medicine, the author and his colleagues reported excellent outcome in 67% and good outcome in another 19% (a near-complete recovery or marked improvement in almost 86%) of a series of 150 patients.
Lack of Oxygen ... and Heart Disease
Chronic hypoxia in the presence of high glucose leads to progressive acidosis of cardiac myocytes in culture. The condition parallels myocardial ischemia in vivo, where ischemic tissue becomes rapidly hypoxic and acidotic.
Cardiac myocytes are resistant to chronic hypoxia at neutral pH but undergo extensive death when the extracellular pH (pH[o]) drops below 6.5.
A microarray analysis of 20 000 genes (cDNAs and expressed sequence tags) screened with cDNAs from aerobic and hypoxic cardiac myocytes identified >100 genes that were induced by >2-fold and ∼20 genes that were induced by >5-fold.
One of the most strongly induced transcripts was identified as the gene encoding the pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family member BNIP3.
Northern and western blot analyses confirmed that BNIP3 was induced by 12-fold (mRNA) and 6-fold (protein) during 24h of hypoxia. BNIP3 protein, but not the mRNA, accumulated 3.5-fold more rapidly under hypoxia–acidosis.
- Raymond A. et al. - GLIA - September 1997 - Volume 21, Issue 1, Pages 1-161.
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
Lack of Oxygen ... and Stroke:
Research conducted by Dr. Gerd Wasser (Germany, 1995) shown that medical ozone (O3) therapy has given satisfying results to patients who had recently suffered from acute brain stroke.
Of 45 patients treated with ozone therapy 40 patients (89%) had perfectly cured without any remain symptoms, 5 patients (11%) cured with minimum remain symptoms.
... None of them had serious paralysis.
Without ozone therapy, generally will 30% die, 55% cured with light paralysis and 15% invalid. For this reason, Dr. Gerd Wasser suggested that ozone therapy should be given immediately to any stroke patient to prevent permanent paralysis.
Ozone therapy will increase oxygen supply, ATP, and glucose to the brain tissues to hinder hypoxia effect (acidosis, decreasing ATP, increasing calcium ion, glutamate receptor aspartate, releasing Reactive Oxygen Species, proteinase) which can damage neuron tissues. (Small 1999, Rosenberg 1999)
According to Dr. Gerd Wasser, ozone therapy will also increase the circulation of coronary blood up to 60%, while the need of oxygen decrease 30%, this will be very helpful for those who suffer from coronary problems.
"If I could have only one remedy, I would prefer to take my chances with (O3) Ozone."
- Noble M. Eberhard, M.D., A.M., Ph.D. - Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery
Lack of Oxygen ... Tuberculosis - Multi-Drug Resistant
I, Dr Shikha Aggarwal, shikha_gmc@yahoo.com residing in Goa, have succesfully been able to use Ozone therapy in a case of Multi Drug Resistant Tuberculosis patient.
I feel its important to share the succes of Ozone therapy in this field. Sonam, (name changed), aged 27 years ,came to me with Milliary tuberculosis, resistant to all present medications. She was sputum positive ; suffered from moderate to severe breathlessness , anorexia ,severe cough and a weight loss of 18 kgs. She had TB for last 9 years.
Looking at the seriousness of her condition, I put her on an intensive Ozone therapy course along with nutritional supplements and diet control.
The prescription included daily dose of IV ozonated saline, rectal ozone, inhalation of ozonated olive oil vapours and ozone baths.
Also included was multivitamins and minerals with special emphasis on vitamin A ,vitamin C, vitamin B complex , poly unsaturated fatty acids, liver tonics and a low sodium diet.
After one week of treatment, she felt a relief in her breathlessness and her apetite increased. After 2 weeks her cough decreased, breathing became easier and deeper and she gained one and a half kgs... and finally after three months of treatment, she became sputum Negative.
She also has by then gained three kgs more and her coughing became minimal limited only to early mornings. Currently Sonam is continuing ozone therapy as rectal and Inhalational Ozone at her home and enjoying an ever improving life.
Lack of Oxygen ... and Viral Infections ... Herpes / Hepatitis / HIV
United States - Ozone Inactivates HIV at Non-Cytotoxic Concentrations:
The inactivation of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and cytotoxic properties of ozone-treated serum and serum-supplemented media were examined. The titer of HIV suspensions in human serum was reduced in a dose-dependent manner when treated with total reacted ozone concentrations at a range of 0.5 to 3.5 μg/ml−1.
Complete inactivation of HIV suspensions was achieved by 4.0 μg/ml−1 of ozone in the presence or absence of H-9 cells. In contrast, cellular metabolism, as measured by MTT dye cleavage, and DNA replication, as measured by BUdR incorporation, were enhanced in H-9 cells grown in media treated with quantities of ozone that completely inactivate HIV.
The permissively HIV-infected cell line HXB/H-9 was cultured in ozone-treated media for six days with culture supernatants being sampled and assayed on alternate days for HIV p24 core protein. HIV p24 was reduced in all treated cultures compared to control cultures, with an average reduction of 46% [p24].
"It is well documented that hypoxia occurs with HIV and Herpes Infections, which attack the circulatory and nervous systems. Changes in tissue coloration (especially the hands and feet), which are often aggravated by temperature changes, occur in the HIV-positive person.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) reverses these symptoms and increases circulatory perfusion."
- Rapid Recovery Hyperbarics - www.HBOT4U.com
Russia: In Russian medicine, the treatment of hepatitis is one of the most important aspects of using medical (O3) ozone therapy. In this case a therapeutic effect of ozone develops both through its direct action on the virus and indirectly through its immunomodulating action.
Ozone therapy is effective in treating all types of viral hepatitis – A, B, C, particularly its chronic forms.
Ozone (O3) Treatments kept a secret from Americans?

H2O2 Hydrogen Peroxide - Produced by the Human Body for Healing
"A primary clinical objective in the treatment of Chronic Degenerative disease is to improve
micro-circulation to relieve chronic tissue hypoxia." - Charles H. Farr, MD, PhD
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is usually treated as an intermediate or by-product of metabolism and considered of minor significance in metabolic pathways except as it relates to biochemical disruption, tissue or cellular damage.
The majority of investigational studies seem to concentrate on the damaging effects of biological oxidation and the production of free radicals. We feel the physiological effects of bio-oxidation and in particular, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), should be investigated with a new prospect.
From the 2,500 or more references on hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) we have collected and reviewed, we have come to appreciate this physiological product as an extremely important molecule in metabolism. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is produced by all cells of the body for many different physiological reasons.
The granulocytes produce H2O2 as a first line of defense against bacteria, yeast, virus, parasites, and most fungi. It is involved in any metabolic pathway which utilize oxidases, peroxidases, cyclo-oxygenase,
lipoxygenase, myeloperoxidase, catalase, and probably many other enzymes.
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is involved in protein, carbohydrate and fat metabolism, immunity, vitamin and mineral metabolism or any other system you might wish to explore. Our studies demonstrate a positive metabolic effect to intravenous infusion of H2O2.
Its ability to oxidize almost any physiological or pathological substance, in addition to producing increased tissue and cellular oxygen tensions, has proven it to have therapeutic value. We feel the evidence presented should stimulate a new appreciation in the study of the potential therapeutic application of bio-oxidative mechanisms ... perhaps we have become myopic about biological oxidation!
- Charles H. Farr, MD, PhD - www.mosao2.org/Article%20-%20H2O2/H2O2_IV_Dr_Farr.pdf
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” - Albert Einstein
O3 Ozone - Produced by the Human Body for Healing - Part 1
A greatly under-publicized article (below) with momentous implications (Wentworth 2002, Max 2002) documented that ozone (O3) is indeed produced in the body in the context of immune function. Its synthesis is triggered by antigen-antibody reactions, generated by activated neutrophils.
At this molecular level, (O3) ozone thus becomes a pivotal factor in the neutralization of microorganisms.
Additionally, ozone functions as a signaling agent by stimulating production of nuclear factor kappa B, interleukin 6, and tumor necrosis factor α. There is ample evidence for ozone’s activation of cytokines (Bocci 2005). - Gerard V. Sunnen, M.D. - Ozonics International - OzoneInMedicine.com
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” - Albert Einstein
O3 Ozone - Produced by the Human Body for Healing - Part 2
The Scripps Research Institute (TSRI) President Richard A. Lerner, Associate Professor Paul Wentworth, Jr., Ph.D., and a team of investigators at TSRI is reporting that antibodies can destroy bacteria, playing a hitherto unknown role in immune protection. Furthermore, the team found that when antibodies do this, they appear to produce the reactive gas ozone (O3 oxygen molecule).
"Ozone (O3) has never been considered a part of biology before," says Lerner - Lita Annenberg Hazen Professor of Immunochemistry and holds the Cecil H. and Ida M. Green Chair in Chemistry.
The ozone (O3) may be part of a previously unrecognized killing mechanism that would enhance the defensive role of antibodies by allowing them to subject pathogens to hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and participate directly in their killing. Previously, antibodies were believed only to signal an immune response.
This ability of antibodies to generate toxic compounds may also link them to a number of inflammatory diseases, such as atherosclerosis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Furthermore, this research opens up exciting possibilities for new antibody-mediated therapies for conditions ranging from bacterial and viral infection to cancer. - www.medicalozone.info/antibodies_produce_ozone_during.html
O3 Ozone - Significantly Increases Interferon Levels
Interferon orchestrates every aspect of the immune system. Levels of gamma interferon can be elevated 400- 900 % by ozone. This interferon is involved in the control of phagocytes cells that engulf and kill pathogens and abnormal cells. Interferon levels induced by ozone remain safe.
Interferon is FDA approved for the treatment of Chronic Hepatitis B and C. Genital Warts (caused by Papillomavirus), HIV Infection, Chronic Myelogenous Leukaemia, Leukaemia, Non- Hodgkin’s Lymphoma, Colon Tumours, Kidney Tumours, Bladder Cancer, Malignant Melanoma, Basal Cell Carcinoma and Leishmaniasis.
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
O3 Ozone ... Nitric Oxide ... Immunological Pathways
In recent years it has been discovered that nitric oxide, a gas under atmospheric conditions traditionally associated with toxicity, actually exerts essential biological functions.
Nitric oxide has a free radical structure, is short lived and is an eager electron contributor. Aside from its activity as a neurotransmitter and as an anti-hypertensive agent, nitric oxide appears to be an essential component of the mechanisms by which macrophages become activated to destroy tumour cells, bacteria and viruses.
Macrophages, scavengers of the immune system, become activated to creating minuscule amounts of nitric oxide using arginine, and the enzyme nitric oxide synthase. Without nitric oxide, macrophages remain idle.
It has also been shown that nitric oxide is directly toxic to tumour cells.
It is in this context - through the skin's absorption of Ozone/Oxygen that remarkable results have been shown. The use of a cabinet of airtight suit enclosure, while using Ozone/Oxygen generated with Oxygen or air has demonstrated a high percentage of absorption through the two square yards of skin.
This passage of Ozone/Oxygen through the skin takes place when the skin is wet.
Ozone, with the mobilization of its own free radical structure begins the activation of nitric oxide macrophages thus promoting their purifying mission. Ozone's interaction with biological systems and its activities in harmful germ inactivation are varied, and complex.
The recent discoveries that nitric oxide and carbon monoxide assume crucial functions in regulating metabolic and physiological health, should give new research drive to the therapeutic properties of Ozone.
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
Oxygen Medicine Reduces Oxidative Stress !!!
The most common question for those who understand a bit about the body is "how can one reverse oxidative stress by using oxidant material?"
The notion that excessive oxidant production leads to disease and dysfuntion makes no sense, as there is nothing as biologically important as an adequate supply of oxidants.
"Contrary to the dogma that the superoxide anion and hydrogen peroxide formation are very highly deleterious to cell function and healthy aging, we suggest this premise is flawed ...
... the latter two play an intrinsic role in the regulated turnover of proteins, rather than randomly causing damage and inactivation."
Anti-oxidant stress is caused by a lack of adequate anti-oxidant buffering capability, so stimulating an increased synthesis of anti-oxidant buffering enzymes is what subtle ozone/oxygen therapy also does.
- www.pacificholistic.com/oxygen
Accelerated Oxidative Molecular Injury (Oxidosis)
Subsequent high-resolution microscopic and biochemical studies led to the conclusion that a state of accelerated oxidative molecular injury (oxidosis) is the core pathogenetic mechanism involved in initiating and perpetuating:
... environmental illness, chronic fatigue syndrome, ischemic coronary artery disease, altered states of bowel ecology, arrested growth in children given chemotherapy and/or immuno-suppressant steroid therapy, amenorrhea and oligomenorrhea in chronic fatigue syndrome, and other disorders.
Those investigations made it abundantly clear that the three core molecular deviations that separate a state of health from that of absence of health as well as disease states are oxidosis, dysoxygenosis, and acidosis.
Next, attempts to integrate those molecular dynamics with clinically recognizable patterns of oxidative injury to human microecologic cellular and macroecologic tissue-organ systems culminated in the following three concepts:
1. Oxidative regression to primordial cellular ecology plays a role in the pathogenesis of diverse entities, such as chronic fatigue syndrome and cancer.
2. Oxidative-dysoxygenative dysfunction (ODD) plays the core pathogenetic role in chronic disorders affecting all organ-systems of the body, such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Gulf War syndrome.
3. A clinical model of the micro-ecologic cellular and macroecologic tissue-organ systems designated The Pyramid of the Trios of Human Ecosystems provides a framework for successful therapeutic strategies.
- Majid Ali, M.D. - www.ethicsinmedicine.us
Cuba - O3 Medical Ozone Research Centers ... Oxygen Biomarkers
A system for oxidative stress diagnosis has been developed in the Ozone Research Center of Cuba, which has been successfully evaluated in different pathologic conditions before and after ozone therapy cycles of treatment.
Eight blood biochemical parameters are determined and their results computerized in software, which assess a redox index giving five grades of oxidative stress:
The grade zero means no oxidative stress, grade 1 indicates slight oxidative stress, grade 2 is moderate oxidative stress, grade 3 is severe oxidative stress, and grade 4 is very severe oxidative stress.
The ozone therapist can estimate the ozone concentration to be applied taking into account the grade of oxidative stress the patients have. Those patients in grade 4 it is recommended to treat with antioxidants before systemic ozone treatment, or to apply ozone therapy at a very low concentration and dosage being very cautious.
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education." - Albert Einstein
"The ruling class has the schools and press under its thumb. This enables it to sway the emotions of the masses.” - Albert Einstein
All Diseases are Attributed to Oxygen Deficiency
If a line that runs through the many cases of cure taken as isolated points should be found and an hypothesis known to be true should be set up, I should say that all diseases are attributable to deficiency of oxygen ... the dangers of an oxygen deficiency in the human body cannot be over-emphasized.
This has been the cardinal principle of Oriental medicine and has been well recognized by modern Western medicine ... everyone knows that oxygen is absolutely essential for sustaining life.
- Dr. Kazuhiko Asai - Asai Germanium Research Institute - Elected Member of the New York Academy of Science
Oxygen Deficiency ... Reduced Glutathione ... and Cancer
Reduced glutathione is probably the most important biochemical found at cell level. It sustains cell oxygenation so that mutations will not occur. This is described in Etterling's, Naessens' and Rife's work.
We have found that when the cell respiration falls below 20% (hypoxia), then the cancer gene, the P41 gene starts to become active.
This is documented in extensive medical research, including the German research and research from Sloan-Kettering Institute.
- Dr. Stanley Beyrle - Director of the Kansas Clinic of Traditional Medicine - Founding of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians - Certified Ozone therapist by the German Medical Ozone Society
Current Situation of Medical Ozone Therapy - Worldwide - Part 1
At present there are more than 40 national and international associations that bring together the medical professionals that practice this therapy, indexed specialized journals, continuing training courses and congresses on the subject. However, the generalized application of medical ozone therapy and its regularization by the authorities is a critical subject at present.
Ozone therapy faces its introduction being blocked by the powerful pharmaceutical industry that would see the sale of its drugs diminished.
International Scientific Committee of Ozonetherapy (ISCO3) - http://www.isco3.org
Current Situation of Medical Ozone Therapy - Worldwide - Part 2
Overseas, medical ozone is used in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Russia, and Cuba to name but a few. Recently, the Twelfth World Congress of the International Ozone Association was held in Lille, France.
It was well attended by researchers from around the world, some of whom are at a loss to under stand America's seeming domination by an FDA out of step with the latest in research, and out of control.
The papers presented at the Lille, France meeting covered a whole gamut of areas in which medical ozone has proven of value. Heart disease was one; ozone treatment was shown to improve the status of patients with ischemic cardiopathy, fostering diminution or disappearance of irregular heart rhythms, decreases in coronary failure, and increased fitness levels.
When used in the treatment of early-stage stroke, ozone also demonstrated benefits, according to a German study. Glaucoma was another condition for which scientists reported ozone's benefits, and central nervous system disorders were also shown to be helped.
In orthopedics, ozone has a significant contribution to make, as reported by C.H. Siemsen, of Buxtehude, Germany. He stated that "The application of medical ozone in acute and chronic painful diseases of the joints is an alternative method of treatment for obtaining rapid pain relief, decongestion, subsidence of effusion, a reduction in temperature, and an increase in motility." Siemsen reported that a number of therapy-resistant painful joint conditions were recently treated with ozone for the first time, noting that the treatment is a low-risk one.
The Cubans, in particular, seem to be keeping abreast of ozone's possibilities. Cuba's Ozone Research Center, at Havana's National Center for Scientific Research, recently investigated the cholesterol- lowering effect of the substance. F. Femandez and others reported on a positive effect found for ozone in cholesterol metabolism, as well as in the stimulation of the antioxidative defense system.
Other researchers from Cuba reported on clinical improvements in humoral immunity for children who received ozone treatments. Children with hearing loss benefited from ozone too, according to Cuban researcher E. Basabe and his colleagues. In a double-blind study with 34 children, hearing loss was reduced in the ozone-treated group.
Ozonized oils were used in still other Cuban studies to successfully treat candidiasis 33 and giardiasis, a parasitic condition. In yet another area, a report on the influence of ozone treatment in sports medicine gave details on improved aerobic performance in individuals receiving blood treatment and rectal insufflation of ozone. The allotrope's effects on intracellular metabolism and utilization of free fatty acids were credited here.
An Italian paper seemed to back this up. E. Riva Sanseverino and P. Catellacci of the University of Bologna's Institute of Human Physiology summarized their findings thus:
"On the basis of the circulatory and biochemical positive effects of ... oxygen-ozone therapy, a study was programmed in order to check if physical activity in humans is improved by treatment with medical ozone administered by means of ... AHT. Preliminary observations indicate that physical activity, performed 12- 24 hours after one or several administrations of medical ozone, is improved by 8-12 percent."
Other reports at Lille, France concerned dermatology in Russia, and how ozone is being successfully used there; and ozone's disinfectant uses in oral surgery. So the wide-spectrum applicability of ozone therapy was certainly in evidence at the meeting. - Gary Null Ph.D
Current Situation of Medical Ozone Therapy - U.S.
Since the 1940s, ozone machines in the USA have been seized and information has been effectively suppressed by the U.S. Federal Drug Agency (FDA), citing the excuse that there is no‘scientific evidence’ for their effectiveness.
Despite 60+ years of medical ozone's use on humans by thousands of educated, licensed physicians and flawless animal studies, the FDA won't allow human testing in the U.S.
In fact ozone use predates the formation of the FDA itself. Ed McCabe, (‘Mr Oxygen’) stated that ‘ozone's medical usage is grandfathered in the United States and held as perfectly legal for any MD to use without censure.’
During a U.S. Senate hearing in 1965, Dr. Herbert Ley, FDA Commissioner, testified under oath, that the FDA "protects" the big drug companies and are subsequently rewarded. Using the government's police powers they attack those who threaten pharmaceutical profits. - Dr. Herbert Ley
(N.B. Medical ozone is available in the United States. A number of Clinics and Doctors can be found with an online internet search of Oxygen Therapies, Oxidative Therapies, Medical Ozone, Ozone Therapy, Prolozone Therapy, Ozonated Oils, Ozone Saunas and your state or (hopefully) in your local area).
O3 Ozone is "Non-Toxic" ... Safe Inhalation - Part 1
In many discussions on the properties and uses of O3 Ozone, it is stated that... "O3 Ozone is a toxic substance, that is harmful to the mucous membrane, that it is an irritant or that it is a poisonous gas".
These statements are based upon the results of experiments which were carried on by workers who were unaware of the true nature of the gas they were investigating.
ALL EXPERIMENTS that suggest that Ozone (O3) is toxic "would not pass 1st grade chemistry for validity".
Each of these experiments is based upon using a "polluted air mixture" containing oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide, and most importantly, toxic gases such as nitrates (and any other pollutants they may wish to include) ... to feed through an "ozone generator" in producing ozone (O3) + harmful toxic nitrates.
- One cannot produce ozone (O3) with "using a mixture of other gases" and morally / ethically / scientifically ... call it "ozone O3".
- Ozone (O3) consists of 3 molecules of oxyge, can only be produced with pure O2 oxygen ... and be morally / ethically / scientifically valid as Ozone (O3).
- A "toxic mixture of multiple gases" ... is not a valid scientific name or description for ozone (O3).
- Remove the non-toxic O3 ozone ... and the remaining nitrate gas / air will remain toxic at concentrations as little as 1.5 part per million.
- Remove the toxic nitrates ... and the pure ozone (O3) gas / air will remain non-toxic at concentrations as high as 40-50 parts per million.
When pure medical grade oxygen (O2) is used to produce the ozone (O3) ... the pure ozone air / gas is non-toxic and results in all the medical cures and benefits demonstrated throughout the world (above).
This is "Pseudo-Kindergarden Kemistry" ... and countless millions of dollars (including U.S. tax payer dollars) has been spent over the past 100 years perpetuating this agenda'd pseudo-science ... in order to keep medical ozone away from healing millions of U.S. citizens of innumerable disease conditions.
Despite the fact that several different scientists "called attention to the harmful effects of nitrogen oxides in ozone as early as 1913 … no direct study of the influence of nitrogen oxides on the toxicity of ozone was published until 1941." (see below).
Did you hear about this ? ... probably not.
O3 Ozone is "Non-Toxic" ... Safe Inhalation - Part 2
Recent authoritative investigation have established that pure (O3) Ozone is non-toxic even in concentrations as great as 20 to 50 parts per million of air.
However, Ozone containing oxides of nitrogen, on the other hand, can be toxic in higher concentrations such as 1.5 parts per million ... therefore, nitrogen oxide is the toxic component.
Although it has not yet been definitely shown why Ozone containing HIGH nitrogen oxides can be toxic, confirmation was made in 1942 by Hill, a physician specializing in industrial hygiene.
In 1921, Hill and Aeberly published a series of articles reporting on tests concerning the effects of Ozone, chemically, physically, and physiologically.
As a result of these tests a toxic limit for Ozone was established at 1 part per million. It was also stated that 20 parts per million with an exposure of two hours might prove fatal to human beings.
After noting the work of Thorp, Hill, realizing that oxides of HIGH levels of nitrogen had been present in his previous test, decided to re-run the test on an identical basis to determine if pure O3 Ozone had higher toxic limits.
As a final result of his work, Hill states:
"Pure O3 Ozone in NOT POISONOUS in any sense of the word as it breaks down in contact with the mucous membrance and only oxygen remains.
For this reason, there are no cumulative effects and pure ozone may be breathed for long periods of time without harm, provided, of course, that immediate irritation of strong concentrations is avoided."
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
O3 Ozone is "Non-Toxic" ... Safe Inhalation - Part 3
All I can say about ozone therapy is good things, as I have never seen it do harm to any patient yet. Even the Armour Report done in the 1950s states the following (this is the report that most governments and many scientists base their horror stories about ozone and its supposed harmfulness on):
"Mice put in an extremely high flow of concentrated ozone developed pulmonary edema for 2 days ...
but by the third day the mice grew strangely resistant to the ozone and no more pulmonary edema was evident.."
The reason no more pulmonary edema was evident was because the toxicity or toxic elements coating the lungs of these mice was fully oxidized, neutralized and eliminated by day three!
The substances being fully oxidized left nothing more for the ozone to oxidize, thus the pulmonary edema and the "sensitivity" disappeared.
We have seen it work likewise in patients that have had different respiratory dysfunctions. Personally, I oftentimes work in atmospheres of ozone (in our laboratories) that exceeds the allowable EPA and FDA standards of allowable ppm (parts per million) by 52,000 times!
I suffer no diminution in lung capacity (in fact it has increased over the years).
We have given IA [intra-artery], IV [intra-venous], IM [intra-muscular], and by inhalation, doses of ozone and oxygen therapies to patients for over 25+ years personally, without any untoward side effects, ever.
Ironically, it should be noted that the inhalation of raw ozone was never meant to be used as a medical therapy. Physicians and informed laypersons who use ozone for inhalation make sure that it is first passed through olive oil or a suitable essential oil.
The title of the patent for the aforementioned aromatic inhaler device invented by Dr. Neel was called “Process of Producing a Medicament [medication]” because the ozone, combined with high-terpene oils - he used juniper, pine and eucalyptus - atomized the oils into an unstable terpene gas that penetrated the lungs without causing an oxidative reaction.
Thus 10 times more ozone was present in the lung tissue, without any irritation whatsoever. The device was so effective, Neel wrote in his patent application, that:
My experiments covering this long period [of time] convinced me of its efficacy in curing tuberculosis, asthma and other diseases of the respiratory organs, as well as diseases of the blood.
I find that this medicament, when properly administered, increases the red blood corpuscles and hemoglobin and has a general beneficial action upon the system.
O3 Ozone is "Non-Toxic" ... Safe Inhalation - Part 4
When prepared from atmospheric air, with proper ozonizers, and care fully administered, O3 Ozone is absolutely NON-IRRITATING.
If these precautions are not observed, it may produce irritation instead of relief.
Ozone should be inhaled directly from the ozonizers air-tight chambers, such as are used in hospitals for the treatment of tubercular cases, are cumbersome and inconvenient, and not suitable for the advanced front. Ozone is a very evanescent body and soon loses its power and becomes oxygen again, and for these reasons should be inhaled direct from the ozonizer.
Ozone should be thus inhaled from 10 to 15 minutes at each application. The number of applications being dependent on:
1. the severity of the case
2. the toleration of it by the patient and
3. the relief afforded.
It must be remembered that the sooner Ozone is inhaled, even though for a short time at first, the better the result will be.
1. Ozone relieves the cough, dyspones and pain.
2. Ozone assists the expulsion of the glutinous mucous from the air passage.
3. Ozone stimulates the heart's action and reduces its intermittence when this symptom shows.
4. In many cases of gassing, the mental condition of the patient is affected, they become dull, stupid and apathetic. OZONE RELIEVES AND BANISHES THESE CONDITIONS.
- In British Medical Journal "The Lancet"
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
O3 Ozone is Non-Toxic ... Safe Inhalation - Part 5
Many consumers, including the American Red Cross, have successfully used indoor air cleaning devices equipped with optional and scalable (O3) ozonation at higher levels. EcoQuest donated Fresh Air devices for use in the Pentagon following the September 11, 2001 attacks.
Other examples were cited of Breeze AT air cleaners being donated for use by the Red Cross in shelters set up in San Bernardino during the forest fires in Southern California to address odor problems.
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris
O3 Ozone - Safe Inhalation - U.S. St Louis Public Schools - Part 6
During the influenza epidemic in St. Louis, the most critical and advanced cases were transferred to an open air school, which made for high percentage of mortality.
In one particular ward, experiments were made with (O3) Ozonized air on cases approaching or at the crises period of the diseases where patients were able to inhale at all, they were at once relieved and successfully carried over the crisis.
Comparing the total days absent we find that in the school where (O3) Ozonized air was used, the school children were absent, due to the foregoing cases of sickness, 475 school days.
while in the school where ordinary air was circulated by means of the ordinary air ventilating system, the school children were absent a total of 1,098 school days.
* Thousands of lives would be saved every year if homes and schools were equipped with apparatus for the circulation of O3 Ozone.
* Injected with the air of the building to the extent of one part of Ozone to one million parts of air, it effects approximately 100% purification.
* In five years that Ozone has been used in the Public Schools of St. Louis, Tuberculosis cases have been reduced 50%, also other diseases have been materially reduced
- www.understandingozone.com/article_drReviews.asp
http://mosao2.org/Article%20-%20MOSA%20PDF/O3_schools_St_Louis_01.pdf (Link)
"If less favorable results have been obtained by some experimenters, their lack of success arises not from any failing on the part of OZONE, but from the use of faulty apparatus or from defective application.The treatment would be rendered complete by maintaining an ozonized atmosphere in the patient's room."
Dr. Donatient L. Abbe, M.D. Chief, Electro-Therapy Department, 1st Hospital Bouvicant, Paris, France
- In "Clinical Reports" Journal de Medicine de Paris