* "More than 25,000 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients have benefited from HBOT in Great Britain."
* "Russia has been using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for drug and alcohol detoxification for over twenty-years."
* "Although there are hundreds of Hyperbaric Chambers in the US; Europe, Russia and ... Japan boast of many thousands."
* "The medical establishment in Japan claims that no citizen is ever more than half an hour away from a hyperbaric chamber."
* "According to Giordano and Goldfarb, the U.S. is just now catching-up to the rest of the world in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy."
After undergoing the pressurized oxygen treatments, he no longer takes medications and has no difficulty communicating. “It just made sense, that when you check people’s oxygen, especially with chronic degenerative disorders, they seem to be low on oxygen and didn’t have any energy." David Darbro, M.D.
"Farr points out, the medical profession is becoming more receptive to oxygen therapy's potential benefits. For example, 10 to 12 years ago there were only eight locations in America for the use of hyperbaric oxygen. Now there are 28, and that number is increasing all the time. "More and more people are becoming familiar with HBOT, and we're getting more and more requests from the medical profession about what other conditions it can help." - Dr. Hughes
Almost everyone can benefit from HBOT, including:
• Athletes desiring peak performance and rapid recovery from workout or injury.
• Anyone seeking general health improvement and relief from non life-threatening conditions such as headaches, fatigue, arthritis, asthma, allergies and more.
• Persons requiring rapid recovery from injury or trauma, or those preparing for or recovering from surgery, including cosmetic procedures.
• Sufferers of chronic and/or serious medical conditions or illnesses such as autism, multiple sclerosis, cerebral palsy, Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, stroke and many others.
According to Riske, patients from around the nation are coming to Hilton Head Island for treatment. Although extremely popular in Europe and Japan, there are only about 400 hyperbaric chambers across the United States, and they are primarily used for wound care and burns, she explained.
- Sarah Riske - Clinic Manager - Hyperbarics of Hilton Head, located in the LifeSpan Center
O2 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - HBOT - Oxygen Medicine Research
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FDA Approved - HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treatments |
- Air or gas embolism
- Carbon monoxide poisoning and carbon monoxide poisoning
- complicated by cyanide poisoning
- Clostridial myositis and myonecrosis (gas gangrene)
- Crush injury, compartment syndrome, and other acute traumatic ischemias
- Decompression sickness
- Enhanced healing of selected problem wounds
- Exceptional blood loss anemia
- Necrotizing soft tissue infections
- Osteomyelitis (refractory)
- Delayed radiation injury (soft tissue and bony necrosis)
- Skin grafts and flaps (compromised)
- Thermal burns
- Intracranial abscess
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International - Documented Research - HBOT - Hyperbaric (O2) Oxygen Therapy Treatments |
- Autism / Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Allergies
- Asthma
- ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
- Alzheimer's
- Arthritis (Rheumatoid, Osteoarthritis, Osteoarthrosis)
- Atherosclerosis
- ADD (Attention Deficit Disorder)
- Bell's Palsy
- Brain Injury
- Burns
- Cerebral Palsy
- Cancer
- CFS / CFIDS (Chronic Fatigue Immune Dysfunction)
- Coma
- Crohn's Disease
- Dementia
- Depression
- Diabetes
- Epilepsy / Seizure Disorders
- Fibromyalgia
- Hearing Loss
- Heart Disease
- Hepatitis
- Infection
- Injury Healing
- Interstitial Cystitis
- Lupus
- Lyme Disease
- Macular Degeneration
- Memory Loss
- Migraine
- Multiple Chemical Sensitivity
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Near Drowning
- Neuropathy
- Parkinson's Disease
- Post-Polio Syndrome
- Post-Surgical Wound Healing
- RSD (Reflex Symapthetic Dystrophy)
- Rheumatic Diseases
- Spinal Cord Injury
- Sports Injury
- Stroke
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Benefits - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Treats a Variety of Conditions - Said to Cure, Help Treat a Myriad of Ills |
Monday, August 18th, 2008
Mark Merrell was at his wits’ end. His young daughter, Maddie, was diagnosed as profoundly autistic. “Wetried a number of therapies and been to a number of different places, and my kid’s pretty sick, and you accept that, and there’s just nothing anybody can do for her,” Merrell explained. “So we basically had to become our own advocates.” After investigating alternative therapies for his child, Merrell wound up in Florida, where he learned that hyperbaric medicine is being used to treat autism.
“Many people like myself who are all right here in this Fishers-Carmel-Zionsville area, many of our doctors are not in Indiana,” he said. “Our backs are against the wall. We need help, and we can’t wait another six months for this study or another year for that drug. We need help now.” After using the hyperbaric chamber about 4 to 5 days per week, Merrell said the results of the treatments on Maddie have been astounding. “We can go out in public with our daughter now and nobody notices us … nobody looks at us.
The change has been amazing,” he said. Merrell believes in the treatments so much he not only installed a hyperbaric chamber in his home, but also left his job as a police officer to open Oxyspa, a salon located at 11559 Cumberland Road in Fishers that features hyperbaric oxygen treatments. Oxsyspa is one a few locations in the Midwest that offers the treatments, using an FDA-approved hyperbaric chamber. When hyperbaric chambers were first installed in some Indianapolis-area hospitals, they were mainly used for treating burn victims or those who had carbon monoxide poisoning. Hospital chambers use a much greater pressure than what can be found at Oxyspa, but Merrell said the lighter pressure, non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical treatments are beginning to come into their own as an alternative therapy.
David Darbro, M.D., the medical director who provides medical oversight at Oxyspa, became a believer in hyperbaric treatments after he changed roles and became a patient when he suffered a stroke three years ago. The stroke affected his speech. “You would not have been able to have understood me, were we speaking three years ago,” he said. Darbro drew a picture of a hyperbaric chamber to get his wishes across.
After undergoing the pressurized oxygen treatments, he no longer takes medications and has no difficulty communicating. “It just made sense, that when you check people’s oxygen, especially with chronic degenerative disorders, they seem to be low on oxygen and didn’t have any energy,” - David Darbro, M.D.,
Brain injury, Cerebral Palsy, Diabetes, Heart Problems, Multiple Scelrosis, Osteomyelitis, Sports Injuries, Wound Healing
Darbro said mild hyperbaric therapy is indicated in treatments of several illnesses and conditions, including migraine, heart problems and diabetes. It is also used to treat wounds, sports injuries, osteomyelitis, skin grafts, traumatic brain injury, cerebral palsy and multiple sclerosis.
Darbro, who specializes in holistic medicine, said the treatments benefit the patient by helping to increase the body’s ability to absorb oxygen. “Your breathing is the key to opening the door to energy,” he said. “The idea of pressurized oxygen – putting oxygen under pressure – is the key, because it’s putting more oxygen in the fluid – the plasma – in between the red blood cells.”
There are only 13 FDA-approved uses of hyperbaric treatments, so insurance may not cover treatments for other medical conditions.
Articles of studies and other findings about the treatments have appeared in the Journal of American Medical Association. One article, published in 1990, calls hyperbaric treatments a controversial therapy. Another article, published in 2004, suggests hyperbaric oxygen therapy improves survival and limb salvage of patients with necrotizing soft tissue infections.
A doctor’s prescription or order is mandatory before a client can begin therapy. Merrell said physicians from several disciplines including neurologists have referred their patients for treatments. He added the spa also follows FDA regulations by charting each client’s progress and condition during treatment.
Cindy Beuoy, of Indianapolis, has been using the chamber since February and has noticed some benefits from regular visits. “I try to stay as healthy as I can. I’m a real pro-active person on health,” she said. “I found that, using the chamber, it helps me to sleep better. I exercise – I do strength training exercise three times a week and it helps my muscles recover faster from the exercise. I just feel my overall vitality is greater.”
Source: http://www.hyperbaricexperts.com/category/sports-injuries/page/2 |
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Benefits - Neurologist Exposes the Benefits of HBOT for TBI and PTSD in Front of Congress |
Tucson neurologist to testify before Congress about brain injury:
TUCSON, AZ (KOLD) - For years we’ve been telling you about the merits of hyperbaric oxygen treatment, its documented impact on Traumatic Brain Injury and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Though today, we’re going to tell you about the local doctor who makes it all possible. She’s been chosen to take part in a national study. Not only that, her upcoming testimony before Congress could shape the future of this innovative therapy for generations to come.
Meet Dr. Carol Henricks. For five years, the Tucson neurologist has been offering hyperbaric oxygen treatment to patients suffering from variety of conditions like near drowning, post stroke and Multiple Sclerosis. But it’s a very specific patient population Dr. Henricks seems to help most at her Northstar Neurology offices at 7596 North La Cholla.
“The kind of traumatic brain injury that our veterans have suffered overseas…in Iraq and Afghanistan,” she says.
That’s why Dr. Henricks is being asked to testify before the United States House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs. To discuss the nature of these injuries; how she treats them; and her many success stories along the way.
“By the end of my 40 treatments, I had never felt better in my life.”
That’s Private Jeremy Mandrell who deployed to Iraq in 2005. There, he drove a gun tank that took a lot of enemy fire. Explosion…after explosion…after explosion. Within a year, he developed some serious symptoms. He couldn’t sleep, had severe headaches and eventually got so disoriented he couldn’t even hold a conversation. Turns out, all those explosions had a cumulative effect on Mandrell’s brain.
“I have tried everything,” the 23 year old told KOLD News 13 from Colorado Springs. “What the Army could throw at me, what the VA could throw at me and nothing has ever worked. It’s a simple concept: you lay in a tube and breathe oxygen…and it works, it works.”
That’s why Dr. Henricks is helping any veteran with traumatic brain injury–free of charge. She does this to learn more herself. And to help others, who don’t have the means to help themselves.
“We could never afford this stuff, a lot of times,” Mandrell said. “When Dr. Henricks opens up her (hyperbaric oxygen) tubes, Dr. Harch (fellow neurologist from New Orleans) and everybody else–it’s great. I don’t know what they could be doing any better.”
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Fractures - HBOT - Accelerated Healing of Bone Fractures: |
New Study - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Proliferates Osteoblasts at the Fracture Site
A research paper looking into the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and bone formation has just been published. In this study, they found that bone formation through the growth and differentiation of osteoblasts was significantly enhanced with the application of hypebaric oxygen therapy. These changes were observed after just 3 days of oxygen therapy.
In particular, this paper found that these changes at fracture sites and also went through the various physiological changes that were observed.
<< Click here >> to view study
Source: http://www.hyperbaricexperts.com/news/new-study-hbot-for-fracture-healing.html
Clinical Research Study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20497028 |
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Abdominal Surgery - Effect of HBOT Hyperbaric Therapy on PAtients with Adhesive Intestinal Obstruction Associated with Abdominal Surgey Who Have Failed to Respond to More than 7 Days of Conservative Treatment - Abstracts |
HBO therapy may be useful in management of adhesive intestinal obstruction associated with abdominal surgery, even in patients who fail to respond to other conservative treatments.
HBO therapy may be a preferred option for treatment of patients for whom surgery should be avoided |
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Aids, Cancer, HIV and Multiple Sclerosis - Treatment with O2 Oxygen (HBOT) |
Oxygen can heal, especially when you put the patient in an environment filled with 15 times more breathable oxygen than normal air.
HBO Therapy (HBOT) has met with political and financial opposition by conventional medicine. Depsite this opposition, pioneering alternative physicians have extended its use in recent years to include relief for head and spinal cord injuries, migraine headaches and tinnitus, improvement of cerebral blood flow, restoration of speach and mobility for multiple sclerosis (MS) patients ... and the regeneration of stroke damaged brain tissue.
(N.B. In Germany, O3 ozone generators are fitted in all emergency ambulances for benefits to the early treatment of stroke victims, and the recuction and / or prevention of short-term and long-term stroke damage, in addition to, the profound healing effects of wounds and burns.
HBOT hyperbaric medicine has well-documented evidence supporting its use in many AIDSs-defining complications and infections, regardless of the underlying disorder. HBOT would be an ideal intervention in the individual recently infected with HIV because it decreases viremia (viruses in the blood), it is not toxic to the individual and decreases the microvascular and neurovascular damage occuring as the initial infection progresses through the body.
(N.B. For more advanced HIV infections, O3 ozone has well-documented evidence of 100% eradication of all viruses in the blood.
The most credible evidence to placate the sceptical palate was a joint U.S. / Canadian study presented to NATO Blood Commission and conducted by the Surgeon General of the Canadian Armed Forces.
Their experiments led to a pilot study of patients with AIDS at the Ottawa General Hospital (approved by the Health Protection Branch and the Hospital's Ethics Committee).
The Canadian experiments with HIV and other viruses used gas-exchange technology from Mueller Medical International Inc. (Oakville, Ontario), with help from Medizone International Inc., New York.
Further experiments were conducted by a collaborative effort between scientists at the Department of National Health and Welfare, the Department of National Defence, the Canadian Animal Disease Research Institute and Cornell University, Ithaca, NY)
Canada / United States
"In a brief to the NATO Blood Committee, the surgeon general of the Canadian Armed Forces reported on joint U.S. Canadian findings that within the sensitivity of the screening methods used, a 3-minute ozonation of serum spiked with one million HIV-1 particles per millilitre would achieve virtually 100% viral inactivation (loss of infectivity)."
Ref: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1490857/
Europe 1993:
A review of 300 000 patients who had been given more than 5 million ozone (O3) treatmentsconcluded that when strict protocols were followed the rate of adverse effects was 0.6% ... and that there was no evidence of carcinogenicity.
Ref: Jacobs MTH: Untersuchung uber Zwischenfalle und Typische Komplikationen in der Ozone-Sauerstoff Therapie
(AufzugAPRIL 1, 1993 CAN MED ASSOC J 1993; 148 (7) 1159 auf der Dissertation). Ozo Nachrichten 1986; 1: 5 |
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Alcohol Addiction - Liver Damage Detoxification - HBOT Hyperbaric Chamber May Hold Key to Repairing Damaged Livers |
An experiment to see if alcoholic liver damage can be repaired by treatment in a hyperbaric chamber – more commonly used for divers with the bends – starts next month. The possibilities surrounding hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which is used in Russia to help to speed alcoholic detoxification, come at a time when Scotland faces increasingly gloomy figures over its alcohol problem.
Yesterday it was revealed that the Scots are the eighth heaviest drinkers in the world. Now patients from Castle Craig Hospital, a private detoxification centre near Peebles, are to participate in a pilot study run by doctors from the University of Edinburgh, which will seek to establish whether stem cells are mobilised by HBOT and if there is a corresponding improvement in liver function.
Research in Russia, where hyperbaric chambers have been employed for 15 years to treat people with alcohol problems, has shown that their use cuts in half the time needed for alcohol detoxification.
This will be the first time HBOT has been trialled for the treatment of alcohol-related illness in Britain. Currently, the only “curative” treatment for cirrhosis of the liver is transplantation but due to donor shortages this is not available to most patients. There is also continuing controversy about providing patients who are addicted to alcohol with new livers.
The study has gained ethical approval and will focus on 20 volunteers from inpatients at Castle Craig, one of the UK’s largest addiction centres, where an 18-seater hyperbaric chamber has been built, costing £250,000.Participants will have a total of 20 sessions of two hours of hyperbaric oxygen, with blood samples taken from them during the course of treatment. Koen Terra, 37, a patient at Castle Craig since October, said yesterday he had already had about 20 sessions in the hyperbaric chamber and was pleased to take part in the experiment.
“In the beginning, in the chamber, you get a rest in your whole body,” he said. Mr Terra, 37, a chef from Amsterdam who has battled alcohol problems for 20 years, said he had a longstanding wound on his leg which had refused to heal. After sessions in the chamber, it was now getting better. “It seems to be promoting healing in your whole body,” he said. He said that during the sessions in the chamber, he wore a mask and would read a book or watch TV. “It is just like being in a pressurised airplane.” Peter Hayes, Professor of Hepatology at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary who is leading the trial, said: “Most ways of increasing stem cells are very complicated. The beauty of this approach is its simplicity. We have to do the study first before getting carried away. |
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Alcohol Addiction - G&G Holistic Addiction Treatment Add Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy HBOT |
Feb 18, 2010
G&G Holistic Addiction Treatment is one of only a few addiction treatment facilities (in the US) to make Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy available to its clients.
North Miami Beach, Florida: John Giordano – President and Founder of G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center and co-founder Jerry Goldfarb – believe Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy, or HBOT as it’s known in the medical industry, is the new paradigm in repairing damaged brain cells due to long-term drug and/or alcohol use. G & G Holistic Addiction Treatment Center is one of only a few addiction treatment facilities in the world to make Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy available to its clients.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is the medical use of oxygen at a level higher than atmospheric pressure. Under normal circumstances, oxygen is transported throughout the body only by red blood cells. With HBOT, oxygen is dissolved into all of the body’s fluids, the plasma, the central nervous system fluids, the lymph, and the bone and can be carried to areas where circulation is diminished or blocked. In this way, extra oxygen can reach all of the damaged tissues and the body can support its own healing process. The increased oxygen greatly enhances the ability of white blood cells to kill bacteria, reduces swelling and allows new blood vessels to grow more rapidly into the affected areas.
(http://www.hbot.com/faq#1) John Giordano first saw the potential in HBOT when he came to learn that large doses of oxygen can improve brain functions – thus helping a person who has damaged their brain by abusing drugs and/or alcohol over extended periods of time. Although HBOT has only recently become available to their clients, Mr. Giordano and Goldfarb are very encouraged by what they have seen. “After just a few treatments, my clients tell me they have much more clarity in thought and find that they’re much more alert” says Giordano. “Physically, the change is palpable – their skin color comes back almost immediately, their overall look is healthier and the swagger is back in their step.” Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy is recognized by most as the cure for decompression sickness — the bends — experienced by scuba divers who surface too quickly. However, doctors and researchers both agree that we’ve only scratched the surface of full healing potential of HBOT.
There are currently 15 conditions treatable with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy that are approved by the FDA in the US. Additionally, the therapy has shown great promise in the ‘off-label’ treatment of a myriad of diseases and injuries such as: brain trauma, stroke, cancer, sports injuries, migraines, depression, multiple sclerosis, autism, cerebral palsy and senility to name just a mere few. The treatment itself is painless and non-invasive. It involves the patient sitting or reclining in a pressurized chamber with levels of oxygen up to 100% for anywhere between one and three hours.
According to Giordano and Goldfarb, the U.S. is just now catching-up to the rest of the world in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy.
Although there are hundreds of Hyperbaric Chambers in the US; Europe, Russia and Japan boast of many thousands.
The medical establishment in Japan claims that no citizen is ever more than half an hour away from a hyperbaric chamber.
More than 25,000 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients have benefited from HBOT in Great Britain.
Scotland’s Castle Craig Hospital is conducting a pilot study run by doctors from the University of Edinburgh, which will seek to establish whether stem cells are mobilized by HBOT and if there is a corresponding improvement in liver function. The French use HBOT for peripheral vascular and arterial problems.
Russia has been using Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for drug and alcohol detoxification for over twenty-years.
Alcohol and drug abuse damage the brain in a way similar to that of carbon monoxide poisoning. Each occurrence of abuse robs the brain of vital oxygen – leaving in its path dead and damaged cells.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy rejuvenates the damaged brain cells and tissue while minimizing post acute withdrawal syndrome. |
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Asthma - Respiratory Devices - Asthma Treatment - The Frolov Respiratory Device - Russia |
The Frolov respiratory device therapy is very popular in Russia. Through the present millennium, much more than Two million Frolov respiratory devices were bought in Russia. In excess of 500 Russian health care professionals took part in productive medical assessments of the Frolov respiratory device therapy on persons with asthma, COPD, blood pressure, diabetic issues and other disorders that are associated with decreased O2 levels in body cells. The Buteyko breathing method , on the other hand, is widely used in the UK, New zealand and Australia with hundreds of experts and medical professionals training the Buteyko respiratory therapy .
You can find above 20 Western medical professionals who claimed their surprise at the effects of the Buteyko breathing therapy on people who have asthma signs and symptoms. Yet, just about each individual who attempted both approaches says that the Frolov breathing device is a lot more effective. The Frolov student doesn’t need a teacher and experience speedier improvement in O2 concentrations in body tissues right after sessions while using the famous Frolov respiration device. |
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Autism - HBOT - Oxford Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center - Benefits in Autism |
There are dozens of studies showing the correlation between gastrointestinal tract inflammation and autism. This has been termed autistic enterocolitis or chronic ileocolonic lymphoid nodulal hyperplasia (LNH). The characteristics of this condition are: inflammation of the colon, stomach, and small intestines. According to Wakefield, as many as 90% of children with autism have gastrointestinal symptoms (such as, diarrhea, constipation) and 68% have moderate to severe problems.
Why does HBOT help children with ASD?
The exact reasons it helps children with ASD are still being research, however there are some clear correlations one can make with the current research.
First, it removes toxins, such as heavy metals from the body.
It reduces inflammation allowing oxygen deprived areas to have a return of blood flow.
It builds new capillaries in the brain.
It reduces the inflammation in the gut. |
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Autism - HBOT - Oxford Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Center - Benefits in Autism |
There are dozens of studies showing the correlation between gastrointestinal tract inflammation and autism. This has been termed autistic enterocolitis or chronic ileocolonic lymphoid nodulal hyperplasia (LNH). The characteristics of this condition are: inflammation of the colon, stomach, and small intestines. According to Wakefield, as many as 90% of children with autism have gastrointestinal symptoms (such as, diarrhea, constipation) and 68% have moderate to severe problems.
Why does HBOT help children with ASD?
The exact reasons it helps children with ASD are still being research, however there are some clear correlations one can make with the current research.
First, it removes toxins, such as heavy metals from the body.
It reduces inflammation allowing oxygen deprived areas to have a return of blood flow.
It builds new capillaries in the brain.
It reduces the inflammation in the gut. |
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Autism - HBOT - Oxford Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Hawaii Study |
Hawaii Study:
Hawaii has more autism per capita than any other state.
An interesting fact, Hawaii, unlike other states does not “regulate or restrict the amount of mercury-based preservative thimerosal used in immunizations.” (Markley, 2006)
One study done privately in Hawaii by Dr. Markley, protocol 20 hours HBOT at 1.5 ata with 100% oxygen, showed amazing results after just 20 hours, less than half the starting prescribed treatment.
All participants received comprehensive ADOS and ADI-R testing just prior to beginning HBOT. They also were evaluated using a Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF) scores.
The study consisted of 20 children, 4 female and 16 male.

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Autism - (HBOT) Oxygen Hyperbaric Decompression Chamber - Benefits in Autisms |
After 40 hours of hyperbaric treatment autistic children showed significant improvements in social interaction and eye contact compared with controls. One theory is that oxygen can help reduce inflammation and improve flow of oxygen to brain tissue.
Hyperbaric treatment - effectively giving high concentrations of oxygen at increased atmospheric pressure - has been shown to have some benefit in other neurological conditions such as foetal alcohol syndrome and cerebral palsy.
Children who received the treatment showed significant improvements in overall functioning, receptive language, social interaction, eye contact, and sensory or cognitive awareness.
In all, 30% in the treatment group were rated by doctors as "very much improved" or "much improved" compared with 8% of those in the control group.
Overall, 80% in the treatment group improved compared with 38% of controls. |
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Blood Pressure - HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Lowers Blood Pressure - 2010 |
In an eight week study performed on rats, hyperbaric oxygen therapy effectively improved blood pressure parameters and repressed hypertension. Though this phenomenon has been observed in clinical practice, this is the first study of its kind to demonstrate the not only the link between the two, but also the possible mechanisms that may be playing the key roles.
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Bones - Regeneration - HBOT - Abstracts |
HBO enhanced biomineralization with an increase in bone nodule formation, calcium deposition, and alkaline phosphatase activity, whereas no cytotoxic effect was detected using a lactate dehydrogenase activity assay. The data suggest that the exposure of osteoblasts to HBO enhances differentiation toward the osteogenic phenotype, providing cellular evidence of the potential application of HBO in fracture healing and bone regeneration. |
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Brain Injury - HBOT - Two US Soldiers in Iraq Treated Successfully for Concussion with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - 2009 |
The UHMS, the primary source of scientific information for hyperbaric medicine, just released a case report on the successful use of HBOT on two US Soldiers in Iraq. Both soldiers were involved in a roadside blast, leaving them with concussive symptoms and both medically diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury. 6 months following their injuries, symptoms of irritability, sleep disturbances, headaches, memory difficulties and cognitive difficulties still persisted. In addition, neurological assessments confirmed deterioration in all measured areas (simple reaction time, procedural reaction time, code substitution learning, code substitution delayed, mathematical processing, and matching to sample).
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was administered to both soldiers and the results were very impressive with rapid improvement of headaches and sleep disturbances, improvement in all symptoms and resolution of most symptoms. Of clinical significance, repeated neurological testing 3 months after HBOT was implemented, showed improvements in all areas; thus confirming the subjective improvements that were documented. Head injuries and concussions are increasing challenge to our current healthcare system and are having a big effect in the quality of life of so many. The simple application of HBOT may be the long term answer that we have been looking for.
Anyone who is suffering from concussion symptoms, or head injuries (TBI’s) of any kind in that matter, should seriously consider adding hyperbaric oxygen therapy - Advanced Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment & Recovery Center - Vancouver, Canada |
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Brain Injury - HBOT - Budget Impact of Treating Injured Veterans with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - 2010 |
It is now possible to successfully treat brain injured veterans and restore them as productive citizens at a fraction of the cost of the social services they would otherwise require.
* There is an FDA-approved medical treatment that is the only non-hormonal treatment known to repair and regenerate human tissue. The drug is oxygen. When delivered at 7 to 12 times the normal atmospheric concentration in a hyperbaric oxygen chamber, it becomes an effective means of healing damaged brain tissue that will otherwise not heal.
* Of the 25+ brain-injured veterans treated in this manner to date, 80% have been able to return to active duty, work or school. All have been able to return to the basic activities of independent daily living, thus greatly reducing the cost of the maintenance and assistance they required pre-treatment.
* Study participants have also experienced, on average, a 15 point IQ jump, a 37% reduction in post-concussion syndrome symptoms, and a 28% reduction in Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms.
* The use of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) for the treatment of brain injury is very safe and is NOT new. The navies of the world have been using it to treat neurologic decompression sickness since the 1930s. What is new is the understanding that HBOT can also be used to successfully treat other forms of brain injury.
* The potential economic benefits to the State of California from this very safe treatment are substantial. A proposal for a large, multi-center program to establish the effectiveness of this therapy and leave the CDVA with substantial long-term treatment capacity has already been submitted in preliminary form to the CDVA. If needed, a smaller 30 patient pilot trial to confirm the above claims should be completeable in less than 6 months, with the trends clear within 60 to 90 days. California has stimulus funds earmarked for homeless abatement available sufficient to fund the above mentioned efforts. What is needed is the political consensus to do so.
* This is an opportunity to improve that state’s financial condition and simultaneously stake out a position of national leadership in an issue that is of great importance nationwide. |
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Brain Injury (TBI) - Study to Look at Ways to Treat Traumatic Brain Injury - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - 2010 |
Dr. Paul Harch, a Louisiana State University researcher who is leading a study on use of hyperbaric oxygen treatment for traumatic brain injury. On March 15, Jacob Gadd, assistant director for Program Management in The American Legion Veterans Affairs & Rehabilitation Division, participated in a conference call on hyperbaric oxygen treatment of traumatic brain injury.
The International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation conducted the conference calls with Dr. Paul Harch, a Louisiana State University researcher leading the study, and Dr. James Wright, a retired Air Force colonel in charge of research on hyperbarics for the Air Force.
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) and post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are often referred to as the “signature wounds” of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. Doctors used hyperbaric oxygen treatment decades ago mainly for treatment of divers.
However, Harch’s recent study of 15 cases of veterans afflicted with blast injuries found, “a 15-point increase in IQ in little more than a month, 51 percent reduction in depression, 40 percent clinically significant improvement levels of post-concussion systems such as headaches and sleep disturbances, and a 30 percent improvement in PTSD.
The Hennepin County Medical Center in Minneapolis also conducted a relative study, Hyperbaric Oxygen Shows Potential Benefit for Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury, in January. The study found a significant benefit from hyperbaric oxygen treatment to improve brain metabolism and its ability to recover from injury. The findings were recently published in the Journal of Neurosurgery. Additionally, the study showed that cells need oxygen to fuel metabolism for cellular growth and repair.
After a traumatic brain injury, there’s a direct correlation between clinical outcome and the degree to which a brain’s metabolism is restored. Dr. Gaylan Rockswold, who conducted the study stated, “in previous research we learned that the brain’s energy is improved and maintained with hyperbaric oxygen treatment, but this study confirms that hyperbaric oxygen treatment has a major impact in terms of increased energy production.”
The International Hyperbaric Medical Foundation launched their new nationwide study this week at 15 sites within Florida, California, Louisana, Texas, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Arizona, Virginia, Maryland, Washington and South Carolina. They are asking for 1,000 individuals to participate in the study. To participate in the study or receive more information, go to http://www.hyperbaricmedicalfoundation.org/.
The American Legion does not have an official position on hyperbaric oxygen treatment for treatment of TBI and PTSD at this time. However, the Legion will continue to monitor the research and study by Harch’s team and continue to urge VA and DoD to fully explore options for research and treatment for the signature wounds of Iraq and Afghanistan. |
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Cancer - The Origins of Cancer - by Dr. Otto Warburg |
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Full Article - Complete scientific understanding of ... "The cause of Cancer ... lack of oxygen at the cellular level."
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Cancer - Breast Cancer - The Best Clinical Trial: 5 Fold Less Mortality |
Medical professionals have failed to understand and explain to the general public and cancer patients that overbreathing (or hyperventilation) REDUCES body oxygen level due to 3 fundamental laws of respiratory physiology:
1. When we hyperventilate (breathe more than the medical norm), we cannot improve oxygen content in the hemoglobin of the arterial blood (red blood cells are about 98% saturated with oxygen during tiny normal breathing).
2. Overbreathing reduces CO2 concentration in the arterial blood causing constriction of arteries and arterioles since CO2 is a powerful vasodilator. Hence, hyperventilation results in reduced perfusion and oxygen supply (confirmed by tens of published medical studies) for the liver, brain, heart, kidneys, stomach, colon, and other vital organs.
3. Reduced CO2 value in the tissues produces a shift in the O2 dissociation curve to the left. This leads to so-called suppressed Bohr effect (a reduced O2 release by red blood cells in the capillaries).
* Therefore, the more a cancer patient breathes, the less oxygen is provided for heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and other vital organs.
* Reduced cellular oxygenation leads to anaerobic mitochondrial metabolism, elevated lactic acid values, formation of free radicals, and cell acidosis or lowered pH in cells.
* On contrary, CO2 is a chemical that is needed for tumor treatment, as numerous studies on carbogen use in cancer indicate
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Cancer - Breast Cancer Success: Ukranian Trial with Breathing Retraining Self-Oxygenation Treatment |
The results were actually submitted in Ukrainian Oncology Magazine some years ago in Russian, and for that reason, it was not right away noticed in the Western globe. This breast cancer clinical testing was actually organized by Dr. Sergey Paschenko, MD, a pupil of Dr. Konstantin Buteyko who was the founder of the Buteyko respiration technique). The research was actually in relation to investigation of treatmentof the lowered breathing method in a blended therapy of cancer of the breast. Be aware that it is actually known that people with cancer have heavy and deep breathing at rest caused by chronic over-breathing. As well, according to laws of physiology, chronic over-breathing reduces body oxygen amount.
It needs to be actually emphasised from the start-off, that, for this breast cancer treatment, respiration exercises as well as other way of life elements were actually applied in addition to typical medical treatment. Therefore, all patients used basic medical treatments. One hundred twenty women with cancer of the breast (World category T1-2N1M0) took part in this subject. All sufferers got a typical anti-cancertreatment that featured medical elimination of cancers and chemotherapy. Nonetheless, in enhancement to this commonplace therapy, the respiratory retraining group of 67 patients were taught respiratory exercises. Their parameters were compared with the management collection (remaining 53 sufferers who did not do any breathwork).
Three-year fatality for the respiratory normalization group was actually 4.5 %, while for the management set 24.5 %. That’s why, breathing exercises decreased 3-year fatality rate by extra than 5 times. All sufferers who normalized their breathing survived. This is actually an impressive breakthrough in treatment of cancer of the breast. Here is more about Breakthrough in Breast Cancer Research and Treatment.
For this research, Doctor Paschenko assessed their CO2 levels in the exhaled air flow as a measure of chronic hyperventilation syndrome. Just after 3 years of respiration retraining, the patients who practiced respiration exercises breathed even less compared to formal health norm and closer to the Buteyko’ breathing norm or 4 liter every minute for minute ventilation, 8 breaths for each minute for breathing frequency, and 60 s for the oxygen pressure in body organs.
When the wellness condition of some sufferers drastically worsened (metastasis), their exhaled CO2 content decreased practically 2 times from their initial prices due to rigorous chronic hyperventilation syndrome. Having said that, Russian and Ukrainian Buteyko doctors say that the legitimate situation in connection to advancing cancer is opposite. They say that profound and rapid breathing evokes metastasis and advancement of many forms of cancer. And this trial quite likely demonstrates their point.
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Cancer - Lung - HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Pressue Helps Improve Lung Cancer Treatment - 2010 |
More research is demonstrating the importance of combining hyperbaric oxygen therapy with conventional drug therapy for cancer for sensitizing the cancer cells, ultimately leading to more cancer death. Here, this study showed us that just elevating the pressure and combining a promising anticancer agent caused more destruction to the cancer cells.
The combination of TRAIL and EP significantly increased apoptosis of human H460 lung cancer cells more than hyperbaric normoxia or normobaric mild hyperoxia. EP-potentiating TRAIL-mediated apoptosis of H460 cells was accompanied by up-regulated death receptor 5 (DR5), activation of caspases, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential, and reactive oxygen species production.
We also observed EP-induced sensitization of TRAIL-mediated apoptosis in other cancer cell types. In contrast, human normal cells showed no DNA damage or cell death when exposed to the combined treatment. In a chicken chorioallantoic membrane model, EP enhanced TRAIL-mediated apoptosis of tumors that developed from transplanted H460 cells.
Collectively, EP enhanced TRAIL-induced apoptosis of human lung carcinoma cells in vitro and in vivo. These findings suggest that EP is a mechanical and physiological stimulus that might have utility as a sensitizing tool for cancer therapy. |
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Cancer - Ovary - HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Significantly Reduces Tumour Volume in Ovarian Cancer - 2010 |
A landmark study provided by the Ohio State University in Columbus has just been published in the Journal of Cancer Biology & Therapy and the results are consistent with the latest research validating the use of HBOT in Cancer therapy. It has already been well established that solid tumours are low in oxygen (hypoxic) and it is this factor that limits conventional therapy like chemo and radiation, and allows for resistance to congenital treatments.
In this study, the addition of HBOT (90 minute sessions daily for up to 21 days at a dose of 2.0 ATA)corrected the hypoxic tumour and leading to enhancement of chemotherapeutic regimen for ovarian cancer. In addition and of extreme significance is that the application of HBOT alone caused a significant reduction in tumour size. This study confirms recent literature supporting the use of HBOT with and without conventional therapy. |
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Cancer - Sleep - Poor Quality of Sleep |
Advance of cancer malignancy impairs sleep quality. Numerous medical scientific studies found out greater prevalence of insomnia in individuals with cancer. Final results of medical papers that observed that sick people today respire at rest about two-three times more air in comparison to the established professional medical standard. critically or severely ill, which include hospitalized and terminally sick paients, breathe even harder air.
A number of published studies uncovered that individuals with incurable cancer take about 30-40 inhalations per minute and more. Nevertheless the biological standard is only 12 inhalations per minute.
chronic deep breathing produces constriction of arterioles and arteries. This is the main effect that points out why you are able to faint after nearly three minutes of forceful or deliberate overbreathing. Less glucose and oxygen is delivered to the nerve cells in the brain. This is exactly what you can see on the image above. It shows effects of one minute of overbreathing on brain oxygen levels (the image on the right side).
* Hyperventilation reduces oxygen levels in the brain cells by about 50%!
Precisely the same substance CO2 is likewise required for discharge of oxygen to tissues in capillary vessels. This respiratory fact is recognized as the Bohr effect. Decreased quantities of carbon dioxide reduces oxygen release from the blood cells.
Is this known in physiology? Without a doubt, several hundreds of research studies have undoubtedly shown that deep breathing reduces tissues oxygen content. At the same time, reduced body oxygenation brings about anaerobic breathing in cells, generation of free radicals and cell acidity. |
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Cell Respiration - Anerobic vs Anaerobic Cell Respiration |
Cellular respiration produces CO2 as a metabolic waste. This CO2 binds with water to form carbonic acid, helping to maintain the blood's pH. Since too much CO2 would lower the blood's pH too much, the removal of the excess CO2 must be accomplished on an ongoing basis. |
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Concussion - HBOT - Two US Soldiers in Iraq Treated Successfully for Concussion with Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - 2009 |
The UHMS, the primary source of scientific information for hyperbaric medicine, just released a case report on the successful use of HBOT on two US Soldiers in Iraq. Both soldiers were involved in a roadside blast, leaving them with concussive symptoms and both medically diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury. 6 months following their injuries, symptoms of irritability, sleep disturbances, headaches, memory difficulties and cognitive difficulties still persisted. In addition, neurological assessments confirmed deterioration in all measured areas (simple reaction time, procedural reaction time, code substitution learning, code substitution delayed, mathematical processing, and matching to sample).
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy was administered to both soldiers and the results were very impressive with rapid improvement of headaches and sleep disturbances, improvement in all symptoms and resolution of most symptoms. Of clinical significance, repeated neurological testing 3 months after HBOT was implemented, showed improvements in all areas; thus confirming the subjective improvements that were documented. Head injuries and concussions are increasing challenge to our current healthcare system and are having a big effect in the quality of life of so many. The simple application of HBOT may be the long term answer that we have been looking for.
Anyone who is suffering from concussion symptoms, or head injuries (TBI’s) of any kind in that matter, should seriously consider adding hyperbaric oxygen therapy - Advanced Hyperbaric Oxygen Treatment & Recovery Center - Vancouver, Canada |
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Cosmetic Surgery - HBOT - Abstracts |
HBOT triggers many positive physiological events:
* New tissue striving to fill the dead tissue wound space requires a 24 times oxidative burst. This intense competition for oxygen can cause inflammation and swelling. HBOT provides this additional oxygen.
* HBOT sessions prior to surgery will eliminate the reperfusion phenomenon, reducing the chance of scar tissue forming.
* HBOT also reduces inflamation and swelling.
* Hypoxia in normally perfused tissue can unexpectedly occur post-surgically due to an inflammatory response and edema. HBOT corrects hypoxia and dramatically reduces inflammation and swelling.
* HBOT increases fibroblast replication and collagen production. It also raises the RNA/DNA ratio in the tissues, indicating increased formation of rough endoplasmic reticulum of cells of the wounded area.
* From Beverly Hills to New York City, more and more cosmetic surgeons are adding Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy to their protocol, routinely treating their Patients before and after surgery, sometimes offering hyperbaric facilities in the offices of their rights. |
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Diabetes - HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improved Outcomes for Diabetes - 2010 |
It is well researched that diabetics can benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy as a primary treatment for foot wounds, ulcers, and other hard to heal injuries. However, the major complication to diabetics is in cardiovascular disease and coronary events (CE) like sudden heart attacks, strokes, etc.
The main contributing factors to this elevated risk are poor glycemic control, elevated inflammatory markers and atherosclerosis. In this study, they monitored these factors in diabetics being treated with HBOT for diabetic foot wounds. With no surprise, all parameters including fasting blood sugar, haemoglobin H1C, CRP, and lipid profiles were statistically significantly improved.
The researchers concluded that the application of HBOT caused better glycemic control and had beneficial effects on atherosclerosis. With this, HBOT may be the answer in reducing risk of CE’s and therefore reducing both debilities and mortalities that are commonly observed in the diabetic population. |
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Disc - HBOT - Hyperbaric Therapy for Degenerative Disc Disease - 2011 |
The Journal of Orthopaedic Research just published on article demonstrating the beneficial effects of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on human degenerated intervertebral disks. During the course of the study, the researchers were able to evaluate physiological changes associated with regeneration of tissue, thus proposing various methods of action.
These results support the hypothesis that IL-1β and the p38 MAPK signal may be responsible for many of the inflammatory and catabolic changes seen in the human disk degeneration, and support our proposal that HBO treatment-induced increase of the anabolic factor (TIMP-1)/catabolic factor (MMP-3) ratio may provide a therapeutic approach to slow the course of intervertebral disk degeneration. |
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Drug Addiction - Liver Damage Detoxification - HBOT Hyperbaric Chamber May Hold Key to Repairing Damaged Livers |
An experiment to see if alcoholic liver damage can be repaired by treatment in a hyperbaric chamber – more commonly used for divers with the bends – starts next month. The possibilities surrounding hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which is used in Russia to help to speed alcoholic detoxification, come at a time when Scotland faces increasingly gloomy figures over its alcohol problem.
Yesterday it was revealed that the Scots are the eighth heaviest drinkers in the world. Now patients from Castle Craig Hospital, a private detoxification centre near Peebles, are to participate in a pilot study run by doctors from the University of Edinburgh, which will seek to establish whether stem cells are mobilised by HBOT and if there is a corresponding improvement in liver function.
Research in Russia, where hyperbaric chambers have been employed for 15 years to treat people with alcohol problems, has shown that their use cuts in half the time needed for alcohol detoxification.
This will be the first time HBOT has been trialled for the treatment of alcohol-related illness in Britain. Currently, the only “curative” treatment for cirrhosis of the liver is transplantation but due to donor shortages this is not available to most patients. There is also continuing controversy about providing patients who are addicted to alcohol with new livers.
The study has gained ethical approval and will focus on 20 volunteers from inpatients at Castle Craig, one of the UK’s largest addiction centres, where an 18-seater hyperbaric chamber has been built, costing £250,000.Participants will have a total of 20 sessions of two hours of hyperbaric oxygen, with blood samples taken from them during the course of treatment. Koen Terra, 37, a patient at Castle Craig since October, said yesterday he had already had about 20 sessions in the hyperbaric chamber and was pleased to take part in the experiment.
“In the beginning, in the chamber, you get a rest in your whole body,” he said. Mr Terra, 37, a chef from Amsterdam who has battled alcohol problems for 20 years, said he had a longstanding wound on his leg which had refused to heal. After sessions in the chamber, it was now getting better. “It seems to be promoting healing in your whole body,” he said. He said that during the sessions in the chamber, he wore a mask and would read a book or watch TV. “It is just like being in a pressurised airplane.” Peter Hayes, Professor of Hepatology at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary who is leading the trial, said: “Most ways of increasing stem cells are very complicated. The beauty of this approach is its simplicity. We have to do the study first before getting carried away. |
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Femur - Leg / Hip - Femoral Head Necrosis - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in Femoral Head Necrosis |
J Arthroplasty. 2010 Sep;25(6 Suppl):118-23. Epub 2010 Jul 15. - University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33606, USA.
We evaluated hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy on a cohort of patients with femoral head necrosis (FHN). This double-blind, randomized, controlled, prospective study included 20 patients with unilateral FHN. All were Ficat stage II, treated with either compressed oxygen (HBO) or compressed air (HBA).
Each patient received 30 treatments of HBO or HBA for 6 weeks. Range of motion, stabilometry, and pain were assessed at the beginning of the study and after 10, 20, and 30 treatments by a blinded physician. After the initial 6-week treatment, the blind was broken; and all HBA patients were offered HBO treatment. At this point, the study becomes observational. Pretreatment, 12-month. and 7 year-follow-up magnetic resonance images were obtained. Statistical comparisons were obtained with nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test.
* Significant pain improvement for HBO was demonstrated after 20 treatments.
* Range of motion improved significantly during HBO for all parameters between 20 and 30 treatments.
* All patients remain substantially pain-free 7 years later: none required hip arthroplasty.
* Substantial radiographic healing of the osteonecrosis was observed in 7 of 9 hips.
* Hyperbaric oxygen therapy appears to be a viable treatment modality in patients with Ficat II FHN. |
Healing |
Fractures - HBOT - Accelerated Healing of Bone Fractures: |
New Study - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Proliferates Osteoblasts at the Fracture Site
A research paper looking into the role of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and bone formation has just been published. In this study, they found that bone formation through the growth and differentiation of osteoblasts was significantly enhanced with the application of hypebaric oxygen therapy. These changes were observed after just 3 days of oxygen therapy.
In particular, this paper found that these changes at fracture sites and also went through the various physiological changes that were observed.
<< Click here >> to view study
Source: http://www.hyperbaricexperts.com/news/new-study-hbot-for-fracture-healing.html
Clinical Research Study: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20497028 |
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Healing - HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Speeds Healing for Diabetics with Wounds - Averting Amputations - 2010 |
James Hendricks relaxed under the covers watching Walker Texas Ranger on TV, but the atmosphere in this tube-shaped lounge was 100 percent oxygen. “Time goes pretty fast watching TV,” the 72-year-old Milton resident said of his 90-minute session before entering the hyberbaric oxygen chamber at Evangelical Community Hospital.
“It seems like a long period of time but it goes pretty fast.” Hendricks has been receiving hyperbaric oxygen therapy for wound care since late January. He had four toes amputated and, because he’s diabetic, the healing process has been taking much longer. But the oxygen treatment — 90 minutes a day, five days a week — is speeding up the process.
“The patient gets infused with 100 percent pressurized oxygen,” said Donna Ross, program director. “It helps stimulate blood flow, helps promote the growth of new capillaries and helps a problem wound break the cycle of the wound not healing. ” Many of the patients who receive hyperbaric oxygen care — which became available in December — are diabetic with wounds, or also patients with injuries from radiation.
Average sessions are 90 minutes in length, five days a week. A total of 30 sessions is normal. The hyperbaric chambers can also treat the following wounds: diabetic, venous stasis, skin grafts and flaps, crush/trauma/ burns, arterial/ischemic, pressure ulcers, soft tissue radionecrosis, chronic refractory osteomyelitis, non-healing wounds, vascular, osteoradionecrosis and surgical wounds. |
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Hip / Leg /Femur - Femoral Head Necrosis - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) in Femoral Head Necrosis |
J Arthroplasty. 2010 Sep;25(6 Suppl):118-23. Epub 2010 Jul 15. - University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida 33606, USA.
We evaluated hyperbaric oxygen (HBO) therapy on a cohort of patients with femoral head necrosis (FHN). This double-blind, randomized, controlled, prospective study included 20 patients with unilateral FHN. All were Ficat stage II, treated with either compressed oxygen (HBO) or compressed air (HBA).
Each patient received 30 treatments of HBO or HBA for 6 weeks. Range of motion, stabilometry, and pain were assessed at the beginning of the study and after 10, 20, and 30 treatments by a blinded physician. After the initial 6-week treatment, the blind was broken; and all HBA patients were offered HBO treatment. At this point, the study becomes observational. Pretreatment, 12-month. and 7 year-follow-up magnetic resonance images were obtained. Statistical comparisons were obtained with nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test.
* Significant pain improvement for HBO was demonstrated after 20 treatments.
* Range of motion improved significantly during HBO for all parameters between 20 and 30 treatments.
* All patients remain substantially pain-free 7 years later: none required hip arthroplasty.
* Substantial radiographic healing of the osteonecrosis was observed in 7 of 9 hips.
* Hyperbaric oxygen therapy appears to be a viable treatment modality in patients with Ficat II FHN. |
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Liver Damage - HBOT Hyperbaric Chamber May Hold Key to Repairing Damaged Livers |
An experiment to see if alcoholic liver damage can be repaired by treatment in a hyperbaric chamber – more commonly used for divers with the bends – starts next month. The possibilities surrounding hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which is used in Russia to help to speed alcoholic detoxification, come at a time when Scotland faces increasingly gloomy figures over its alcohol problem.
Yesterday it was revealed that the Scots are the eighth heaviest drinkers in the world. Now patients from Castle Craig Hospital, a private detoxification centre near Peebles, are to participate in a pilot study run by doctors from the University of Edinburgh, which will seek to establish whether stem cells are mobilised by HBOT and if there is a corresponding improvement in liver function.
Research in Russia, where hyperbaric chambers have been employed for 15 years to treat people with alcohol problems, has shown that their use cuts in half the time needed for alcohol detoxification.
This will be the first time HBOT has been trialled for the treatment of alcohol-related illness in Britain. Currently, the only “curative” treatment for cirrhosis of the liver is transplantation but due to donor shortages this is not available to most patients. There is also continuing controversy about providing patients who are addicted to alcohol with new livers.
The study has gained ethical approval and will focus on 20 volunteers from inpatients at Castle Craig, one of the UK’s largest addiction centres, where an 18-seater hyperbaric chamber has been built, costing £250,000.Participants will have a total of 20 sessions of two hours of hyperbaric oxygen, with blood samples taken from them during the course of treatment. Koen Terra, 37, a patient at Castle Craig since October, said yesterday he had already had about 20 sessions in the hyperbaric chamber and was pleased to take part in the experiment.
“In the beginning, in the chamber, you get a rest in your whole body,” he said. Mr Terra, 37, a chef from Amsterdam who has battled alcohol problems for 20 years, said he had a longstanding wound on his leg which had refused to heal. After sessions in the chamber, it was now getting better. “It seems to be promoting healing in your whole body,” he said. He said that during the sessions in the chamber, he wore a mask and would read a book or watch TV. “It is just like being in a pressurised airplane.” Peter Hayes, Professor of Hepatology at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary who is leading the trial, said: “Most ways of increasing stem cells are very complicated. The beauty of this approach is its simplicity. We have to do the study first before getting carried away. |
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Necrosis - HBOT - Hyperbaric Therapy for Femoral Head Necrosis - 2010 |
The University of South Florida has just shown us that the application of HBOT caused significant pain relief in just 20 treatments. In addition, range of motion was also significantly improved; the difference being that 20 to 30 sessions were needed to obtain this positive response. This study was a double-blind randomized, controlled, prospective study and the positive results were confirmed by MRI reports. More importantly, the 7 year follow up revealed that all patients remained substantially pain and none required hip arthroplasty.
Significant pain improvement for HBO was demonstrated after 20 treatments. Range of motion improved significantly during HBO for all parameters between 20 and 30 treatments. All patients remain substantially pain-free 7 years later: none required hip arthroplasty. Substantial radiographic healing of the osteonecrosis was observed in 7 of 9 hips. Hyperbaric oxygen therapy appears to be a viable treatment modality in patients with Ficat II FHN. |
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Ovary - Polycystic Ovary (PCO) - HBOT - Oxygen Increases Atresia in normal and Steroid Induced PCO Ovaries |
Alev Atis1*, Yavuz Aydin2, Filiz Ciftci1, Damlanur Sakız3, Abdullah Arslan4, Akın S Toklu4, Melahat Donmez1 and Nimet Goker1
1. Sisli Etfal Training & Research Hospital Obstetrics & Gynecology, Istanbul, Turkey
2. Istanbul University Medicosocial Unit Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Istanbul, Turkey
3. Sisli Etfal Training & Research Hospital Department of Pathology, Istanbul, Turkey
4. Is
tanbul University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Underwater and Hyperbaric Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey
In this study, we investigated the effect of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) on the morphology of estradiol valerate (EV) induced polycystic ovary (PCO) to find a new treatment modality for improvement of PCO.
The rats were divided into four groups. Group1, control; group 2, PCO group; group 3, PCO with HBOT group and group 4, normal ovary with HBOT. PCO was induced by a single intramuscular injection of 4 mg EV in adult cycling rats. Other rats with normal ovaries had oil injection as placebo. HBOT was applied to third and fourth groups for six weeks. Histopathologic evaluation of ovaries of all groups were performed & compared.
Six weeks of HBOT was resulted in increase in follicular atresia, decrease in the number of primary, secondary, tertiary follicles and decrease in the number of fresh corpus luteum in normal rat ovary. HBOT on polycystic rat ovary, resulted in significant increase in atretic follicles which were already present.
HBOT of six weeks itself, changed ovarian morphology in favor of atresia both in PCO group and control group. This result of aggravated follicular atresia after HBOT on EV induced PCO may be due to long-term exposure in our protocol which with this state seems to be inapplicable in the improvement of PCO morphology.
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Respiratory Devices - Asthma Treatment - The Frolov Respiratory Device - Russia |
The Frolov respiratory device therapy is very popular in Russia. Through the present millennium, much more than Two million Frolov respiratory devices were bought in Russia. In excess of 500 Russian health care professionals took part in productive medical assessments of the Frolov respiratory device therapy on persons with asthma, COPD, blood pressure, diabetic issues and other disorders that are associated with decreased O2 levels in body cells. The Buteyko breathing method , on the other hand, is widely used in the UK, New zealand and Australia with hundreds of experts and medical professionals training the Buteyko respiratory therapy .
You can find above 20 Western medical professionals who claimed their surprise at the effects of the Buteyko breathing therapy on people who have asthma signs and symptoms. Yet, just about each individual who attempted both approaches says that the Frolov breathing device is a lot more effective. The Frolov student doesn’t need a teacher and experience speedier improvement in O2 concentrations in body tissues right after sessions while using the famous Frolov respiration device. |
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Sleep - Why Chronic Diseases Worsen Quality of Sleep |
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Indeed, while it is well known to clinical physicians and nurses, modern official mainstream medicine cannot suggest the mechanism accountable for this phenomenon: sick people generally have worse quality of sleep. Why do people with epilepsy, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, asthma, COPD and many other health conditions have worse sleep? Furthermore, quality of sleep gets even worse with progression of health problems.
If you try to watch sleep of your relatives and friends, you can notice that their morning state and quality of health depend on one factor mainly: their breathing during sleep. When their breathing is fast and deep (noisy breathing, snoring, irregular breathing, etc.), especially through the mouth, they are in a worse health state. When their breathing is slow and relaxed, they have better or good sleep and health state. You can even measure their respiration frequency during sleep to determine their health. Furthermore, respiration of truly healthy men and women during sleep is scarcely visible or audible at all: they sleep as if they are deceased. It can be frightful, but it is a reality of life.
Before we consider effects of breath on sleep, let us look into breathing in the sick during day. Do they have unusual breath at rest? Yes, my web site has final results of tens of physiological publications that discovered that mildly ill people breathe at rest about two-three times more air than the established scientific norm. Severely or critically ill, including terminally sick and hospitalized people, breathe even harder. Terminal stages of cystic fibrosis, cancer, HIV and other health problems usually correspond to nearly 30 breaths per minute and more, instead of 12 breaths/min that is the clinical norm.
How can over-breathing influence sleep? In order to investigate this question, let us analyse effects of breathing on the nervous cells and brain.
In the first instance, miniscule normal breathing provides virtually highest possible oxygen saturation for the arterial blood: (roughly 97 percent). Hence, ifpeople breathe more, we cannot enhance oxygenation of the arterial blood, but we instantaneously lower CO2 (carbon dioxide) concentration in the bronchi and bronchioles, lungs alveoli, arterial blood, capillaries, and all other body cells, the brain cells included.
This substance is a vasodilator. Hence, chronic hyperventilation produces constriction of blood vessels. This is the main parameter that eliucidates why we can easily faint or pass out after around three minutes of forceful or deliberate hyperventilation: less oxygen and glucose is delivered to the brain.
Carbon dioxide is also irreplaceable for delivery of oxygen to cells. This law of the respiratory physiology is known as the Bohr effect: decreased carbon dioxide level decreases O2 proportion in cells. Really, large numbers of research articles have clearly shown that chronic over-breathing DECREASES oxygenation of tissues. Simultaneously, virtually all health conditions are based on low oxygenation of tissues.
Moreover, carbon dioxide is an efficient sedative and tranquilizer of the nerve cells in the brain. Neurological medical publications have demonstrated that lack of carbon dioxide leads to abnormal excitability of brain. As a result, our deep and heavy respiratory pattern results in more problems with sleep in many, but not all individuals.Headaches, chest pain, breathlessness or dyspnea, heart palpitations, and many other symptoms of hyperventilation are very common during sleep too.
Finally, it is clear that, if someone gets rid of his hyperventilation, he will be free from his diseases and sleep problems as well. |
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Spine - HBOT - Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Improves Spinal Cord Injury - 2010 |
A study just released on March 24th 2010 in the Journal of Neurosurgery has clearly demonstrated the importance of supplemental HBOT following spinal cord injury. In this study, spinal cord injuries were induced in rats and HBOT was applied to the one group of rats.
In this controlled setting, the researchers were able to observe that rats had less severe spinal cord injuries when treated with hyperbaric oxygen therapy. More importantly, researchers found that this group had an increase in key growth factors that may lead us to a better understanding of the mechanism of action for the results seen with the application of hyperbaric oxygen following spinal cord injuries. |
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Wound - Healing - HBOT Hyperbaric Therapy Helps Heal a 13 year Old Diabetic Wound Sufferer |
Mary Coutinho has been living with diabetes for 30 years. It led her to the Southcoast Wound Care Center at Charlton Memorial Hospital. But not before suffering for years. Coutinho had open wounds on her feet that wouldn’t heal, a result of her diabetes. It led to the amputation of two of her toes on her right foot. She was facing the same fate with a recurring wound on her other foot.
“It was beginning to be crucial because in January I was hospitalized for about eight days because it had festered,”Coutinho said. “And at that point I knew that if I didn’t have another alternative, they were going to have to cut it off.” For Coutinho, a wedding photographer, it would have ended her career. “There were a lot of things in jeopardy. I was even thinking of selling my home for a single-level home because the stairs were quite an issue,” she said.
“(Coutinho) happened to be here just when we were having our hyperbaric oxygen unit open. So for her, this was the missing link,” said Dr. Gerald Monchik, director of the Southcoast Wound Center. A hyperbaric unit is part of the hospital’s new wound care center. Coutinho was one of the first patients in the center.
“What the hyperbaric oxygen chamber does is when you’re inside of the chamber, you’re breathing 100 percent oxygen under two atmospheres of pressure. That oxygen in the blood then can get places where the red blood cells can’t get,” Monchik said.
And, in Coutinho’s case, help heal a wound that hadn’t healed in 13 years. However, it took time — 40 treatments at two hours a treatment. “It was long sometimes, but the movies helped. It wasn’t uncomfortable at all,” Coutinho said. Coutinho’s wound, which she said was the size of a quarter and as deep as four quarters, is now completely healed.
The hospital’s new center is not just about hyperbaric medicine. “We have a team approach that’s not possible in a single office. So we have general surgery. We have vascular surgery, we have plastic surgery here and available. And also when we need testing and we need a consultant, a consultant can come to the wound care center,” Monchik said. |
O2 Resources
MOSA - Featured Articles
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Cancer - The Origins of Cancer - by Dr. Otto Warburg |
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Full Article - Complete scientific understanding of ... "The cause of Cancer ... lack of oxygen at the cellular level."
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Cancer - The Cause and Prevention of Cancer - Saul Pressman |
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To destroy cancer, what is required is the introduction of massive amounts of oxygen at the cellular level ... must be taken in sufficient quantities to flood the cells with oxygen, killing the cells which are now operating anaerobically. Oxidation is central to metabolism, circulation, respiration, digestion, assimilation and elimination. Oxygen purifies the blood, keeping it free of cellular waste buildup. Sufficient oxygen allows the body to rebuild itself and maintain the immune system. Healthy cells require sugar, amino acids, minerals, hormones, enzymes and oxygen.
O3 |
HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus - 100% Safe Viral Inactivation - wth O3 Ozone Oxygen Medicine Treatments |
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NATO endorses joint U.S. / Canadian O3 Ozone oxygen research. 100% safe inactivation of HIV, Hepatitis, Herpes Virus in blood.
Oxygen |
Beneficial Oxygen "Free Radicals" ... vs... Harmful Free Radicals |
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Recently, there has been wide dissemination of information about the purported dangers of free radicals, which are being blamed for all the ills that mankind is subject to, from aging to heart attacks to cancer.
Free radicals are atoms with unpaired electrons, a natural occurrence in biochemical reactions. There could be no chemical reactions and thus no life without free radicals. The properties of free radicals vary widely. Some are toxic to all living cells, others only to the most vulnerable cells. Singlet oxygen, O1 is a highly reactive, beneficial free radical that acts as a scavenger of other harmful free radicals. The oxygen combines with some of them to render them harmless, thereby protecting cells from damage. Healthy cells produce enzymes that protect them from oxidation.
These enzymes are glutathione peroxidase, super-oxide dismutase, catalase, and reductase. Bacteria and viruses have no such enzyme
protection and are therefore oxidized. By this elegant mechanism, ozone distinguishes between friends and foes and attacks only toxins, pathogens, and cells that have been damaged, weakened and infected.
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Oxygen in Medicine and Nutrition - Overview |
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Oxygen is the most important aspect for health and vitality. For years, medical science has recognized the increasing need for oxygen supplementation at the cellular level. All chronic suffering is caused from a lack of oxygen at the cell level.