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Oxipedia eBooks - A to Z
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Aids - Made in America - The Journal of Degenerative Diseases |
In this Special Edition of the Journal of Degenerative Diseases we present a brief account in lay language of the conception, research, and history of the development and deployment of the co-factors which present in affected individuals as an acquired immune system deficiency leading to the almost certain death of the victim.
Every statement of fact that we make in this edition has a source that can be accessed and verified by any interested reader ... we feel that it is important to place the story of AIDS before as large an audience as is possible ... to set out the truth as far as we have been able to discover that truth in one fell swoop. |
Carnivora |
Carnivora - German Cancer Therapies: Natural and Conventional Meidicinces That Offer Hope and Healing |
Book /
Amazon |
Written by an award-winning medical journalist, this is the first book to discuss the complementary therapies used by German doctors for the treatment of cancer. In clinics all across Germany, doctors have achieved a fully documented 88% remission rate in their cancer patients using natural, nontoxic treatments.
And ... unlike here in the United States, in Europe these therapies are not considered alternative medicine, but rather mainstream approaches to fighting cancer. |
Oxipedia |
Forbidden Medicine - Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) |
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), two French scientists, proposed diametrally opposed explanations on illness. Pasteur suggested thegerm theory – microbes produce illnesses. Béchamp offered thecellular theory – illnesses produce microbes. The first became famous, the second was forgotten. Who was right?
Béchamp (doctor, biologist, chemist, and physicist) discovered microbes before Pasteur. After years of observation, he was able to prove that human beings create their own microbes in order to re-establish order and balance inside tissues and organs. Béchamp also discovered microzymas, the smallest living particles. These changed their shape – pleomorphism – and became microbes when a person’s health deteriorated. Germs were actually allies. He published many scientific papers to prove his theory.
Pasteur (chemist) used and falcified Béchamp’s results, publishing them under his own name with opposite conclusions. Today, he is still considered one of humanity’s most cherished saviours – a good shepherd for the human flock (pasteur means “shepherd” in French). Numerous streets, organizations, and statues now bear his name. According to Pasteur, illnesses are due to aggressions from microscopic external pathogens. Each type of microbe has a specific shape and always cause the same disease. This theory is called monomorphism. To prevent illness, he proposed that we go to war against microbes. In fact, Pasteur was paid by the elite, who wanted to develop efficient eugenist methods.
R. Virchow - "Father of the Germ Theory"
"If I could live my life over again, I would devote it to proving that germs seek their natural habitat, diseased tissues, rather than being the cause of disease."
Oxipedia |
Hypertension - Lower Blood Pressure Without Drugs - by Roger Mason |
Hypertension - The Most Epidemic Medical Condition Known to Man |
Oxipedia |
Orange Juice - "Squeezed": What you don't Know About Orange Juice |
Orange juice is healthy and wholesome. We drink it because it's fresh, full of Vitamin C and made from the natural fruit of orange trees. Right? Not hardly, says Alissa Hamilton in this darkly absorbing history of the Florida orange juice industry.
OJ drinkers will be the revelation that most orange juice comes from Brazil, not Florida, and that even “not from concentrate” orange juice is heated, stripped of flavor, stored for up to a year, and then reflavored before it is packaged and sold. The book concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of why consumers have the right to know how their food is produced.
McCabe |
O2 Oxygen - Flood Your Body with Oxygen - by Ed McCabe |
This chronic low oxygen condition that we all have causes our cellular oxygen levels to drop so our blood becomes more and more polluted. Dirty blood sets the stage for all the diseases. Because we all have this condition, our health officials tell us it is 'normal' to have dark brown-purplish blood. Is it 'normal' that so many are sick? The increasing rates of viral infections and cancers are not by coincidence. The proof of this can easily be seen by looking at your own blood with specialized darkfield microscopes. You will be amazed what you find there.
Our too-low cell oxygen levels encourage toxic buildups and the growth of anaerobic (can't live in active oxygen) microbes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens inside us and inside our animals and pets, and in our plants. Anaerobes and toxicity slowly building up and overtaking us until we break down are the ultimate cause of most human, animal, and plant health problems as well as being the precursors to the whole list of 'incurable' diseases.
Bocci |
O3 Ozone - Basic Biological and Therepeutic Effects of Ozone Therapy in Human Medicine - by Velio Bocci & E. Borrelli |
We will expose the biological and pharmacological mechanism of action of ozone when dissolved in bodily fluids.
Although ozone is a strong oxidant, under controlled conditions, it can be therapeutically useful, in several human diseases. In fact ozone, once dissolved in the water or the blood, triggers a cascade of well-defined chemical compounds acting multiple cellular targets. We will demonstrate that ozone is extremely an versatile drug and the therapeutic range has been defined precisely to avoid any acute and chronic toxicity.
An interesting aspect is that prolonged ozone therapy allows an upregulation of the antioxidant enxymes and therefore ozone therapy represents a sytem for correcting the chronic oxidative stress present in many diseases. |
Oxipedia |
Toxemia Explained - The True Interpretation of the Cause of Disease - by J.H. Tildman MD |
How to cure is an obvious sequence - an antedote to fear, frenzy and the popular mad chasing after so-called cures
Oxipedia |
Wild Health - Lessons In Natural Wellness From The Animal Kingdom - by Cindy Engel |
Observations of animals healing themsleves with natural remedies have been documented in a long lineof chronicles stretching back through Medieval Europe to the ancient civilizations of Rome, South America and China.
If wild animals are self-medicating the implications are vast, not only for pharmacists searching for new drugs, but also for wildlife custodians and pet owner wanting to better the health of their companions ... and farmers seeking to enhance the health of their livestock.
As Dr. Engel emphasizes in this "enticing, well-referenced, [and] entertaining book" (Science), we can learn a lot about human health by studying animal behavior in the wild. Indeed, some of the natural, holistic, and alternative human medicine being practiced today arose through the observation of wild animals. In this groundbreaking work, Dr. Engel points out fascinating parallels between animal and human medicine. She offers intriguing examples of how animals prevent and cure sickness and poisonings, heal open wounds, balance their diets, and regulate fertility. For instance,
*chimpanzees carefully eat bitter-tasting plant "medicines" that counter intestinal parasites *elephants roam miles to find the clay they ingest to counter dietary toxins *broken-legged chicks have been known to eat analgesic foods that alleviate pain.
By observing wild health we may discover (or rediscover) ways to benefit our own health. As Craig Stotlz of the Washington Post noted, this "highly readable assessment . . . triggers more outside-the-double-helix thoughts about human health than anything I've read recently." |
Carnivora |
Carnivora - German Cancer Therapies: Natural and Conventional Meidicinces That Offer Hope and Healing |
Book /
Amazon |
Written by an award-winning medical journalist, this is the first book to discuss the complementary therapies used by German doctors for the treatment of cancer. In clinics all across Germany, doctors have achieved a fully documented 88% remission rate in their cancer patients using natural, nontoxic treatments.
This inspiring and informative book relates the stories of many patients who have seen real, remarkable results from innovative treatments such as Polyerga(R) and Carnivora(R) therapy, as well as from galavanotherapy, hyperthermia, noni juice, mushrooms, and induced remission therapy.
And ... unlike here in the United States, in Europe these therapies are not considered alternative medicine, but rather mainstream approaches to fighting cancer.
In German Cancer Therapies, Dr. Morton Walker discusses seven cutting-edge treatment programs, with careful and medically responsible consideration given to the pros and cons of each. He also includes the following resources:
Dr. Walker attended New York University, 1947 to 1949. He graduated with the degree of Doctor of Podiatric Medicine (D.P.M.) from the Illinois College of Podiatric Medicine, attending 1949 to 1953. Previously licensed in three states, he practiced podiatry for over 16 years and was awarded 18 medals by the American Podiatry Association for podiatric research and medical writing during this time. Then he discontinued his foot care practice and became a medical journalist fulltime, freelance for the next 42 years.
During this period he had 91 health consumer books published plus more than 5,000 clinical journal articles and magazine articles printed. His work includes the writing of 4,000-word monthly columns on natural and nontoxic methods of healing for 32 years for the Townsend Letter, The Examiner of Alternative Medicine.
His books are published in 14 languages among 28 countries. Some of his titles have sold millions of copies. He has been designated "The Guru of Chelation Therapy" in as much as he had had ten titles published about this subject alone including the techniques of intravenous, oral, and anal chelation administration. For thirty-three consecutive years he lectured before the American Cancer Control Society.
Designated as "The World's Leading Medical Journalist on Holistic Medicine," he was presented with Humanitarian Awards by The American College for the Advancement in Medicine, The American Cancer Control Society, and The Institute of Orthomolecular Medicine.
He came out of retirement in order to enlighten the public worldwide about "Cancer's Cause Cancer's Cure" as discovered by Mirko Beljanski, Ph.D.
I have read and admired Morton Walker for many years, but I find this work, GERMAN CANCER THERAPIES, exceptionally compelling. Why?
Because it is solid science and it is accurate. My medical education began in Germany, at the premiere university medical school in Germany, and there we were taught the prinicples which today have produced, as Dr. Walker documents, an 88% remission rate in all cancers using conservative, alternative, natural and non-invasive methods.
In our office every day people consult us because of cancer. I give them this book, and they ask me if this is true why aren't American doctors and American patients having the same results? The answer is simple, and disturbing: in America we have more politics and less truth, more financial interests and less focus on practical help for patients.
In the strongest possible terms I believe every patient, every family member of a patient, every doctor, every medical student, every legislator, and every media person should know this book cover to cover and allow it to motivate the change we need to stop the political and financial exploitation of our citizens and get serious about healing.
- By James R. Bowman, MD, ND, DNHC, DCP, FAAIMCan
This book is very specific about several therapies currently used in other countries, but NOT in North America. The therapy itself, HOW it is administered, specific products used, etc. Also included are names, addresses, contact info for Drs. using these therapies in places close to the USA. - By SUMA
Incredible new hopes is offered in this book for those that only believe that allopathic medicine is the solution to their illness.
- By Wilson Carrero
Oxipedia |
Forbidden Medicine - Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908) |
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Antoine Béchamp (1816-1908), two French scientists, proposed diametrally opposed explanations on illness. Pasteur suggested thegerm theory – microbes produce illnesses. Béchamp offered thecellular theory – illnesses produce microbes. The first became famous, the second was forgotten. Who was right?
Béchamp (doctor, biologist, chemist, and physicist) discovered microbes before Pasteur. After years of observation, he was able to prove that human beings create their own microbes in order to re-establish order and balance inside tissues and organs. Béchamp also discovered microzymas, the smallest living particles. These changed their shape – pleomorphism – and became microbes when a person’s health deteriorated. Germs were actually allies. He published many scientific papers to prove his theory.
Pasteur (chemist) used and falcified Béchamp’s results, publishing them under his own name with opposite conclusions. Today, he is still considered one of humanity’s most cherished saviours – a good shepherd for the human flock (pasteur means “shepherd” in French). Numerous streets, organizations, and statues now bear his name. According to Pasteur, illnesses are due to aggressions from microscopic external pathogens. Each type of microbe has a specific shape and always cause the same disease. This theory is called monomorphism. To prevent illness, he proposed that we go to war against microbes. In fact, Pasteur was paid by the elite, who wanted to develop efficient eugenist methods.
Institut Pasteur and the entire field of vaccination were financed as early as 1887 by world banksters, the Rothschilds. They made sure that Pasteur’s theory became the norm across the planet. The illusive concept of the priority of the external world over the internal person sent its roots even deeper, keeping human beings the victims of invisible external enemies – microbes. Yet, Béchamp had proven the opposite. In fact, there is no external enemy. My body creates its own microorganisms in order to re-establish order and balance.
Several scientists later proved the existence of Béchamp’s microzymas: Royal Raymond Rife (polymorphic particles, 1920), Günther Enderlein (protits, 1925), Wilhelm Reich (bions, 1930), and Gaston Naessens (somatids, 1959). On his death bed, Pasteur admitted: “The terrain is everything, the germ is nothing.” Too late!Vaccination, the biggest crime against humanity, was alive and well. The elite had found their ultimate weapon.
Forbidden Treatments
Today, Pasteur’s germ theory replaces religion’s divine punishment. The mission of its new priests – scientists and doctors – consists of casting out microbes instead of demons. Yet, human beings remain the eternal victims of external enemies, an illusion that serves directly the interest of the elite in their attempt to control humanity. Any medical treatment that goes against their purpose is banished. Here a few examples of censured treatments. The first ten were compiled in North America by Daniel Haley. There are thousands more all over the world. Most of the researchers who developed them had to face accusations, legal proceedings, police arrests, threats to family members or themselves, and assassinations. This explains why 15 world-class microbiologists died in strange circumstances between September 11, 2001 and June 2, 2002.
Harry Hoxsey (USA/Mexico, 1901-1974) discovered the Hoxsey treatment, a natural tritherapy against cancer. After five prison sentences, he moved to Mexico. For the past 80 years, his treatment has enjoyed a success rate of 80%.
William Koch (US, 1885-1967) used glyoxylide to treat cancer, tuberculosis, polio, asthma, diabetes, leprosy, etc. He had to move to Brazil to continue treating patients.
Royal Raymond Rife (US, 1888-1971) built a live-cell microscope with a maximum magnification of 60,000 times and was able to prove Béchamp’s pleomorphism. He invented a ray tube that used specific vibrations to destroy each type of microbe. His laboratory and his research papers were destroyed.
Andrew Ivy (US, 1893-1978) developed a cancer-destroying serum called krebiozen, which he used successfully on thousands of patients. Prosecuted by the American Medical Association (AMA) and the Federal Drug Administration (FDA), he faced bankruptcy because of enormous legal expenses and stopped his research under threat of life imprisonment.
Robert Becker (US, 1923-2008) studied electromedicine and its use in cellular regeneration. His research funds were completely stopped when he publicly exposed the dangers of electropollution.
Stanley Jacob (US, 1924) popularized dimethyl sulphoxyde (DMSO), the chemical with widest range of therapeutic applications in the world. More than 3,000 studies on DMSO proved its efficiency for many types of illnesses. Its use is still blicked by the AMA and the FDA.
Herb Saunders (USA) injected microbes into pregnant cows and used their colustrum (first milk) to treat tuberculosis, cancer, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, etc. His instruments were confiscated and he had to face legal proceedings.
Gaston Naessens (France/Canada, 1924) invented the somatoscope in 1949, a live-cell microscope with a maximum magnification of 30,000 times. With this apparatus, he proved the pleomorphic capabilities of somatids – the fundamental and immortal particles of life. He invented a cancer remedy called 714X and was prosecuted in France for the illegal practice of medicine. He left for Corsica, then Quebec. The medical authorities made sure that his remedy remains unaccessible in Canada, except for terminally ill patients.
Hulda Clark (USA/Mexico, 1928-2009) established a link between illness and the presence of internal parasites, and invented an electric method for their destruction. She moved to Mexico after major legal proceedings.
Joseph Gold (USA) used hydrazine sulfate with 50% success rate for terminal cancer. The treatment is still banned in the US.
Stanislav Burzynski (Poland/US, 1943) discovered natural agents that eliminate cancer – antineoplastons. The FDA acquitted him after 25 years of persecution. As in Naessens’ case, his treatment is only available for terminally ill patients, under presctiption of a medical doctor.
Rick Simpson (Canada) popularized the use of hemp oil (cannabis), a remedy that has been in use for the past 5,000 years. A few decades ago, the elite had prohibited its use by declaring it an illegal drug. Simpson was prosecuted and the police vandalized his property.
This short North American list represents a tiny part of the treatments available across the planet that have been deliberately stopped by the elite in order to keep humanity living in fear, illness, and death. In fact, organizations such as the AMA and the FDA, and their equivalent in each country, have one single mission: stopping the propagation of efficient treatments.
That explains why we are actually witnessing the programmed disappearance of homeopathy, herbal medicine, gemmotherapy, traditional Chinese medicine, aromatherapy, vibrational remedies, oligotherapy, and more. For example, since April 1, 2001, the therapeutic use of practically all medicinal plants has become illegal in the European Union. The North American approach is slightly different, but its effect remains as devastating.
The European Directive on Traditional Herbal Medicinal Products (THMPD) has espablished strict rules for the use of such products in order to make them unavailable on the market. Even if a plant has been in use for thousands of years, companies or individuals selling them must now make sure that it has undergone the same type of testing as pharmaceutical drugs. The cost of such an operation varies between 90,000 and 140,000 euros. Also, each plant inside a mixture must be tested separately. This is more than most small manufacturers can afford. The medical Mafia has reached its goal. Mission accomplished! |
Oxipedia |
Orange Juice - "Squeezed": What you don't Know About Orange Juice |
Orange juice is healthy and wholesome. We drink it because it's fresh, full of Vitamin C and made from the natural fruit of orange trees. Right? Not hardly, says Alissa Hamilton in this darkly absorbing history of the Florida orange juice industry.
Even if the carton says "not from concentrate," what you drink when you pour a glass of conventional, pre-squeezed orange juice is wholly industrialized, more a product of laboratory "food science" than of those sunshine-nourished orange groves Bing Crosby and Anita Bryant once pitched ... Hamilton set out to chronicle the orange juice industry's influence on the biodiversity of the sweet orange.
Documents Hamilton stumbled across ... changed the direction of her research and painted a damming picture of the "wholesome" citrus industry and its "tree-fresh" product ... and the loss of the archives after Professor Mack died.
The story in Squeezed, about an industry that became so successful in deceiving the consumer that it may have killed its own market, is an important contribution to the annals of our everyday food and how it is produced and marketed.
OJ drinkers will be the revelation that most orange juice comes from Brazil, not Florida, and that even “not from concentrate” orange juice is heated, stripped of flavor, stored for up to a year, and then reflavored before it is packaged and sold. The book concludes with a thought-provoking discussion of why consumers have the right to know how their food is produced.
"I wrote this book with a modest ambition," Hamilton says in the Preface, "to make you look at your glass of pre-squeezed orange juice differently and begin to see through the opaque packages of food that surround you." |
McCabe |
O2 Oxygen - Flood Your Body with Oxygen - by Ed McCabe |
Part 1 Problems: Everybody gets sick eventually. Here's why. In the process of creating all these conveniences and marketplace choices, we have made a lot of bad choices and let our daily air and water become polluted, and this pollution has increasingly been collecting inside us. Also, our mass-produced processed foods are grown on mega-farm soils that are de-mineralized and also lacking natural oxygen. These two major conditions are chronically hampering our ability to get and absorb enough fresh oxygen inside us at the cellular level. This chronic low oxygen condition that we all have causes our cellular oxygen levels to drop so our blood becomes more and more polluted. Dirty blood sets the stage for all the diseases. Because we all have this condition, our health officials tell us it is 'normal' to have dark brown-purplish blood.
Is it 'normal' that so many are sick?
The increasing rates of viral infections and cancers are not by coincidence. The proof of this can easily be seen by looking at your own blood with specialized darkfield microscopes. You will be amazed what you find there. Our too-low cell oxygen levels encourage toxic buildups and the growth of anaerobic (can't live in active oxygen) microbes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and other pathogens inside us and inside our animals and pets, and in our plants. Anaerobes and toxicity slowly building up and overtaking us until we break down are the ultimate cause of most human, animal, and plant health problems as well as being the precursors to the whole list of 'incurable' diseases.
Part 2 Solutions: There are proven, safe, and effective re-oxygenating and re-mineralizing techniques not presently taught in our medical schools and they're not just simply breathing oxygen from a tank and eating dirt. These little known (in our country) techniques have been used safely and effectively on the international scene daily for over 50 years by thousands of doctors. The international Oxygen Therapy doctors commonly surround anaerobic microbes, viruses, bacteria and cancer cells with active forms of oxygen they can't live in. This first oxidizes the offending toxins and microbes and cells, and then flushes them out. Flood Your Body With Oxygen lists and explores all known active Oxygen Therapies, devices, and products and ranks their effectiveness. Flood Your Body With Oxygen has plenty of photos and reveals how the doctors all over the world use these active Oxygen Therapies, and offers consumer- patient and physician-healer guidelines showing "What to watch out for".
Part 3 Evidence: Flood Your Body With Oxygen lists piles of historical and modern studies proving active oxygen's effectiveness, showing its 50-year prolific use internationally, and revealing the top quality documentation proving its safety. Lists of doctors, Naturopaths, clinics, products, and contacts are included. Flood Your Body With Oxygen is written in a lively conversational style for everyone with a body. You, your doctor, the animal and plant owners, the farmers, and everybody else will be amazed at the simple profound and powerful results obtainable from these unpublicized professional techniques.
Summary: The best place to find out how anaerobes cause all the anaerobic diseases! Ed McCabe©, Mr. Oxygen®, is an international natural detoxification expert. He has taught natural healing and natural healing information for 22+ years while strongly advocating the best natural healing options - Nature's powerful active oxygen and plant minerals. Natural health information was once hard to come by, but now Mr. McCabe has popularized and evevated natural oxygen healing, and natural mineral healing using oxygen and plant mineral supplements, to an international medical and naturopathic art. He teaches the most advanced natural therapy modalities incorporating detoxification and natural healing simply by focusing us on the best oxygen healing information available. His writings, books, lectures, videos, and DVDs are the absolute cream and cutting edge of all available health information.